Leaked documents show Russia ordered Syria to shoot down Turkish jet!!!


Diamond Member
Mar 9, 2014
Waiting on the Cowardly Dante!!
Ekurd Daily ^
Russia told Assad to shoot down Turkish plane, murder captured pilots, ‘leaked Syrian documents’ show. Devastating intelligence papers purport to prove jet was downed on Moscow’s orders, pilots captured alive by intelligence unit and then killed; Damascus had claimed June incident was an accident October 1, 2012 DAMASCUS,— Contrary to previous reports, the two pilots of a Turkish F-4 Phantom which was shot down by Syria in June were not killed in the crash, but were murdered by the Assad regime on Russian orders, according to a devastating series of alleged Syrian intelligence documents leaked to and published by Al-Arabiya...
What happens now?
Maybe a war...

Draft every Lib to defend their Messiah's honor and earn their 72 virgins...

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