Let us call the trump tantrum what it REALLY WAS....an attempted Coup!

SO...we had an Authoritarian Wannabe that was intent on taking the vote and the will of the people away. This is the same man who wanted his AG to arrest his political opponents in the last few weeks of the election. Now he was prepared to pull out his Dictator magic wand and wish away millions of legal votes. AND THE GOP WAS SITTING ON THEIR HANDS READY TO ALLOW HIM TO DO IT.

Now...tell me how either the GOP or trump can be trusted to govern this country again? The Party of Lincoln has become the Taliban of the United States.


Nothing he has done so far is outside the law.

The simple fact is there simply isn't enough time to prove enough fraud, even if it happened, in the time given between the election and the certifications.

If the fraud is proven a year from now, would you condemn it? Would Biden Step down?
I have a feeling that nobody is going to answer the last part if your question.
It's a stupid question. What do you expect the remedy would be under such circumstances? J'Biden resigns? Kamala is president. Kamala shoul resign too? Pelosi is president. Pelosi should resign too? Grassley, assuming he's still president pro tempore? Or a Democrat president pro tempore if Democrats win the Senate? How far down the line of succession do we go until you're happy? Or do we hold a new election between J'Biden and Impeached Trump? Or do we hold a new general election and primaries for anyone who wants to run? Or do we simply crown Impeached Trump, king?

Again, you wouldn't care because you got the result you wanted.

The ONLY results I wanted was for the Orange Deity to be sent packing. And it won't happen soon enough.

Short sighted fucking fool.

Your Pain is showing....

Stupidity is something I am resigned to from SJW cucks like you.

Just wait. within 1 month of Biden taking office nevertrumpers will be dumped by the dems as being used for their purpose.

You are a gullible old fool.

SO...we had an Authoritarian Wannabe that was intent on taking the vote and the will of the people away. This is the same man who wanted his AG to arrest his political opponents in the last few weeks of the election. Now he was prepared to pull out his Dictator magic wand and wish away millions of legal votes. AND THE GOP WAS SITTING ON THEIR HANDS READY TO ALLOW HIM TO DO IT.

Now...tell me how either the GOP or trump can be trusted to govern this country again? The Party of Lincoln has become the Taliban of the United States.


Nothing he has done so far is outside the law.

The simple fact is there simply isn't enough time to prove enough fraud, even if it happened, in the time given between the election and the certifications.

If the fraud is proven a year from now, would you condemn it? Would Biden Step down?
I have a feeling that nobody is going to answer the last part if your question.
It's a stupid question. What do you expect the remedy would be under such circumstances? J'Biden resigns? Kamala is president. Kamala shoul resign too? Pelosi is president. Pelosi should resign too? Grassley, assuming he's still president pro tempore? Or a Democrat president pro tempore if Democrats win the Senate? How far down the line of succession do we go until you're happy? Or do we hold a new election between J'Biden and Impeached Trump? Or do we hold a new general election and primaries for anyone who wants to run? Or do we simply crown Impeached Trump, king?

Again, you wouldn't care because you got the result you wanted.

The ONLY results I wanted was for the Orange Deity to be sent packing. And it won't happen soon enough.

Short sighted fucking fool.

Who is getting his wish. :cul2:

What wish?

for a progressive administration that will fuck with our rights?

If you are a dem, than you are an idiot. If you are a nevertrump republican than you are a fucking idiot.

The Orange Deity needs to start packing now and schedule Uhaul or United Moving and Storage. That is my wish. If we have to do a little suffering for the next 4 years while we clean out the stench left behind by you Party of the Rumpers so we can provide a good viable candidate in 2024 that that is what needs to be done. But, with your assistance, even the Senate is flipping and that is NOT my wish.

What a gullible twat you are. Most NeverTrumpers are more Democrat than Republican anyway, and it doesn't matter who the Republicans put in in 2024 he will be smeared as just as bad as Trump.

You have been fucking played, and you are too fucking stupid to see it.

Here is a man that voted for a CON MAN twice....talking about someone getting played.....:auiqs.jpg:

Trump did what he said he was going to do, or at least tried to do what he said he was going to do his entire 1st term.

Biden is promising unity but will deliver a progressive far left agenda via his handlers.

Who is the Con Man, and who is being conned?

Look in the mirror.
Dem dirty tricks probably cost him the election. and you would be OK with that because you got the result you wanted.

You just won't admit it.

Republicans at all levels of Government exceeded expectations and got elected.

Trump was not
His own antics are to blame

Or cheating in the Presidential Election in critical States.
A pity Impeached Trump couldn't prove that in court.


I don't think there is the time to prove it within the election timeline. I say he should not concede, not attend the inauguration, snub all precedent, and fight on after.
It matters not if he neither concedes nor attends J'Biden's historic inauguration, that just goes to show how childish and unpresidential he is. Of course, no one will be surprised by that. I myself have already predicted he will behave like that.

Yeah, 4 years of being assaulted by the left in an unprecedented manner and now he is supposed to play nice.

Just like I am supposed to play nice.

Fuck that.
Again, it matters not if he plays nice. Again, I don't expect him to. He's just proving yet again he's nothing but a shit stain on the bedsheet of America. That will be his legacy.

He plays to his opposition, and twats like you deserve what he did.

And what I do.

What you do cracks me up.
Nothing he has done so far is outside the law.

Considering that he attempted to strong arm an ally, with US foreign aid, into performing a political favor and corrupt act, and the Banana Republicans accepted that corruption. Why would they consider him inappropriately injecting himself into a few states legislatures a corruption problem?

Wow, back to calling usual political maneuvering some sort of crime....

but but but somehow its different when Trump does it because of "reasons"

When did I call those acts a crime? The corrupt acts I described are not usual political maneuverings. They are not crimes codified in laws because nobody ever thought a President, or should I say a political party, would let a President get away with such blatant corruption.

But I suppose if Nixon had Faux News, the party might haave stood behind him.

Corruption is a crime. Again, are you saying no president has ever used foreign aid to get a country to do what it wants them to do?

Isn't that the whole fucking purpose of foreign aid?
the purpose of foreign aid is certainly not to get the foreign country to sling mud for you against your likely opponent. lol.

Wow, talk about being ignorant.
you want to make the case that foreign aid is for that purpose, fatso? i would not be surprised.

It's always been the case, it's just different for Trump because of "reasons"
The “reasons” in this case were Trump demanding personal favors in return for military aid.

Got him impeached
AND... it cost him the election against Biden, who he was trying to eliminate from the race with that extortion. That reveals Impeached Trump knew who his main rival was.

Dem dirty tricks probably cost him the election. and you would be OK with that because you got the result you wanted.

You just won't admit it.
Liar. I would not be ok with that.


I can see them showing widespread fraud after a year on investigation, and people like you justifying it because "Trump was just that bad"

Until the next Republican runs.
I am not responsible for your delusions. :eusa_naughty:

It's called prognostications.

Sure, Miss Cleo. :lmao:

Good reference.

Still a cuck.
Only you can change you.

No change here, eat it.
So? Stay the bitter perverted curmudgeon you are. Who do you envision cares?
Dem dirty tricks probably cost him the election. and you would be OK with that because you got the result you wanted.

You just won't admit it.

Republicans at all levels of Government exceeded expectations and got elected.

Trump was not
His own antics are to blame

Or cheating in the Presidential Election in critical States.
A pity Impeached Trump couldn't prove that in court.
As a Jewish man are you ready to see Israel attacked?
Of course not. Fortunately, they've done a rather remarkable job defending themselves.

Good luck with that when a Biden administration takes the easy route to give the hard left a bone and rolls back all the progress Trump made with the gulf states by sucking up to the Palestinians again.

Fucking over Israel is an easy way to placate "the squad".

Hopefully Trump uses the next 2 months to get the Saudis on board and make it harder for Biden to change course.
Oh? Which countries attacked Israel during Obama/Biden?
Who said anything about attacked? All Obama did was placate the jew haters in his party by letting the status quo continue.

Trump tried to and was successful in getting some of the gulf States to normalize relations with Israel, something that if a Dem did it would be lauded from the hills.

Hopefully he can get the Saudis on board before Biden encourages a more "fuck Israel" approach that that the squad wants.
"Who said anything about attacked? All Obama did was placate the jew haters in his party by letting the status quo continue."

What a pity your IQ is as low as it is...

As a Jewish man are you ready to see Israel attacked?

[emphasis added to highlight marty's ignorance]

"Trump tried to and was successful in getting some of the gulf States to normalize relations with Israel, something that if a Dem did it would be lauded from the hills."

And while Impeached Trump deserves kudos for bringing about those peace agreements, it wasn't like he forged peace between Israel and say, Iran or even the Palestinians. He established peace agreements between Israel and countries that were not fighting with Israel.

"Hopefully he can get the Saudis on board before Biden encourages a more "fuck Israel" approach that that the squad wants."

While I'm no fan of Netanyahu, I do hope establishes a better rapport with Netanyahu than Obama did.

Wow, that old gag.

It's called new material, get it.

And you didn't actually respond to any of my points, you pseudo-jew.
Um, it's actually you who wouldn't respond. I asked, who attacked Israel, and that rendered you utterly dazed & confused.
Yes, I agree that was an attempted coup.

It's not like there was election day, and responsible people suddenly realized there is strong evidence for fraud, and observers reported irregularities.

No, it was Trump himself who said weeks before the election that he will only accept the result if he wins. Long before the election even took place, he started talking about fraud without the slightest evidence to back it up.

And when he lost, he then repeated this baseless claim over and over again, despite all independent and partisan observers reporting no considerable irregularities out of the ordinary, and all important authorities from both parties confirmed the results.

It's pretty obvious that Trump spewed this lie -- and it was just that --, because he knows there are certain people who will believe every word he says, despite all evidence to the contrary. Obviously, he was hoping he could use these people to exert enough pressure on the system to be able to cling to power against the determined will of the people.

It's an attempted coup by the playbook of wannabe tyrants in banana republics or autocratic leaders in corrupt broken shithole countries, such as Putin, Lukashenko or Erdogan.

It's pretty sad that America, which once was admired abroad for its values of freedom and republicanism, and its shining example of a stable democracy, doesn't seem to care for its own values anymore, but joins the company of such failed states.
And they can stick the Kraken where the sun don't shine
The whole effing thing is a big lie. Trump knew mail in votes will sink him and started calling the process a "fraud" way before election day.

An article published on October 13 said this. So this 1.8 million mail in votes is a big lie when so many voters asked for mail in votes.

HARRISBURG — With three weeks to go before the Nov. 3 election, more than 2.6 million registered voters have applied for a mail-in ballot in Pennsylvania, a battleground state hotly contested by President Donald Trump and Democratic presidential nominee Joe Biden.

Mail-in ballot requests pass 2.6M in Pennsylvania

SO...we had an Authoritarian Wannabe that was intent on taking the vote and the will of the people away. This is the same man who wanted his AG to arrest his political opponents in the last few weeks of the election. Now he was prepared to pull out his Dictator magic wand and wish away millions of legal votes. AND THE GOP WAS SITTING ON THEIR HANDS READY TO ALLOW HIM TO DO IT.

Now...tell me how either the GOP or trump can be trusted to govern this country again? The Party of Lincoln has become the Taliban of the United States.

I'd say the Dems have already attempted a coup with the fraudulent election we just had.
Here you are again claiming the Democrats attempted a coup but no guns were used by the Democrats. But in another thread you said

Hey dumbass. If they were truly attempting a coup every one of them would have been armed and they would have shot the shit out of our glorious leaders.

So do you see your hypocrisy and double standard? You refuse to admit Trump and his supporters didn't attempt a coup because they didn't all have guns, but here you are saying the Democrats attempted a coup when they had no guns.

Some of the rioters had guns and brought zip ties. And they bashed a cops head in with a fire extinguisher. You sure cut Republicans a lot of slack.

SO...we had an Authoritarian Wannabe that was intent on taking the vote and the will of the people away. This is the same man who wanted his AG to arrest his political opponents in the last few weeks of the election. Now he was prepared to pull out his Dictator magic wand and wish away millions of legal votes. AND THE GOP WAS SITTING ON THEIR HANDS READY TO ALLOW HIM TO DO IT.

Now...tell me how either the GOP or trump can be trusted to govern this country again? The Party of Lincoln has become the Taliban of the United States.

I'd say the Dems have already attempted a coup with the fraudulent election we just had.

34 judges, many of them Trump appointees, didn't find any fraud.
Do you think you know more than 34 federal judges?
Probably, ....the arrogance and ignorance of Trumptards never ceases to amaze me.

Well I'd say hundreds of signed affidavits and Dominion giving 6,000 Trump votes to Biden equals fraud wouldn't you??

Oh they caught the 6,000 but one had to wonder how many they didn't catch.

Loads of fishy shit in this election and those hundreds of signed affidavits, signed by both Rep and Dem watchers sure are telling.
As Richard Hopkins proved, signed affidavits are worthless.

As much as you hope they are worthless they are far from worthless.

They are signed and legal. Not worthless at all. Those Rep and Dem watchers wouldn't have signed them if they were worthless. And they sure wouldn't have signed them if they didn't have something to report.
Signed is meaningless. Again, Richard Hopkins is proof of that.

I work in a courthouse. Affidavits are legal. Much as you don't like it, they are legal and proof of wrong doing.
Affidavits are proof of wrong doing? LOL I don't think so.

SO...we had an Authoritarian Wannabe that was intent on taking the vote and the will of the people away. This is the same man who wanted his AG to arrest his political opponents in the last few weeks of the election. Now he was prepared to pull out his Dictator magic wand and wish away millions of legal votes. AND THE GOP WAS SITTING ON THEIR HANDS READY TO ALLOW HIM TO DO IT.

Now...tell me how either the GOP or trump can be trusted to govern this country again? The Party of Lincoln has become the Taliban of the United States.

I'd say the Dems have already attempted a coup with the fraudulent election we just had.

34 judges, many of them Trump appointees, didn't find any fraud.
Do you think you know more than 34 federal judges?
Probably, ....the arrogance and ignorance of Trumptards never ceases to amaze me.

Well I'd say hundreds of signed affidavits and Dominion giving 6,000 Trump votes to Biden equals fraud wouldn't you??

Oh they caught the 6,000 but one had to wonder how many they didn't catch.

Loads of fishy shit in this election and those hundreds of signed affidavits, signed by both Rep and Dem watchers sure are telling.
As Richard Hopkins proved, signed affidavits are worthless.

As much as you hope they are worthless they are far from worthless.

They are signed and legal. Not worthless at all. Those Rep and Dem watchers wouldn't have signed them if they were worthless. And they sure wouldn't have signed them if they didn't have something to report.
Signed is meaningless. Again, Richard Hopkins is proof of that.

I work in a courthouse. Affidavits are legal. Much as you don't like it, they are legal and proof of wrong doing.
You work in a courthouse? That's nice and vague. Someone cleaning the urinals in a municipal court also "works in a courthouse" wouldn't make him or her a legal expert now would it? Considering your statement it seems to me that chances are this is likely the work you are referring to.

SO...we had an Authoritarian Wannabe that was intent on taking the vote and the will of the people away. This is the same man who wanted his AG to arrest his political opponents in the last few weeks of the election. Now he was prepared to pull out his Dictator magic wand and wish away millions of legal votes. AND THE GOP WAS SITTING ON THEIR HANDS READY TO ALLOW HIM TO DO IT.

Now...tell me how either the GOP or trump can be trusted to govern this country again? The Party of Lincoln has become the Taliban of the United States.

I'd say the Dems have already attempted a coup with the fraudulent election we just had.

34 judges, many of them Trump appointees, didn't find any fraud.
Do you think you know more than 34 federal judges?
Probably, ....the arrogance and ignorance of Trumptards never ceases to amaze me.

Well I'd say hundreds of signed affidavits and Dominion giving 6,000 Trump votes to Biden equals fraud wouldn't you??

Oh they caught the 6,000 but one had to wonder how many they didn't catch.

Loads of fishy shit in this election and those hundreds of signed affidavits, signed by both Rep and Dem watchers sure are telling.
As Richard Hopkins proved, signed affidavits are worthless.

As much as you hope they are worthless they are far from worthless.

They are signed and legal. Not worthless at all. Those Rep and Dem watchers wouldn't have signed them if they were worthless. And they sure wouldn't have signed them if they didn't have something to report.
Signed is meaningless. Again, Richard Hopkins is proof of that.

I work in a courthouse. Affidavits are legal. Much as you don't like it, they are legal and proof of wrong doing.
You work in a courthouse? That's nice and vague. Someone cleaning the urinals in a municipal court also "works in a courthouse" wouldn't make him or her a legal expert now would it? Considering your statement it seems to me that chances are this is likely the work you are referring to.
You know the bitch you have to go pay after the judge slaps you with court costs? That's Claudette.

SO...we had an Authoritarian Wannabe that was intent on taking the vote and the will of the people away. This is the same man who wanted his AG to arrest his political opponents in the last few weeks of the election. Now he was prepared to pull out his Dictator magic wand and wish away millions of legal votes. AND THE GOP WAS SITTING ON THEIR HANDS READY TO ALLOW HIM TO DO IT.

Now...tell me how either the GOP or trump can be trusted to govern this country again? The Party of Lincoln has become the Taliban of the United States.

I'd say the Dems have already attempted a coup with the fraudulent election we just had.

34 judges, many of them Trump appointees, didn't find any fraud.
Do you think you know more than 34 federal judges?
Probably, ....the arrogance and ignorance of Trumptards never ceases to amaze me.

Well I'd say hundreds of signed affidavits and Dominion giving 6,000 Trump votes to Biden equals fraud wouldn't you??

Oh they caught the 6,000 but one had to wonder how many they didn't catch.

Loads of fishy shit in this election and those hundreds of signed affidavits, signed by both Rep and Dem watchers sure are telling.
As Richard Hopkins proved, signed affidavits are worthless.

As much as you hope they are worthless they are far from worthless.

They are signed and legal. Not worthless at all. Those Rep and Dem watchers wouldn't have signed them if they were worthless. And they sure wouldn't have signed them if they didn't have something to report.
Signed is meaningless. Again, Richard Hopkins is proof of that.

I work in a courthouse. Affidavits are legal. Much as you don't like it, they are legal and proof of wrong doing.
You work in a courthouse? That's nice and vague. Someone cleaning the urinals in a municipal court also "works in a courthouse" wouldn't make him or her a legal expert now would it? Considering your statement it seems to me that chances are this is likely the work you are referring to.

Oh I work in a courthouse all right. I work for the Sheriff's department. I work with 44 Trump loving deputies.

Affidavits are legal and anyone signing them knows the penalty for a false one.

SO...we had an Authoritarian Wannabe that was intent on taking the vote and the will of the people away. This is the same man who wanted his AG to arrest his political opponents in the last few weeks of the election. Now he was prepared to pull out his Dictator magic wand and wish away millions of legal votes. AND THE GOP WAS SITTING ON THEIR HANDS READY TO ALLOW HIM TO DO IT.

Now...tell me how either the GOP or trump can be trusted to govern this country again? The Party of Lincoln has become the Taliban of the United States.

I'd say the Dems have already attempted a coup with the fraudulent election we just had.

34 judges, many of them Trump appointees, didn't find any fraud.
Do you think you know more than 34 federal judges?
Probably, ....the arrogance and ignorance of Trumptards never ceases to amaze me.

Well I'd say hundreds of signed affidavits and Dominion giving 6,000 Trump votes to Biden equals fraud wouldn't you??

Oh they caught the 6,000 but one had to wonder how many they didn't catch.

Loads of fishy shit in this election and those hundreds of signed affidavits, signed by both Rep and Dem watchers sure are telling.
As Richard Hopkins proved, signed affidavits are worthless.

As much as you hope they are worthless they are far from worthless.

They are signed and legal. Not worthless at all. Those Rep and Dem watchers wouldn't have signed them if they were worthless. And they sure wouldn't have signed them if they didn't have something to report.
Signed is meaningless. Again, Richard Hopkins is proof of that.

I work in a courthouse. Affidavits are legal. Much as you don't like it, they are legal and proof of wrong doing.
You work in a courthouse? That's nice and vague. Someone cleaning the urinals in a municipal court also "works in a courthouse" wouldn't make him or her a legal expert now would it? Considering your statement it seems to me that chances are this is likely the work you are referring to.
You know the bitch you have to go pay after the judge slaps you with court costs? That's Claudette.

Sure do. How bout you??

SO...we had an Authoritarian Wannabe that was intent on taking the vote and the will of the people away. This is the same man who wanted his AG to arrest his political opponents in the last few weeks of the election. Now he was prepared to pull out his Dictator magic wand and wish away millions of legal votes. AND THE GOP WAS SITTING ON THEIR HANDS READY TO ALLOW HIM TO DO IT.

Now...tell me how either the GOP or trump can be trusted to govern this country again? The Party of Lincoln has become the Taliban of the United States.

I'd say the Dems have already attempted a coup with the fraudulent election we just had.

34 judges, many of them Trump appointees, didn't find any fraud.
Do you think you know more than 34 federal judges?
Probably, ....the arrogance and ignorance of Trumptards never ceases to amaze me.

Well I'd say hundreds of signed affidavits and Dominion giving 6,000 Trump votes to Biden equals fraud wouldn't you??

Oh they caught the 6,000 but one had to wonder how many they didn't catch.

Loads of fishy shit in this election and those hundreds of signed affidavits, signed by both Rep and Dem watchers sure are telling.
As Richard Hopkins proved, signed affidavits are worthless.

As much as you hope they are worthless they are far from worthless.

They are signed and legal. Not worthless at all. Those Rep and Dem watchers wouldn't have signed them if they were worthless. And they sure wouldn't have signed them if they didn't have something to report.
Signed is meaningless. Again, Richard Hopkins is proof of that.

I work in a courthouse. Affidavits are legal. Much as you don't like it, they are legal and proof of wrong doing.
You work in a courthouse? That's nice and vague. Someone cleaning the urinals in a municipal court also "works in a courthouse" wouldn't make him or her a legal expert now would it? Considering your statement it seems to me that chances are this is likely the work you are referring to.
You know the bitch you have to go pay after the judge slaps you with court costs? That's Claudette.
Something like that seems likely. Someone who really has a law degree would probably refer to her job. Work in a courthouse seems deliberately vague.

SO...we had an Authoritarian Wannabe that was intent on taking the vote and the will of the people away. This is the same man who wanted his AG to arrest his political opponents in the last few weeks of the election. Now he was prepared to pull out his Dictator magic wand and wish away millions of legal votes. AND THE GOP WAS SITTING ON THEIR HANDS READY TO ALLOW HIM TO DO IT.

Now...tell me how either the GOP or trump can be trusted to govern this country again? The Party of Lincoln has become the Taliban of the United States.

I'd say the Dems have already attempted a coup with the fraudulent election we just had.

34 judges, many of them Trump appointees, didn't find any fraud.
Do you think you know more than 34 federal judges?
Probably, ....the arrogance and ignorance of Trumptards never ceases to amaze me.

Well I'd say hundreds of signed affidavits and Dominion giving 6,000 Trump votes to Biden equals fraud wouldn't you??

Oh they caught the 6,000 but one had to wonder how many they didn't catch.

Loads of fishy shit in this election and those hundreds of signed affidavits, signed by both Rep and Dem watchers sure are telling.
As Richard Hopkins proved, signed affidavits are worthless.

As much as you hope they are worthless they are far from worthless.

They are signed and legal. Not worthless at all. Those Rep and Dem watchers wouldn't have signed them if they were worthless. And they sure wouldn't have signed them if they didn't have something to report.
Signed is meaningless. Again, Richard Hopkins is proof of that.

I work in a courthouse. Affidavits are legal. Much as you don't like it, they are legal and proof of wrong doing.
You work in a courthouse? That's nice and vague. Someone cleaning the urinals in a municipal court also "works in a courthouse" wouldn't make him or her a legal expert now would it? Considering your statement it seems to me that chances are this is likely the work you are referring to.
That she doesn't know the difference between evidence and proof reveals she's full of shit.

SO...we had an Authoritarian Wannabe that was intent on taking the vote and the will of the people away. This is the same man who wanted his AG to arrest his political opponents in the last few weeks of the election. Now he was prepared to pull out his Dictator magic wand and wish away millions of legal votes. AND THE GOP WAS SITTING ON THEIR HANDS READY TO ALLOW HIM TO DO IT.

Now...tell me how either the GOP or trump can be trusted to govern this country again? The Party of Lincoln has become the Taliban of the United States.

I'd say the Dems have already attempted a coup with the fraudulent election we just had.

34 judges, many of them Trump appointees, didn't find any fraud.
Do you think you know more than 34 federal judges?
Probably, ....the arrogance and ignorance of Trumptards never ceases to amaze me.

Well I'd say hundreds of signed affidavits and Dominion giving 6,000 Trump votes to Biden equals fraud wouldn't you??

Oh they caught the 6,000 but one had to wonder how many they didn't catch.

Loads of fishy shit in this election and those hundreds of signed affidavits, signed by both Rep and Dem watchers sure are telling.
As Richard Hopkins proved, signed affidavits are worthless.

As much as you hope they are worthless they are far from worthless.

They are signed and legal. Not worthless at all. Those Rep and Dem watchers wouldn't have signed them if they were worthless. And they sure wouldn't have signed them if they didn't have something to report.
Signed is meaningless. Again, Richard Hopkins is proof of that.

I work in a courthouse. Affidavits are legal. Much as you don't like it, they are legal and proof of wrong doing.
You work in a courthouse? That's nice and vague. Someone cleaning the urinals in a municipal court also "works in a courthouse" wouldn't make him or her a legal expert now would it? Considering your statement it seems to me that chances are this is likely the work you are referring to.
You know the bitch you have to go pay after the judge slaps you with court costs? That's Claudette.
Something like that seems likely. Someone who really has a law degree would probably refer to her job. Work in a courthouse seems deliberately vague.

I'll tell you the only urinal I clean is the one in my house. I see and speak to lawyers every day. I can ask one for you. Better yet send me your address and I'll have one drop you a line. LOL

SO...we had an Authoritarian Wannabe that was intent on taking the vote and the will of the people away. This is the same man who wanted his AG to arrest his political opponents in the last few weeks of the election. Now he was prepared to pull out his Dictator magic wand and wish away millions of legal votes. AND THE GOP WAS SITTING ON THEIR HANDS READY TO ALLOW HIM TO DO IT.

Now...tell me how either the GOP or trump can be trusted to govern this country again? The Party of Lincoln has become the Taliban of the United States.

I'd say the Dems have already attempted a coup with the fraudulent election we just had.

34 judges, many of them Trump appointees, didn't find any fraud.
Do you think you know more than 34 federal judges?
Probably, ....the arrogance and ignorance of Trumptards never ceases to amaze me.

Well I'd say hundreds of signed affidavits and Dominion giving 6,000 Trump votes to Biden equals fraud wouldn't you??

Oh they caught the 6,000 but one had to wonder how many they didn't catch.

Loads of fishy shit in this election and those hundreds of signed affidavits, signed by both Rep and Dem watchers sure are telling.
As Richard Hopkins proved, signed affidavits are worthless.

As much as you hope they are worthless they are far from worthless.

They are signed and legal. Not worthless at all. Those Rep and Dem watchers wouldn't have signed them if they were worthless. And they sure wouldn't have signed them if they didn't have something to report.
Signed is meaningless. Again, Richard Hopkins is proof of that.

I work in a courthouse. Affidavits are legal. Much as you don't like it, they are legal and proof of wrong doing.
You work in a courthouse? That's nice and vague. Someone cleaning the urinals in a municipal court also "works in a courthouse" wouldn't make him or her a legal expert now would it? Considering your statement it seems to me that chances are this is likely the work you are referring to.
That she doesn't know the difference between evidence and proof reveals she's full of shit.

You might not know the difference but I sure as hell do. What an idiot you are.

SO...we had an Authoritarian Wannabe that was intent on taking the vote and the will of the people away. This is the same man who wanted his AG to arrest his political opponents in the last few weeks of the election. Now he was prepared to pull out his Dictator magic wand and wish away millions of legal votes. AND THE GOP WAS SITTING ON THEIR HANDS READY TO ALLOW HIM TO DO IT.

Now...tell me how either the GOP or trump can be trusted to govern this country again? The Party of Lincoln has become the Taliban of the United States.

I'd say the Dems have already attempted a coup with the fraudulent election we just had.

34 judges, many of them Trump appointees, didn't find any fraud.
Do you think you know more than 34 federal judges?
Probably, ....the arrogance and ignorance of Trumptards never ceases to amaze me.

Well I'd say hundreds of signed affidavits and Dominion giving 6,000 Trump votes to Biden equals fraud wouldn't you??

Oh they caught the 6,000 but one had to wonder how many they didn't catch.

Loads of fishy shit in this election and those hundreds of signed affidavits, signed by both Rep and Dem watchers sure are telling.
As Richard Hopkins proved, signed affidavits are worthless.

As much as you hope they are worthless they are far from worthless.

They are signed and legal. Not worthless at all. Those Rep and Dem watchers wouldn't have signed them if they were worthless. And they sure wouldn't have signed them if they didn't have something to report.
Signed is meaningless. Again, Richard Hopkins is proof of that.

I work in a courthouse. Affidavits are legal. Much as you don't like it, they are legal and proof of wrong doing.
You work in a courthouse? That's nice and vague. Someone cleaning the urinals in a municipal court also "works in a courthouse" wouldn't make him or her a legal expert now would it? Considering your statement it seems to me that chances are this is likely the work you are referring to.

Oh I work in a courthouse all right. I work for the Sheriff's department. I work with 44 Trump loving deputies.

Affidavits are legal and anyone signing them knows the penalty for a false one.
You mean like the affidavit signed by Richard Hopkins before he verbally recanted it? What penalty did he face?

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