"Let The Deportations Begin": Establishment Newspapers Running Fake Headlines To Take Down Trump

I remember in my youth, when newspapers printed the news. Now? Nothing more than the National Enquier.

And the left wonders why America despises the MSM. :booze:
OP- Another bald-faced lie. Only one paper, and only on the opinion page, and exactly what Trump says he will do. ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ Of course Trump IS the farthest right on immigration.
I'm sure with characteristic Liberal "fairness", The BG will run a satirical story on Hillary being indicted and convicted for obstruction of justice and National Security violations.
And the media wonders why they are considered a comical but yet sad joke.
Linking an article to the "gateway " comaing about the integrity of the "establishment " Boston globe really does make an ironic statement doesn't it?

We need a national Punch A Libturd In The Mouth Day
Every far righty would end up crying for their mommies.

Yeah you're a republican....not. You fucking fraud. Stop the fucking charade

We need a national Punch A Libturd In The Mouth Day
punch a lib day?? foul mouth sassy is breaking down ,,,,,

Get lost you spineless little twit...go play stock monopoly and pretend you're a tycoon. I'm so sick of you and few other's made up lives on here. Grow up

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