Leadership won't accept loss or accept responsibility-sacrifices people instead.


Diamond Member
Jul 19, 2016
The following is an analysis of the 2016 Democratic presidential election disaster and the proceeding dispensation of misinformation to fabricate a cover-up and eventually overturn the results.

First some comparative history: In 1986 the management at NASA presided over the destruction of the Space Shuttle Challenger leading to the deaths of all aboard. Despite dire warnings from engineers at Morton Thiokol, NASA management intimidated leadership at the company into approving a launch. The boots on the ground at Thiokol were stridently heralding concerns that the manufactured rubber O-rings that sealed hot gasses from penetrating the solid rocket casing could fail at low temperatures.

Like the FBI and the DOJ, NASA and Thiokol had management teams that ignored their rank and file while playing the odds to gather power for themselves pushing a dangerous agenda against credible advice that warned of failure. The fate of Christa McCauliffe sadly mirrors the reality that the Democratic Party has sacrificed itself in an overplayed hand based on a bluff of politics over empirical evidence and an insular, deluded underestimation of who or what they were playing.

Now a wild card sits in the White House and the American political establishment is in a state of hyper damage control. It’s not just Democrats facing exposure and elimination but the odious spectrum of a bipartisan establishment that has been selling out its own people for decades.

Most that lose their bet just walk away from the table and accept their losses but not these people. You won’t see them jumping out of windows; they want to throw us out instead to reset the game. Their plan is to accuse the winner of cheating and they have the real cheaters, upper levels of FBI and DOJ, on their side to make their case.

They know that if they can crash the process they can assemble the pieces to hide their malfeasance. If they succeed we won’t survive the impact. We’ll just be casualties lost to the pages of history like Christa McCauliffe while the real culprits disappear into the winds of time with fat pensions and full pockets.

The president is speaking to world leaders like they are children who must be made to understand that it is the people that are important not a self-serving ascended aristocracy that functions on its own behalf at the expense of the people.

Where have we heard that? Our Constitution maybe?

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