Left-Wing Activists Harass Florida AG Pam Bondi At Movie Theater, Spit On Her


Diamond Member
Aug 6, 2012
Are the alt-left radical extremist anti-American communist SOB's trying to start a civil war?

I hope the police catch the pos who spit on her.

WATCH: Left-Wing Activists Harass Florida AG Pam Bondi At Movie Theater, Spit On Her

Left-wing activists harassed Florida Attorney General Pam Bondi at a movie theater on Saturday over her support for the Trump administration, yelling at her as she left and returned to her vehicle.

The Tampa Bay Times reports:

A video of the confrontation, taken by progressive activist Timothy Heberlein of Organize Florida, shows several people shouting down Bondi as she leaves the theater escorted by law enforcement after seeing Won't You Be My Neighbor.

"What would Mister Rogers think about you and your legacy in Florida? Taking away health insurance from people with pre-existing conditions, Pam Bondi!" Maria José Chapa, a left-wing organizer, screamed at Bondi. "Shame on you!"

Another heckler yelled: "You're a horrible person!"

Whitney Ray, a spokeswoman for Bondi, told the Tampa Bay Times that the video shared on social media showed only a small portion of what actually happened.

"The video they are choosing to share is of the least aggressive portion of the attack that transpired after police arrived to control the scene. What they are not sharing publicly are several previous encounters involving large men getting in the Attorney General's face, spitting and blocking her exit," Ray said.

Fox News reports that Bondi, who was watching a documentary about Mr. Rogers, didn't think that the activists' behavior aligned with what Mr. Rogers taught.

"We were in a movie about anti-bullying and practicing peace and love and tolerance and accepting of people for their differences," she said. “We all believe in free speech, but there's a big difference there."

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