Lessons of History and Trying To Avoid the Same Mistakes

Now, Trump has been on an anti-trans binge for the last couple of years. Like many, many Republicans, he’s spouted off misinformation and debunked theories about trans folks in sports, specifically trans women participating in women’s sports. During a campaign rally in Texas in 2022, for example, Trump outright promised to ban trans women from women’s sports if he’s reelected. And back in 2017, he tried to ban trans folks from serving in the military.

In 2018, the Department of Health and Human Services weighed making the definition of gender based on biological sex as assigned at birth. The Trump administration also reversed Title IX protections in an attempt to keep trans youth out of the bathrooms and locker rooms that best align with their gender identities.

Overall, though, he’d been pretty quiet about trans youth.

And now? Trump promised to appeal to Congress to pass a law banning gender-affirming care for trans youth across the nation. He also pledged to stop physicians who provide gender-affirming care to youth from being able to access Medicare and Medicaid for patients.

Trump pulled full hysteria out and said he’d demand that the Justice Department investigate hospitals and pharmaceutical companies to see if they’re hiding “horrific long-term side effects” of such care. He added he wants to make sure patients who do receive gender-affirming care as minors can sue their physicians later.

In terms of education reform, Trump said he wants to mandate “severe consequences” for any public school staff who “suggest to a child that they could be trapped in the wrong body” and called “left-wing gender insanity” an “act of child abuse.” This could extend to schools losing federal funds and facing civil penalties.

What do we know for sure? Research shows trans youth report better mental health when they’re met with acceptance and affirmation. Research also shows that trans youth are more likely to face abuse and harassment at school, cyberbullying, becoming homeless, and leaving high school without a diploma. LGBTQ+ youth already struggle with bullying and isolation—and Republicans are just making it worse and worse in an effort to keep everyone in the closet.

It’s evil, it’s inhumane, and it’s likely going to have life-long impacts on vulnerable people who are just trying to survive.

(full article online)

Pompeo, who questioned Biden’s 2020 victory following the election, is not part of any “we” that managed to deliver a transfer of power following a most decidedly not-peaceful day. It was not a peaceful transfer of power in keeping with American traditions set by George Washington’s decision to step aside following his tenure in office. And Pompeo, who graduated first in his class at West Point and received his law degree from Harvard, where he was an editor of the Harvard Law Review, is well aware of that. He is not, to put it mildly, Donald Trump. He is someone who knows better. So we should not just pass it off with a shrug when he paints Trump’s efforts to subvert the election as a successful exercise in democracy. It needs to be taken seriously for what it is—a deliberate attempt to rewrite the history of January 6, the Republican Party’s complicity in it, and Pompeo’s own personal role.

Although Pompeo views the day as a success, in what would seem to be a sharp contradiction, he approves of prosecuting the mob that overran the Capitol. In another interview last week, he said, “If you commit a crime—so if you broke into the Capitol, committed violence—you should be prosecuted.” It’s only Trump and his cohort’s effort to interfere with the certification of the Electoral College result that leaves him, apparently, untroubled and even congratulatory.

Pompeo’s comments last week received only the briefest amount of reporting. Instead of letting the outrageous remarks pass, Democrats should be sounding the alarm. Of course, that’s difficult to do with a public that is insurrection-weary after two years. But public weariness and a failure of watchfulness is a recipe for letting democracy slip away. The question here cannot be whether Pompeo (and others who will inevitably adopt his tactic) get called out. The question is, how does it happen? What’s an effective way for Democrats and people who love our country alike to make sure this kind of dangerous historical fiction gets the serious attention and condemnation it deserves? Because if it doesn’t get nipped in the bud, it will be the Republican narrative come 2024.

Isn’t that the ultimate goal for the party of alternative facts? You can’t celebrate a violent insurrection and an effort to keep the candidate who lost the election in power, so label it a triumph. That effort is now underway.

It’s worth recalling that Mike Pompeo spent six years in the House of Representatives, representing Kansas’s 4th District, before leaving to serve first as Trump’s director of the CIA and then as his secretary of state. His service was marred by repeated allegations of misconduct:

  • Pompeo fired an inspector general at the State Department who was investigating whether his wife’s travel, at government expense, violated ethics rules. The successor IG found there was no ethical violation, even though there were paperwork and approvals for only two of Susan Pompeo’s eight trips. Pompeo’s decision to fire the IG, telling Trump he had “lost confidence” in him, came after the IG had opened several investigations into Pompeo’s conduct.
  • The fired IG was also investigating allegations that Pompeo made a staffer walk his dog, pick up his dry cleaning, and make dinner reservations for Pompeo and his wife, as well as take care of other personal errands, all at taxpayer expense. That investigation concluded that there were more than 100 instances when the secretary or his wife ordered staff to carry out errands or conduct their private business, down to preparing personal Christmas cards.
  • Pompeo and his wife hosted exclusive and unpublicized “Madison Dinners” at a cost estimated at almost $65,000 to taxpayers in the historic Diplomatic Reception Rooms at the State Department. The dinners were thinly veiled exercises in courting high-ranking members in all three branches of government who could be helpful to Pompeo in anticipated future political runs. The dinners also included foreign diplomats, business leaders, and influential members of conservative media, many of them with little or no connection to the State Department’s mission. Supreme Court Justices Samuel Alito and Neil Gorsuch were both reportedly on the list of invitees.

  • There was more grift. Pompeo and his wife used government resources for personal and political gain, including frequent flights to Kansas amid reports he was considering a run for office there, “quiet meetings with deep-pocketed Republican donors during official government travel,” and the use of a Northern Virginia home that was supposed to be reserved for military officers and that saved the Pompeos tens of thousands of dollars on rent, utilities, lawn maintenance, pest control, and interior painting.
  • The Office of Special Counsel concluded that Pompeo violated the Hatch Act when he addressed the Republican National Convention in 2020 from Jerusalem. He was never prosecuted.
Pompeo adopted the term “swagger” to describe the department’s style under his leadership. The Editorial Board at the Washington Post concluded in April 2021 that swagger really meant “advancing Mr. Pompeo’s personal political career.” They noted that “as he considered a run for senator in Kansas, as well as a possible 2024 presidential candidacy, Mr. Pompeo used the secretary of state’s platform and resources to nurture his political profile and connections.” When he left the State Department, the New York Timesreported that Pompeo had been “tagged by a number of officials and analysts with the dubious distinction of the worst secretary of state in American history.”

Only in a country with a short attention span could there be any prospect of Pompeo conducting a successful reputation rehabilitation tour. He should be questioned by anyone who interviews him about the book over all of his past misconduct. Any other President would have banished an official who repeatedly abused the public’s trust and resources, instead of promoting him. Perhaps it would be only fitting if Pompeo played a role in dimming Trump’s aspirations to return to the presidency, but there’s something more important at work here.

The insurrection happened. Trump Republicans tried to destroy our democracy. They should never be permitted to return to power; they should not have been there in the first place. Yet here we have Secretary Pompeo touting the glorious success on January 6, 2021. And there has been barely a whisper of disapproval, let alone an outpouring of outrage. What can we do? It’s hard to say. But we can spread the word. We can refuse to forget so easily. We can refuse to let this be last week’s news and ensure that we use social media and personal conversations to underline that Pompeo’s lie—that January 6 was a successful, peaceful transition of power—will not be tolerated by decent people in this country.

(full article online)

Donald Trump’s 2016 campaign will void hundreds of non-disclosure agreements as part of a settlement in a lawsuit brought by a former campaign aide. As part of the settlement, the campaign will cough up $450,000, with $25,000 going directly to Jessica Denson, who alleged the campaign tried to shut her up when she went public with allegations of abusive treatment by another campaign member. The agreement will also see hundreds of other former campaign workers and volunteers freed from the NDAs they signed at the time, potentially paving the way for them to speak out about events surrounding the 2016 election. “The Trump NDA is invalid and unenforceable, and the campaign workers should never have had to live under its shadow,” David K. Bowles, a lawyer for Denson, said in a statement.

Read it at New York Times

Rep. Andrew Clyde (R-Ga.) cowers in terror behind an officer at the U.S. Capitol during the insurrection Jan. 6, 2021. Now he's passing out assault rifle lapel pins to his colleagues.

Rep. Andrew Clyde (R-Ga.) cowers in terror behind an officer at the U.S. Capitol during the insurrection Jan. 6, 2021. Now he's passing out assault rifle lapel pins to his colleagues.
Rep. Andrew Clyde (R-Ga.) cowers in terror behind an officer at the U.S. Capitol during the insurrection Jan. 6, 2021. Now he's passing out assault rifle lapel pins to his colleagues.

Twitter critics incensed Rep. Andrew Clyde (R-Ga.) is handing out assault rifle lapel pins to his colleagues amid horrific mass shootings are now circulating a photo of a panicked Clyde hiding from violent insurrectionists at the Capitol.

In the photo, Clyde — a look of utter terror on his face — cowers behind a Capitol officer pointing a gun at the door of the House chambers prepared for the insurrectionists to burst in after they stormed the Capitol on Jan, 6, 2021.

Clyde is also photographed helping shove furniture against the door to keep out the Donald Trump supporters. One Twitter wit suggested that maybe Clyde distribute lapel pins of barricades — not assault rifles — to his colleagues.

Clyde has been raked by Democrats and others after distributing the lapel pins of rifles to Republican lawmakers in the House.

Reps. Anna Paulina Luna (R-Fla.) and George Santos (R-N.Y.) have both been photographed wearing the pins. Luna did so on Monday less than 48 hours after a mass shooting in her state that injured 11 people, two of them critically. There were six mass shootings in Florida in January.

(full article online)



With all the arguments over whether MAGA Republicans are fascists, I reread William Shirer’s “The Rise and Fall of the Third Reich” to see how much the rise of Hitler and the rise of MAGA smell similar. Conclusion: They do. This thread lists 10 ways. Please take a look.

1. A big lie about treachery is used to foment resentment. Nazis: We didn’t really lose World War I. It was a “stab in the back” by Jews and other "November criminals." MAGA: We didn’t really lose the 2020 election. It was a “steal” by politicians and Blacks in big cities.

2. There’s an obsession with purity of the culture. Nazis: “Racial mixture” was a threat to Aryan culture, Hitler wrote. MAGA: “Great replacement theory” says immigrants threaten white culture.

3. Chaos is something to be exploited, not addressed. Nazis: Economic distress is a great political opportunity. MAGA: Economic distress is a great political opportunity.

4. The super-rich bankroll the right-wing seizure of power. Nazis: Thanks to I.G. Farben, Deutsche Bank, Thyssen, Krupp, etc. MAGA: Thanks to the Mercers, Uihleins, DeVos, Thiel, etc.


5. Some people think the fascist threat is overblown. Nazis: While Hitler posed a major threat, some said he "ceased to be a political danger.” (2 weeks later, he was chancellor.) MAGA: While Trump poses a major threat, many people think it’s “just politics,” no worries.

6. There’s a cult of personality. Nazis: The German army made a pledge of loyalty to Hitler personally. MAGA: Trump’s supporters bill him as “the most moral president” in U.S. history.

7. Christianity is used to legitimize the movement. Nazis: “The party stands for positive Christianity.” MAGA: Trump is described as the “Chosen One” protecting American Christianity.

8. Books are the enemy. Nazis: Any book that “acts subversively on our future” must be burned. MAGA: “I think we should throw those books in a fire,” says a Virginia school board member.

9. An independent news media is the enemy. Nazis: Any newspaper that “offends the honor and dignity of Germany” must be banned. MAGA: The press is the “enemy of the people.”

10. Educators are pressured to be politically compliant. Nazis: Teachers took an oath to “be loyal and obedient to Adolf Hitler.” MAGA: Florida’s DeSantis accuses teachers of “indoctrination” and pressures them to avoid references to America’s racist history and LGBTQ people.

I'm not saying that MAGA will end up as horrifically as Nazism. I am saying that America 2022 feels too much like Germany 1932, and I don't want to take the risk of watching MAGA cultism play out. We have to stop it now.

Why did Twitter put a “sensitive” warning on this thread? Who knows? My only theory is that it has a “hateful symbol”—a swastika on the cover of Shirer’s book about Nazism.

I caught the end of a show this afternoon called Steve Rick's Fascism in Europe and while I thought it was a good narration and included things I had not previously known (how Mussolini was killed in the streets of France by an angry mob), I found something else I did not know very intriguing. That is that Germany teaches their children about the holocaust and has them visit former concentration camps and the crematoriums where the Jewish people were put to death. They believe an informed and educated populous is critical to ensuring that what happened when Hitler rose to power and the majority of the German people not only went along with his atrocities but participated in many of them as well, never happens again.

Now compare that to the uproar of mainly whites in America who don't want Critical Race Theory taught in school. Can you even imagine white children along with everyone else being required to visit some of the historical landmark former slave plantations and being taught about what actually went on there? So that they can understand the ugliness of racism at it's worse hopefully so that they can understand why people fight to ensure the hard fought civil and voting rights which took centuries to achieve are not lost to a corrupt and virulent minority rule.

I appreciate the amount of effort you put into this OP.
On Thursday, DeSantis was trying to take credit for something he didn’t actually do: provide major funding for rural broadband infrastructure. You see how positive that is? DeSantis couldn’t even make that happen without someone else, namely the Democratic Party, making it happen. Things started out poorly at the event as Gov. DeSantis’ signage on the front of his podium was giving too much away, reading “Expanding Rural Broadbrand.” Yes, press conferences with Ron DeSantis are only a (misspelled) branding exercise. But it got even better after that.

Then Ronnie announced his big rural broadband initiative, saying he was awarding $144 million in grant awards to rural broadband projects around the Sunshine State. Where is all of this money coming from? Mar-a-Lago? Nope. Surprisingly,* Ronnie D forgot to mention how Florida was putting together this nine-digit award. That was until he was asked by a reporter whether or not this money was coming out of Florida’s coffers or from the federal government and President Joe Biden’s Build Back Better infrastructure plan. You know the Build Back Better plan: the one that only 13 Republican reps voted for (none of whom represented Florida); the same one that both Republican Sens. Rick Scott and Marco Rubio voted against.

After pointing to people on the dais that seemed to know a lot more about what DeSantis was holding forth about, Ron had to admit that the money was all coming from the “federal government.” Before we cue the sad trombone sound, let’s look at the face of a man entirely too weak-minded to step on the national stage.

(full article online)

n the wake of a Chinese spy balloon entering US airspace this week, a senior defence official is now saying Chinese spy balloons previously entered US airspace three times during Donald Trump’s presidency,

This comes as Mr Trump and other Republicans have rejected such assertions, attempting to blame the incursions on Presidents Joe Biden and Barack Obama.

The Defence Department said in a statement on Saturday that “Chinese balloons briefly transited the continental United States at least three times during the prior administration”.

Yet another balloon entered US airspace previously during Mr Biden’s time as president, the Associated Press reported.

Expanding on those comments on Monday, White House national security adviser Jake Sullivan said the Biden administration was able to retroactively identify the presence of Chinese balloons in US airspace during Trump’s term after the US ”[enhanced] our surveillance of our territorial airspace.”

“We enhanced our capacity to be able to detect things that the Trump administration was unable to detect,” he added.

“We were able to go back and look at the historical patterns” and uncover “multiple instances” during the Trump administration in which Chinese surveillance balloons traversed American airspace and territory,” Mr Sullivan said, speaking at an event hosted by the US Global Leadership Coalition.

Mr Trump appeared to be outraged at the statement from the Defence Department and the reporting of it, writing on Truth Social on Sunday morning that “the Chinese Balloon situation is a disgrace, just like the Afghanistan horror show, and everything else surrounding the grossly incompetent Biden Administration”.

Chris Miller, the former acting Defense Secretary, told Fox that he “never heard a whisper and I have to think if anything like that happened that would have been a huge issue”.

“No. Absolutely never heard of anything like that while I was in government or at the Pentagon,” he added.

But Craig Singleton, a Foundation for Defense of Democracies senior China fellow, told the Associated Press that several Chinese spy balloons have been spotted several times over the course of the last half-decade.

(full article online)

n the wake of a Chinese spy balloon entering US airspace this week, a senior defence official is now saying Chinese spy balloons previously entered US airspace three times during Donald Trump’s presidency,

This comes as Mr Trump and other Republicans have rejected such assertions, attempting to blame the incursions on Presidents Joe Biden and Barack Obama.

The Defence Department said in a statement on Saturday that “Chinese balloons briefly transited the continental United States at least three times during the prior administration”.

Yet another balloon entered US airspace previously during Mr Biden’s time as president, the Associated Press reported.

Expanding on those comments on Monday, White House national security adviser Jake Sullivan said the Biden administration was able to retroactively identify the presence of Chinese balloons in US airspace during Trump’s term after the US ”[enhanced] our surveillance of our territorial airspace.”

“We enhanced our capacity to be able to detect things that the Trump administration was unable to detect,” he added.

“We were able to go back and look at the historical patterns” and uncover “multiple instances” during the Trump administration in which Chinese surveillance balloons traversed American airspace and territory,” Mr Sullivan said, speaking at an event hosted by the US Global Leadership Coalition.

Mr Trump appeared to be outraged at the statement from the Defence Department and the reporting of it, writing on Truth Social on Sunday morning that “the Chinese Balloon situation is a disgrace, just like the Afghanistan horror show, and everything else surrounding the grossly incompetent Biden Administration”.

Chris Miller, the former acting Defense Secretary, told Fox that he “never heard a whisper and I have to think if anything like that happened that would have been a huge issue”.

“No. Absolutely never heard of anything like that while I was in government or at the Pentagon,” he added.

But Craig Singleton, a Foundation for Defense of Democracies senior China fellow, told the Associated Press that several Chinese spy balloons have been spotted several times over the course of the last half-decade.

(full article online)

You fucking retard, that lie has already been walked back by your "sources" . At least TRY and stay somewhat current.
You fucking retard, that lie has already been walked back by your "sources" . At least TRY and stay somewhat current.
Were you left alone in solitaire?
You spit something without showing proof of it?
Try again, or better still, don't.
Were you left alone in solitaire?
You spit something without showing proof of it?
Try again, or better still, don't.


Try finding a more recent declaration from them you stupid clod!

Try finding a more recent declaration from them you stupid clod!
Stupid here, knows better than to fall for the crap you are trying to sell, and all if with one heck of a foul brain and fingers. :)

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