Let Gary Johnson Debate!


Oct 1, 2012
It's unscrupulous that the committee that controls the Presidential Debates consists only of Democrats and Republicans, when Independent voters should have some representation. In reality, Gary Johnson would make both Romney and Obama horrible by contrast and gain major traction if only he could gain access to the debates. Just in the interest of fair representation of qualified candidates, the debate committee should open the debates to candidates outside of the two mainstream parties. I, for one, would be extremely interested to see Johnson go against Romney and Obama. However, Johnson would need to "qualify" for the debates with a potential 15% of the electorate, as determined through pre-debate polling. If anyone asks me, I'll say I'm voting for Johnson, if only to give the guy a chance at the debates. I encourage you to do likewise.
Won't happen. The Republicans and Democrats can't risk their duopoly on electoral politics.
We can't let despair reduce us to apathy. The very lack of belief that we might succeed influences our conviction to act.
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We can't let despair reduce us to apathy. The very lack of belief that we might success influences our conviction to act.

That's true. And irrelevant. Our 'conviction to act' isn't going to convince the Republocrats to voluntarily give up power. The last thing they want is someone 'outing' them as the authoritarians they are.
It's only irrelevant if we allow it to be. Cynicism betrays the hopelessness and impotence beneath it. Our belief that we COULD revolutionize the electoral vote should be our infectious impetus toward change, compelling the remainder of disenfranchised America to join us in common cause to ouster the duopoly from its principal seat of power.
It's only irrelevant if we allow it to be. Cynicism betrays the hopelessness and impotence beneath it. Our belief that we COULD revolutionize the electoral vote should be our infectious impetus toward change, compelling the remainder of disenfranchised America to join us in common cause to ouster the duopoly from its principal seat of power.

And how do you propose we go about doing this?
If he deserved to be there he would be... I remember Ross Perot. He earned a place and he got it.

He also got my vote... :eusa_hand:
If he deserved to be there he would be... I remember Ross Perot. He earned a place and he got it.

He also got my vote... :eusa_hand:

And that's when the Republicans and Democrats got together and said, "Never again." Bipartisanship is great, ain't it?
If he deserved to be there he would be... I remember Ross Perot. He earned a place and he got it.

He also got my vote... :eusa_hand:

And that's when the Republicans and Democrats got together and said, "Never again." Bipartisanship is great, ain't it?

We also ended up with that idiot BJ Clinton... Any vote for Gary Johnson is a vote for Obama.

The only person who will lose votes to Johnson is Romney.

Is that what you guys want???

If I actually thought he had a chance I would vote for him, but he doesn't and I won't be a party to it.

Please guys... reconsider what you are doing. Our republic is at stake here...
It's only irrelevant if we allow it to be. Cynicism betrays the hopelessness and impotence beneath it. Our belief that we COULD revolutionize the electoral vote should be our infectious impetus toward change, compelling the remainder of disenfranchised America to join us in common cause to ouster the duopoly from its principal seat of power.

And how do you propose we go about doing this?

I've been blogging in regards to this issue and posting it on Facebook newsfeeds. Now I've commenced within this forum to raise awareness and find like-minded individuals who are interested in mobilizing similarly within their own circles. A true grassroots movement these days might involve little to no expense using social media channels. Each one of us needs to advocate for this change rationally, factually, and positively.
If he deserved to be there he would be... I remember Ross Perot. He earned a place and he got it.

He also got my vote... :eusa_hand:

And that's when the Republicans and Democrats got together and said, "Never again." Bipartisanship is great, ain't it?

We also ended up with that idiot BJ Clinton... Any vote for Gary Johnson is a vote for Obama.

The only person who will lose votes to Johnson is Romney.

Is that what you guys want???

If I actually thought he had a chance I would vote for him, but he doesn't and I won't be a party to it.

Please guys... reconsider what you are doing. Our republic is at stake here...

So if I read this right. You think that only two choices exist, but you would reject those choices if you thought there was a chance that another contender could win. You think th every system offering two choices only has a credible stance on its right hand, but its left hand is going to destroy the country.

So by that logic, you vote knowing full well that neither hand is good, and we need more choice than one real party, but we cant change it so we must participate in that and some how hopefully it all works out.

If he deserved to be there he would be... I remember Ross Perot. He earned a place and he got it.

He also got my vote... :eusa_hand:

And that's when the Republicans and Democrats got together and said, "Never again." Bipartisanship is great, ain't it?

We also ended up with that idiot BJ Clinton... Any vote for Gary Johnson is a vote for Obama.

The only person who will lose votes to Johnson is Romney.

Is that what you guys want???

If I actually thought he had a chance I would vote for him, but he doesn't and I won't be a party to it.

Please guys... reconsider what you are doing. Our republic is at stake here...

Blah blah blah. Do we want Tweedledee to be re-elected? No. But given that the only other person who could get elected happens to be Tweedledum, I don't think we're fussed one way or the other.

As for the "republic being at stake," it's at stake either way. Romney's going to take it down the rathole as sure as Obama is.
It's only irrelevant if we allow it to be. Cynicism betrays the hopelessness and impotence beneath it. Our belief that we COULD revolutionize the electoral vote should be our infectious impetus toward change, compelling the remainder of disenfranchised America to join us in common cause to ouster the duopoly from its principal seat of power.

And how do you propose we go about doing this?

I've been blogging in regards to this issue and posting it on Facebook newsfeeds. Now I've commenced within this forum to raise awareness and find like-minded individuals who are interested in mobilizing similarly within their own circles. A true grassroots movement these days might involve little to no expense using social media channels. Each one of us needs to advocate for this change rationally, factually, and positively.

Good luck, fella.
If he deserved to be there he would be... I remember Ross Perot. He earned a place and he got it.

He also got my vote... :eusa_hand:

And that's when the Republicans and Democrats got together and said, "Never again." Bipartisanship is great, ain't it?

We also ended up with that idiot BJ Clinton... Any vote for Gary Johnson is a vote for Obama.

The only person who will lose votes to Johnson is Romney.

Is that what you guys want???

If I actually thought he had a chance I would vote for him, but he doesn't and I won't be a party to it.

Please guys... reconsider what you are doing. Our republic is at stake here...

I most respectfully disagree.

It's long past time we put this kind of low-risk thinking behind us. If none of us is willing to risk their vote on what they believe because he or she wants to play it safe, then pragmatism has already defeated the kind of idealism needed to forge our nation initially.
It's only irrelevant if we allow it to be. Cynicism betrays the hopelessness and impotence beneath it. Our belief that we COULD revolutionize the electoral vote should be our infectious impetus toward change, compelling the remainder of disenfranchised America to join us in common cause to ouster the duopoly from its principal seat of power.

And how do you propose we go about doing this?

I've been blogging in regards to this issue and posting it on Facebook newsfeeds. Now I've commenced within this forum to raise awareness and find like-minded individuals who are interested in mobilizing similarly within their own circles. A true grassroots movement these days might involve little to no expense using social media channels. Each one of us needs to advocate for this change rationally, factually, and positively.

The problem is that the people honestly don't care, for the most part. If they did the situation would already be resolved.
And how do you propose we go about doing this?

I've been blogging in regards to this issue and posting it on Facebook newsfeeds. Now I've commenced within this forum to raise awareness and find like-minded individuals who are interested in mobilizing similarly within their own circles. A true grassroots movement these days might involve little to no expense using social media channels. Each one of us needs to advocate for this change rationally, factually, and positively.

Good luck, fella.

Thank you, kind sir!
And how do you propose we go about doing this?

I've been blogging in regards to this issue and posting it on Facebook newsfeeds. Now I've commenced within this forum to raise awareness and find like-minded individuals who are interested in mobilizing similarly within their own circles. A true grassroots movement these days might involve little to no expense using social media channels. Each one of us needs to advocate for this change rationally, factually, and positively.

The problem is that the people honestly don't care, for the most part. If they did the situation would already be resolved.

How might we best appeal to American values, then?

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