Left Wing Terrorists Continue To Issue Death Threats To Trump Family Members

Another History denier.........yeah, we all know that the racists were Democrats.....back in the 40s, 50s and 60s.....then they switched. Conservatives try to deny the fact that most of the Democratic racists switched over to the Republican party when the Democrats passed the Civil Rights Act.....many Republicans even try to take credit for the Civil Rights Act. The fact is the Republican party is the one that tries to disenfranchise blacks and discriminates against minorities. Trump supporters are racist, they shout out their bigoted remarks and are proud to be racists....but here you are, arguing that Democrats are the ones that are racist... either you are really dumb or you are trying really hard to deny reality.

It's almost senseless to debate with conservatives when they live in a bubble and have their own idea about is reality.

The South has now shifted from being the conservative Democratic stronghold to a Republican base and southern politicians bring the baggage of excessively conservative social and greedy irresponsible economic policies into the Republican fold.

Race has always been at the core of Southern politics and the South has always closed ranks against any efforts for equality. This, in spite of the fact that it was a “white” Democratic southern politician, Lyndon Johnson, who passed the most important civil rights legislation in the country’s history.

How the South Became Republican: It’s About Race
Bullshit. A few switched, but most of them stayed Democrats and simply died out over the years. Robert Byrd and George Wallace for example. But, Republicans still keep to their principles. Democrats instead decided that they could get more out of minorities by telling them they are on their side.....but in fact, continued screwing them in the ass.

Yeah right....that's why the South used to be all blue.....and now it's all red.....because all the racist people moved out and the embracing Republicans moved in.....:badgrin: you're so pathetic, you can't even come up with a believable theory. That's why Republicans embrace Affirmative Action, why Republican Trump supporters are the ones screaming out bigoted remarks....

I know you know better, but like a good conservative Republican, you push the myth you all created that Democrats were the ones that were the racist South and it is still the same, except the South used to be blue and now it is red, so your myth doesn't even make sense. You can continue to deny History, but it won't change it and most people are not gullible to believe the Republican's revised version of History.

To understand why the Republican Party has come to dominate the South—and why that strength may now be waning—you have to go back to the Civil War. Abraham Lincoln and Northern abolitionists ran the Republican Party in the 1860s, while the Democrats drew much of their strength from the slave states. After Reconstruction, when the Southern states were left to their own devices, the Democratic Party ruled with an iron fist—and Jim Crow. Their reign lasted nearly a century.

The GOP in Dixie, political scientist V.O. Key Jr. observed in 1949, more closely resembled a cult or a conspiracy than a political party. In 1950, of the 127 members of Congress from the former Confederate states, just two were Republican.

But the Democrats’ stranglehold on the South was already loosening. Perhaps no one embodied, or facilitated, the South’s transformation from the Democrats’ Solid South to the regional anchor of today’s Republican Party as much as Strom Thurmond.

After Democratic President Harry Truman embraced civil rights ahead of his re-election bid in 1948, Southern Democrats broke from the party in protest. They wanted to send a message to Democrats in Washington: Either civil rights go, or the South goes.

A group of Southern lawmakers formed the “Dixiecrats,” who were devoted to states’ rights, and nominated Thurmond, the former Democratic segregationist governor of South Carolina, for president. On a hot day in Birmingham, Alabama, Thurmond made his first speech to Southern deserters as their presumptive nominee.

“There’s not enough troops in the Army to force the Southern people to break down segregation and admit the nigra race into our theaters, into our swimming pools, into our homes and into our churches,” Thurmond told them. That November, he won over a million votes and carried four states in the Deep South.

Thurmond and his fellow Dixiecrats weren’t kidding around. Two months after President Lyndon Johnson signed the Civil Rights Act in July 1964, Thurmond, by then a U.S. senator, switched parties from Democrat to Republican. That November, five Southern states followed his lead and voted for Barry Goldwater, the Republicans’ ultra-conservative presidential nominee. In 1964, more Southern whites voted Republican than Democrat for the first time. They never went back.

Last time I looked Strom Thurmond was dead. So are alot of people that were old enough to vote in 1964.

I've been living in the South for the last 25 years. Most Republicans here aren't racists. Most of the Democrats here are poor, lower Middle Class whites and Blacks. The whites vote Democrat because it's a tradition. The reason they don't vote Republican is because they got this crazy idea from somebody the the GOP only helps the rich. Good thing so many people have moved here from other states and reversed the Democratic hold on most Southern states. KY still drifts back and forth at the local level.....but now they're run by a Republican governor. But, and this is important, most people born here consider themselves to be Democrats despite how they vote. They are some seriously ignorant idiots.

I don't know where you live in the South.....but I lived in Alabama for about 8 years, still have relatives there and believe me, racism is still alive and well.....in the church, even. I know Strom Thurmond is dead....so is Robert Byrd, yet Republicans keep using Byrd as the model for racism when he actually repented and claimed he was sorry for his behavior as a racist in the 40's. Strom went to his grave a racist, just like Jesse Helms. And here we have Ted Cruz, (Republican) praising him Jesse Helms. Show me where any Democrat leader or candidate ever praises a racist....I dare you.

Tea Party Darling Ted Cruz Praises Jesse Helms: Another Racial Misstep for the GOP
I live here now, not when I was a kid. Ted Cruz isn't my fucking candidate. Jessie Helms is DEAD GOD DAMMIT!!

I know Jesse Helms is dead....but racism isn't dead in the Republican party....especially when one of your party's candidates is praising him?

It's hilarious to read some of the conservative's reasoning as to why it is Democrats that are racist.....while they hold up their bigoted signs and fight all legislature that would benefit blacks and minorities. There was a switch in Party names.....Republicans became Democrats and Democrats became Republicans, but the real spirit of racism is not in the Party labels but rather in the concept of "liveral vs conservative". It is conservatives that are racist....and yes, there may be a few of them in the Democratic party, but the majority of them are in the Republican party.

What would have been much, much more entertaining would have been if, instead of writing this piece about “Democrats” and “Republicans,” Williamson had written it about liberals and conservatives. Barry Goldwater and George Wallace both used conservative rhetoric to justify their segregationist beliefs — and so did William F. Buckley. Both parties at the time had liberal and conservative wings, and in each of those parties it was the liberal wing that was right on civil rights.

The new face of “Democrats are the real racists!”
I've lived in the south and north. Racism exists no matter where. The south is usually honest about theirs, the north isn't.

And vocal.....and they vote accordingly. Being honest about it doesn't make it more tolerable.
I've lived in the south and north. Racism exists no matter where. The south is usually honest about theirs, the north isn't.

And vocal.....and they vote accordingly. Being honest about it doesn't make it more tolerable.
It does for me. I moved from NYC to rural Mississippi. Down yonder the kids called me n*gger lover. But alone they would apologize and say they really didn't have anything against them. I'd rather have that than the phony bs.
I've lived in the south and north. Racism exists no matter where. The south is usually honest about theirs, the north isn't.
I didn't say it doesn't exist. The left claims it's only in the Republican Party. But Jimmy Carter (D) is a racist. Bill Clinton (D) is a racist. Barack Obama (D) is a racist. Hillary Clinton (D) is a racist. All Gore (D) is a racist.
I've lived in the south and north. Racism exists no matter where. The south is usually honest about theirs, the north isn't.

And vocal.....and they vote accordingly. Being honest about it doesn't make it more tolerable.
It does for me. I moved from NYC to rural Mississippi. Down yonder the kids called me n*gger lover. But alone they would apologize and say they really didn't have anything against them. I'd rather have that than the phony bs.
I've been called a n****er lover.

Too many times by Democrats.
I've lived in the south and north. Racism exists no matter where. The south is usually honest about theirs, the north isn't.

And vocal.....and they vote accordingly. Being honest about it doesn't make it more tolerable.
Most Democrats in the South are honest about their bigotry. Not everyone votes according to one issue......race....like you Democrats do.
I've lived in the south and north. Racism exists no matter where. The south is usually honest about theirs, the north isn't.

And vocal.....and they vote accordingly. Being honest about it doesn't make it more tolerable.
It does for me. I moved from NYC to rural Mississippi. Down yonder the kids called me n*gger lover. But alone they would apologize and say they really didn't have anything against them. I'd rather have that than the phony bs.

Of course it does.....you are actually proud of it.
I've lived in the south and north. Racism exists no matter where. The south is usually honest about theirs, the north isn't.
I didn't say it doesn't exist. The left claims it's only in the Republican Party. But Jimmy Carter (D) is a racist. Bill Clinton (D) is a racist. Barack Obama (D) is a racist. Hillary Clinton (D) is a racist. All Gore (D) is a racist.
I hear ya. The libs live in the reality they want, not the real one.
Again, why are anti-Trump protesters wearing
Klan hoods to Trump rallys?

First of all, are you sure any these protestors are not Republicans? They are the ones in a panic trying to stop The Donald....:)


Yes I,'m sure!

LEAD ORGANIZER Who Shut Down Hwy to TRUMP RALLY Is "Soros Fellow" from New Orleans - The Gateway Pundit

That doesn't mean that none of the protestors were Republicans......
Republicans rarely protest......and Democrats wear hoods......history proved that.
You really lay it on thick. I guess David Duke is a Democrat in your bubble-land....I'm sure he never wore a hood......since he was a Grand Wizard....:badgrin:
david duke was a democrat. DOH!!!!
I've lived in the south and north. Racism exists no matter where. The south is usually honest about theirs, the north isn't.

And vocal.....and they vote accordingly. Being honest about it doesn't make it more tolerable.
It does for me. I moved from NYC to rural Mississippi. Down yonder the kids called me n*gger lover. But alone they would apologize and say they really didn't have anything against them. I'd rather have that than the phony bs.

Of course it does.....you are actually proud of it.
Yes, I prefer honesty. Sorry you are so morally impaired.
Bullshit. A few switched, but most of them stayed Democrats and simply died out over the years. Robert Byrd and George Wallace for example. But, Republicans still keep to their principles. Democrats instead decided that they could get more out of minorities by telling them they are on their side.....but in fact, continued screwing them in the ass.

Yeah right....that's why the South used to be all blue.....and now it's all red.....because all the racist people moved out and the embracing Republicans moved in.....:badgrin: you're so pathetic, you can't even come up with a believable theory. That's why Republicans embrace Affirmative Action, why Republican Trump supporters are the ones screaming out bigoted remarks....

I know you know better, but like a good conservative Republican, you push the myth you all created that Democrats were the ones that were the racist South and it is still the same, except the South used to be blue and now it is red, so your myth doesn't even make sense. You can continue to deny History, but it won't change it and most people are not gullible to believe the Republican's revised version of History.

To understand why the Republican Party has come to dominate the South—and why that strength may now be waning—you have to go back to the Civil War. Abraham Lincoln and Northern abolitionists ran the Republican Party in the 1860s, while the Democrats drew much of their strength from the slave states. After Reconstruction, when the Southern states were left to their own devices, the Democratic Party ruled with an iron fist—and Jim Crow. Their reign lasted nearly a century.

The GOP in Dixie, political scientist V.O. Key Jr. observed in 1949, more closely resembled a cult or a conspiracy than a political party. In 1950, of the 127 members of Congress from the former Confederate states, just two were Republican.

But the Democrats’ stranglehold on the South was already loosening. Perhaps no one embodied, or facilitated, the South’s transformation from the Democrats’ Solid South to the regional anchor of today’s Republican Party as much as Strom Thurmond.

After Democratic President Harry Truman embraced civil rights ahead of his re-election bid in 1948, Southern Democrats broke from the party in protest. They wanted to send a message to Democrats in Washington: Either civil rights go, or the South goes.

A group of Southern lawmakers formed the “Dixiecrats,” who were devoted to states’ rights, and nominated Thurmond, the former Democratic segregationist governor of South Carolina, for president. On a hot day in Birmingham, Alabama, Thurmond made his first speech to Southern deserters as their presumptive nominee.

“There’s not enough troops in the Army to force the Southern people to break down segregation and admit the nigra race into our theaters, into our swimming pools, into our homes and into our churches,” Thurmond told them. That November, he won over a million votes and carried four states in the Deep South.

Thurmond and his fellow Dixiecrats weren’t kidding around. Two months after President Lyndon Johnson signed the Civil Rights Act in July 1964, Thurmond, by then a U.S. senator, switched parties from Democrat to Republican. That November, five Southern states followed his lead and voted for Barry Goldwater, the Republicans’ ultra-conservative presidential nominee. In 1964, more Southern whites voted Republican than Democrat for the first time. They never went back.

Last time I looked Strom Thurmond was dead. So are alot of people that were old enough to vote in 1964.

I've been living in the South for the last 25 years. Most Republicans here aren't racists. Most of the Democrats here are poor, lower Middle Class whites and Blacks. The whites vote Democrat because it's a tradition. The reason they don't vote Republican is because they got this crazy idea from somebody the the GOP only helps the rich. Good thing so many people have moved here from other states and reversed the Democratic hold on most Southern states. KY still drifts back and forth at the local level.....but now they're run by a Republican governor. But, and this is important, most people born here consider themselves to be Democrats despite how they vote. They are some seriously ignorant idiots.

I don't know where you live in the South.....but I lived in Alabama for about 8 years, still have relatives there and believe me, racism is still alive and well.....in the church, even. I know Strom Thurmond is dead....so is Robert Byrd, yet Republicans keep using Byrd as the model for racism when he actually repented and claimed he was sorry for his behavior as a racist in the 40's. Strom went to his grave a racist, just like Jesse Helms. And here we have Ted Cruz, (Republican) praising him Jesse Helms. Show me where any Democrat leader or candidate ever praises a racist....I dare you.

Tea Party Darling Ted Cruz Praises Jesse Helms: Another Racial Misstep for the GOP
I live here now, not when I was a kid. Ted Cruz isn't my fucking candidate. Jessie Helms is DEAD GOD DAMMIT!!

I know Jesse Helms is dead....but racism isn't dead in the Republican party....especially when one of your party's candidates is praising him?

It's hilarious to read some of the conservative's reasoning as to why it is Democrats that are racist.....while they hold up their bigoted signs and fight all legislature that would benefit blacks and minorities. There was a switch in Party names.....Republicans became Democrats and Democrats became Republicans, but the real spirit of racism is not in the Party labels but rather in the concept of "liveral vs conservative". It is conservatives that are racist....and yes, there may be a few of them in the Democratic party, but the majority of them are in the Republican party.

What would have been much, much more entertaining would have been if, instead of writing this piece about “Democrats” and “Republicans,” Williamson had written it about liberals and conservatives. Barry Goldwater and George Wallace both used conservative rhetoric to justify their segregationist beliefs — and so did William F. Buckley. Both parties at the time had liberal and conservative wings, and in each of those parties it was the liberal wing that was right on civil rights.

The new face of “Democrats are the real racists!”
Ted Cruz doesn't speak for the Republican Party in case you haven't kept up on current events. He's an ultra-conservative. He doesn't even get along with the establishment.

Jessie Helms was a Cracker. I lived in NC when he was it's Senator. I never liked him. Yes, he was a racist, no more than Jimmy Carter or the Clintons.
I've lived in the south and north. Racism exists no matter where. The south is usually honest about theirs, the north isn't.

And vocal.....and they vote accordingly. Being honest about it doesn't make it more tolerable.
It does for me. I moved from NYC to rural Mississippi. Down yonder the kids called me n*gger lover. But alone they would apologize and say they really didn't have anything against them. I'd rather have that than the phony bs.

Of course it does.....you are actually proud of it.
Yes, I prefer honesty. Sorry you are so morally impaired.
libturd's don't know how to spell the word honesty.
Again, why are anti-Trump protesters wearing
Klan hoods to Trump rallys?

First of all, are you sure any these protestors are not Republicans? They are the ones in a panic trying to stop The Donald....:)


Yes I,'m sure!

LEAD ORGANIZER Who Shut Down Hwy to TRUMP RALLY Is "Soros Fellow" from New Orleans - The Gateway Pundit

That doesn't mean that none of the protestors were Republicans......
Republicans rarely protest......and Democrats wear hoods......history proved that.
You really lay it on thick. I guess David Duke is a Democrat in your bubble-land....I'm sure he never wore a hood......since he was a Grand Wizard....:badgrin:
David Duke acts like a Democrat. Racist, ignorant, intolerant, bigots.

In other words- he acts like you.
Again, why are anti-Trump protesters wearing
Klan hoods to Trump rallys?

First of all, are you sure any these protestors are not Republicans? They are the ones in a panic trying to stop The Donald....:)


Yes I,'m sure!

LEAD ORGANIZER Who Shut Down Hwy to TRUMP RALLY Is "Soros Fellow" from New Orleans - The Gateway Pundit

That doesn't mean that none of the protestors were Republicans......
Republicans rarely protest......and Democrats wear hoods......history proved that.
You really lay it on thick. I guess David Duke is a Democrat in your bubble-land....I'm sure he never wore a hood......since he was a Grand Wizard....:badgrin:
david duke was a democrat. DOH!!!!

David Duke was a democrat- and a was a Republican.

But it was as a Republican that he was elected to office.

In December 1988, Duke changed his political affiliation from the Democratic Party to the Republican Party.[3]

In 1988, Republican State Representative Charles Cusimano of Metairie resigned his District 81 seat to become a 24th Judicial District Court judge, and a special election was called early in 1989 to select a successor. Duke entered the race to succeed Cusimano.... Duke, with 8,459 votes (50.7%) defeated Treen, who polled 8,232 votes (49.3%).[41] He served in the House from 1989 until 1992.[42

He ran as a Republican for among other offices, Governor, Senator and Congress.
First of all, are you sure any these protestors are not Republicans? They are the ones in a panic trying to stop The Donald....:)


Yes I,'m sure!

LEAD ORGANIZER Who Shut Down Hwy to TRUMP RALLY Is "Soros Fellow" from New Orleans - The Gateway Pundit

That doesn't mean that none of the protestors were Republicans......
Republicans rarely protest......and Democrats wear hoods......history proved that.
You really lay it on thick. I guess David Duke is a Democrat in your bubble-land....I'm sure he never wore a hood......since he was a Grand Wizard....:badgrin:
david duke was a democrat. DOH!!!!

David Duke was a democrat- and a was a Republican.

But it was as a Republican that he was elected to office.

In December 1988, Duke changed his political affiliation from the Democratic Party to the Republican Party.[3]

In 1988, Republican State Representative Charles Cusimano of Metairie resigned his District 81 seat to become a 24th Judicial District Court judge, and a special election was called early in 1989 to select a successor. Duke entered the race to succeed Cusimano.... Duke, with 8,459 votes (50.7%) defeated Treen, who polled 8,232 votes (49.3%).[41] He served in the House from 1989 until 1992.[42

He ran as a Republican for among other offices, Governor, Senator and Congress.
Funny, I remember you saying he started out a Democrat.

From what I understand, once his KKK background became widely known, he was radioactive....and he lost several attempts at winning office.
First of all, are you sure any these protestors are not Republicans? They are the ones in a panic trying to stop The Donald....:)


Yes I,'m sure!

LEAD ORGANIZER Who Shut Down Hwy to TRUMP RALLY Is "Soros Fellow" from New Orleans - The Gateway Pundit

That doesn't mean that none of the protestors were Republicans......
Republicans rarely protest......and Democrats wear hoods......history proved that.
You really lay it on thick. I guess David Duke is a Democrat in your bubble-land....I'm sure he never wore a hood......since he was a Grand Wizard....:badgrin:
david duke was a democrat. DOH!!!!

David Duke was a democrat- and a was a Republican.

But it was as a Republican that he was elected to office.

In December 1988, Duke changed his political affiliation from the Democratic Party to the Republican Party.[3]

In 1988, Republican State Representative Charles Cusimano of Metairie resigned his District 81 seat to become a 24th Judicial District Court judge, and a special election was called early in 1989 to select a successor. Duke entered the race to succeed Cusimano.... Duke, with 8,459 votes (50.7%) defeated Treen, who polled 8,232 votes (49.3%).[41] He served in the House from 1989 until 1992.[42

He ran as a Republican for among other offices, Governor, Senator and Congress.
Your stupid is phenomenal
That doesn't mean that none of the protestors were Republicans......
Republicans rarely protest......and Democrats wear hoods......history proved that.
You really lay it on thick. I guess David Duke is a Democrat in your bubble-land....I'm sure he never wore a hood......since he was a Grand Wizard....:badgrin:
david duke was a democrat. DOH!!!!

David Duke was a democrat- and a was a Republican.

But it was as a Republican that he was elected to office.

In December 1988, Duke changed his political affiliation from the Democratic Party to the Republican Party.[3]

In 1988, Republican State Representative Charles Cusimano of Metairie resigned his District 81 seat to become a 24th Judicial District Court judge, and a special election was called early in 1989 to select a successor. Duke entered the race to succeed Cusimano.... Duke, with 8,459 votes (50.7%) defeated Treen, who polled 8,232 votes (49.3%).[41] He served in the House from 1989 until 1992.[42

He ran as a Republican for among other offices, Governor, Senator and Congress.
Funny, I remember you saying he started out a Democrat.

From what I understand, once his KKK background became widely known, he was radioactive....and he lost several attempts at winning office.
Actually Duke was well known in Louisiana as head of the Klan way back in the 70's. So everyone knew his background when he ran for office in the late 80s and won ex governor Dave Treens representive seat (that David Vitter held after Duke left) and early 90s when he unseated Louisiana's incumbent governor, Buddy Roemer. He lost to Governor Edwards after the democrats bussed in black Louisiana
voters from out of state. He did get over 60% of the white vote in LA.
That doesn't mean that none of the protestors were Republicans......
Republicans rarely protest......and Democrats wear hoods......history proved that.
You really lay it on thick. I guess David Duke is a Democrat in your bubble-land....I'm sure he never wore a hood......since he was a Grand Wizard....:badgrin:
david duke was a democrat. DOH!!!!

David Duke was a democrat- and a was a Republican.

But it was as a Republican that he was elected to office.

In December 1988, Duke changed his political affiliation from the Democratic Party to the Republican Party.[3]

In 1988, Republican State Representative Charles Cusimano of Metairie resigned his District 81 seat to become a 24th Judicial District Court judge, and a special election was called early in 1989 to select a successor. Duke entered the race to succeed Cusimano.... Duke, with 8,459 votes (50.7%) defeated Treen, who polled 8,232 votes (49.3%).[41] He served in the House from 1989 until 1992.[42

He ran as a Republican for among other offices, Governor, Senator and Congress.
Your stupid is phenomenal

Not my problem that you are offended by the truth.
That doesn't mean that none of the protestors were Republicans......
Republicans rarely protest......and Democrats wear hoods......history proved that.
You really lay it on thick. I guess David Duke is a Democrat in your bubble-land....I'm sure he never wore a hood......since he was a Grand Wizard....:badgrin:
david duke was a democrat. DOH!!!!

David Duke was a democrat- and a was a Republican.

But it was as a Republican that he was elected to office.

In December 1988, Duke changed his political affiliation from the Democratic Party to the Republican Party.[3]

In 1988, Republican State Representative Charles Cusimano of Metairie resigned his District 81 seat to become a 24th Judicial District Court judge, and a special election was called early in 1989 to select a successor. Duke entered the race to succeed Cusimano.... Duke, with 8,459 votes (50.7%) defeated Treen, who polled 8,232 votes (49.3%).[41] He served in the House from 1989 until 1992.[42

He ran as a Republican for among other offices, Governor, Senator and Congress.
Funny, I remember you saying he started out a Democrat.

From what I understand, once his KKK background became widely known, he was radioactive....and he lost several attempts at winning office.

He tried running for office as a Democrat- and failed.

But succeeded for running for office as a Republican.......and kept trying to run for a Republican in the 1990's.

Of course everyone denounced him- Republicans- Democrats- yes he was- and is a political pariah.

So yes- he started as a Democrat- and but then switched to Republican and was elected.
Republicans rarely protest......and Democrats wear hoods......history proved that.
You really lay it on thick. I guess David Duke is a Democrat in your bubble-land....I'm sure he never wore a hood......since he was a Grand Wizard....:badgrin:
david duke was a democrat. DOH!!!!

David Duke was a democrat- and a was a Republican.

But it was as a Republican that he was elected to office.

In December 1988, Duke changed his political affiliation from the Democratic Party to the Republican Party.[3]

In 1988, Republican State Representative Charles Cusimano of Metairie resigned his District 81 seat to become a 24th Judicial District Court judge, and a special election was called early in 1989 to select a successor. Duke entered the race to succeed Cusimano.... Duke, with 8,459 votes (50.7%) defeated Treen, who polled 8,232 votes (49.3%).[41] He served in the House from 1989 until 1992.[42

He ran as a Republican for among other offices, Governor, Senator and Congress.
Funny, I remember you saying he started out a Democrat.

From what I understand, once his KKK background became widely known, he was radioactive....and he lost several attempts at winning office.

He tried running for office as a Democrat- and failed.

But succeeded for running for office as a Republican.......and kept trying to run for a Republican in the 1990's.

Of course everyone denounced him- Republicans- Democrats- yes he was- and is a political pariah.

So yes- he started as a Democrat- and but then switched to Republican and was elected.
David has always advocated non-violence

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