Let's Play The Lottery


Diamond Member
Nov 26, 2011
The Mega Millions jackpot is now over half a billion dollars! :eek::eek:

As of one minute ago, it was reported at $540,000,000.

Ever wonder how to calculate the odds of winning? Well, pay attention and I will show you.

Since the order the numbers come out of the cage don't matter, this is a combination calculation rather than a permutation. In a permutation, the order matters. For instance, 9-6-3 won't open a lock which opens with 3-6-9. Which is why combation locks should really be called permutation locks.

But I digress.

The secret formula for calculating your odds of winning a lottery is...

n! / r!(n-r)!

Where n is the number of balls in the cage, and r is the number of balls drawn out.

The exclamation point means it is a factorial. You multiply the number times every number below it, down to 1.

For example, 5! = 5 x 4 x 3 x 2 x 1

Powerball and Mega Millions toss in an extra sixth ball which is drawn from a separate set of balls. So after you calculate the odds for the first set of balls, you then need to multiply your result by the number of balls in the second set.

So...Powerball draws 5 balls from a cage of 59 balls, and then 1 ball from a cage of 35 balls.

59! / 5!(59-5)!

This equals:

59 x 58 x 57 x 56 x 55 x 54! / 5! x 54!

Cancel out the common factors of 54! and you have:

59 x 58 x 57 x 56 x 55 / 5!

This gives you 5,006,386. So your odds of drawing the right combination of 5 balls from a cage of 59 balls is 5,006,386 to 1.

But you are drawing a sixth ball from a cage of 35 balls, so you multiply 5,006,386 x 35 to get:


Those are your odds of winning Powerball.

That is almost exactly 75% of the US adult population. 3 out of every 4 adult Americans would have to buy a unique combination of numbers for someone to win in a single draw.

Since not that many Americans actually buy tickets every drawing, and some people have the same combination as others, we rarely have a winner every draw. And that is why the jackpot climbs and climbs and climbs.

Notice that for every ball you add or subtract from the powerball cage, you increase or decrease the odds of winning by 5,006,386.

In 2011, there were 39 balls in the second cage, instead of 35. Which means your odds of winning decreased by almost another 20 million. The exact figure is:


So your odds in Powerball are actually better this year than last year.

But...it now costs $2.00 to play instead of the $1.00 it cost every year since its inception.

Speaking of Powerball's inception, that was 1996. And back then there were 5 balls drawn from 50, and one ball drawn from 25.

That means in 1996, your odds were 52,969,000. When you compare that to the 175,223,510
of today, there is clearly a whole lot of scamming by the government going on.

That is also why jackpots that exceeded $100 million were very rare from 1996 to 2000.

Nowadays, they are quite common.
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To continue, Powerball draws 5 balls from 59, and one ball from 35. This gives you:


Mega Millions, on the other hand, draws 5 balls from 56, and one ball from 46. This means your odds of drawing the first 5 balls is much better. Close to 3.8 million instead of Powerball's 5 million to one odds.

However, when you multiply Mega Millions' 5 ball odds times the 46 balls in the second cage, you get:



Amazing! Almost identical odds!

But Mega Millions still costs $1.00 to play.

Now think about that. There are only 175,711,536 possible combinations, each costing $1.00 to play.

And the jackpot is $540,000,000.

If you bought every possible combination, you are guaranteed a profit of $364,288,464!!!
All that math made my head hurt. I do have my ticket. Don't know what i'd do with that much cash other then pay off my bills.
All that math made my head hurt. I do have my ticket. Don't know what i'd do with that much cash other then pay off my bills.

The short version is that if you bought every possible combination of numbers for Mega Millions, it would cost you close to $176 million.

The Jackpot is $540 million. We're talking over half a billion dollars. So you come out ahead, even if someone else buys a winning ticket.

Myself, if I won, I would become a real life Santa Claus. I would travel from children's hospital to children's hospital, paying bills for kids whose parents can't afford their lifesaving treatments.

I would fly over neighborhoods in a helicopter, dropping teddy bears with parachutes.

Ho! Ho! Ho!
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Update bump. I started this topic when Mega Millions was at its biggest jackpot ever.

It is now at its second biggest jackpot ever.

Mega Millions grows to second-largest jackpot

The Mega Millions jackpot has reached the second-largest amount in its history.
Lottery players stand to win $425 million, with a cash option of $228.2 million.

Are there long lines where you live?
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Nope. But I put a 5 on quick pix

There are no long lines here, either. But every time the jackpot gets really big, the news shows lines of people in other states waiting literally for hours for a ticket.

Crazy stuff.

But then I live in a small town and have never seen more than six people in line at the Post Office during the peak of the Christmas season.

We have self serve lottery machines. I do remember one running out of the special paper once when the jackpot was really big. I let the people responsible know so there would not be a riot. :D

Villagers with torches.
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Every time I think of lottery madness, I think of this:


Instant rep reward for the first person to identify what it is.
Update bump.

The Powerball jackpot is at a record $700 million. It could hit a cool billion dollars by Saturday's drawing.

If you win, you can run for President against Trump.

I would give most of it away. I'd become a real life Santa Claus, except instead of toys I'd be paying for surgeries and stuff for kids who can't afford lifesaving procedures. My sleigh would fly from children's hospital to children's hospital.

That's my lottery fantasy. It really is.
Update bump. I started this topic when Mega Millions was at its biggest jackpot ever.

It is now at its second biggest jackpot ever.

Mega Millions grows to second-largest jackpot

The Mega Millions jackpot has reached the second-largest amount in its history.
Lottery players stand to win $425 million, with a cash option of $228.2 million.

Are there long lines where you live?

There is a saying that the lottery is a tax on people bad at math. I know the odds and play anyway, because its action, and cheap action at that.
We got another pool going at work.
IDK what I would really do with it. Semi-retire maybe full retirement, let my wife and my parents retire and invest as much as possible into my childrens education. Invest in some hobbies, maybe open a bar or something.
If I won it all for myself, I would probably be more like G. I would give a lot fo it away. Who needs that fuckin much? lol
There is a saying that the lottery is a tax on people bad at math. I know the odds and play anyway, because its action, and cheap action at that.

Yeah, it's for people bad at math, except after the jackpot hits $292 million, you could play every possible combination and make a profit.

Well, not quite. You have to factor in taxes.

But at the current $700 million, you would come out a few hundred million dollars ahead, even after taxes.

Boy would your hand be sore, though. Filling out 292 million forms. I wonder how many of those tiny pencils you would go through...
There is a saying that the lottery is a tax on people bad at math. I know the odds and play anyway, because its action, and cheap action at that.

Yeah, it's for people bad at math, except after the jackpot hits $292 million, you could play every possible combination and make a profit.

Well, not quite. You have to factor in taxes.

But at the current $700 million, you would come out a few hundred million dollars ahead, even after taxes.

Boy would your hand be sore, though. Filling out 292 million forms. I wonder how many of those tiny pencils you would go through...

Actually you would also have to wait 30 years for the 700M return, if you take the cash up front, its about 1/3, THEN taxes get taken out.
There is a saying that the lottery is a tax on people bad at math. I know the odds and play anyway, because its action, and cheap action at that.

Yeah, it's for people bad at math, except after the jackpot hits $292 million, you could play every possible combination and make a profit.

Well, not quite. You have to factor in taxes.

But at the current $700 million, you would come out a few hundred million dollars ahead, even after taxes.

Boy would your hand be sore, though. Filling out 292 million forms. I wonder how many of those tiny pencils you would go through...

Actually you would also have to wait 30 years for the 700M return, if you take the cash up front, its about 1/3, THEN taxes get taken out.
If I win $700 million, I will have my brain transplanted into an android and live forever.
So...Powerball draws 5 balls from a cage of 59 balls, and then 1 ball from a cage of 35 balls.

59! / 5!(59-5)!

This was true when I started this topic in 2012.

Powerball now draws 5 balls from a cage of 69 balls, and then 1 ball from a cage of 26 balls.

So 69! / 5! (69-5!) x 26.

69 x 68 x 67 x 66 x 65 / 5 x 4 x 3 x 2 x 1 = 11,238,513

2016: 11,238,513 x 26 = 292,201,338 to 1 odds.

2012: When I started this topic, the odds were 175,223,510 to 1.

This is why Powerball jackpots keep reaching record levels. They keep adding balls.

In 1992, there were 45 white balls and 45 red balls, giving odds of 54,979,155 to one.

292,201,338. The population of America is 319 million.
Right now it's $800 millions. Take home after all taxes is approximately $350 millions. I don't normally play lottery but couple of my buddies started a pot so i joined in. Good luck folks.
To enhance your chance of winning, play a few of the most comonly pulled numbers.

That No. 20 red ball has made its way out of the kettle 49 times, the most of any of the numbered balls. No. 20 also is the second most common number on the five white balls that are selected in each Powerball drawing as well, behind 26 and ahead of 32, 16 and 42, a Daily Herald analysis of the numbers shows. Wanna win Powerball? Try these numbers

Mathematicians that think these number trends are meaningless are idiots. There are slight variations in all manufactured items, and it is no different for ping pong balls.

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