Lefts diversification plans


Diamond Member
Feb 19, 2019
Leftist take pleasure in their belief the 24/7 propaganda throughout all media doesn't belong to them. Oh sure, 1% is conservative, but the left feels it's the same, nobody ever said these were rational people. The evidence can be found in something as simple as commercials.

Remember the gay-train right? Well golly, all the commercials had to have gay, same with Hollywood. Never mind it's contrary behavior and only represents what, 1-2% the population? Sorry man, two guys kissing and/or sporting children is not normal behavior no matter how many times it's presented.

The latest thing is blacks. Poor blacks, they need a crutch, just ask any leftist, throw them a bone. Shit, leftists speak equality but they sure practice a lot of inequality don't they? Race is very important to them, character has no meaning, nor does responsibility. Anyway, the commercials today have to sport blacks, cuz it's hip and if you don't you're "discriminating" and "not inclusive". Blacks represent 13% of the population, but if you look at commercials it's closer to 75%.

How about the commercialism of black & white couples, and Hollywood too? Heck, you'd think half the population is black & white couples, I know of one. Is the message we're supposed to reject who we're most attracted to now, a slap in the face of natural order? Yep, because if a leftist is behind something, you can bet it has nothing to do with nature or rational thought. The left is nothing but a sales pitch to support their dubious thoughts & agendas.

Also, what does the left have against the black and white races anyway? Why are they promoting people marry other races in order to rid the world of our differences? You can start at leftists are disrespectful and desire to erase all history, even if it means removing your gender.
Leftist take pleasure in their belief the 24/7 propaganda throughout all media doesn't belong to them. Oh sure, 1% is conservative, but the left feels it's the same, nobody ever said these were rational people. The evidence can be found in something as simple as commercials.

Remember the gay-train right? Well golly, all the commercials had to have gay, same with Hollywood. Never mind it's contrary behavior and only represents what, 1-2% the population? Sorry man, two guys kissing and/or sporting children is not normal behavior no matter how many times it's presented.

The latest thing is blacks. Poor blacks, they need a crutch, just ask any leftist, throw them a bone. Shit, leftists speak equality but they sure practice a lot of inequality don't they? Race is very important to them, character has no meaning, nor does responsibility. Anyway, the commercials today have to sport blacks, cuz it's hip and if you don't you're "discriminating" and "not inclusive". Blacks represent 13% of the population, but if you look at commercials it's closer to 75%.

How about the commercialism of black & white couples, and Hollywood too? Heck, you'd think half the population is black & white couples, I know of one. Is the message we're supposed to reject who we're most attracted to now, a slap in the face of natural order? Yep, because if a leftist is behind something, you can bet it has nothing to do with nature or rational thought. The left is nothing but a sales pitch to support their dubious thoughts & agendas.

Also, what does the left have against the black and white races anyway? Why are they promoting people marry other races in order to rid the world of our differences? You can start at leftists are disrespectful and desire to erase all history, even if it means removing your gender.
The Left controls academia, which then churns out all the lunatic Leftist leaders of the next generation who end up having all the big paying jobs.

It gets worse every day.
Leftist take pleasure in their belief the 24/7 propaganda throughout all media doesn't belong to them. Oh sure, 1% is conservative, but the left feels it's the same, nobody ever said these were rational people. The evidence can be found in something as simple as commercials.

Remember the gay-train right? Well golly, all the commercials had to have gay, same with Hollywood. Never mind it's contrary behavior and only represents what, 1-2% the population? Sorry man, two guys kissing and/or sporting children is not normal behavior no matter how many times it's presented.

The latest thing is blacks. Poor blacks, they need a crutch, just ask any leftist, throw them a bone. Shit, leftists speak equality but they sure practice a lot of inequality don't they? Race is very important to them, character has no meaning, nor does responsibility. Anyway, the commercials today have to sport blacks, cuz it's hip and if you don't you're "discriminating" and "not inclusive". Blacks represent 13% of the population, but if you look at commercials it's closer to 75%.

How about the commercialism of black & white couples, and Hollywood too? Heck, you'd think half the population is black & white couples, I know of one. Is the message we're supposed to reject who we're most attracted to now, a slap in the face of natural order? Yep, because if a leftist is behind something, you can bet it has nothing to do with nature or rational thought. The left is nothing but a sales pitch to support their dubious thoughts & agendas.

Also, what does the left have against the black and white races anyway? Why are they promoting people marry other races in order to rid the world of our differences? You can start at leftists are disrespectful and desire to erase all history, even if it means removing your gender.
I have no problem with these commercials except when they are obviously pandering. There is one commercial that cracks me up! It is for an Infiniti SUV and they have the whole family drive out to the desert to surf the sand dunes.

Dad is white.

Mom is possible mixed race, but appears black.

Their male child is white.

Their female child is obviously mixed race.

Pandering? Absolutely!
Never mind the left's full time pandering and misrepresentations of reality, why are their elite intent on erasing and/or revising history? It's not the snowflakes necessarily, because they're employed to do the left's dirty work. The left elite counts on them to be irrational, and they're right every time. All the left needs is 1% or less of the population to fall for all the BS.

Which BTW Moon, you're projecting as usual.
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Never mind the left's full time pandering and misrepresentations of reality, why are their elite intent on erasing and/or revising history? It's not the snowflakes necessarily, because they're employed to do the left's dirty work. The left elite counts on them to be irrational, and they're right every time. All the left needs is 1% or less of the population to fall for all the BS.

Which BTW Moon, you're projecting as usual.

How about the commercialism of black & white couples, and Hollywood too? Heck, you'd think half the population is black & white couples, I know of one. Is the message we're supposed to reject who we're most attracted to now, a slap in the face of natural order? ...

Also, what does the left have against the black and white races anyway? Why are they promoting people marry other races in order to rid the world of our differences? ....

It took you long enough to get to your real, racist, segregationist point. You're a disgrace.
The Left controls academia, which then churns out all the lunatic Leftist leaders of the next generation who end up having all the big paying jobs.

It gets worse every day.

Why do you send your kids there? Is it because it's paid for by socialism?
Send them to private schools and stop sucking on the taxpayer.

The left does not control academia. Teachers are allowed to have political view and join unions like everyone. But because you feel you pay for them, you think you can ridicule them.
There is No specific part of any curriculum which teaches kids leftist politics. The problem usual originates when he leaves school and realises he's been fed bullshit by his brain dead parents. So YOU blame the school . That's typical.
They thrive in private life usually be abuse they are well adjusted and street wise. Employers love kids who hit the ground running.
Where as you carry your political baggage like a crown of thorns, moaning how the system let you down and blaming democrats. Grow up.
There is no real leftist movement in America.
It depends on what you call "Leftists".

If you think the term Leftist is about what they preach, like social justice, social equity, etc., then no. But then, the goal of a Leftist is never these things. Despots are attracted to Leftism because of the needed government power to try and achieve a socialist/communist government. It requires them to have full control over everything you do and say and think.

But at the end of the day, when they fail to achieve the true definition of socialism/communism, those that have drunk the cool aid of Leftism insist, they should have done it this way as they then try to form another Leftist regime

Wash, rinse, repeat.
It depends on what you call "Leftists".

If you think the term Leftist is about what they preach, like social justice, social equity, etc., then no. But then, the goal of a Leftist is never these things. Despots are attracted to Leftism because of the needed government power to try and achieve a socialist/communist government. It requires them to have full control over everything you do and say and think.

But at the end of the day, when they fail to achieve the true definition of socialism/communism, those that have drunk the cool aid of Leftism insist that they should have done it another way as they motion to create another Leftist utopia somewhere else.

Wash, rinse, repeat.
Leftist take pleasure in their belief the 24/7 propaganda throughout all media doesn't belong to them. Oh sure, 1% is conservative, but the left feels it's the same, nobody ever said these were rational people. The evidence can be found in something as simple as commercials.

Remember the gay-train right? Well golly, all the commercials had to have gay, same with Hollywood. Never mind it's contrary behavior and only represents what, 1-2% the population? Sorry man, two guys kissing and/or sporting children is not normal behavior no matter how many times it's presented.

The latest thing is blacks. Poor blacks, they need a crutch, just ask any leftist, throw them a bone. Shit, leftists speak equality but they sure practice a lot of inequality don't they? Race is very important to them, character has no meaning, nor does responsibility. Anyway, the commercials today have to sport blacks, cuz it's hip and if you don't you're "discriminating" and "not inclusive". Blacks represent 13% of the population, but if you look at commercials it's closer to 75%.

How about the commercialism of black & white couples, and Hollywood too? Heck, you'd think half the population is black & white couples, I know of one. Is the message we're supposed to reject who we're most attracted to now, a slap in the face of natural order? Yep, because if a leftist is behind something, you can bet it has nothing to do with nature or rational thought. The left is nothing but a sales pitch to support their dubious thoughts & agendas.

Also, what does the left have against the black and white races anyway? Why are they promoting people marry other races in order to rid the world of our differences? You can start at leftists are disrespectful and desire to erase all history, even if it means removing your gender.

Yes, it is no secret that TV commercials are being used to portray the ideal America that many people hope will eventually emerge.

First, I am now so accustomed to diversity in commercials that I feel strange when I occasionally see commercials showing only Caucasian people.

Second, there is one exception to diversity in commercials: in every single commercial for home security companies, the role of the bad guy is always (always!) played by a Caucasian actor! What a hoot!
It depends on what you call "Leftists".

If you think the term Leftist is about what they preach, like social justice, social equity, etc., then no. But then, the goal of a Leftist is never these things. Despots are attracted to Leftism because of the needed government power to try and achieve a socialist/communist government. It requires them to have full control over everything you do and say and think.

But at the end of the day, when they fail to achieve the true definition of socialism/communism, those that have drunk the cool aid of Leftism insist, they should have done it this way as they then try to form another Leftist regime

Wash, rinse, repeat.
We’ve heard for decades that leftism is here and on the rise, but there is no evidence of it. We’re told O was a Marxist, yet he governed like a neocon. Same with Bubba and now Old Joe…a life long neocon. The D party has never nominated a progressive let alone a far leftist EVER.

There hasn’t been one major progressive piece of legislation passed in Congress since the 1960s. Lots of conservative and neocon BS has passed.

Why fear something that is nonexistent?
My favorite commercial right now is about buying a car. The "family" is sitting at the table. There 's a middle aged white male, a middle aged black male, a young white male and a mixed race young female. You definitely get the vibe that this is to portray a gay couple and kids from previous marriages/cohabitations with females.

I personally could not care less, but doesn't that seem a bit contrived on the part of advertisers?
My favorite commercial right now is about buying a car. The "family" is sitting at the table. There 's a middle aged white male, a middle aged black male, a young white male and a mixed race young female. You definitely get the vibe that this is to portray a gay couple and kids from previous marriages/cohabitations with females.

I personally could not care less, but doesn't that seem a bit contrived on the part of advertisers?
My favorite commercials are always the ones with buxom young women frolicking poolside. Beyond that, I don't give a shit.

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