Leftists Comment on the 50th Anniversary of the Moon-Landing.

Anyone seen the movie Hidden Figures, the story of a team of female African-American mathematicians who served a vital role in NASA during the early years of the U.S. space program. Jesus Christ the NY Times is a lying dishonest rag.

Well it must be a story, because I have never heard of a team of female African-American mathematicians existing.

Well a conservative who claims to know it all and has just showed his ass.

Katherine Johnson - Wikipedia


That's absolutely not who I would trust. Further, mathematicians aren't physicists, why the hell does the article credit her with orbital calculations? Since when has "critical" meant "easily replaceable"? Manual calculation? You surely must be kidding.

You are one big fucking idiot.
Anyone seen the movie Hidden Figures, the story of a team of female African-American mathematicians who served a vital role in NASA during the early years of the U.S. space program. Jesus Christ the NY Times is a lying dishonest rag.

Well it must be a story, because I have never heard of a team of female African-American mathematicians existing.

Well a conservative who claims to know it all and has just showed his ass.

Katherine Johnson - Wikipedia
Its all about belief. All about belief. Propaganda is propaganda.
Obviously one of the greatest achievements of mankind in history. Pure American exceptionalism. Here is what liberals have to say:


To Make It to the Moon, Women Have to Escape Earth’s Gender Bias

Anti-American stance as usual. I say we send all of them to the moon using a one way rocket.

It's like we can never get past the FUCKING PAST.

Is there ANY doubt that this is a Frankfurt School-style communist effort to erode American Exceptionalism?


Anyone seen the movie Hidden Figures, the story of a team of female African-American mathematicians who served a vital role in NASA during the early years of the U.S. space program. Jesus Christ the NY Times is a lying dishonest rag.

Well it must be a story, because I have never heard of a team of female African-American mathematicians existing.

Well a conservative who claims to know it all and has just showed his ass.

Katherine Johnson - Wikipedia


That's absolutely not who I would trust. Further, mathematicians aren't physicists, why the hell does the article credit her with orbital calculations? Since when has "critical" meant "easily replaceable"? Manual calculation? You surely must be kidding.

You are one big fucking idiot.

The story gets funnier and funnier. This is the first time I know of that a mathematician is to be appreciated over manual calculation.

If Neumann was credited for manual calculation, he would probably turn in his grave. This is an insult to a mathematician. Not surprised that the lesser members of the team got the job.
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Back when Nasa was "white" (which is just a code word for performance oriented), they got to the moon.

Today, when Nasa is all about diversity, they can no longer get to the moon, despite the technology having moved by leaps and bounds.

Great success.
This again is the ages of old story where the left embellishes the fuck out of something because of the gender and race of the participant.
This again is the ages of old story where the Right belittles the fuck out of something because of the gender and race of the participant.
This again is the ages of old story where the left embellishes the fuck out of something because of the gender and race of the participant.
This again is the ages of old story where the Right belittles the fuck out of something because of the gender and race of the participant.

Actually that was the Washington post and NYT. Read the OP. But at least they got facts correct, the moon-landing was due to white males. Now that Nasa is about diversity they are unable to go anymore.
Democrats are global socialist who hate America and align with Americas enemies.

Very similar to Republicans, tbh. I get that they're giving you better lip service, though.
Some Republicans act like Democrats. We call then RINOs. Democrats always point to RINOs to justify their actions.

Republicans never getting anything they promise done for a reason. Trump had a GOP house, a GOP Senate, and he didn't do sh** on the wall. Also, the deficit is higher than it's ever been. Sorry, but all these guys are bought and paid for.

It's not Trump's fault that there are bunch of never-Trump republicans that have no balls. They may be called a racist for standing for the nation, that's not a risk they can take. They shiver in fear of the R-word, it dominates their life.

Never trumpers are true republicans.
Republicans siding with globalist who are trying to destroy America so they can fundamentally transform it into a global socialist police state run by oligarchs out of Europe are worse then Democrats because they lie about what they believe.
During Reagan, the Democrats sided with the USSR and sing the praises of the USSR today. Read the tweet in the OP.

Dems definitely do more anti-American rhetoric. I just know it's not really good guys vs. bad guys. The whole barrel is rotten apples.
The struggle is between freedom and control. Democrats are totalitarians who want to force their will on others. Republicans are all there is standing up for freedom, and a lot of them are double agents.

Good luck with your beliefs; but at some point you'll understand Republicans are magnates for the rich just like the Democrats are.
Freedom isn't free. It's really hard to obtain, and very easy to lose.

You were born with freedom. Just use it, wisely. Don't trust the govt. to be stewards of morality.
Not all are so lucky. There will always be people seeking to take your freedom to increase their power. Democrats are basically communist. If you don't believe me, imagine a Democrat saying the government is to big... you can't...
I would have loved to see Neil Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin on that historic Moon landing. My parents have the actual newspaper from The New York Times from that historic feat.


I was at the Cape for the launch - had a press credential and attended a cocktail party with Neil Armstrong's brother the night before. Witnessed the launch from the beach - my credential wasn't upper-crust enough for the VIP stands. Was back home watching the landing on TV with the rest of the world. It was exciting from start to finish.
This again is the ages of old story where the left embellishes the fuck out of something because of the gender and race of the participant.
This again is the ages of old story where the Right belittles the fuck out of something because of the gender and race of the participant.

Actually that was the Washington post and NYT. Read the OP. But at least they got facts correct, the moon-landing was due to white males. Now that Nasa is about diversity they are unable to go anymore.
LIAR, the NY Times and the WaPo did not belittle the contribution of the black female "computers" in the NASA moon shot, YOU DID!
I was at the Cape for the launch - had a press credential and attended a cocktail party with Neil Armstrong's brother the night before. Witnessed the launch from the beach - my credential wasn't upper-crust enough for the VIP stands. Was back home watching the landing on TV with the rest of the world. It was exciting from start to finish.

I don't know if you listen to Rush Limbaugh Show. But this was AWESOME!

CALLER: Hi, Rush. Thank you for taking my call. After Neil Armstrong passed away in 2012, you gave the most beautiful tribute to this great American hero. You explained in great detail the risks these astronauts were taking. And one fact you talked about has stuck with me all these years. On Saturday to celebrate the 50th anniversary of the lunar landing, my family had NASA TV on all day. And your teachings on the lunar landing were more comprehensive and descriptive than 12 hours of NASA TV and many visits to both the Johnson and Kennedy Space Centers.

In Awe of the Great Neil Armstrong
This again is the ages of old story where the left embellishes the fuck out of something because of the gender and race of the participant.
This again is the ages of old story where the Right belittles the fuck out of something because of the gender and race of the participant.

Actually that was the Washington post and NYT. Read the OP. But at least they got facts correct, the moon-landing was due to white males. Now that Nasa is about diversity they are unable to go anymore.
LIAR, the NY Times and the WaPo did not belittle the contribution of the black female "computers" in the NASA moon shot, YOU DID!

They said it was all white males.

They were pretty much correct on that one. The rest is nonsense.
Obviously one of the greatest achievements of mankind in history. Pure American exceptionalism. Here is what liberals have to say:


To Make It to the Moon, Women Have to Escape Earth’s Gender Bias

Anti-American stance as usual. I say we send all of them to the moon using a one way rocket.


the fact that you actually equate feminine equality with anti-Americanism is just astounding!

just fkn nuts......

Yeah, totally nuts that I associate anti-Americanism with NYT celebrating Soviet Union's achievements while belittling our own, on the 50th anniversary. These people hate America.

Feminism is a cancer, obviously anti-American, anti-liberty. Not sure if that was what you were saying. We have had equality in this country for a century, with the exception that women are not subjected to the draft.
This again is the ages of old story where the left embellishes the fuck out of something because of the gender and race of the participant.
This again is the ages of old story where the Right belittles the fuck out of something because of the gender and race of the participant.

Actually that was the Washington post and NYT. Read the OP. But at least they got facts correct, the moon-landing was due to white males. Now that Nasa is about diversity they are unable to go anymore.
LIAR, the NY Times and the WaPo did not belittle the contribution of the black female "computers" in the NASA moon shot, YOU DID!

They said it was all white males.

They were pretty much correct on that one. The rest is nonsense.
And by "it" you mean the astronauts. The Astronauts did NOT consider the Black female "computers" nonsense, that is YOUR nonsense.
This again is the ages of old story where the left embellishes the fuck out of something because of the gender and race of the participant.
This again is the ages of old story where the Right belittles the fuck out of something because of the gender and race of the participant.

Actually that was the Washington post and NYT. Read the OP. But at least they got facts correct, the moon-landing was due to white males. Now that Nasa is about diversity they are unable to go anymore.
LIAR, the NY Times and the WaPo did not belittle the contribution of the black female "computers" in the NASA moon shot, YOU DID!

They said it was all white males.

They were pretty much correct on that one. The rest is nonsense.
And by "it" you mean the astronauts. The Astronauts did NOT consider the Black female "computers" nonsense, that is YOUR nonsense.

"The apollo program was designed by men, for men"... "mostly white males"....

Reading is not something you do, is it? Astronaut was not a word that was mentioned.

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