Leftists or Nationalists?

Deplorable Yankee

Diamond Member
Feb 7, 2019
Yellow Vests and You
Tom Baugh | February 4, 2019

one mans interesting take on the frogs

Leftists or Nationalists?

From a perusal of various patriot/liberty sites, it is clear that a main objection to support for the yellow vests appears to be “they’re all communists on all sides, so to hell with them”. I think this is an incredibly short-sighted perspective. Although it is true that the French government has been heavily socialist in the post-war decades, this isn’t necessarily a bad thing for the French people. I’ve done business with many French entrepreneurs over the years, and all have spoken with pride about their nationalist system that provides healthcare for Frenchmen, clean nuclear energy (they reprocess spent fuel so their nuclear industry is orders of magnitude cleaner per generated kilowatt-hour than our once-through deliberate nuclear crotch kick), and supports French domestic industries and culture. For Frenchmen.

Until recently, high taxes appeared to have been only a minor issue to French entrepreneurs or other middle class Frenchmen, akin to the “weapons morale” that a Marine experiences from being able to hump a pack for 20+ miles and then be combat effective upon arrival. To the Frenchmen I have known, including several entrepreneurs running French businesses, the sacrifice is worth the nationalist benefits and the spirit of national and cultural solidarity that they create. The key is that those benefits accrue to Frenchmen. Without this important tribal/nationalist caveat, the French are just as susceptible to resentment over high taxes and abuse of public services as anyone else.

It’s not just one leftist against another. From the yellow vest perspective it is the French nationalists against the globalists and their domestic traitors. Or put differently, national socialists against global socialists, with the key being nationalist versus globalist, as not all socialists are necessarily communist/leftists. That distinction alone indicates to me that we should be supporting nationalists (wherever they may be found) as allies against our own drift toward globalism and loss of national culture.

Myth: … While the French Police Demonstrate Restraint with Nonlethal Means

Several Yellow Vests have already been killed, and many more maimed, by the use of “non-lethal” force by the French police. A common tactic appears to be to shoot key protestors in the eye with rubber bullets, causing permanent loss of vision in that eye. This is a clear intimidation move designed to send a message.
That message may wind up being received. Expect someday to see the guillotines manned by people with eye patches. Or a strengthened sense of French nationalism where the leadership is vetted by their sacrifice. Recall that it was not uncommon in modern history for Prussian aristocracy to be distinguished by war or dueling wounds.

Expect similar treatment of Heritage Americans in the coming post-Trump era as they react against cultural destruction as the concept of selective enforcement expands.

However events unfold, it is clear that the resurgence of French nationalist spirit will be a monkey wrench in the globalists’ plans, particularly since France had been thought to be one of their crown jewels. This situation is analogous to the Trump election: whether or not President Trump accomplishes a fraction of the hopes people had placed in him, the simple fact of his serving as a rallying point for Heritage America has provided more value than we could have hoped in the dark days of 2016. Similarly, the Yellow Vests have already provided value as a rallying point for Heritage France.

The globalists cannot be happy about either of these outcomes, and that’s good enough for me.

This pro-Yellow-Vest video, scripted in a typically French sarcastic and mocking style, should squash the notion that the Yellow Vests are just dissatisfied leftists:

The urban left and academia in France have always looked down upon les provinciaux
BUT when did they start calling everyone from the burbs to the farms redknecks ?
sound familiar ?

read it all here:
Yellow Vests and You – Starving the Monkeys™

lafayette nous voila!

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