Legislation Submitted To Remove Pelosi As Speaker Of The House Due To Mental Incompetence


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015

In light of Nancy Pelosi's BIZZARE (to say the least) behavior the last year or two, Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi's, not the President's, mental state and ability to function as Speaker of the House has officially been questioned through legislation calling for her to be removed as Speaker.

From declaring she would not allow Impeachment to go through unless there was undeniable evidence of a crime then overseeing the 1st Politically Partisan Straight party-Line Vote Impeachment in US history based on zero crime/evidence/witnesses to allowing non-stop witch hunts against the President to blocking COVID-19 Relief against the will of her own Democrats in the House to experiencing temporary debilitative 'brain freezes' when publicly speaking to answering an ABC interviewer's question by responding, "Good morning, Sunday morning" then seeming confused...Pelosi has shown almost as many signs of Dementia as Joe Biden.

And despite her attempts to question the p[resident's mental state several times while mentioning the 25th Amendment, it is Nancy Pelosi's mental ability to carry out HER duties now being challenged in the midst of a backlash from fellow Democrats in response to blocking the latest COVID-19 Relief package.

this twat is a great example of vile--evil--sick--deranged--delusional, and a waste of oxygen...when will the scum of the demonrats see this? probably never

In light of Nancy Pelosi's BIZZARE (to say the least) behavior the last year or two, Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi's, not the President's, mental state and ability to function as Speaker of the House has officially been questioned through legislation calling for her to be removed as Speaker.

From declaring she would not allow Impeachment to go through unless there was undeniable evidence of a crime then overseeing the 1st Politically Partisan Straight party-Line Vote Impeachment in US history based on zero crime/evidence/witnesses to allowing non-stop witch hunts against the President to blocking COVID-19 Relief against the will of her own Democrats in the House to experiencing temporary debilitative 'brain freezes' when publicly speaking to answering an ABC interviewer's question by responding, "Good morning, Sunday morning" then seeming confused...Pelosi has shown almost as many signs of Dementia as Joe Biden.

And despite her attempts to question the p[resident's mental state several times while mentioning the 25th Amendment, it is Nancy Pelosi's mental ability to carry out HER duties now being challenged in the midst of a backlash from fellow Democrats in response to blocking the latest COVID-19 Relief package.

Doug Collins is Georgia's version of Louie Gohmert.

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