Let’s chat about the atheist religion.

I wasn’t interested in whether they could cross the Atlantic. I’m only interested if they had boats that could navigate their waters. Is that likely?
It is certain, we've found a good number of examples. The Atlantic came up in relation to Noah's Flood myth.
And is a red herring for your belief. Allegorical accounts are not historical accounts. So all there needs to be for the allegorical account to be true is that some did survive a great and cataclysmic flood - unlike any other they had experienced before - in a vessel to lend an element of truth to the allegorical account. So I believe there was an actual flooding event that was captured and passed down which is the noteworthy historical element of the allegorical account and that it was cobbled together with moral lessons and explanations to make that knowledge easier to remember and pass down. But you keep looking at it like a fairy tale to make yourself feel superior to others and confirm your biases which you use to justify your beliefs. But I am intrigued enough to keep looking for reasonable explanations to better understand the wisdom they deemed important enough to pass down from generation to generation for thousands of years.
Not everyone agrees it is allegorical. Talk to Mr. james bond about it.
howabout understanding without a deity is as relevant as with one.
Not possible. God IS the source of reality. There is no understanding if there is no reality. God IS logic. There is no logic for understanding without God.
Not possible. God IS the source of reality. There is no understanding if there is no reality. God IS logic. There is no logic for understanding without God.
as long as you are a forged christian that is not true there is no reality to your book it is a cancer upon society. (fabricated)

howabout understanding without a deity is as relevant as with one.
to clarify - the desert religions as examples are initially written in the plural (we) - the Almighty being one therefore reality is not the titular head but the metaphysical itself - from whence we came.
I wasn’t interested in whether they could cross the Atlantic. I’m only interested if they had boats that could navigate their waters. Is that likely?
It is certain, we've found a good number of examples. The Atlantic came up in relation to Noah's Flood myth.
Prove it’s a myth.
There is no evidence for a global flood in the last 10,000 years.
Quote me the verse stating a Global Flood.
God states explicitly that the flood is to wipe out the human race and whatever they used to further their perversion.
Prove to me that the entire earth was inhabited by humans.
Humans were in the Americas and Australia by 10,000.
The Malbim would agree with this.
The earthquakes that caused the flood spilt the land into continents.
There is no evidence for a global flood in the last 10,000 years. Splitting the land causes earthquakes, not the other way round. No evidence for that either.
bond is drunk on disinformation as a pleasurable way to pass time ...

How can one who is wrong all the time know about information? You're even wrong about what evolution states.
Too many people look at evolution all wrong. They limit evolution to biological processes when in reality evolution has been going on since the beginning of time. Evolution is when anything moves from a less advanced state to a more advanced state; a less complex state to a more complex state. There are five distinct phases or stages of evolution. Each stage built upon the previous stage. The five stages are cosmic evolution, stellar evolution, chemical evolution, biological evolution and the evolution of consciousness.

When one properly views evolution and studies the evolution of the creation of space and time from subatomic particles to beings that know and create, he cannot help but see God’s hand in creation.
On the contrary. You forgot the evolution of God and religion.
Religion, sure. God, no. There must be an uncaused first cause. You can’t get around it.
If you're speaking of a creator then fine (I'm agnostic on the point). If you're speaking of a deity that intervenes with humanity, then religion is our only source for that god so he too must be evolving if he lets his message change.
Define convenes?

Actually we can make observations of our surroundings and of ourselves to inform our understanding using logic, reason and experience. So saying religion is our only source for that god is incorrect.
come or bring together for a meeting or activity; assemble.

Logic, reason and experience would lead one to believe there is no God. That has certainly been my experience.
I wasn’t interested in whether they could cross the Atlantic. I’m only interested if they had boats that could navigate their waters. Is that likely?
It is certain, we've found a good number of examples. The Atlantic came up in relation to Noah's Flood myth.
And is a red herring for your belief. Allegorical accounts are not historical accounts. So all there needs to be for the allegorical account to be true is that some did survive a great and cataclysmic flood - unlike any other they had experienced before - in a vessel to lend an element of truth to the allegorical account. So I believe there was an actual flooding event that was captured and passed down which is the noteworthy historical element of the allegorical account and that it was cobbled together with moral lessons and explanations to make that knowledge easier to remember and pass down. But you keep looking at it like a fairy tale to make yourself feel superior to others and confirm your biases which you use to justify your beliefs. But I am intrigued enough to keep looking for reasonable explanations to better understand the wisdom they deemed important enough to pass down from generation to generation for thousands of years.
Not everyone agrees it is allegorical. Talk to Mr. james bond about it.
Ding says that anything other than Jesus is allegorical.
IF the Abrahamic Deity does not act to correct the way in which I think that will lead my self-determination to commit the infraction.
So what? It's your choice. You don't have perfect knowledge how good can come from it. He does.
Suppose I am suffering from chronic mental development with abnormal or violent social behavior. That is the condition the Deity gave me and will ultimately lead me to commit immoral acts and transgressions.
The flaw in this assumption is that God gave it to you. I don't see God as pushing all the buttons and pulling all the levers that you believe he is doing. But putting that aside, the question is whether it was bad or good. That you will never know because you don't have perfect knowledge, he does. There is a law of compensation at work here. It is very similar to equal and opposite reactions. You cannot see how everything works for good, but he can.

Can a Deity that is well-meaning, merciful, and compassionate being that acts kindly towards Humanity, punish me for "immoral act or transgression against divine law" which the Deity suborn by virtue of the flawed mental capacity given by the Deity?
You aren't being punished. You are experiencing the material world. The material world is messy. It is full of ups and downs. Are you telling me that there cannot be a Supreme Being who created reality from nothing unless everything is perfect? Because that is nonsense. Are you suggesting that only experiencing life is worthwhile if life is perfect? Because I submit it is the ups and downs, the triumphs and failure which make life worth experiencing. And lastly, I believe God is experiencing the material world through us. So he isn't putting us through anything that he does not experience himself.

This flawed mental capacity that did induce me to commit the infraction, was that a divine defect?
I don't believe so because again, you don't have perfect knowledge. You can't see how everything works for good. He can.

From my perspective every single "perceived flaw" of mine has led to something good. Life is very much like pruning a bush. It can lead to new growth, but only if we are honest with ourselves. Otherwise, the lessons will keep being brought back to us until we learn what it was we were supposed to learn from our experiences.

YOU have opened a number of lines of thought here, none of which support the notion that the Abrahamic Deity is well-meaning, merciful, compassionate and being that acts kindly towards Humanity?
I disagree. I see it the other way around. ;)
I wasn’t interested in whether they could cross the Atlantic. I’m only interested if they had boats that could navigate their waters. Is that likely?
It is certain, we've found a good number of examples. The Atlantic came up in relation to Noah's Flood myth.
Prove it’s a myth.
There is no evidence for a global flood in the last 10,000 years.
Quote me the verse stating a Global Flood.
God states explicitly that the flood is to wipe out the human race and whatever they used to further their perversion.
Prove to me that the entire earth was inhabited by humans.
Humans were in the Americas and Australia by 10,000.
The Malbim would agree with this.
The earthquakes that caused the flood spilt the land into continents.
There is no evidence for a global flood in the last 10,000 years. Splitting the land causes earthquakes, not the other way round. No evidence for that either.
Which scientists are you quoting?
The earthquakes caused the flood.
I wasn’t interested in whether they could cross the Atlantic. I’m only interested if they had boats that could navigate their waters. Is that likely?
It is certain, we've found a good number of examples. The Atlantic came up in relation to Noah's Flood myth.
Prove it’s a myth.
There is no evidence for a global flood in the last 10,000 years.
Quote me the verse stating a Global Flood.
God states explicitly that the flood is to wipe out the human race and whatever they used to further their perversion.
Prove to me that the entire earth was inhabited by humans.
Humans were in the Americas and Australia by 10,000.
The Malbim would agree with this.
The earthquakes that caused the flood spilt the land into continents.
There is no evidence for a global flood in the last 10,000 years. Splitting the land causes earthquakes, not the other way round. No evidence for that either.
One Google on earthquakes causing floods showed how full of shit you are.
I wasn’t interested in whether they could cross the Atlantic. I’m only interested if they had boats that could navigate their waters. Is that likely?
It is certain, we've found a good number of examples. The Atlantic came up in relation to Noah's Flood myth.
Prove it’s a myth.
Prove it’s a myth.
the event - or your fairytale story ...

So even if God gave man an inclination for good because God is good, man still must choose to do good.
truly a lost spirit - same with the other desert dwellers that abandoned the religion of antiquity in search of their own.
There is no evidence for a global flood in the last 10,000 years. Splitting the land causes earthquakes, not the other way round. No evidence for that either.
Which scientists are you quoting?
The earthquakes caused the flood.
My college professors. If it was a supernatural event, we can agree to differ. If you believe it obeyed natural laws, you're wrong. Plain and simple. Or can you provide a source?
There is no evidence for a global flood in the last 10,000 years. Splitting the land causes earthquakes, not the other way round. No evidence for that either.
Which scientists are you quoting?
The earthquakes caused the flood.
My college professors. If it was a supernatural event, we can agree to differ. If you believe it obeyed natural laws, you're wrong. Plain and simple. Or can you provide a source?
Oh! College professors...
No wonder you won’t look at a verse.
A source?
Are you that much of an idiot or lazy?
Google “Earthquakes causing floods”.
I wasn’t interested in whether they could cross the Atlantic. I’m only interested if they had boats that could navigate their waters. Is that likely?
It is certain, we've found a good number of examples. The Atlantic came up in relation to Noah's Flood myth.
Prove it’s a myth.
There is no evidence for a global flood in the last 10,000 years.
Quote me the verse stating a Global Flood.
God states explicitly that the flood is to wipe out the human race and whatever they used to further their perversion.
Prove to me that the entire earth was inhabited by humans.
Humans were in the Americas and Australia by 10,000.
The Malbim would agree with this.
The earthquakes that caused the flood spilt the land into continents.
There is no evidence for a global flood in the last 10,000 years. Splitting the land causes earthquakes, not the other way round. No evidence for that either.
One Google on earthquakes causing floods showed how full of shit you are.
Earthquakes can cause floods, yes. Earthquakes can split the land into continents in less than 10,000 years? Not a chance.
There is no evidence for a global flood in the last 10,000 years. Splitting the land causes earthquakes, not the other way round. No evidence for that either.
Which scientists are you quoting?
The earthquakes caused the flood.
My college professors. If it was a supernatural event, we can agree to differ. If you believe it obeyed natural laws, you're wrong. Plain and simple. Or can you provide a source?
Oh! College professors...
No wonder you won’t look at a verse.
A source?
Are you that much of an idiot or lazy?
Google “Earthquakes causing floods”.
You may know your scripture but I know my geology. Whichever verse you are citing is not supported by science.
Do you know what the Deity is seeking?
As near as I can tell from what I have observed, virtue. But I believe the purpose is more than that. I believe it is the nature of intelligence to create intelligence and to share.

"IF" (an open-ended and unknown leading to a conditional outcome) the Deity using "omnipotence would defeat his purpose" → "THEN" we have a case of a Supreme Being's failure to perform an act that is required to avoid improper action of a divine creator.
I never said what was proper or improper. All I argued is that you using man's failure to disparage God's omnipotence and omniscience is illogical. We were given an inclination for good from God. We were also given a choice to do good or not do good. But given God's wisdom the outcomes of our choices have logical consequences. As such we get to experience the logical outcomes of our choices and are given the opportunity to learn from our mistakes and choose to do differently the next time. We are literally being pruned by reason and experience and given an opportunity to learn. Isn't that what intelligence is all about anyway?

Do we know what the "goals via plan" is? OR Is this just a human assumption? Can YOU be punished for assuming the thought process of a Deity?
These are just my conclusions from my observations. I have used logic, reason and experience to reach these conclusions. At every step of the way I stopped and challenged my conclusions to test them. Can I be punished for doing this? I don't know but I believe we are encouraged to do this. I have actually seen rewards in my life for doing this.

I believe the plan is for each of us to become the best version of ourselves that we can become.

I believe the goal is to make the next leap in the evolutionary ladder which is the next stage beyond our consciousness.

Can YOU punish ME for a transgression divinely ordained by the manufacture (will of the Being) of my mental capacity? What can you assume about the Supreme Being?
Again, no one is punishing you for your choices. We are all experiencing the choices we make. We have the opportunity to learn from our experiences and to grow in consciousness.

What I assume about the Supreme Being is that he is consciousness without form; that he is eternal and unchanging; that he is more like a verb than a noun; that God is infinite intelligence, infinite logic, infinite order, infinite truth, infinite love and infinite goodness because these things are logical artifacts of intelligence and intelligence is an artifact of consciousness.

Can we assume that the Deity is a well-meaning, merciful, and compassionate being that acts kindly towards Humanity?
Yes, but I don't believe you know what that looks like because you have never really given this any serious consideration. Not because you believe in what you believe is correct, but because you believe that you can't be wrong.
I wasn’t interested in whether they could cross the Atlantic. I’m only interested if they had boats that could navigate their waters. Is that likely?
It is certain, we've found a good number of examples. The Atlantic came up in relation to Noah's Flood myth.
And is a red herring for your belief. Allegorical accounts are not historical accounts. So all there needs to be for the allegorical account to be true is that some did survive a great and cataclysmic flood - unlike any other they had experienced before - in a vessel to lend an element of truth to the allegorical account. So I believe there was an actual flooding event that was captured and passed down which is the noteworthy historical element of the allegorical account and that it was cobbled together with moral lessons and explanations to make that knowledge easier to remember and pass down. But you keep looking at it like a fairy tale to make yourself feel superior to others and confirm your biases which you use to justify your beliefs. But I am intrigued enough to keep looking for reasonable explanations to better understand the wisdom they deemed important enough to pass down from generation to generation for thousands of years.
Not everyone agrees it is allegorical. Talk to Mr. james bond about it.
True, and I can't control that. I can only control myself. Just like you can only control yourself. So you can choose to see these literally and dismiss them or you can look for the truth in them. Your call.
howabout understanding without a deity is as relevant as with one.
Not possible. God IS the source of reality. There is no understanding if there is no reality. God IS logic. There is no logic for understanding without God.
Not possible. God IS the source of reality. There is no understanding if there is no reality. God IS logic. There is no logic for understanding without God.
as long as you are a forged christian that is not true there is no reality to your book it is a cancer upon society. (fabricated)

howabout understanding without a deity is as relevant as with one.
to clarify - the desert religions as examples are initially written in the plural (we) - the Almighty being one therefore reality is not the titular head but the metaphysical itself - from whence we came.
I haven't gotten within a hundred miles of discussing religion.

You can't help yourself. You’re a fake, a subversive. Your only purpose here is to subordinate faith in God for the express purpose of replacing loyalty to family, country and God with loyalty to state. As such you attack the dominant religion of the land which is Christianity which is what socialism has always done. You do so from a position of deceit and subversion by pretending to be a rival religion attacking another religion. The problem is no one knows what your religion is which is why you won’t answer the question do you see God’s hand in creation. I know you don’t because your religion is socialism and you are a secular humanist no different than GreatestIam
I wasn’t interested in whether they could cross the Atlantic. I’m only interested if they had boats that could navigate their waters. Is that likely?
It is certain, we've found a good number of examples. The Atlantic came up in relation to Noah's Flood myth.
And is a red herring for your belief. Allegorical accounts are not historical accounts. So all there needs to be for the allegorical account to be true is that some did survive a great and cataclysmic flood - unlike any other they had experienced before - in a vessel to lend an element of truth to the allegorical account. So I believe there was an actual flooding event that was captured and passed down which is the noteworthy historical element of the allegorical account and that it was cobbled together with moral lessons and explanations to make that knowledge easier to remember and pass down. But you keep looking at it like a fairy tale to make yourself feel superior to others and confirm your biases which you use to justify your beliefs. But I am intrigued enough to keep looking for reasonable explanations to better understand the wisdom they deemed important enough to pass down from generation to generation for thousands of years.
Not everyone agrees it is allegorical. Talk to Mr. james bond about it.
Ding says that anything other than Jesus is allegorical.
Untrue. The bible has several literary styles; allegorical, poetic, historical, law, prophetic, etc.
bond is drunk on disinformation as a pleasurable way to pass time ...

How can one who is wrong all the time know about information? You're even wrong about what evolution states.
Too many people look at evolution all wrong. They limit evolution to biological processes when in reality evolution has been going on since the beginning of time. Evolution is when anything moves from a less advanced state to a more advanced state; a less complex state to a more complex state. There are five distinct phases or stages of evolution. Each stage built upon the previous stage. The five stages are cosmic evolution, stellar evolution, chemical evolution, biological evolution and the evolution of consciousness.

When one properly views evolution and studies the evolution of the creation of space and time from subatomic particles to beings that know and create, he cannot help but see God’s hand in creation.
On the contrary. You forgot the evolution of God and religion.
Religion, sure. God, no. There must be an uncaused first cause. You can’t get around it.
If you're speaking of a creator then fine (I'm agnostic on the point). If you're speaking of a deity that intervenes with humanity, then religion is our only source for that god so he too must be evolving if he lets his message change.
Define convenes?

Actually we can make observations of our surroundings and of ourselves to inform our understanding using logic, reason and experience. So saying religion is our only source for that god is incorrect.
come or bring together for a meeting or activity; assemble.

Logic, reason and experience would lead one to believe there is no God. That has certainly been my experience.
My bad. Please define intervene. Can intervenes be something like the laws of nature which provide feedback for our choices? Can intervene be something like a conscience which makes us question our choices before and after we make them? Did you ever intervene in your child's life? Didn't you let your child make mistakes and let him suffer his consequences so he could learn from it? Wasn't allowing your child to make mistakes an intervention by omission on your part to let him experience his failures? We all have a quiet voice inside us if we listen for it. But when we fail to listen to it, he has that covered too.

As to your experiences as a creator would you say that I could determine certain things about you by studying what you created?

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