Let's be honest, on every messageboard/forum/platform/etc, 85% of threads are: "Are Democrats/Communists trying to destroy the United States?!?"


Gold Member
Feb 16, 2013
In a dependant and enslaved country.
For real, unless it's a left wing messageboard (like Democratic Underground), the boards, forums, new political news, are all people basically asking: "365 days from now, will there be Law and Order."

Police unions are now endorsing Trump "We're tired of being assaulted and humiliated and used as punching bags."

The video game community, MMO's in particular, their General/trade chat channels are all full of people arguing and proclaiming the "End of the United States..." while waiting in some 10-15 minute queue for a group. New screen names are often parodies of the far left SJW's. (People also troll roleplay SJW's on RP dedicated gaming servers).

A lot of people have just simply stopped wearing masks and openly converse that the COVID virus has been overhyped.

There's no ammo at any Long Island gun store.

There's no meat in any market in Suffolk County and delis have drastically increased their prices. The cheapest meat can now be found at a Subway franchise.

There's no WOOD at home depot. There hasn't been and still aren't any pressure treated lumber at Home Depot/Lowes.

People are opening their stores/gyms/etc in defiance.

Lots of people are pissed that sports was overrun by SJWs ( we successfully repelled them in the esports/gaming community, since we're more tech savvy and therefore informed/up-to-date with SJW aggression).

Like...fuck...how are Democrats actually EXPECTING TO WIN THIS ELECTION?
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For real, unless it's a left wing messageboard (like Democratic Underground), the boards, forums, new political news, are all people basically asking: "365 days from now, will there be Law and Order."

Police unions are now endorsing Trump "We're tired of being assaulted and humiliated and used as punching bags."

The video game community, MMO's in particular, their General/trade chat channels are all full of people arguing and proclaiming the "End of the United States..." while waiting in some 10-15 minute queue for a group. New screen names are often parodies of the far left SJW's. (People also troll roleplay SJW's on RP dedicated gaming servers).

A lot of people have just simply stopped wearing masks and openly converse that the COVID virus has been overhyped.

There's no ammo at any Long Island gun store.

There's no meat in any market in the United States and delis have drastically increased their prices. The cheapest meat can now be found at a Subway franchise.

There's no WOOD at home depot. There hasn't been and still aren't any pressure treated lumber at Home Depot/Lowes.

People are opening their stores/gyms/etc in defiance.

Lots of people are pissed that sports was overrun by SJWs ( we successfully repelled them in the esports/gaming community, since we're more tech savvy and therefore informed/up-to-date with SJW aggression).

Like...fuck...how are Democrats actually EXPECTING TO WIN THIS ELECTION?
For real, unless it's a left wing messageboard (like Democratic Underground), the boards, forums, new political news, are all people basically asking: "365 days from now, will there be Law and Order."

Police unions are now endorsing Trump "We're tired of being assaulted and humiliated and used as punching bags."

The video game community, MMO's in particular, their General/trade chat channels are all full of people arguing and proclaiming the "End of the United States..." while waiting in some 10-15 minute queue for a group. New screen names are often parodies of the far left SJW's. (People also troll roleplay SJW's on RP dedicated gaming servers).

A lot of people have just simply stopped wearing masks and openly converse that the COVID virus has been overhyped.

There's no ammo at any Long Island gun store.

There's no meat in any market in the United States and delis have drastically increased their prices. The cheapest meat can now be found at a Subway franchise.

There's no WOOD at home depot. There hasn't been and still aren't any pressure treated lumber at Home Depot/Lowes.

People are opening their stores/gyms/etc in defiance.

Lots of people are pissed that sports was overrun by SJWs ( we successfully repelled them in the esports/gaming community, since we're more tech savvy and therefore informed/up-to-date with SJW aggression).

Like...fuck...how are Democrats actually EXPECTING TO WIN THIS ELECTION?
I don't know where you're getting your info, but I live in deep red Kansas and none of those things are true.
For real, unless it's a left wing messageboard (like Democratic Underground), the boards, forums, new political news, are all people basically asking: "365 days from now, will there be Law and Order."

Police unions are now endorsing Trump "We're tired of being assaulted and humiliated and used as punching bags."

The video game community, MMO's in particular, their General/trade chat channels are all full of people arguing and proclaiming the "End of the United States..." while waiting in some 10-15 minute queue for a group. New screen names are often parodies of the far left SJW's. (People also troll roleplay SJW's on RP dedicated gaming servers).

A lot of people have just simply stopped wearing masks and openly converse that the COVID virus has been overhyped.

There's no ammo at any Long Island gun store.

There's no meat in any market in the United States and delis have drastically increased their prices. The cheapest meat can now be found at a Subway franchise.

There's no WOOD at home depot. There hasn't been and still aren't any pressure treated lumber at Home Depot/Lowes.

People are opening their stores/gyms/etc in defiance.

Lots of people are pissed that sports was overrun by SJWs ( we successfully repelled them in the esports/gaming community, since we're more tech savvy and therefore informed/up-to-date with SJW aggression).

Like...fuck...how are Democrats actually EXPECTING TO WIN THIS ELECTION?
The thing is, bed wetter forums immediately ban people who post anything that compromises moonbat dogma. Open forums like this are not echo chambers for moonbats, so we end up seeing a lot of cut/paste agitprop but nothing of any real value comes from the libturds. Certainly nothing worth reading anyway, but it can be entertaining to mock and ridicule them.
I live in suburban Las Vegas and nothing unusual is happening around here. I'm an essential worker so I'm working, and my boss doesn't make us wear masks except when we're in the conference room.
Well,it's damn true! :smoke:

For real, unless it's a left wing messageboard (like Democratic Underground), the boards, forums, new political news, are all people basically asking: "365 days from now, will there be Law and Order."

Police unions are now endorsing Trump "We're tired of being assaulted and humiliated and used as punching bags."

The video game community, MMO's in particular, their General/trade chat channels are all full of people arguing and proclaiming the "End of the United States..." while waiting in some 10-15 minute queue for a group. New screen names are often parodies of the far left SJW's. (People also troll roleplay SJW's on RP dedicated gaming servers).

A lot of people have just simply stopped wearing masks and openly converse that the COVID virus has been overhyped.

There's no ammo at any Long Island gun store.

There's no meat in any market in Suffolk County and delis have drastically increased their prices. The cheapest meat can now be found at a Subway franchise.

There's no WOOD at home depot. There hasn't been and still aren't any pressure treated lumber at Home Depot/Lowes.

People are opening their stores/gyms/etc in defiance.

Lots of people are pissed that sports was overrun by SJWs ( we successfully repelled them in the esports/gaming community, since we're more tech savvy and therefore informed/up-to-date with SJW aggression).

Like...fuck...how are Democrats actually EXPECTING TO WIN THIS ELECTION?
Don't forget the "ammonia" shortage!
Every forum other than this one has banned me because I insist on posting my conservative opinions.

I hope you never get banned here. It's important for people to see just how nuts you right wingers can get, and you are perfect example of that. The OP is right. Most right wing posts are all the same. You accuse people who don't agree with you of hating and wanting to destroy America. You never seem to know what that would do to help me, but that doesn't matter. You're nuts. You're funny, in a sad sort of way.
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For real, unless it's a left wing messageboard (like Democratic Underground), the boards, forums, new political news, are all people basically asking: "365 days from now, will there be Law and Order."

Police unions are now endorsing Trump "We're tired of being assaulted and humiliated and used as punching bags."

The video game community, MMO's in particular, their General/trade chat channels are all full of people arguing and proclaiming the "End of the United States..." while waiting in some 10-15 minute queue for a group. New screen names are often parodies of the far left SJW's. (People also troll roleplay SJW's on RP dedicated gaming servers).

A lot of people have just simply stopped wearing masks and openly converse that the COVID virus has been overhyped.

There's no ammo at any Long Island gun store.

There's no meat in any market in the United States and delis have drastically increased their prices. The cheapest meat can now be found at a Subway franchise.

There's no WOOD at home depot. There hasn't been and still aren't any pressure treated lumber at Home Depot/Lowes.

People are opening their stores/gyms/etc in defiance.

Lots of people are pissed that sports was overrun by SJWs ( we successfully repelled them in the esports/gaming community, since we're more tech savvy and therefore informed/up-to-date with SJW aggression).

Like...fuck...how are Democrats actually EXPECTING TO WIN THIS ELECTION?

Xi and the CCP have already printed up 5,000,000 mail in ballots in California alone. They're arguing with Soros over who should pay the postage
Every forum other than this one has banned me because I insist on posting my conservative opinions.
I was given hell by the posters and then banned on the Political Forum Message Board in November 2016 for being for President Trump and being happy he was elected President :rolleyes:
I was banned at a forum after Obama got elected because I wouldn't stop saying bad stuff about Obama.
For real, unless it's a left wing messageboard (like Democratic Underground), the boards, forums, new political news, are all people basically asking: "365 days from now, will there be Law and Order."

Police unions are now endorsing Trump "We're tired of being assaulted and humiliated and used as punching bags."

The video game community, MMO's in particular, their General/trade chat channels are all full of people arguing and proclaiming the "End of the United States..." while waiting in some 10-15 minute queue for a group. New screen names are often parodies of the far left SJW's. (People also troll roleplay SJW's on RP dedicated gaming servers).

A lot of people have just simply stopped wearing masks and openly converse that the COVID virus has been overhyped.

There's no ammo at any Long Island gun store.

There's no meat in any market in Suffolk County and delis have drastically increased their prices. The cheapest meat can now be found at a Subway franchise.

There's no WOOD at home depot. There hasn't been and still aren't any pressure treated lumber at Home Depot/Lowes.

People are opening their stores/gyms/etc in defiance.

Lots of people are pissed that sports was overrun by SJWs ( we successfully repelled them in the esports/gaming community, since we're more tech savvy and therefore informed/up-to-date with SJW aggression).

Like...fuck...how are Democrats actually EXPECTING TO WIN THIS ELECTION?
True but lets go hunting

Like...fuck...how are Democrats actually EXPECTING TO WIN THIS ELECTION?
I don't know. Joe Biden is obviously incapable of sustaining the concentration necessary for working directly with other people, yet, it appears that the mainstream media is willing to tolerate his candidacy, and it appears that Black women are willing to accept his invitation for the Vice-presidency - it's like some type of "vulturism" to succeed to the presidency. So, I am convinced that if the Biden ticket is inaugurated it will lead to a war from the Right, if not a deliberate complete overhaul of the government - constitutional convention. Which I am in favor of and prepared to supplement, because the government is improperly formulated and leads to the political chaos that trickles down causing the social chaos - diversion from the mission to approach domestic tranquility. It is not that the Preamble/mission is faulty, but that the operations of the government is faulty and cannot achieve the specific goal of the noble mission.

On the other hand, if Trump wins reelection, I think the Left is going to reinvigorate their riot techniques - it is war. And, I believe that the Democrat politicians see this as a possible route to power. Ultimately, they know that the three-part government model is faulty, because I have written letters to them describing the errors, and explaining that ultimately, we need to have a constitutional convention that gathers the diversity of people, anyway, to rectify the erroneous grievance of "systemic racism." That can only be satisfied by the non-whites participation in the establishment of the government institutions to assure the non-white constituency that there are no systemic biases. So long as non-whites can claim that they were not represented in the establishment of the system, they can claim "systemic biases." Even if they are awarded reparations they can still claim systemic biases. Not going to be able to make a stipulation that reparations voids the claim of "systemic biases." The only way to void the claim is by having them represented at the establishment phase.

And Trump knows this. He knows the government is improperly organized. He has been through bankruptcy, and what that leads to - reorganizing the business. He knows that I have a valid plan for organizing a more reliable government. He knows things are "falling in to place."

Again, the solution to war is a peace agreement - constitutional convention that establishes the methodology for organizing society and regulating activities.
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For real, unless it's a left wing messageboard (like Democratic Underground), the boards, forums, new political news, are all people basically asking: "365 days from now, will there be Law and Order."

Police unions are now endorsing Trump "We're tired of being assaulted and humiliated and used as punching bags."

The video game community, MMO's in particular, their General/trade chat channels are all full of people arguing and proclaiming the "End of the United States..." while waiting in some 10-15 minute queue for a group. New screen names are often parodies of the far left SJW's. (People also troll roleplay SJW's on RP dedicated gaming servers).

A lot of people have just simply stopped wearing masks and openly converse that the COVID virus has been overhyped.

There's no ammo at any Long Island gun store.

There's no meat in any market in Suffolk County and delis have drastically increased their prices. The cheapest meat can now be found at a Subway franchise.

There's no WOOD at home depot. There hasn't been and still aren't any pressure treated lumber at Home Depot/Lowes.

People are opening their stores/gyms/etc in defiance.

Lots of people are pissed that sports was overrun by SJWs ( we successfully repelled them in the esports/gaming community, since we're more tech savvy and therefore informed/up-to-date with SJW aggression).

Like...fuck...how are Democrats actually EXPECTING TO WIN THIS ELECTION?

they are counting on a beleaguered USPS. They want massive wide spread voting so they can settle the election in court.
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For real, unless it's a left wing messageboard (like Democratic Underground), the boards, forums, new political news, are all people basically asking: "365 days from now, will there be Law and Order."

Police unions are now endorsing Trump "We're tired of being assaulted and humiliated and used as punching bags."

The video game community, MMO's in particular, their General/trade chat channels are all full of people arguing and proclaiming the "End of the United States..." while waiting in some 10-15 minute queue for a group. New screen names are often parodies of the far left SJW's. (People also troll roleplay SJW's on RP dedicated gaming servers).

A lot of people have just simply stopped wearing masks and openly converse that the COVID virus has been overhyped.

There's no ammo at any Long Island gun store.

There's no meat in any market in Suffolk County and delis have drastically increased their prices. The cheapest meat can now be found at a Subway franchise.

There's no WOOD at home depot. There hasn't been and still aren't any pressure treated lumber at Home Depot/Lowes.

People are opening their stores/gyms/etc in defiance.

Lots of people are pissed that sports was overrun by SJWs ( we successfully repelled them in the esports/gaming community, since we're more tech savvy and therefore informed/up-to-date with SJW aggression).

Like...fuck...how are Democrats actually EXPECTING TO WIN THIS ELECTION?

they are counting on a beleaguered USPS. They wantbmassive widw spread voting so they can settle the election in court.

Yes. Massive widespread voting is preferred. The right doesn't want everyone who has the right to vote.
For real, unless it's a left wing messageboard (like Democratic Underground), the boards, forums, new political news, are all people basically asking: "365 days from now, will there be Law and Order."

Police unions are now endorsing Trump "We're tired of being assaulted and humiliated and used as punching bags."

The video game community, MMO's in particular, their General/trade chat channels are all full of people arguing and proclaiming the "End of the United States..." while waiting in some 10-15 minute queue for a group. New screen names are often parodies of the far left SJW's. (People also troll roleplay SJW's on RP dedicated gaming servers).

A lot of people have just simply stopped wearing masks and openly converse that the COVID virus has been overhyped.

There's no ammo at any Long Island gun store.

There's no meat in any market in Suffolk County and delis have drastically increased their prices. The cheapest meat can now be found at a Subway franchise.

There's no WOOD at home depot. There hasn't been and still aren't any pressure treated lumber at Home Depot/Lowes.

People are opening their stores/gyms/etc in defiance.

Lots of people are pissed that sports was overrun by SJWs ( we successfully repelled them in the esports/gaming community, since we're more tech savvy and therefore informed/up-to-date with SJW aggression).

Like...fuck...how are Democrats actually EXPECTING TO WIN THIS ELECTION?

they are counting on a beleaguered USPS. They wantbmassive widw spread voting so they can settle the election in court.

Yes. Massive widespread voting is preferred. The right doesn't want everyone who has the right to vote.
noncitizens and people who vote more than once violate my Right to Vote
Like...fuck...how are Democrats actually EXPECTING TO WIN THIS ELECTION?

The most scared and brainwashed wimps are the loudest.

You hang out exclusively with that terrified wimp crowd, so you no longer understand how normal people act.

I'm also trying to figure out why a very local meat or lumber shortage spells doom for Democrats, or why gun stores fleecing the pants-pissing morons again spells dooms for Democrats.

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