Should private agencies contracted with the government and receive tax $ be allowed to discriminate

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Platinum Member
Jun 11, 2015
The commie infested, queer loving liberal NE USA
There is something rotten in Texas. There are Children in need of homes and these women are ready, willing and able to prove one, but are not being allowed to do so. They wanted care for an older children who are hard to place. In addition, of the women is an attorney with an expertise in immigration rights. .

PLEASE read to the end and if you choose to participate in the poll, please include an explanation for your answer

Lesbian couple sues feds for thwarting their chance to foster refugee children

  • A married lesbian couple from Texas is suing the federal government
  • They say an agency, funded by taxpayers, prevented them from fostering refugee children
  • Millions of dollars in federal grant money goes to Catholic organization that discriminates, lawyer says
Three years ago, as they wore long gowns and exchanged vows surrounded by people who love them, Fatma Marouf and Bryn Esplin imagined a growing family. But like so many couples who dream of having children, they keep hitting roadblocks.

They tried IVF treatments and had no luck. They would have liked to adopt domestically, but state-funded agencies in Texas, where they live, are free to exclude same-sex couples. They say they can't afford the tens of thousands of dollars it takes to adopt privately.

So early last year, they turned their attention to the idea of fostering refugee children. They were sure they had found their answer. They didn't get far, though, before they were proved wrong.


During an informational phone call with the organization in charge, Catholic Charities of Fort Worth, they say, they were told that same-sex couples are ineligible to apply because they don't "mirror the Holy Family."

Let’s that sink in? To be worthy and competent parents you have to “mirror the holy family”. What is a family? Who decides? How many families that do not “mirror the holy family” and have children and are even allowed to adopt them? And, taxpayers take note, Catholic Charities accepts federal funding! And lets not forget the First Amendment, the part about “ Congress shall make no law respecting the establishment of religion” They are also suing under the
Equal Protection and Due Process Clauses of the U.S Constitution by allowing USCCB to impose a religious test governing the provision of federal child welfare services.

What drives this case ?

At the heart of their legal complaint is the financial story behind Catholic Charities of Fort Worth. It is the only organization the couple and their lawyers know of in their area that places refugee children in homes, and it is supported by taxpayers. Its child welfare work is funded by the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops (known as USCCB), the plaintiffs' lawyer explains, which receives millions of dollars in grant money to help two federal government programs: one for unaccompanied refugee minors and the other for unaccompanied alien children. All that grant money is distributed by the Department of Health and Human Services through the Office of Refugee Resettlement -- which is why various government entities, including HHS, are named in the lawsuit along with the overarching Catholic organization, USCCB.

Using Catholic doctrine to dictate foster parent eligibility violates constitutional protections, said Jamie Gliksberg, a Lambda Legal staff attorney who is working on their case.

Here is more on Lambda Legal: Lambda Legal Sues HHS after Lesbian Couple Blocked from Serving as Foster Parents

Lambda Legal today filed a federal lawsuit against the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) and the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops (USCCB) on behalf of a couple who were denied the opportunity even to apply to serve as foster parents for refugee children by a USCCB affiliate because, they were told, they did not “mirror the Holy Family.”

HHS funds the program that turned away Fatma Marouf and Bryn Esplin, a married same-sex couple, exclusively with taxpayer money. HHS funded USCCB to perform federal child welfare services through its affiliates even though USCCB made clear that it would use the funds to deny such services to members of the public based on USCCB’s religious beliefs.

Being denied the opportunity to foster a child because we don’t “mirror the Holy Family’ – clearly code for being a same-sex couple – was hurtful and insulting to us. More than that, though, insisting on such a narrow, religious view of what a family must look like deprives these children of a nurturing, supportive home," said Esplin.

“Refugee children have been through enough trauma to last a lifetime," Marouf said. "They need love, stability, and support, which Bryn and I have in abundance. But in discriminating against us, the agency put their religious views of LGBT people above what is best for the kids in their care.”

The federal government was on notice when it funded USCCB that this organization refuses to provide services to same-sex spouses at taxpayer expense,” Lambda Legal Senior Counsel Kenneth D. Upton said. “Our government should not be favoring certain religious beliefs over others—to the tune of millions of dollars—and turning people away from government services based on their failure to conform to the dictates of a particular religious belief."

Let’s keep this about the Constitution, the law, government funding and refugee children as opposed to Homosexuality and parenting. There has been far too much of that and it always turns into a shit storm
Last edited:
Let 'em eat pussy.
Apparently you did not read it to the end as I asked, or your reading comprehension sucks. I said Let’s keep this about the Constitution, the law, government funding and refugee children as opposed to Homosexuality and parenting. There has been far too much of that and it always turns into a shit storm. Take a fucking hike asshole!
Let 'em eat pussy.
Apparently you did not read it to the end as I asked, or your reading comprehension sucks. I said Let’s keep this about the Constitution, the law, government funding and refugee children as opposed to Homosexuality and parenting. There has been far too much of that and it always turns into a shit storm. Take a fucking hike asshole!
I don't like faggotoids.
There is something rotten in Texas. There are Children in need of homes and these women are ready, willing and able to prove one, but are not being allowed to do so. They wanted care for an older children who are hard to place. In addition, of the women is an attorney with an expertise in immigration rights. .

PLEASE read to the end and if you choose to participate in the poll, please include an explanation for your answer

Lesbian couple sues feds for thwarting their chance to foster refugee children

  • A married lesbian couple from Texas is suing the federal government
  • They say an agency, funded by taxpayers, prevented them from fostering refugee children
  • Millions of dollars in federal grant money goes to Catholic organization that discriminates, lawyer says
Three years ago, as they wore long gowns and exchanged vows surrounded by people who love them, Fatma Marouf and Bryn Esplin imagined a growing family. But like so many couples who dream of having children, they keep hitting roadblocks.

They tried IVF treatments and had no luck. They would have liked to adopt domestically, but state-funded agencies in Texas, where they live, are free to exclude same-sex couples. They say they can't afford the tens of thousands of dollars it takes to adopt privately.

So early last year, they turned their attention to the idea of fostering refugee children. They were sure they had found their answer. They didn't get far, though, before they were proved wrong.


During an informational phone call with the organization in charge, Catholic Charities of Fort Worth, they say, they were told that same-sex couples are ineligible to apply because they don't "mirror the Holy Family."

Let’s that sink in? To be worthy and competent parents you have to “mirror the holy family”. What is a family? Who decides? How many families that do not “mirror the holy family” and have children and are even allowed to adopt them? And, taxpayers take note, Catholic Charities accepts federal funding! And lets not forget the First Amendment, the part about “ Congress shall make no law respecting the establishment of religion” They are also suing under the
Equal Protection and Due Process Clauses of the U.S Constitution by allowing USCCB to impose a religious test governing the provision of federal child welfare services.

What drives this case ?

At the heart of their legal complaint is the financial story behind Catholic Charities of Fort Worth. It is the only organization the couple and their lawyers know of in their area that places refugee children in homes, and it is supported by taxpayers. Its child welfare work is funded by the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops (known as USCCB), the plaintiffs' lawyer explains, which receives millions of dollars in grant money to help two federal government programs: one for unaccompanied refugee minors and the other for unaccompanied alien children. All that grant money is distributed by the Department of Health and Human Services through the Office of Refugee Resettlement -- which is why various government entities, including HHS, are named in the lawsuit along with the overarching Catholic organization, USCCB.

Using Catholic doctrine to dictate foster parent eligibility violates constitutional protections, said Jamie Gliksberg, a Lambda Legal staff attorney who is working on their case.

Here is more on Lambda Legal: Lambda Legal Sues HHS after Lesbian Couple Blocked from Serving as Foster Parents

Lambda Legal today filed a federal lawsuit against the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) and the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops (USCCB) on behalf of a couple who were denied the opportunity even to apply to serve as foster parents for refugee children by a USCCB affiliate because, they were told, they did not “mirror the Holy Family.”

HHS funds the program that turned away Fatma Marouf and Bryn Esplin, a married same-sex couple, exclusively with taxpayer money. HHS funded USCCB to perform federal child welfare services through its affiliates even though USCCB made clear that it would use the funds to deny such services to members of the public based on USCCB’s religious beliefs.

Being denied the opportunity to foster a child because we don’t “mirror the Holy Family’ – clearly code for being a same-sex couple – was hurtful and insulting to us. More than that, though, insisting on such a narrow, religious view of what a family must look like deprives these children of a nurturing, supportive home," said Esplin.

“Refugee children have been through enough trauma to last a lifetime," Marouf said. "They need love, stability, and support, which Bryn and I have in abundance. But in discriminating against us, the agency put their religious views of LGBT people above what is best for the kids in their care.”

The federal government was on notice when it funded USCCB that this organization refuses to provide services to same-sex spouses at taxpayer expense,” Lambda Legal Senior Counsel Kenneth D. Upton said. “Our government should not be favoring certain religious beliefs over others—to the tune of millions of dollars—and turning people away from government services based on their failure to conform to the dictates of a particular religious belief."

Let’s keep this about the Constitution, the law, government funding and refugee children as opposed to Homosexuality and parenting. There has been far too much of that and it always turns into a shit storm

Why are you so eager to put innocent children in the hands of morally-degenerate sexual perverts?

Let 'em eat pussy.
Apparently you did not read it to the end as I asked, or your reading comprehension sucks. I said Let’s keep this about the Constitution, the law, government funding and refugee children as opposed to Homosexuality and parenting. There has been far too much of that and it always turns into a shit storm. Take a fucking hike asshole!

What else do you expect? How many threads have you started, so far, where you advocate and defend letting dangerous, immoral sexual perverts have easy access to children? Decent, sane people are never going to agree with you on this. Decent people recognize the crucial need and duty to protect children from perverted filth such as you and those with whom you associate.
Last edited:
There is something rotten in Texas. There are Children in need of homes and these women are ready, willing and able to prove one, but are not being allowed to do so. They wanted care for an older children who are hard to place. In addition, of the women is an attorney with an expertise in immigration rights. .

PLEASE read to the end and if you choose to participate in the poll, please include an explanation for your answer

Lesbian couple sues feds for thwarting their chance to foster refugee children

  • A married lesbian couple from Texas is suing the federal government
  • They say an agency, funded by taxpayers, prevented them from fostering refugee children
  • Millions of dollars in federal grant money goes to Catholic organization that discriminates, lawyer says
Three years ago, as they wore long gowns and exchanged vows surrounded by people who love them, Fatma Marouf and Bryn Esplin imagined a growing family. But like so many couples who dream of having children, they keep hitting roadblocks.

They tried IVF treatments and had no luck. They would have liked to adopt domestically, but state-funded agencies in Texas, where they live, are free to exclude same-sex couples. They say they can't afford the tens of thousands of dollars it takes to adopt privately.

So early last year, they turned their attention to the idea of fostering refugee children. They were sure they had found their answer. They didn't get far, though, before they were proved wrong.


During an informational phone call with the organization in charge, Catholic Charities of Fort Worth, they say, they were told that same-sex couples are ineligible to apply because they don't "mirror the Holy Family."

Let’s that sink in? To be worthy and competent parents you have to “mirror the holy family”. What is a family? Who decides? How many families that do not “mirror the holy family” and have children and are even allowed to adopt them? And, taxpayers take note, Catholic Charities accepts federal funding! And lets not forget the First Amendment, the part about “ Congress shall make no law respecting the establishment of religion” They are also suing under the
Equal Protection and Due Process Clauses of the U.S Constitution by allowing USCCB to impose a religious test governing the provision of federal child welfare services.

What drives this case ?

At the heart of their legal complaint is the financial story behind Catholic Charities of Fort Worth. It is the only organization the couple and their lawyers know of in their area that places refugee children in homes, and it is supported by taxpayers. Its child welfare work is funded by the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops (known as USCCB), the plaintiffs' lawyer explains, which receives millions of dollars in grant money to help two federal government programs: one for unaccompanied refugee minors and the other for unaccompanied alien children. All that grant money is distributed by the Department of Health and Human Services through the Office of Refugee Resettlement -- which is why various government entities, including HHS, are named in the lawsuit along with the overarching Catholic organization, USCCB.

Using Catholic doctrine to dictate foster parent eligibility violates constitutional protections, said Jamie Gliksberg, a Lambda Legal staff attorney who is working on their case.

Here is more on Lambda Legal: Lambda Legal Sues HHS after Lesbian Couple Blocked from Serving as Foster Parents

Lambda Legal today filed a federal lawsuit against the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) and the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops (USCCB) on behalf of a couple who were denied the opportunity even to apply to serve as foster parents for refugee children by a USCCB affiliate because, they were told, they did not “mirror the Holy Family.”

HHS funds the program that turned away Fatma Marouf and Bryn Esplin, a married same-sex couple, exclusively with taxpayer money. HHS funded USCCB to perform federal child welfare services through its affiliates even though USCCB made clear that it would use the funds to deny such services to members of the public based on USCCB’s religious beliefs.

Being denied the opportunity to foster a child because we don’t “mirror the Holy Family’ – clearly code for being a same-sex couple – was hurtful and insulting to us. More than that, though, insisting on such a narrow, religious view of what a family must look like deprives these children of a nurturing, supportive home," said Esplin.

“Refugee children have been through enough trauma to last a lifetime," Marouf said. "They need love, stability, and support, which Bryn and I have in abundance. But in discriminating against us, the agency put their religious views of LGBT people above what is best for the kids in their care.”

The federal government was on notice when it funded USCCB that this organization refuses to provide services to same-sex spouses at taxpayer expense,” Lambda Legal Senior Counsel Kenneth D. Upton said. “Our government should not be favoring certain religious beliefs over others—to the tune of millions of dollars—and turning people away from government services based on their failure to conform to the dictates of a particular religious belief."

Let’s keep this about the Constitution, the law, government funding and refugee children as opposed to Homosexuality and parenting. There has been far too much of that and it always turns into a shit storm
Why can't homosexuals respect the fact some people and religions are going to give them a hard time? How can something like this change those feelings? You are dealing with people not the Constitution. You chose the lifestyle, deal with it, and stop taking our laws to silly extremes.
There is something rotten in Texas. There are Children in need of homes and these women are ready, willing and able to prove one, but are not being allowed to do so. They wanted care for an older children who are hard to place. In addition, of the women is an attorney with an expertise in immigration rights. .

PLEASE read to the end and if you choose to participate in the poll, please include an explanation for your answer

Lesbian couple sues feds for thwarting their chance to foster refugee children

  • A married lesbian couple from Texas is suing the federal government
  • They say an agency, funded by taxpayers, prevented them from fostering refugee children
  • Millions of dollars in federal grant money goes to Catholic organization that discriminates, lawyer says
Three years ago, as they wore long gowns and exchanged vows surrounded by people who love them, Fatma Marouf and Bryn Esplin imagined a growing family. But like so many couples who dream of having children, they keep hitting roadblocks.

They tried IVF treatments and had no luck. They would have liked to adopt domestically, but state-funded agencies in Texas, where they live, are free to exclude same-sex couples. They say they can't afford the tens of thousands of dollars it takes to adopt privately.

So early last year, they turned their attention to the idea of fostering refugee children. They were sure they had found their answer. They didn't get far, though, before they were proved wrong.


During an informational phone call with the organization in charge, Catholic Charities of Fort Worth, they say, they were told that same-sex couples are ineligible to apply because they don't "mirror the Holy Family."

Let’s that sink in? To be worthy and competent parents you have to “mirror the holy family”. What is a family? Who decides? How many families that do not “mirror the holy family” and have children and are even allowed to adopt them? And, taxpayers take note, Catholic Charities accepts federal funding! And lets not forget the First Amendment, the part about “ Congress shall make no law respecting the establishment of religion” They are also suing under the
Equal Protection and Due Process Clauses of the U.S Constitution by allowing USCCB to impose a religious test governing the provision of federal child welfare services.

What drives this case ?

At the heart of their legal complaint is the financial story behind Catholic Charities of Fort Worth. It is the only organization the couple and their lawyers know of in their area that places refugee children in homes, and it is supported by taxpayers. Its child welfare work is funded by the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops (known as USCCB), the plaintiffs' lawyer explains, which receives millions of dollars in grant money to help two federal government programs: one for unaccompanied refugee minors and the other for unaccompanied alien children. All that grant money is distributed by the Department of Health and Human Services through the Office of Refugee Resettlement -- which is why various government entities, including HHS, are named in the lawsuit along with the overarching Catholic organization, USCCB.

Using Catholic doctrine to dictate foster parent eligibility violates constitutional protections, said Jamie Gliksberg, a Lambda Legal staff attorney who is working on their case.

Here is more on Lambda Legal: Lambda Legal Sues HHS after Lesbian Couple Blocked from Serving as Foster Parents

Lambda Legal today filed a federal lawsuit against the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) and the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops (USCCB) on behalf of a couple who were denied the opportunity even to apply to serve as foster parents for refugee children by a USCCB affiliate because, they were told, they did not “mirror the Holy Family.”

HHS funds the program that turned away Fatma Marouf and Bryn Esplin, a married same-sex couple, exclusively with taxpayer money. HHS funded USCCB to perform federal child welfare services through its affiliates even though USCCB made clear that it would use the funds to deny such services to members of the public based on USCCB’s religious beliefs.

Being denied the opportunity to foster a child because we don’t “mirror the Holy Family’ – clearly code for being a same-sex couple – was hurtful and insulting to us. More than that, though, insisting on such a narrow, religious view of what a family must look like deprives these children of a nurturing, supportive home," said Esplin.

“Refugee children have been through enough trauma to last a lifetime," Marouf said. "They need love, stability, and support, which Bryn and I have in abundance. But in discriminating against us, the agency put their religious views of LGBT people above what is best for the kids in their care.”

The federal government was on notice when it funded USCCB that this organization refuses to provide services to same-sex spouses at taxpayer expense,” Lambda Legal Senior Counsel Kenneth D. Upton said. “Our government should not be favoring certain religious beliefs over others—to the tune of millions of dollars—and turning people away from government services based on their failure to conform to the dictates of a particular religious belief."

Let’s keep this about the Constitution, the law, government funding and refugee children as opposed to Homosexuality and parenting. There has been far too much of that and it always turns into a shit storm

Why are you so eager to put innocent children in the hands of morally-degenerate sexual perverts?

Let 'em eat pussy.
Apparently you did not read it to the end as I asked, or your reading comprehension sucks. I said Let’s keep this about the Constitution, the law, government funding and refugee children as opposed to Homosexuality and parenting. There has been far too much of that and it always turns into a shit storm. Take a fucking hike asshole!

What else do you expect? How many threads have you started, so far, where you advocate and defend letting dangerous, immoral sexual perverts have easy access to children? Decent, sane people are never going to agree with you on this. Decent people recognize the crucial need and duty to protect children from perverted filth such as you and those with whom you associate.
There is something rotten in Texas. There are Children in need of homes and these women are ready, willing and able to prove one, but are not being allowed to do so. They wanted care for an older children who are hard to place. In addition, of the women is an attorney with an expertise in immigration rights. .

PLEASE read to the end and if you choose to participate in the poll, please include an explanation for your answer

Lesbian couple sues feds for thwarting their chance to foster refugee children

  • A married lesbian couple from Texas is suing the federal government
  • They say an agency, funded by taxpayers, prevented them from fostering refugee children
  • Millions of dollars in federal grant money goes to Catholic organization that discriminates, lawyer says
Three years ago, as they wore long gowns and exchanged vows surrounded by people who love them, Fatma Marouf and Bryn Esplin imagined a growing family. But like so many couples who dream of having children, they keep hitting roadblocks.

They tried IVF treatments and had no luck. They would have liked to adopt domestically, but state-funded agencies in Texas, where they live, are free to exclude same-sex couples. They say they can't afford the tens of thousands of dollars it takes to adopt privately.

So early last year, they turned their attention to the idea of fostering refugee children. They were sure they had found their answer. They didn't get far, though, before they were proved wrong.


During an informational phone call with the organization in charge, Catholic Charities of Fort Worth, they say, they were told that same-sex couples are ineligible to apply because they don't "mirror the Holy Family."

Let’s that sink in? To be worthy and competent parents you have to “mirror the holy family”. What is a family? Who decides? How many families that do not “mirror the holy family” and have children and are even allowed to adopt them? And, taxpayers take note, Catholic Charities accepts federal funding! And lets not forget the First Amendment, the part about “ Congress shall make no law respecting the establishment of religion” They are also suing under the
Equal Protection and Due Process Clauses of the U.S Constitution by allowing USCCB to impose a religious test governing the provision of federal child welfare services.

What drives this case ?

At the heart of their legal complaint is the financial story behind Catholic Charities of Fort Worth. It is the only organization the couple and their lawyers know of in their area that places refugee children in homes, and it is supported by taxpayers. Its child welfare work is funded by the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops (known as USCCB), the plaintiffs' lawyer explains, which receives millions of dollars in grant money to help two federal government programs: one for unaccompanied refugee minors and the other for unaccompanied alien children. All that grant money is distributed by the Department of Health and Human Services through the Office of Refugee Resettlement -- which is why various government entities, including HHS, are named in the lawsuit along with the overarching Catholic organization, USCCB.

Using Catholic doctrine to dictate foster parent eligibility violates constitutional protections, said Jamie Gliksberg, a Lambda Legal staff attorney who is working on their case.

Here is more on Lambda Legal: Lambda Legal Sues HHS after Lesbian Couple Blocked from Serving as Foster Parents

Lambda Legal today filed a federal lawsuit against the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) and the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops (USCCB) on behalf of a couple who were denied the opportunity even to apply to serve as foster parents for refugee children by a USCCB affiliate because, they were told, they did not “mirror the Holy Family.”

HHS funds the program that turned away Fatma Marouf and Bryn Esplin, a married same-sex couple, exclusively with taxpayer money. HHS funded USCCB to perform federal child welfare services through its affiliates even though USCCB made clear that it would use the funds to deny such services to members of the public based on USCCB’s religious beliefs.

Being denied the opportunity to foster a child because we don’t “mirror the Holy Family’ – clearly code for being a same-sex couple – was hurtful and insulting to us. More than that, though, insisting on such a narrow, religious view of what a family must look like deprives these children of a nurturing, supportive home," said Esplin.

“Refugee children have been through enough trauma to last a lifetime," Marouf said. "They need love, stability, and support, which Bryn and I have in abundance. But in discriminating against us, the agency put their religious views of LGBT people above what is best for the kids in their care.”

The federal government was on notice when it funded USCCB that this organization refuses to provide services to same-sex spouses at taxpayer expense,” Lambda Legal Senior Counsel Kenneth D. Upton said. “Our government should not be favoring certain religious beliefs over others—to the tune of millions of dollars—and turning people away from government services based on their failure to conform to the dictates of a particular religious belief."

Let’s keep this about the Constitution, the law, government funding and refugee children as opposed to Homosexuality and parenting. There has been far too much of that and it always turns into a shit storm
Why can't homosexuals respect the fact some people and religions are going to give them a hard time? How can something like this change those feelings? You are dealing with people not the Constitution. You chose the lifestyle, deal with it, and stop taking our laws to silly extremes.
Thank you for you eloquent legal opinion but this is very much about the constitution. What if an agency chose not to place kids with black or Jewish people ? Should they just suck it up ?
There is something rotten in Texas. There are Children in need of homes and these women are ready, willing and able to prove one, but are not being allowed to do so. They wanted care for an older children who are hard to place. In addition, of the women is an attorney with an expertise in immigration rights. .

PLEASE read to the end and if you choose to participate in the poll, please include an explanation for your answer

Lesbian couple sues feds for thwarting their chance to foster refugee children

  • A married lesbian couple from Texas is suing the federal government
  • They say an agency, funded by taxpayers, prevented them from fostering refugee children
  • Millions of dollars in federal grant money goes to Catholic organization that discriminates, lawyer says
Three years ago, as they wore long gowns and exchanged vows surrounded by people who love them, Fatma Marouf and Bryn Esplin imagined a growing family. But like so many couples who dream of having children, they keep hitting roadblocks.

They tried IVF treatments and had no luck. They would have liked to adopt domestically, but state-funded agencies in Texas, where they live, are free to exclude same-sex couples. They say they can't afford the tens of thousands of dollars it takes to adopt privately.

So early last year, they turned their attention to the idea of fostering refugee children. They were sure they had found their answer. They didn't get far, though, before they were proved wrong.


During an informational phone call with the organization in charge, Catholic Charities of Fort Worth, they say, they were told that same-sex couples are ineligible to apply because they don't "mirror the Holy Family."

Let’s that sink in? To be worthy and competent parents you have to “mirror the holy family”. What is a family? Who decides? How many families that do not “mirror the holy family” and have children and are even allowed to adopt them? And, taxpayers take note, Catholic Charities accepts federal funding! And lets not forget the First Amendment, the part about “ Congress shall make no law respecting the establishment of religion” They are also suing under the
Equal Protection and Due Process Clauses of the U.S Constitution by allowing USCCB to impose a religious test governing the provision of federal child welfare services.

What drives this case ?

At the heart of their legal complaint is the financial story behind Catholic Charities of Fort Worth. It is the only organization the couple and their lawyers know of in their area that places refugee children in homes, and it is supported by taxpayers. Its child welfare work is funded by the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops (known as USCCB), the plaintiffs' lawyer explains, which receives millions of dollars in grant money to help two federal government programs: one for unaccompanied refugee minors and the other for unaccompanied alien children. All that grant money is distributed by the Department of Health and Human Services through the Office of Refugee Resettlement -- which is why various government entities, including HHS, are named in the lawsuit along with the overarching Catholic organization, USCCB.

Using Catholic doctrine to dictate foster parent eligibility violates constitutional protections, said Jamie Gliksberg, a Lambda Legal staff attorney who is working on their case.

Here is more on Lambda Legal: Lambda Legal Sues HHS after Lesbian Couple Blocked from Serving as Foster Parents

Lambda Legal today filed a federal lawsuit against the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) and the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops (USCCB) on behalf of a couple who were denied the opportunity even to apply to serve as foster parents for refugee children by a USCCB affiliate because, they were told, they did not “mirror the Holy Family.”

HHS funds the program that turned away Fatma Marouf and Bryn Esplin, a married same-sex couple, exclusively with taxpayer money. HHS funded USCCB to perform federal child welfare services through its affiliates even though USCCB made clear that it would use the funds to deny such services to members of the public based on USCCB’s religious beliefs.

Being denied the opportunity to foster a child because we don’t “mirror the Holy Family’ – clearly code for being a same-sex couple – was hurtful and insulting to us. More than that, though, insisting on such a narrow, religious view of what a family must look like deprives these children of a nurturing, supportive home," said Esplin.

“Refugee children have been through enough trauma to last a lifetime," Marouf said. "They need love, stability, and support, which Bryn and I have in abundance. But in discriminating against us, the agency put their religious views of LGBT people above what is best for the kids in their care.”

The federal government was on notice when it funded USCCB that this organization refuses to provide services to same-sex spouses at taxpayer expense,” Lambda Legal Senior Counsel Kenneth D. Upton said. “Our government should not be favoring certain religious beliefs over others—to the tune of millions of dollars—and turning people away from government services based on their failure to conform to the dictates of a particular religious belief."

Let’s keep this about the Constitution, the law, government funding and refugee children as opposed to Homosexuality and parenting. There has been far too much of that and it always turns into a shit storm

Should private agencies contracted with the government and receive tax $ be allowed to discriminate?

Do you mean like Affirmative Action racial discrimination in college admissions?
Or do you mean like Affirmative Action racial discrimination in hiring and promotions?
There is something rotten in Texas. There are Children in need of homes and these women are ready, willing and able to prove one, but are not being allowed to do so. They wanted care for an older children who are hard to place. In addition, of the women is an attorney with an expertise in immigration rights. .

PLEASE read to the end and if you choose to participate in the poll, please include an explanation for your answer

Lesbian couple sues feds for thwarting their chance to foster refugee children

  • A married lesbian couple from Texas is suing the federal government
  • They say an agency, funded by taxpayers, prevented them from fostering refugee children
  • Millions of dollars in federal grant money goes to Catholic organization that discriminates, lawyer says
Three years ago, as they wore long gowns and exchanged vows surrounded by people who love them, Fatma Marouf and Bryn Esplin imagined a growing family. But like so many couples who dream of having children, they keep hitting roadblocks.

They tried IVF treatments and had no luck. They would have liked to adopt domestically, but state-funded agencies in Texas, where they live, are free to exclude same-sex couples. They say they can't afford the tens of thousands of dollars it takes to adopt privately.

So early last year, they turned their attention to the idea of fostering refugee children. They were sure they had found their answer. They didn't get far, though, before they were proved wrong.


During an informational phone call with the organization in charge, Catholic Charities of Fort Worth, they say, they were told that same-sex couples are ineligible to apply because they don't "mirror the Holy Family."

Let’s that sink in? To be worthy and competent parents you have to “mirror the holy family”. What is a family? Who decides? How many families that do not “mirror the holy family” and have children and are even allowed to adopt them? And, taxpayers take note, Catholic Charities accepts federal funding! And lets not forget the First Amendment, the part about “ Congress shall make no law respecting the establishment of religion” They are also suing under the
Equal Protection and Due Process Clauses of the U.S Constitution by allowing USCCB to impose a religious test governing the provision of federal child welfare services.

What drives this case ?

At the heart of their legal complaint is the financial story behind Catholic Charities of Fort Worth. It is the only organization the couple and their lawyers know of in their area that places refugee children in homes, and it is supported by taxpayers. Its child welfare work is funded by the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops (known as USCCB), the plaintiffs' lawyer explains, which receives millions of dollars in grant money to help two federal government programs: one for unaccompanied refugee minors and the other for unaccompanied alien children. All that grant money is distributed by the Department of Health and Human Services through the Office of Refugee Resettlement -- which is why various government entities, including HHS, are named in the lawsuit along with the overarching Catholic organization, USCCB.

Using Catholic doctrine to dictate foster parent eligibility violates constitutional protections, said Jamie Gliksberg, a Lambda Legal staff attorney who is working on their case.

Here is more on Lambda Legal: Lambda Legal Sues HHS after Lesbian Couple Blocked from Serving as Foster Parents

Lambda Legal today filed a federal lawsuit against the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) and the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops (USCCB) on behalf of a couple who were denied the opportunity even to apply to serve as foster parents for refugee children by a USCCB affiliate because, they were told, they did not “mirror the Holy Family.”

HHS funds the program that turned away Fatma Marouf and Bryn Esplin, a married same-sex couple, exclusively with taxpayer money. HHS funded USCCB to perform federal child welfare services through its affiliates even though USCCB made clear that it would use the funds to deny such services to members of the public based on USCCB’s religious beliefs.

Being denied the opportunity to foster a child because we don’t “mirror the Holy Family’ – clearly code for being a same-sex couple – was hurtful and insulting to us. More than that, though, insisting on such a narrow, religious view of what a family must look like deprives these children of a nurturing, supportive home," said Esplin.

“Refugee children have been through enough trauma to last a lifetime," Marouf said. "They need love, stability, and support, which Bryn and I have in abundance. But in discriminating against us, the agency put their religious views of LGBT people above what is best for the kids in their care.”

The federal government was on notice when it funded USCCB that this organization refuses to provide services to same-sex spouses at taxpayer expense,” Lambda Legal Senior Counsel Kenneth D. Upton said. “Our government should not be favoring certain religious beliefs over others—to the tune of millions of dollars—and turning people away from government services based on their failure to conform to the dictates of a particular religious belief."

Let’s keep this about the Constitution, the law, government funding and refugee children as opposed to Homosexuality and parenting. There has been far too much of that and it always turns into a shit storm
Why can't homosexuals respect the fact some people and religions are going to give them a hard time? How can something like this change those feelings? You are dealing with people not the Constitution. You chose the lifestyle, deal with it, and stop taking our laws to silly extremes.
Thank you for you eloquent legal opinion but this is very much about the constitution. What if an agency chose not to place kids with black or Jewish people ? Should they just suck it up ?
Let me know when that happens.
There is something rotten in Texas. There are Children in need of homes and these women are ready, willing and able to prove one, but are not being allowed to do so. They wanted care for an older children who are hard to place. In addition, of the women is an attorney with an expertise in immigration rights. .

PLEASE read to the end and if you choose to participate in the poll, please include an explanation for your answer

Lesbian couple sues feds for thwarting their chance to foster refugee children

  • A married lesbian couple from Texas is suing the federal government
  • They say an agency, funded by taxpayers, prevented them from fostering refugee children
  • Millions of dollars in federal grant money goes to Catholic organization that discriminates, lawyer says
Three years ago, as they wore long gowns and exchanged vows surrounded by people who love them, Fatma Marouf and Bryn Esplin imagined a growing family. But like so many couples who dream of having children, they keep hitting roadblocks.

They tried IVF treatments and had no luck. They would have liked to adopt domestically, but state-funded agencies in Texas, where they live, are free to exclude same-sex couples. They say they can't afford the tens of thousands of dollars it takes to adopt privately.

So early last year, they turned their attention to the idea of fostering refugee children. They were sure they had found their answer. They didn't get far, though, before they were proved wrong.


During an informational phone call with the organization in charge, Catholic Charities of Fort Worth, they say, they were told that same-sex couples are ineligible to apply because they don't "mirror the Holy Family."

Let’s that sink in? To be worthy and competent parents you have to “mirror the holy family”. What is a family? Who decides? How many families that do not “mirror the holy family” and have children and are even allowed to adopt them? And, taxpayers take note, Catholic Charities accepts federal funding! And lets not forget the First Amendment, the part about “ Congress shall make no law respecting the establishment of religion” They are also suing under the
Equal Protection and Due Process Clauses of the U.S Constitution by allowing USCCB to impose a religious test governing the provision of federal child welfare services.

What drives this case ?

At the heart of their legal complaint is the financial story behind Catholic Charities of Fort Worth. It is the only organization the couple and their lawyers know of in their area that places refugee children in homes, and it is supported by taxpayers. Its child welfare work is funded by the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops (known as USCCB), the plaintiffs' lawyer explains, which receives millions of dollars in grant money to help two federal government programs: one for unaccompanied refugee minors and the other for unaccompanied alien children. All that grant money is distributed by the Department of Health and Human Services through the Office of Refugee Resettlement -- which is why various government entities, including HHS, are named in the lawsuit along with the overarching Catholic organization, USCCB.

Using Catholic doctrine to dictate foster parent eligibility violates constitutional protections, said Jamie Gliksberg, a Lambda Legal staff attorney who is working on their case.

Here is more on Lambda Legal: Lambda Legal Sues HHS after Lesbian Couple Blocked from Serving as Foster Parents

Lambda Legal today filed a federal lawsuit against the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) and the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops (USCCB) on behalf of a couple who were denied the opportunity even to apply to serve as foster parents for refugee children by a USCCB affiliate because, they were told, they did not “mirror the Holy Family.”

HHS funds the program that turned away Fatma Marouf and Bryn Esplin, a married same-sex couple, exclusively with taxpayer money. HHS funded USCCB to perform federal child welfare services through its affiliates even though USCCB made clear that it would use the funds to deny such services to members of the public based on USCCB’s religious beliefs.

Being denied the opportunity to foster a child because we don’t “mirror the Holy Family’ – clearly code for being a same-sex couple – was hurtful and insulting to us. More than that, though, insisting on such a narrow, religious view of what a family must look like deprives these children of a nurturing, supportive home," said Esplin.

“Refugee children have been through enough trauma to last a lifetime," Marouf said. "They need love, stability, and support, which Bryn and I have in abundance. But in discriminating against us, the agency put their religious views of LGBT people above what is best for the kids in their care.”

The federal government was on notice when it funded USCCB that this organization refuses to provide services to same-sex spouses at taxpayer expense,” Lambda Legal Senior Counsel Kenneth D. Upton said. “Our government should not be favoring certain religious beliefs over others—to the tune of millions of dollars—and turning people away from government services based on their failure to conform to the dictates of a particular religious belief."

Let’s keep this about the Constitution, the law, government funding and refugee children as opposed to Homosexuality and parenting. There has been far too much of that and it always turns into a shit storm
Why can't homosexuals respect the fact some people and religions are going to give them a hard time? How can something like this change those feelings? You are dealing with people not the Constitution. You chose the lifestyle, deal with it, and stop taking our laws to silly extremes.
Thank you for you eloquent legal opinion but this is very much about the constitution. What if an agency chose not to place kids with black or Jewish people ? Should they just suck it up ?

There is nothing in the Constitution that supports your position.
There is something rotten in Texas. There are Children in need of homes and these women are ready, willing and able to prove one, but are not being allowed to do so. They wanted care for an older children who are hard to place. In addition, of the women is an attorney with an expertise in immigration rights. .

PLEASE read to the end and if you choose to participate in the poll, please include an explanation for your answer

Lesbian couple sues feds for thwarting their chance to foster refugee children

  • A married lesbian couple from Texas is suing the federal government
  • They say an agency, funded by taxpayers, prevented them from fostering refugee children
  • Millions of dollars in federal grant money goes to Catholic organization that discriminates, lawyer says
Three years ago, as they wore long gowns and exchanged vows surrounded by people who love them, Fatma Marouf and Bryn Esplin imagined a growing family. But like so many couples who dream of having children, they keep hitting roadblocks.

They tried IVF treatments and had no luck. They would have liked to adopt domestically, but state-funded agencies in Texas, where they live, are free to exclude same-sex couples. They say they can't afford the tens of thousands of dollars it takes to adopt privately.

So early last year, they turned their attention to the idea of fostering refugee children. They were sure they had found their answer. They didn't get far, though, before they were proved wrong.


During an informational phone call with the organization in charge, Catholic Charities of Fort Worth, they say, they were told that same-sex couples are ineligible to apply because they don't "mirror the Holy Family."

Let’s that sink in? To be worthy and competent parents you have to “mirror the holy family”. What is a family? Who decides? How many families that do not “mirror the holy family” and have children and are even allowed to adopt them? And, taxpayers take note, Catholic Charities accepts federal funding! And lets not forget the First Amendment, the part about “ Congress shall make no law respecting the establishment of religion” They are also suing under the
Equal Protection and Due Process Clauses of the U.S Constitution by allowing USCCB to impose a religious test governing the provision of federal child welfare services.

What drives this case ?

At the heart of their legal complaint is the financial story behind Catholic Charities of Fort Worth. It is the only organization the couple and their lawyers know of in their area that places refugee children in homes, and it is supported by taxpayers. Its child welfare work is funded by the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops (known as USCCB), the plaintiffs' lawyer explains, which receives millions of dollars in grant money to help two federal government programs: one for unaccompanied refugee minors and the other for unaccompanied alien children. All that grant money is distributed by the Department of Health and Human Services through the Office of Refugee Resettlement -- which is why various government entities, including HHS, are named in the lawsuit along with the overarching Catholic organization, USCCB.

Using Catholic doctrine to dictate foster parent eligibility violates constitutional protections, said Jamie Gliksberg, a Lambda Legal staff attorney who is working on their case.

Here is more on Lambda Legal: Lambda Legal Sues HHS after Lesbian Couple Blocked from Serving as Foster Parents

Lambda Legal today filed a federal lawsuit against the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) and the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops (USCCB) on behalf of a couple who were denied the opportunity even to apply to serve as foster parents for refugee children by a USCCB affiliate because, they were told, they did not “mirror the Holy Family.”

HHS funds the program that turned away Fatma Marouf and Bryn Esplin, a married same-sex couple, exclusively with taxpayer money. HHS funded USCCB to perform federal child welfare services through its affiliates even though USCCB made clear that it would use the funds to deny such services to members of the public based on USCCB’s religious beliefs.

Being denied the opportunity to foster a child because we don’t “mirror the Holy Family’ – clearly code for being a same-sex couple – was hurtful and insulting to us. More than that, though, insisting on such a narrow, religious view of what a family must look like deprives these children of a nurturing, supportive home," said Esplin.

“Refugee children have been through enough trauma to last a lifetime," Marouf said. "They need love, stability, and support, which Bryn and I have in abundance. But in discriminating against us, the agency put their religious views of LGBT people above what is best for the kids in their care.”

The federal government was on notice when it funded USCCB that this organization refuses to provide services to same-sex spouses at taxpayer expense,” Lambda Legal Senior Counsel Kenneth D. Upton said. “Our government should not be favoring certain religious beliefs over others—to the tune of millions of dollars—and turning people away from government services based on their failure to conform to the dictates of a particular religious belief."

Let’s keep this about the Constitution, the law, government funding and refugee children as opposed to Homosexuality and parenting. There has been far too much of that and it always turns into a shit storm
Why can't homosexuals respect the fact some people and religions are going to give them a hard time? How can something like this change those feelings? You are dealing with people not the Constitution. You chose the lifestyle, deal with it, and stop taking our laws to silly extremes.
Thank you for you eloquent legal opinion but this is very much about the constitution. What if an agency chose not to place kids with black or Jewish people ? Should they just suck it up ?
Let me know when that happens.
The point is not whether or not it will happen . The question is what if? Do you think that other minorities should be protected from discrimination, or are gays a special case?
There is something rotten in Texas. There are Children in need of homes and these women are ready, willing and able to prove one, but are not being allowed to do so. They wanted care for an older children who are hard to place. In addition, of the women is an attorney with an expertise in immigration rights. .

PLEASE read to the end and if you choose to participate in the poll, please include an explanation for your answer

Lesbian couple sues feds for thwarting their chance to foster refugee children

  • A married lesbian couple from Texas is suing the federal government
  • They say an agency, funded by taxpayers, prevented them from fostering refugee children
  • Millions of dollars in federal grant money goes to Catholic organization that discriminates, lawyer says
Three years ago, as they wore long gowns and exchanged vows surrounded by people who love them, Fatma Marouf and Bryn Esplin imagined a growing family. But like so many couples who dream of having children, they keep hitting roadblocks.

They tried IVF treatments and had no luck. They would have liked to adopt domestically, but state-funded agencies in Texas, where they live, are free to exclude same-sex couples. They say they can't afford the tens of thousands of dollars it takes to adopt privately.

So early last year, they turned their attention to the idea of fostering refugee children. They were sure they had found their answer. They didn't get far, though, before they were proved wrong.


During an informational phone call with the organization in charge, Catholic Charities of Fort Worth, they say, they were told that same-sex couples are ineligible to apply because they don't "mirror the Holy Family."

Let’s that sink in? To be worthy and competent parents you have to “mirror the holy family”. What is a family? Who decides? How many families that do not “mirror the holy family” and have children and are even allowed to adopt them? And, taxpayers take note, Catholic Charities accepts federal funding! And lets not forget the First Amendment, the part about “ Congress shall make no law respecting the establishment of religion” They are also suing under the
Equal Protection and Due Process Clauses of the U.S Constitution by allowing USCCB to impose a religious test governing the provision of federal child welfare services.

What drives this case ?

At the heart of their legal complaint is the financial story behind Catholic Charities of Fort Worth. It is the only organization the couple and their lawyers know of in their area that places refugee children in homes, and it is supported by taxpayers. Its child welfare work is funded by the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops (known as USCCB), the plaintiffs' lawyer explains, which receives millions of dollars in grant money to help two federal government programs: one for unaccompanied refugee minors and the other for unaccompanied alien children. All that grant money is distributed by the Department of Health and Human Services through the Office of Refugee Resettlement -- which is why various government entities, including HHS, are named in the lawsuit along with the overarching Catholic organization, USCCB.

Using Catholic doctrine to dictate foster parent eligibility violates constitutional protections, said Jamie Gliksberg, a Lambda Legal staff attorney who is working on their case.

Here is more on Lambda Legal: Lambda Legal Sues HHS after Lesbian Couple Blocked from Serving as Foster Parents

Lambda Legal today filed a federal lawsuit against the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) and the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops (USCCB) on behalf of a couple who were denied the opportunity even to apply to serve as foster parents for refugee children by a USCCB affiliate because, they were told, they did not “mirror the Holy Family.”

HHS funds the program that turned away Fatma Marouf and Bryn Esplin, a married same-sex couple, exclusively with taxpayer money. HHS funded USCCB to perform federal child welfare services through its affiliates even though USCCB made clear that it would use the funds to deny such services to members of the public based on USCCB’s religious beliefs.

Being denied the opportunity to foster a child because we don’t “mirror the Holy Family’ – clearly code for being a same-sex couple – was hurtful and insulting to us. More than that, though, insisting on such a narrow, religious view of what a family must look like deprives these children of a nurturing, supportive home," said Esplin.

“Refugee children have been through enough trauma to last a lifetime," Marouf said. "They need love, stability, and support, which Bryn and I have in abundance. But in discriminating against us, the agency put their religious views of LGBT people above what is best for the kids in their care.”

The federal government was on notice when it funded USCCB that this organization refuses to provide services to same-sex spouses at taxpayer expense,” Lambda Legal Senior Counsel Kenneth D. Upton said. “Our government should not be favoring certain religious beliefs over others—to the tune of millions of dollars—and turning people away from government services based on their failure to conform to the dictates of a particular religious belief."

Let’s keep this about the Constitution, the law, government funding and refugee children as opposed to Homosexuality and parenting. There has been far too much of that and it always turns into a shit storm

Should private agencies contracted with the government and receive tax $ be allowed to discriminate?

Do you mean like Affirmative Action racial discrimination in college admissions?
Or do you mean like Affirmative Action racial discrimination in hiring and promotions?
Affirmative action is not discrimination
There is something rotten in Texas. There are Children in need of homes and these women are ready, willing and able to prove one, but are not being allowed to do so. They wanted care for an older children who are hard to place. In addition, of the women is an attorney with an expertise in immigration rights. .

PLEASE read to the end and if you choose to participate in the poll, please include an explanation for your answer

Lesbian couple sues feds for thwarting their chance to foster refugee children

  • A married lesbian couple from Texas is suing the federal government
  • They say an agency, funded by taxpayers, prevented them from fostering refugee children
  • Millions of dollars in federal grant money goes to Catholic organization that discriminates, lawyer says
Three years ago, as they wore long gowns and exchanged vows surrounded by people who love them, Fatma Marouf and Bryn Esplin imagined a growing family. But like so many couples who dream of having children, they keep hitting roadblocks.

They tried IVF treatments and had no luck. They would have liked to adopt domestically, but state-funded agencies in Texas, where they live, are free to exclude same-sex couples. They say they can't afford the tens of thousands of dollars it takes to adopt privately.

So early last year, they turned their attention to the idea of fostering refugee children. They were sure they had found their answer. They didn't get far, though, before they were proved wrong.


During an informational phone call with the organization in charge, Catholic Charities of Fort Worth, they say, they were told that same-sex couples are ineligible to apply because they don't "mirror the Holy Family."

Let’s that sink in? To be worthy and competent parents you have to “mirror the holy family”. What is a family? Who decides? How many families that do not “mirror the holy family” and have children and are even allowed to adopt them? And, taxpayers take note, Catholic Charities accepts federal funding! And lets not forget the First Amendment, the part about “ Congress shall make no law respecting the establishment of religion” They are also suing under the
Equal Protection and Due Process Clauses of the U.S Constitution by allowing USCCB to impose a religious test governing the provision of federal child welfare services.

What drives this case ?

At the heart of their legal complaint is the financial story behind Catholic Charities of Fort Worth. It is the only organization the couple and their lawyers know of in their area that places refugee children in homes, and it is supported by taxpayers. Its child welfare work is funded by the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops (known as USCCB), the plaintiffs' lawyer explains, which receives millions of dollars in grant money to help two federal government programs: one for unaccompanied refugee minors and the other for unaccompanied alien children. All that grant money is distributed by the Department of Health and Human Services through the Office of Refugee Resettlement -- which is why various government entities, including HHS, are named in the lawsuit along with the overarching Catholic organization, USCCB.

Using Catholic doctrine to dictate foster parent eligibility violates constitutional protections, said Jamie Gliksberg, a Lambda Legal staff attorney who is working on their case.

Here is more on Lambda Legal: Lambda Legal Sues HHS after Lesbian Couple Blocked from Serving as Foster Parents

Lambda Legal today filed a federal lawsuit against the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) and the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops (USCCB) on behalf of a couple who were denied the opportunity even to apply to serve as foster parents for refugee children by a USCCB affiliate because, they were told, they did not “mirror the Holy Family.”

HHS funds the program that turned away Fatma Marouf and Bryn Esplin, a married same-sex couple, exclusively with taxpayer money. HHS funded USCCB to perform federal child welfare services through its affiliates even though USCCB made clear that it would use the funds to deny such services to members of the public based on USCCB’s religious beliefs.

Being denied the opportunity to foster a child because we don’t “mirror the Holy Family’ – clearly code for being a same-sex couple – was hurtful and insulting to us. More than that, though, insisting on such a narrow, religious view of what a family must look like deprives these children of a nurturing, supportive home," said Esplin.

“Refugee children have been through enough trauma to last a lifetime," Marouf said. "They need love, stability, and support, which Bryn and I have in abundance. But in discriminating against us, the agency put their religious views of LGBT people above what is best for the kids in their care.”

The federal government was on notice when it funded USCCB that this organization refuses to provide services to same-sex spouses at taxpayer expense,” Lambda Legal Senior Counsel Kenneth D. Upton said. “Our government should not be favoring certain religious beliefs over others—to the tune of millions of dollars—and turning people away from government services based on their failure to conform to the dictates of a particular religious belief."

Let’s keep this about the Constitution, the law, government funding and refugee children as opposed to Homosexuality and parenting. There has been far too much of that and it always turns into a shit storm
Why can't homosexuals respect the fact some people and religions are going to give them a hard time? How can something like this change those feelings? You are dealing with people not the Constitution. You chose the lifestyle, deal with it, and stop taking our laws to silly extremes.
Thank you for you eloquent legal opinion but this is very much about the constitution. What if an agency chose not to place kids with black or Jewish people ? Should they just suck it up ?
Let me know when that happens.
The point is not whether or not it will happen . The question is what if? Do you think that other minorities should be protected from discrimination, or are gays a special case?
Only because they make themselves a special case.
There is something rotten in Texas. There are Children in need of homes and these women are ready, willing and able to prove one, but are not being allowed to do so. They wanted care for an older children who are hard to place. In addition, of the women is an attorney with an expertise in immigration rights. .

PLEASE read to the end and if you choose to participate in the poll, please include an explanation for your answer

Lesbian couple sues feds for thwarting their chance to foster refugee children

  • A married lesbian couple from Texas is suing the federal government
  • They say an agency, funded by taxpayers, prevented them from fostering refugee children
  • Millions of dollars in federal grant money goes to Catholic organization that discriminates, lawyer says
Three years ago, as they wore long gowns and exchanged vows surrounded by people who love them, Fatma Marouf and Bryn Esplin imagined a growing family. But like so many couples who dream of having children, they keep hitting roadblocks.

They tried IVF treatments and had no luck. They would have liked to adopt domestically, but state-funded agencies in Texas, where they live, are free to exclude same-sex couples. They say they can't afford the tens of thousands of dollars it takes to adopt privately.

So early last year, they turned their attention to the idea of fostering refugee children. They were sure they had found their answer. They didn't get far, though, before they were proved wrong.


During an informational phone call with the organization in charge, Catholic Charities of Fort Worth, they say, they were told that same-sex couples are ineligible to apply because they don't "mirror the Holy Family."

Let’s that sink in? To be worthy and competent parents you have to “mirror the holy family”. What is a family? Who decides? How many families that do not “mirror the holy family” and have children and are even allowed to adopt them? And, taxpayers take note, Catholic Charities accepts federal funding! And lets not forget the First Amendment, the part about “ Congress shall make no law respecting the establishment of religion” They are also suing under the
Equal Protection and Due Process Clauses of the U.S Constitution by allowing USCCB to impose a religious test governing the provision of federal child welfare services.

What drives this case ?

At the heart of their legal complaint is the financial story behind Catholic Charities of Fort Worth. It is the only organization the couple and their lawyers know of in their area that places refugee children in homes, and it is supported by taxpayers. Its child welfare work is funded by the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops (known as USCCB), the plaintiffs' lawyer explains, which receives millions of dollars in grant money to help two federal government programs: one for unaccompanied refugee minors and the other for unaccompanied alien children. All that grant money is distributed by the Department of Health and Human Services through the Office of Refugee Resettlement -- which is why various government entities, including HHS, are named in the lawsuit along with the overarching Catholic organization, USCCB.

Using Catholic doctrine to dictate foster parent eligibility violates constitutional protections, said Jamie Gliksberg, a Lambda Legal staff attorney who is working on their case.

Here is more on Lambda Legal: Lambda Legal Sues HHS after Lesbian Couple Blocked from Serving as Foster Parents

Lambda Legal today filed a federal lawsuit against the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) and the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops (USCCB) on behalf of a couple who were denied the opportunity even to apply to serve as foster parents for refugee children by a USCCB affiliate because, they were told, they did not “mirror the Holy Family.”

HHS funds the program that turned away Fatma Marouf and Bryn Esplin, a married same-sex couple, exclusively with taxpayer money. HHS funded USCCB to perform federal child welfare services through its affiliates even though USCCB made clear that it would use the funds to deny such services to members of the public based on USCCB’s religious beliefs.

Being denied the opportunity to foster a child because we don’t “mirror the Holy Family’ – clearly code for being a same-sex couple – was hurtful and insulting to us. More than that, though, insisting on such a narrow, religious view of what a family must look like deprives these children of a nurturing, supportive home," said Esplin.

“Refugee children have been through enough trauma to last a lifetime," Marouf said. "They need love, stability, and support, which Bryn and I have in abundance. But in discriminating against us, the agency put their religious views of LGBT people above what is best for the kids in their care.”

The federal government was on notice when it funded USCCB that this organization refuses to provide services to same-sex spouses at taxpayer expense,” Lambda Legal Senior Counsel Kenneth D. Upton said. “Our government should not be favoring certain religious beliefs over others—to the tune of millions of dollars—and turning people away from government services based on their failure to conform to the dictates of a particular religious belief."

Let’s keep this about the Constitution, the law, government funding and refugee children as opposed to Homosexuality and parenting. There has been far too much of that and it always turns into a shit storm

Should private agencies contracted with the government and receive tax $ be allowed to discriminate?

Do you mean like Affirmative Action racial discrimination in college admissions?
Or do you mean like Affirmative Action racial discrimination in hiring and promotions?
Affirmative action is not discrimination
Your are right, it is reverse discrimination and has cost lives.
There is something rotten in Texas. There are Children in need of homes and these women are ready, willing and able to prove one, but are not being allowed to do so. They wanted care for an older children who are hard to place. In addition, of the women is an attorney with an expertise in immigration rights. .

PLEASE read to the end and if you choose to participate in the poll, please include an explanation for your answer

Lesbian couple sues feds for thwarting their chance to foster refugee children

  • A married lesbian couple from Texas is suing the federal government
  • They say an agency, funded by taxpayers, prevented them from fostering refugee children
  • Millions of dollars in federal grant money goes to Catholic organization that discriminates, lawyer says
Three years ago, as they wore long gowns and exchanged vows surrounded by people who love them, Fatma Marouf and Bryn Esplin imagined a growing family. But like so many couples who dream of having children, they keep hitting roadblocks.

They tried IVF treatments and had no luck. They would have liked to adopt domestically, but state-funded agencies in Texas, where they live, are free to exclude same-sex couples. They say they can't afford the tens of thousands of dollars it takes to adopt privately.

So early last year, they turned their attention to the idea of fostering refugee children. They were sure they had found their answer. They didn't get far, though, before they were proved wrong.


During an informational phone call with the organization in charge, Catholic Charities of Fort Worth, they say, they were told that same-sex couples are ineligible to apply because they don't "mirror the Holy Family."

Let’s that sink in? To be worthy and competent parents you have to “mirror the holy family”. What is a family? Who decides? How many families that do not “mirror the holy family” and have children and are even allowed to adopt them? And, taxpayers take note, Catholic Charities accepts federal funding! And lets not forget the First Amendment, the part about “ Congress shall make no law respecting the establishment of religion” They are also suing under the
Equal Protection and Due Process Clauses of the U.S Constitution by allowing USCCB to impose a religious test governing the provision of federal child welfare services.

What drives this case ?

At the heart of their legal complaint is the financial story behind Catholic Charities of Fort Worth. It is the only organization the couple and their lawyers know of in their area that places refugee children in homes, and it is supported by taxpayers. Its child welfare work is funded by the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops (known as USCCB), the plaintiffs' lawyer explains, which receives millions of dollars in grant money to help two federal government programs: one for unaccompanied refugee minors and the other for unaccompanied alien children. All that grant money is distributed by the Department of Health and Human Services through the Office of Refugee Resettlement -- which is why various government entities, including HHS, are named in the lawsuit along with the overarching Catholic organization, USCCB.

Using Catholic doctrine to dictate foster parent eligibility violates constitutional protections, said Jamie Gliksberg, a Lambda Legal staff attorney who is working on their case.

Here is more on Lambda Legal: Lambda Legal Sues HHS after Lesbian Couple Blocked from Serving as Foster Parents

Lambda Legal today filed a federal lawsuit against the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) and the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops (USCCB) on behalf of a couple who were denied the opportunity even to apply to serve as foster parents for refugee children by a USCCB affiliate because, they were told, they did not “mirror the Holy Family.”

HHS funds the program that turned away Fatma Marouf and Bryn Esplin, a married same-sex couple, exclusively with taxpayer money. HHS funded USCCB to perform federal child welfare services through its affiliates even though USCCB made clear that it would use the funds to deny such services to members of the public based on USCCB’s religious beliefs.

Being denied the opportunity to foster a child because we don’t “mirror the Holy Family’ – clearly code for being a same-sex couple – was hurtful and insulting to us. More than that, though, insisting on such a narrow, religious view of what a family must look like deprives these children of a nurturing, supportive home," said Esplin.

“Refugee children have been through enough trauma to last a lifetime," Marouf said. "They need love, stability, and support, which Bryn and I have in abundance. But in discriminating against us, the agency put their religious views of LGBT people above what is best for the kids in their care.”

The federal government was on notice when it funded USCCB that this organization refuses to provide services to same-sex spouses at taxpayer expense,” Lambda Legal Senior Counsel Kenneth D. Upton said. “Our government should not be favoring certain religious beliefs over others—to the tune of millions of dollars—and turning people away from government services based on their failure to conform to the dictates of a particular religious belief."

Let’s keep this about the Constitution, the law, government funding and refugee children as opposed to Homosexuality and parenting. There has been far too much of that and it always turns into a shit storm
Why can't homosexuals respect the fact some people and religions are going to give them a hard time? How can something like this change those feelings? You are dealing with people not the Constitution. You chose the lifestyle, deal with it, and stop taking our laws to silly extremes.
Thank you for you eloquent legal opinion but this is very much about the constitution. What if an agency chose not to place kids with black or Jewish people ? Should they just suck it up ?

There is nothing in the Constitution that supports your position.
Equal protection under the law, due process and the establishment clause are not in the constitution?
Freedom of religion is also Constitutional

A quick Google search reveals upward of 30 foster agencies in Ft Worth Texas. It sounds more like the lesbians pushing this and the agenda.
There is something rotten in Texas. There are Children in need of homes and these women are ready, willing and able to prove one, but are not being allowed to do so. They wanted care for an older children who are hard to place. In addition, of the women is an attorney with an expertise in immigration rights. .

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Lesbian couple sues feds for thwarting their chance to foster refugee children

  • A married lesbian couple from Texas is suing the federal government
  • They say an agency, funded by taxpayers, prevented them from fostering refugee children
  • Millions of dollars in federal grant money goes to Catholic organization that discriminates, lawyer says

Let’s that sink in? To be worthy and competent parents you have to “mirror the holy family”. What is a family? Who decides? How many families that do not “mirror the holy family” and have children and are even allowed to adopt them? And, taxpayers take note, Catholic Charities accepts federal funding! And lets not forget the First Amendment, the part about “ Congress shall make no law respecting the establishment of religion” They are also suing under the

What drives this case ?

Here is more on Lambda Legal: Lambda Legal Sues HHS after Lesbian Couple Blocked from Serving as Foster Parents

Let’s keep this about the Constitution, the law, government funding and refugee children as opposed to Homosexuality and parenting. There has been far too much of that and it always turns into a shit storm
Why can't homosexuals respect the fact some people and religions are going to give them a hard time? How can something like this change those feelings? You are dealing with people not the Constitution. You chose the lifestyle, deal with it, and stop taking our laws to silly extremes.
Thank you for you eloquent legal opinion but this is very much about the constitution. What if an agency chose not to place kids with black or Jewish people ? Should they just suck it up ?
Let me know when that happens.
The point is not whether or not it will happen . The question is what if? Do you think that other minorities should be protected from discrimination, or are gays a special case?
Only because they make themselves a special case.
Oh really ? No other group has ever made some noise about being discriminated against? Thank you for admitting that there should be open season on gays only
Freedom of religion is also Constitutional

A quick Google search reveals upward of 30 foster agencies in Ft Worth Texas. It sounds more like the lesbians pushing this and the agenda.
If not mistaken, only Catholic Charities works with the refugee program. And even if they could get a child from some where else, it does change the fact that this is discrimination funded by taxpayers like you.
The point is not whether or not it will happen . The question is what if? Do you think that other minorities should be protected from discrimination, or are gays a special case?

Being an immoral sexual pervert is not the same thing as being of a different race, religion, or any other legitimate “minority” category. It's defined by behavior that a sane society recognizes as wrong, and harmful, and not something to which children ought to be exposed.

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