Lebron James stays quiet on the issue of COVID vaccines


Platinum Member
Aug 30, 2011

News flash to all of you that don’t know. These professional athletes are morons and not people you should look towards for guidance in navigating through life.
News flash to all of you that don’t know. These professional athletes are morons and not people you should look towards for guidance in navigating through life.
Perhaps he is doing as Laura Ingraham demanded.
So let me get this straight *checks notes*...when LeBron James speaks up, you want him to stfu. When LeBron James says no comment, you want him to stfu.

If you’re an antivaxxer you probably should STFU
Rather it is professional athletes, Hollywood celebrities, or music stars very few know much if anything about what they are commenting on most are just repeating what they see trending on social media. Far to many people pay way to much attention to what this group thinks.

News flash to all of you that don’t know. These professional athletes are morons and not people you should look towards for guidance in navigating through life.

I heard he's going to get the Chinese vaccine...

That's funny to anyone who remembers the whole NBA/LeBron James/Hong Kong/China controversy a while back...
News flash to all of you that don’t know. These professional athletes are morons and not people you should look towards for guidance in navigating through life.
Perhaps he is doing as Laura Ingraham demanded.
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If only he would just shut up and dribble.
Ban all college and professional sports. Let these loud-mouth, spoiled pieces o' shit go out an get real jobs with real wages and see what oppression feels like.
loud mouth, whine ass lebron? who gives a shit, it should keep its mouth shut, unless it has to do w/basketball
It looks to me like Mr James is making a political calculation here. He knows that getting a vaccination is the only rational thing to do, but he also knows that many of the people who admire him are neurotically inclined NOT to get one, and he doesn't want to antagonize that crowd, or do anything that makes them look stupid.

News flash to all of you that don’t know. These professional athletes are morons and not people you should look towards for guidance in navigating through life.
Is it LeBron Jame's job to weigh in on this stuff? I thought he played basketball.

News flash to all of you that don’t know. These professional athletes are morons and not people you should look towards for guidance in navigating through life.

So, he's not saying one way or another, which means he's not offering guidance in navigating through life, which you apparently believe is a good thing.

But then you bitch about him not being a person one should look towards for guidance in navigating through life.

You're confused...

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