Left Wing Terrorists Continue To Issue Death Threats To Trump Family Members

That doesn't mean that none of the protestors were Republicans......
Republicans rarely protest......and Democrats wear hoods......history proved that.
You really lay it on thick. I guess David Duke is a Democrat in your bubble-land....I'm sure he never wore a hood......since he was a Grand Wizard....:badgrin:
david duke was a democrat. DOH!!!!

David Duke was a democrat- and a was a Republican.

But it was as a Republican that he was elected to office.

In December 1988, Duke changed his political affiliation from the Democratic Party to the Republican Party.[3]

In 1988, Republican State Representative Charles Cusimano of Metairie resigned his District 81 seat to become a 24th Judicial District Court judge, and a special election was called early in 1989 to select a successor. Duke entered the race to succeed Cusimano.... Duke, with 8,459 votes (50.7%) defeated Treen, who polled 8,232 votes (49.3%).[41] He served in the House from 1989 until 1992.[42

He ran as a Republican for among other offices, Governor, Senator and Congress.
Funny, I remember you saying he started out a Democrat.

From what I understand, once his KKK background became widely known, he was radioactive....and he lost several attempts at winning office.
It's amazing the leap these fkn idiots take in an attempt to change history.
The left is slowly but surely becoming the KKK of the 1950s. It won't be long until they kill somebody. Congratulations on becoming the thing you hate the most. Hitler demonized Jews, the left is demonizing white america. It will probably end the same.
No it won't end the same. White America has lots of guns, knives and even a cross bow or so. And, face it, be blunt. White America is itchy.
I just hope you all remember I was always on your side.
First of all, are you sure any these protestors are not Republicans? They are the ones in a panic trying to stop The Donald....:)


Yes I,'m sure!

LEAD ORGANIZER Who Shut Down Hwy to TRUMP RALLY Is "Soros Fellow" from New Orleans - The Gateway Pundit

That doesn't mean that none of the protestors were Republicans......
Republicans rarely protest......and Democrats wear hoods......history proved that.

Another History denier.........yeah, we all know that the racists were Democrats.....back in the 40s, 50s and 60s.....then they switched. Conservatives try to deny the fact that most of the Democratic racists switched over to the Republican party when the Democrats passed the Civil Rights Act.....many Republicans even try to take credit for the Civil Rights Act. The fact is the Republican party is the one that tries to disenfranchise blacks and discriminates against minorities. Trump supporters are racist, they shout out their bigoted remarks and are proud to be racists....but here you are, arguing that Democrats are the ones that are racist... either you are really dumb or you are trying really hard to deny reality.

It's almost senseless to debate with conservatives when they live in a bubble and have their own idea about is reality.

The South has now shifted from being the conservative Democratic stronghold to a Republican base and southern politicians bring the baggage of excessively conservative social and greedy irresponsible economic policies into the Republican fold.

Race has always been at the core of Southern politics and the South has always closed ranks against any efforts for equality. This, in spite of the fact that it was a “white” Democratic southern politician, Lyndon Johnson, who passed the most important civil rights legislation in the country’s history.

How the South Became Republican: It’s About Race
Bullshit. A few switched, but most of them stayed Democrats and simply died out over the years. Robert Byrd and George Wallace for example. But, Republicans still keep to their principles. Democrats instead decided that they could get more out of minorities by telling them they are on their side.....but in fact, continued screwing them in the ass.

Yeah right....that's why the South used to be all blue.....and now it's all red.....because all the racist people moved out and the embracing Republicans moved in.....:badgrin: you're so pathetic, you can't even come up with a believable theory. That's why Republicans embrace Affirmative Action, why Republican Trump supporters are the ones screaming out bigoted remarks....

I know you know better, but like a good conservative Republican, you push the myth you all created that Democrats were the ones that were the racist South and it is still the same, except the South used to be blue and now it is red, so your myth doesn't even make sense. You can continue to deny History, but it won't change it and most people are not gullible to believe the Republican's revised version of History.

To understand why the Republican Party has come to dominate the South—and why that strength may now be waning—you have to go back to the Civil War. Abraham Lincoln and Northern abolitionists ran the Republican Party in the 1860s, while the Democrats drew much of their strength from the slave states. After Reconstruction, when the Southern states were left to their own devices, the Democratic Party ruled with an iron fist—and Jim Crow. Their reign lasted nearly a century.

The GOP in Dixie, political scientist V.O. Key Jr. observed in 1949, more closely resembled a cult or a conspiracy than a political party. In 1950, of the 127 members of Congress from the former Confederate states, just two were Republican.

But the Democrats’ stranglehold on the South was already loosening. Perhaps no one embodied, or facilitated, the South’s transformation from the Democrats’ Solid South to the regional anchor of today’s Republican Party as much as Strom Thurmond.

After Democratic President Harry Truman embraced civil rights ahead of his re-election bid in 1948, Southern Democrats broke from the party in protest. They wanted to send a message to Democrats in Washington: Either civil rights go, or the South goes.

A group of Southern lawmakers formed the “Dixiecrats,” who were devoted to states’ rights, and nominated Thurmond, the former Democratic segregationist governor of South Carolina, for president. On a hot day in Birmingham, Alabama, Thurmond made his first speech to Southern deserters as their presumptive nominee.

“There’s not enough troops in the Army to force the Southern people to break down segregation and admit the nigra race into our theaters, into our swimming pools, into our homes and into our churches,” Thurmond told them. That November, he won over a million votes and carried four states in the Deep South.

Thurmond and his fellow Dixiecrats weren’t kidding around. Two months after President Lyndon Johnson signed the Civil Rights Act in July 1964, Thurmond, by then a U.S. senator, switched parties from Democrat to Republican. That November, five Southern states followed his lead and voted for Barry Goldwater, the Republicans’ ultra-conservative presidential nominee. In 1964, more Southern whites voted Republican than Democrat for the first time. They never went back.


Yo sounds like you skipped History Class? Or where taught History by a ""Lying Socialist Democrat"" so-called teacher?

I'm gonna chuckle when the liberals see just how many flip to Trump when Sander's drops out. If my crop of [completely rabid] Sander's supporters is any indication of the trend, we're talking almost 50%. It baffles me in some ways, but they tell me that Trump has come out with an anti-establishment platform, which is what they want, and he's further bolstered himself as their second choice by saying that he wouldn't take away SSM or PP. My liberal's are more intelligent and they can understand the immigration and borders issues as probably necessary, they also like Trump's foreign trade plans (to ply companies to produce in the US rather than away.)
You really lay it on thick. I guess David Duke is a Democrat in your bubble-land....I'm sure he never wore a hood......since he was a Grand Wizard....:badgrin:
david duke was a democrat. DOH!!!!

David Duke was a democrat- and a was a Republican.

But it was as a Republican that he was elected to office.

In December 1988, Duke changed his political affiliation from the Democratic Party to the Republican Party.[3]

In 1988, Republican State Representative Charles Cusimano of Metairie resigned his District 81 seat to become a 24th Judicial District Court judge, and a special election was called early in 1989 to select a successor. Duke entered the race to succeed Cusimano.... Duke, with 8,459 votes (50.7%) defeated Treen, who polled 8,232 votes (49.3%).[41] He served in the House from 1989 until 1992.[42

He ran as a Republican for among other offices, Governor, Senator and Congress.
Funny, I remember you saying he started out a Democrat.

From what I understand, once his KKK background became widely known, he was radioactive....and he lost several attempts at winning office.

He tried running for office as a Democrat- and failed.

But succeeded for running for office as a Republican.......and kept trying to run for a Republican in the 1990's.

Of course everyone denounced him- Republicans- Democrats- yes he was- and is a political pariah.

So yes- he started as a Democrat- and but then switched to Republican and was elected.
David has always advocated non-violence

And you think that makes him "OK"? He only says that to make dumb people think that he's not so bad, but he's just as bad as Hitler.

Anti-Semite and white supremacist David Duke is very active, traveling the United States and abroad to spread his virulently anti-Semitic and racist worldview. He has convened and spoken at conferences with the purpose of demonizing Jews and minorities and denying the Holocaust. He has also visited Russia, the Ukraine, and other European countries to promote his work.
david duke was a democrat. DOH!!!!

David Duke was a democrat- and a was a Republican.

But it was as a Republican that he was elected to office.

In December 1988, Duke changed his political affiliation from the Democratic Party to the Republican Party.[3]

In 1988, Republican State Representative Charles Cusimano of Metairie resigned his District 81 seat to become a 24th Judicial District Court judge, and a special election was called early in 1989 to select a successor. Duke entered the race to succeed Cusimano.... Duke, with 8,459 votes (50.7%) defeated Treen, who polled 8,232 votes (49.3%).[41] He served in the House from 1989 until 1992.[42

He ran as a Republican for among other offices, Governor, Senator and Congress.
Funny, I remember you saying he started out a Democrat.

From what I understand, once his KKK background became widely known, he was radioactive....and he lost several attempts at winning office.

He tried running for office as a Democrat- and failed.

But succeeded for running for office as a Republican.......and kept trying to run for a Republican in the 1990's.

Of course everyone denounced him- Republicans- Democrats- yes he was- and is a political pariah.

So yes- he started as a Democrat- and but then switched to Republican and was elected.
David has always advocated non-violence

And you think that makes him "OK"? He only says that to make dumb people think that he's not so bad, but he's just as bad as Hitler.

Anti-Semite and white supremacist David Duke is very active, traveling the United States and abroad to spread his virulently anti-Semitic and racist worldview. He has convened and spoken at conferences with the purpose of demonizing Jews and minorities and denying the Holocaust. He has also visited Russia, the Ukraine, and other European countries to promote his work.
I don't mean to defend him, but if he was just as bad as Hitler then where are the ovens?
david duke was a democrat. DOH!!!!

David Duke was a democrat- and a was a Republican.

But it was as a Republican that he was elected to office.

In December 1988, Duke changed his political affiliation from the Democratic Party to the Republican Party.[3]

In 1988, Republican State Representative Charles Cusimano of Metairie resigned his District 81 seat to become a 24th Judicial District Court judge, and a special election was called early in 1989 to select a successor. Duke entered the race to succeed Cusimano.... Duke, with 8,459 votes (50.7%) defeated Treen, who polled 8,232 votes (49.3%).[41] He served in the House from 1989 until 1992.[42

He ran as a Republican for among other offices, Governor, Senator and Congress.
Funny, I remember you saying he started out a Democrat.

From what I understand, once his KKK background became widely known, he was radioactive....and he lost several attempts at winning office.

He tried running for office as a Democrat- and failed.

But succeeded for running for office as a Republican.......and kept trying to run for a Republican in the 1990's.

Of course everyone denounced him- Republicans- Democrats- yes he was- and is a political pariah.

So yes- he started as a Democrat- and but then switched to Republican and was elected.
David has always advocated non-violence

And you think that makes him "OK"? He only says that to make dumb people think that he's not so bad, but he's just as bad as Hitler.

Anti-Semite and white supremacist David Duke is very active, traveling the United States and abroad to spread his virulently anti-Semitic and racist worldview. He has convened and spoken at conferences with the purpose of demonizing Jews and minorities and denying the Holocaust. He has also visited Russia, the Ukraine, and other European countries to promote his work.
The ADL is one of the biggist anti-White groups out there besides the Southern Poverty Law Center. They can't be trusted at all.
David Duke was a democrat- and a was a Republican.

But it was as a Republican that he was elected to office.

In December 1988, Duke changed his political affiliation from the Democratic Party to the Republican Party.[3]

In 1988, Republican State Representative Charles Cusimano of Metairie resigned his District 81 seat to become a 24th Judicial District Court judge, and a special election was called early in 1989 to select a successor. Duke entered the race to succeed Cusimano.... Duke, with 8,459 votes (50.7%) defeated Treen, who polled 8,232 votes (49.3%).[41] He served in the House from 1989 until 1992.[42

He ran as a Republican for among other offices, Governor, Senator and Congress.
Funny, I remember you saying he started out a Democrat.

From what I understand, once his KKK background became widely known, he was radioactive....and he lost several attempts at winning office.

He tried running for office as a Democrat- and failed.

But succeeded for running for office as a Republican.......and kept trying to run for a Republican in the 1990's.

Of course everyone denounced him- Republicans- Democrats- yes he was- and is a political pariah.

So yes- he started as a Democrat- and but then switched to Republican and was elected.
David has always advocated non-violence

And you think that makes him "OK"? He only says that to make dumb people think that he's not so bad, but he's just as bad as Hitler.

Anti-Semite and white supremacist David Duke is very active, traveling the United States and abroad to spread his virulently anti-Semitic and racist worldview. He has convened and spoken at conferences with the purpose of demonizing Jews and minorities and denying the Holocaust. He has also visited Russia, the Ukraine, and other European countries to promote his work.
I don't mean to defend him, but if he was just as bad as Hitler then where are the ovens?

I'm sure that Trumpf would be happy to provide them, if he were to be elected President, and his supporters would all be more than willing to go along with it.
David Duke was a democrat- and a was a Republican.

But it was as a Republican that he was elected to office.

In December 1988, Duke changed his political affiliation from the Democratic Party to the Republican Party.[3]

In 1988, Republican State Representative Charles Cusimano of Metairie resigned his District 81 seat to become a 24th Judicial District Court judge, and a special election was called early in 1989 to select a successor. Duke entered the race to succeed Cusimano.... Duke, with 8,459 votes (50.7%) defeated Treen, who polled 8,232 votes (49.3%).[41] He served in the House from 1989 until 1992.[42

He ran as a Republican for among other offices, Governor, Senator and Congress.
Funny, I remember you saying he started out a Democrat.

From what I understand, once his KKK background became widely known, he was radioactive....and he lost several attempts at winning office.

He tried running for office as a Democrat- and failed.

But succeeded for running for office as a Republican.......and kept trying to run for a Republican in the 1990's.

Of course everyone denounced him- Republicans- Democrats- yes he was- and is a political pariah.

So yes- he started as a Democrat- and but then switched to Republican and was elected.
David has always advocated non-violence

And you think that makes him "OK"? He only says that to make dumb people think that he's not so bad, but he's just as bad as Hitler.

Anti-Semite and white supremacist David Duke is very active, traveling the United States and abroad to spread his virulently anti-Semitic and racist worldview. He has convened and spoken at conferences with the purpose of demonizing Jews and minorities and denying the Holocaust. He has also visited Russia, the Ukraine, and other European countries to promote his work.
The ADL is one of the biggist anti-White groups out there besides the Southern Poverty Law Center. They can't be trusted at all.

I'm sure you mean "anti-white supremacists" - everyone should be against that. If you aren't, then you are part of the problem.
david duke was a democrat. DOH!!!!

David Duke was a democrat- and a was a Republican.

But it was as a Republican that he was elected to office.

In December 1988, Duke changed his political affiliation from the Democratic Party to the Republican Party.[3]

In 1988, Republican State Representative Charles Cusimano of Metairie resigned his District 81 seat to become a 24th Judicial District Court judge, and a special election was called early in 1989 to select a successor. Duke entered the race to succeed Cusimano.... Duke, with 8,459 votes (50.7%) defeated Treen, who polled 8,232 votes (49.3%).[41] He served in the House from 1989 until 1992.[42

He ran as a Republican for among other offices, Governor, Senator and Congress.
Funny, I remember you saying he started out a Democrat.

From what I understand, once his KKK background became widely known, he was radioactive....and he lost several attempts at winning office.

He tried running for office as a Democrat- and failed.

But succeeded for running for office as a Republican.......and kept trying to run for a Republican in the 1990's.

Of course everyone denounced him- Republicans- Democrats- yes he was- and is a political pariah.

So yes- he started as a Democrat- and but then switched to Republican and was elected.
David has always advocated non-violence

And you think that makes him "OK"? He only says that to make dumb people think that he's not so bad, but he's just as bad as Hitler.

Anti-Semite and white supremacist David Duke is very active, traveling the United States and abroad to spread his virulently anti-Semitic and racist worldview. He has convened and spoken at conferences with the purpose of demonizing Jews and minorities and denying the Holocaust. He has also visited Russia, the Ukraine, and other European countries to promote his work.
right cause you said so right? LOL the stupid you write.
Funny, I remember you saying he started out a Democrat.

From what I understand, once his KKK background became widely known, he was radioactive....and he lost several attempts at winning office.

He tried running for office as a Democrat- and failed.

But succeeded for running for office as a Republican.......and kept trying to run for a Republican in the 1990's.

Of course everyone denounced him- Republicans- Democrats- yes he was- and is a political pariah.

So yes- he started as a Democrat- and but then switched to Republican and was elected.
David has always advocated non-violence

And you think that makes him "OK"? He only says that to make dumb people think that he's not so bad, but he's just as bad as Hitler.

Anti-Semite and white supremacist David Duke is very active, traveling the United States and abroad to spread his virulently anti-Semitic and racist worldview. He has convened and spoken at conferences with the purpose of demonizing Jews and minorities and denying the Holocaust. He has also visited Russia, the Ukraine, and other European countries to promote his work.
I don't mean to defend him, but if he was just as bad as Hitler then where are the ovens?

I'm sure that Trumpf would be happy to provide them, if he were to be elected President, and his supporters would all be more than willing to go along with it.
Trump is a born liberal with conservative leanings, better known as a moderate.

The problem with you folks on the left is your only candidate has to make herself out to be something she's not while accusing her opposition of being what she really is.....a racist with an Anti-Semitic, Anti-American agenda.
Funny, I remember you saying he started out a Democrat.

From what I understand, once his KKK background became widely known, he was radioactive....and he lost several attempts at winning office.

He tried running for office as a Democrat- and failed.

But succeeded for running for office as a Republican.......and kept trying to run for a Republican in the 1990's.

Of course everyone denounced him- Republicans- Democrats- yes he was- and is a political pariah.

So yes- he started as a Democrat- and but then switched to Republican and was elected.
David has always advocated non-violence

And you think that makes him "OK"? He only says that to make dumb people think that he's not so bad, but he's just as bad as Hitler.

Anti-Semite and white supremacist David Duke is very active, traveling the United States and abroad to spread his virulently anti-Semitic and racist worldview. He has convened and spoken at conferences with the purpose of demonizing Jews and minorities and denying the Holocaust. He has also visited Russia, the Ukraine, and other European countries to promote his work.
The ADL is one of the biggist anti-White groups out there besides the Southern Poverty Law Center. They can't be trusted at all.

I'm sure you mean "anti-white supremacists" - everyone should be against that. If you aren't, then you are part of the problem.
you know the constitution allows them to exist. If you have an issue with that, change it. Me believes you will fail, but go for it. Bring it on. they have a right to vote even though you don't like it. And they are allowed based on the constitution to vote for who they like. Why is that difficult for you. What difference does it make whether we all reject them? I don't get your point. All they care about is their right. Just like you.
Funny, I remember you saying he started out a Democrat.

From what I understand, once his KKK background became widely known, he was radioactive....and he lost several attempts at winning office.

He tried running for office as a Democrat- and failed.

But succeeded for running for office as a Republican.......and kept trying to run for a Republican in the 1990's.

Of course everyone denounced him- Republicans- Democrats- yes he was- and is a political pariah.

So yes- he started as a Democrat- and but then switched to Republican and was elected.
David has always advocated non-violence

And you think that makes him "OK"? He only says that to make dumb people think that he's not so bad, but he's just as bad as Hitler.

Anti-Semite and white supremacist David Duke is very active, traveling the United States and abroad to spread his virulently anti-Semitic and racist worldview. He has convened and spoken at conferences with the purpose of demonizing Jews and minorities and denying the Holocaust. He has also visited Russia, the Ukraine, and other European countries to promote his work.
The ADL is one of the biggist anti-White groups out there besides the Southern Poverty Law Center. They can't be trusted at all.

I'm sure you mean "anti-white supremacists" - everyone should be against that. If you aren't, then you are part of the problem.
Anti-white supremacists would be Black Panthers, The NAACP, The Rainbow Coalition, The Black Congressional Caucus, The Nation of Islam, and Blacklivesmatter.
He tried running for office as a Democrat- and failed.

But succeeded for running for office as a Republican.......and kept trying to run for a Republican in the 1990's.

Of course everyone denounced him- Republicans- Democrats- yes he was- and is a political pariah.

So yes- he started as a Democrat- and but then switched to Republican and was elected.
David has always advocated non-violence

And you think that makes him "OK"? He only says that to make dumb people think that he's not so bad, but he's just as bad as Hitler.

Anti-Semite and white supremacist David Duke is very active, traveling the United States and abroad to spread his virulently anti-Semitic and racist worldview. He has convened and spoken at conferences with the purpose of demonizing Jews and minorities and denying the Holocaust. He has also visited Russia, the Ukraine, and other European countries to promote his work.
The ADL is one of the biggist anti-White groups out there besides the Southern Poverty Law Center. They can't be trusted at all.

I'm sure you mean "anti-white supremacists" - everyone should be against that. If you aren't, then you are part of the problem.
Anti-white supremacists would be Black Panthers, The NAACP, The Rainbow Coalition, The Black Congressional Caucus, The Nation of Islam, and Blacklivesmatter.
And non other than Al Sharpton, multi-million dollar tax evader with unlimited White House access.
He tried running for office as a Democrat- and failed.

But succeeded for running for office as a Republican.......and kept trying to run for a Republican in the 1990's.

Of course everyone denounced him- Republicans- Democrats- yes he was- and is a political pariah.

So yes- he started as a Democrat- and but then switched to Republican and was elected.
David has always advocated non-violence

And you think that makes him "OK"? He only says that to make dumb people think that he's not so bad, but he's just as bad as Hitler.

Anti-Semite and white supremacist David Duke is very active, traveling the United States and abroad to spread his virulently anti-Semitic and racist worldview. He has convened and spoken at conferences with the purpose of demonizing Jews and minorities and denying the Holocaust. He has also visited Russia, the Ukraine, and other European countries to promote his work.
The ADL is one of the biggist anti-White groups out there besides the Southern Poverty Law Center. They can't be trusted at all.

I'm sure you mean "anti-white supremacists" - everyone should be against that. If you aren't, then you are part of the problem.
Anti-white supremacists would be Black Panthers, The NAACP, The Rainbow Coalition, The Black Congressional Caucus, The Nation of Islam, and Blacklivesmatter.

They are "anti-white supremacists" - the KKK and many conservatives are "white supremacists" - you need to figure out the difference....you are still delusional.
Is this you Mud? McGarrett?

A Montana man wants to rebrand the Ku Klux Klan as a nicer, more diverse organization, but many people are saying the idea is baloney.

John Abarr told the Great Falls Tribune he's ready to shed his white supremacist ways and has started a new KKK group called the Rocky Mountain Knights, which doesn't drop its KKK label but at the same time won't discriminate against race, religion or sexual orientation.

"The KKK is for a strong America," Abarr told the newspaper. "White supremacy is the old Klan. This is the new Klan."

Effort to Rebrand KKK as More Inclusive Prompts Skepticism
David has always advocated non-violence

And you think that makes him "OK"? He only says that to make dumb people think that he's not so bad, but he's just as bad as Hitler.

Anti-Semite and white supremacist David Duke is very active, traveling the United States and abroad to spread his virulently anti-Semitic and racist worldview. He has convened and spoken at conferences with the purpose of demonizing Jews and minorities and denying the Holocaust. He has also visited Russia, the Ukraine, and other European countries to promote his work.
The ADL is one of the biggist anti-White groups out there besides the Southern Poverty Law Center. They can't be trusted at all.

I'm sure you mean "anti-white supremacists" - everyone should be against that. If you aren't, then you are part of the problem.
Anti-white supremacists would be Black Panthers, The NAACP, The Rainbow Coalition, The Black Congressional Caucus, The Nation of Islam, and Blacklivesmatter.

They are "anti-white supremacists" - the KKK and many conservatives are "white supremacists" - you need to figure out the difference....you are still delusional.
what do you mean by white supremacist? Give us your definition. Then tell us who the BLM represent and the Black Panthers, and the NAACP. let's figure this all out.
David has always advocated non-violence

And you think that makes him "OK"? He only says that to make dumb people think that he's not so bad, but he's just as bad as Hitler.

Anti-Semite and white supremacist David Duke is very active, traveling the United States and abroad to spread his virulently anti-Semitic and racist worldview. He has convened and spoken at conferences with the purpose of demonizing Jews and minorities and denying the Holocaust. He has also visited Russia, the Ukraine, and other European countries to promote his work.
The ADL is one of the biggist anti-White groups out there besides the Southern Poverty Law Center. They can't be trusted at all.

I'm sure you mean "anti-white supremacists" - everyone should be against that. If you aren't, then you are part of the problem.
Anti-white supremacists would be Black Panthers, The NAACP, The Rainbow Coalition, The Black Congressional Caucus, The Nation of Islam, and Blacklivesmatter.

They are "anti-white supremacists" - the KKK and many conservatives are "white supremacists" - you need to figure out the difference....you are still delusional.

I'm superior to you in more ways than one. None of them have to do with race or gender.
And you think that makes him "OK"? He only says that to make dumb people think that he's not so bad, but he's just as bad as Hitler.

Anti-Semite and white supremacist David Duke is very active, traveling the United States and abroad to spread his virulently anti-Semitic and racist worldview. He has convened and spoken at conferences with the purpose of demonizing Jews and minorities and denying the Holocaust. He has also visited Russia, the Ukraine, and other European countries to promote his work.
The ADL is one of the biggist anti-White groups out there besides the Southern Poverty Law Center. They can't be trusted at all.

I'm sure you mean "anti-white supremacists" - everyone should be against that. If you aren't, then you are part of the problem.
Anti-white supremacists would be Black Panthers, The NAACP, The Rainbow Coalition, The Black Congressional Caucus, The Nation of Islam, and Blacklivesmatter.

They are "anti-white supremacists" - the KKK and many conservatives are "white supremacists" - you need to figure out the difference....you are still delusional.

I'm superior to you in more ways than one. None of them have to do with race or gender.
he just hates white people. Wished we were all gone. Let's just call a spade a spade.
The ADL is one of the biggist anti-White groups out there besides the Southern Poverty Law Center. They can't be trusted at all.

I'm sure you mean "anti-white supremacists" - everyone should be against that. If you aren't, then you are part of the problem.
Anti-white supremacists would be Black Panthers, The NAACP, The Rainbow Coalition, The Black Congressional Caucus, The Nation of Islam, and Blacklivesmatter.

They are "anti-white supremacists" - the KKK and many conservatives are "white supremacists" - you need to figure out the difference....you are still delusional.

I'm superior to you in more ways than one. None of them have to do with race or gender.
he just hates white people. Wished we were all gone. Let's just call a spade a spade.

I want to say Mertex is a she, at least based on physical parts.

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