Let me tell you something: Science and Politics


Political Atheist
Mar 30, 2013
The Land of Sanctuary
Every now and then, I will post threads beginning with the title "Let me tell you something."

Let me tell you something:

If you "identify" as LGBT, you probably aren't. You either are born that way or you simply aren't. I can say with confidence that I myself am gay. There is a history of that in my family. The indicators are there.

It's the same principle as gender, you're born male or female, identifying as the opposite gender does not make you that gender.

If we extol the sciences to the point of being sacrosanct, then let the science speak on both ends of the ideological spectrum.

That, or don't claim you listen to or respect science. Your choice. But don't lecture me about science if you only pick and choose what parts of it to believe.

(And for those who will undoubtedly bring up climate change: Yes, I believe in climate change, but not in the idea that humans are a direct cause of it. Those views are also backed by science. That is another thread entirely, however. I will not address those arguments here.)
It was not long ago that people who thought they were the opposite sex was declared mentally ill by the medical community, as well as those who desired to have sex with their same sex, etc.

I wonder, what scientific breakthrough convinced them it was "normal" and not a disorder?

I support the value of science, but I also recognize that science does not answer every question. For example many traits are the result of a complex interaction between genes, biology, environment. This is especially so when it comes to behavior. Look at being gay. There is no "gay gene" identified, yet there is plenty of evidence showing homosexuality is somehow biologically hardwired in an individual. I think the same can be said for transgender people - and they too, seem to know, at a very young age, that they don't fit the body they were born with. How is it anti-science to recognize this and to realize that maybe a strictly binary (western culture based) recognition of gender is anti-science?
It was not long ago that people who thought they were the opposite sex was declared mentally ill by the medical community, as well as those who desired to have sex with their same sex, etc.

I wonder, what scientific breakthrough convinced them it was "normal" and not a disorder?


People through the ages have, at times, called many normal things, abnormal or "mental illness". That doesn't mean they were right.
It was not long ago that people who thought they were the opposite sex was declared mentally ill by the medical community, as well as those who desired to have sex with their same sex, etc.

I wonder, what scientific breakthrough convinced them it was "normal" and not a disorder?

Not "science" at all. At least not biological science. It is more about enlightenment. Societal Evolution or as I like to say, the evolving standards of human decency
It was not long ago that people who thought they were the opposite sex was declared mentally ill by the medical community, as well as those who desired to have sex with their same sex, etc.

I wonder, what scientific breakthrough convinced them it was "normal" and not a disorder?


People through the ages have, at times, called many normal things, abnormal or "mental illness". That doesn't mean they were right.
People who disagree with those conditions are being normal are being canceled from society. Children are being taught this and now there is an epidemic of gender confusion in children as a result.

So who says the Left is right? Who died and made them god over pretty much everything?
It was not long ago that people who thought they were the opposite sex was declared mentally ill by the medical community, as well as those who desired to have sex with their same sex, etc.

I wonder, what scientific breakthrough convinced them it was "normal" and not a disorder?

Not "science" at all. At least not biological science. It is more about enlightenment. Societal Evolution or as I like to say, the evolving standards of human decency
Human decency? I realize the primary goal probably was to make people who have such conditions feel better about themselves, and also to try and curb others from persecuting them as being a freak.

But the damage it is now doing to "normal" children is unconscionable. And anyone who dare confront them may be canceled from society and perhaps lose their jobs.
I support the value of science, but I also recognize that science does not answer every question. For example many traits are the result of a complex interaction between genes, biology, environment. This is especially so when it comes to behavior. Look at being gay. There is no "gay gene" identified, yet there is plenty of evidence showing homosexuality is somehow biologically hardwired in an individual. I think the same can be said for transgender people - and they too, seem to know, at a very young age, that they don't fit the body they were born with. How is it anti-science to recognize this and to realize that maybe a strictly binary (western culture based) recognition of gender is anti-science?
Why then did pretty much every male in ancient Greece engage in homosexual behavior? Was it the gene pool?
Every now and then, I will post threads beginning with the title "Let me tell you something."

Let me tell you something:

If you "identify" as LGBT, you probably aren't. You either are born that way or you simply aren't. I can say with confidence that I myself am gay. There is a history of that in my family. The indicators are there.

It's the same principle as gender, you're born male or female, identifying as the opposite gender does not make you that gender.

If we extol the sciences to the point of being sacrosanct, then let the science speak on both ends of the ideological spectrum.

That, or don't claim you listen to or respect science. Your choice. But don't lecture me about science if you only pick and choose what parts of it to believe.

(And for those who will undoubtedly bring up climate change: Yes, I believe in climate change, but not in the idea that humans are a direct cause of it. Those views are also backed by science. That is another thread entirely, however. I will not address those arguments here.)
Then you don’t believe in climate change stupid.
To me science may be part of the problem. Does science encourage transgender identification? It certainly can make the decision easier.

Without science it still would be the same. A personal decision. The activities that a person choices. Cosmetic fixes is just a way to hide something. Does anyone really need science to make enhancements? Science would say yes because we can do it. If your okay with who you are then it should not be needed.

I am against science mutilating the body for selfish reasons. Now if it is needed to survive a bit longer and allows some level of self sufficiency then okay. It would even be okay for correcting physical deformities . Cosmetic stuff is just wrong on so many levels.
I really don't care, I mean it's their life I don't care how they live it...Why should I need to judge them to exist?
I really don't care, I mean it's their life I don't care how they live it...Why should I need to judge them to exist?

Well it's interesting you ask, because I get judged in the same way for having the opinion stated in the OP. Funny how I blow them all out of the water simply by being what they espouse to be champions of.
I really don't care, I mean it's their life I don't care how they live it...Why should I need to judge them to exist?

Well it's interesting you ask, because I get judged in the same way for having the opinion stated in the OP. Funny how I blow them all out of the water simply by being what they espouse to be champions of.
Guys with huge bulges in their wallet?
You can be a greazy, old, fat fart that screws every tree with a knot hoe as long as you have lots of doh-ray-me anything goes.
It was not long ago that people who thought they were the opposite sex was declared mentally ill by the medical community, as well as those who desired to have sex with their same sex, etc.

I wonder, what scientific breakthrough convinced them it was "normal" and not a disorder?


The fact male homosexuality is obvious genetic says it's a positive adaptation

Which makes sense. You need very few males to keep a community going

Imagine being a prehistoric man with all giant gay brothers and they just gave you all the women and fought over the males?

You'd be a king

So on that one anyway the scientists were probably wrong. Males are disposable losing some to homoerotic shit is probably good for social cohesion

There is much less evidence female homosexuality is genetic. They're basically all a little gay.
I support the value of science, but I also recognize that science does not answer every question. For example many traits are the result of a complex interaction between genes, biology, environment. This is especially so when it comes to behavior. Look at being gay. There is no "gay gene" identified, yet there is plenty of evidence showing homosexuality is somehow biologically hardwired in an individual. I think the same can be said for transgender people - and they too, seem to know, at a very young age, that they don't fit the body they were born with. How is it anti-science to recognize this and to realize that maybe a strictly binary (western culture based) recognition of gender is anti-science?

And by "lots of evidence" you mean "not even a shred."

Find a 12 year old that isn't uncomfortable in their body?

There are none. Add in a mentally ill mother, and let the genital mutilation begin....
It was not long ago that people who thought they were the opposite sex was declared mentally ill by the medical community, as well as those who desired to have sex with their same sex, etc.

I wonder, what scientific breakthrough convinced them it was "normal" and not a disorder?


People through the ages have, at times, called many normal things, abnormal or "mental illness". That doesn't mean they were right.
People who disagree with those conditions are being normal are being canceled from society. Children are being taught this and now there is an epidemic of gender confusion in children as a result.

So who says the Left is right? Who died and made them god over pretty much everything?
Well for starters , I have to take exection to the use of the term "condition" in this context. These are real people and they are what they are just as you are who you are.

The fact is that homosexuality, and to a lesser extent transgenderism has been "normalized" Few people dwell on it any longer. We live, work and play side by side. They are part of families and the community. We kind of know who they are but it has zero effect on interaction with them. There is no need or useful purpose in putting a pejorative lable on them

No one gets to decide what normal is for asnother human being. The fact is that LGBT folks are statistically rare makes it abnormal in a statistical sense onlt. It does not mean that these thing do not represent normal variations on human sexuality.

As far a people being canceled goes, they simple have to treat LGBT people as they temselves whould like to be treated. Very simple. People who disparage, marginalize and discriminate against individuals or a group based on who they are deserve to be canceled. It is no different that those who would treat racial or religious minorities. And not, no one is saying that you have to personally agree with homosexuality of transgenderism You can believe whatever you want. The concern is how you treat other and hoe your behavior effects them.

As far as children go, what they are being taught is 1) that they should be respectful and condsiderate of others who may be different 2) If they themselves should feel that are different they will not be riddiculed and ostracised or disowned and that they can confide in adults who will help them sort it out. This "explosion" of gender confusion" ( and sexual orientation issue) has likely always been there rightunder the serface. Children nor adults would dare not spoke of it. They repressed even the thought of it and for that reason, many suffered in silence. We are now in a much more open and rational phase of society. We are evolving and you should try to catch up
Part of the issue isn't that science says this or that, the problem is that too many people are too quick to judge somebody else for being different in some way. Whether it's genetic, biological, environmental, etc., why is it so hard to accept somebody or whatever or whoever they are, instead of condemning them based on a preconceived notion. Personality an character ought to be more of a deciding factor in how we relate to someone else IMHO.
I really don't care, I mean it's their life I don't care how they live it...Why should I need to judge them to exist?

Well it's interesting you ask, because I get judged in the same way for having the opinion stated in the OP. Funny how I blow them all out of the water simply by being what they espouse to be champions of.
Guys with huge bulges in their wallet?

I wish.
I had a blast my first forty years...

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