Lawmakers ask Big Cable why they let companies like Newsmax and OAN spread disinformation.


Diamond Member
May 7, 2017
Midwest - Trumplandia
Yet, it is right wing gun lovers who proclaim it is the Second Amendment that matters more while complaining their First Amendment is being infringed.

Right wingers have no "gospel Truth", why do they believe they are moral and Right, merely because they are on the right wing?
Biden Launches Campaign to Silence Critics of Killer Vaccine

The White House is asking social media companies to clamp down on chatter that deviates from officially distributed COVID-19 information as part of President Biden’s “wartime effort” to vanquish the coronavirus.
A senior administration official tells Reuters that the Biden administration is asking Facebook, Twitter and Google to help prevent anti-vaccine fears from going viral, as distrust of the inoculations emerges as a major barrier in the fight against the deadly virus.
“Disinformation that causes vaccine hesitancy is going to be a huge obstacle to getting everyone vaccinated and there are no larger players in that than the social media platforms,” the White House source told the news agency.
The news out of Washington is the first sign that officials are directly engaged with Silicon Valley in censoring social media users; Biden’s chief of staff Ron Klain previously said the administration would try to work with major media companies on the issue….
Social media leaders have vowed to squash anti-vaccine “disinformation” on their platforms, but the spreading of such content has persisted....
A Twitter spokesman said the company is “in regular communication with the White House on a number of critical issues including COVID-19 misinformation.” (White House working with social media giants to silence anti-vaxxers”, New York Post)
Biden Launches Campaign to Silence Critics of Killer Vaccine

The White House is asking social media companies to clamp down on chatter that deviates from officially distributed COVID-19 information as part of President Biden’s “wartime effort” to vanquish the coronavirus.
A senior administration official tells Reuters that the Biden administration is asking Facebook, Twitter and Google to help prevent anti-vaccine fears from going viral, as distrust of the inoculations emerges as a major barrier in the fight against the deadly virus.
“Disinformation that causes vaccine hesitancy is going to be a huge obstacle to getting everyone vaccinated and there are no larger players in that than the social media platforms,” the White House source told the news agency.
The news out of Washington is the first sign that officials are directly engaged with Silicon Valley in censoring social media users; Biden’s chief of staff Ron Klain previously said the administration would try to work with major media companies on the issue….
Social media leaders have vowed to squash anti-vaccine “disinformation” on their platforms, but the spreading of such content has persisted....
A Twitter spokesman said the company is “in regular communication with the White House on a number of critical issues including COVID-19 misinformation.” (White House working with social media giants to silence anti-vaxxers”, New York Post)
Anti vaxxers are killing people. They should be silenced so that their idiocy doesnt kill any more folk.
Biden Launches Campaign to Silence Critics of Killer Vaccine

The White House is asking social media companies to clamp down on chatter that deviates from officially distributed COVID-19 information as part of President Biden’s “wartime effort” to vanquish the coronavirus.
A senior administration official tells Reuters that the Biden administration is asking Facebook, Twitter and Google to help prevent anti-vaccine fears from going viral, as distrust of the inoculations emerges as a major barrier in the fight against the deadly virus.
“Disinformation that causes vaccine hesitancy is going to be a huge obstacle to getting everyone vaccinated and there are no larger players in that than the social media platforms,” the White House source told the news agency.
The news out of Washington is the first sign that officials are directly engaged with Silicon Valley in censoring social media users; Biden’s chief of staff Ron Klain previously said the administration would try to work with major media companies on the issue….
Social media leaders have vowed to squash anti-vaccine “disinformation” on their platforms, but the spreading of such content has persisted....
A Twitter spokesman said the company is “in regular communication with the White House on a number of critical issues including COVID-19 misinformation.” (White House working with social media giants to silence anti-vaxxers”, New York Post)
It was created and approved on your right wing watch.
Leftists aren't even making a token effort to hide their totalitarianism.

This is America, you pieces of shit. You swore an oath to support the Constitution, not burn it.

And with no regulation, we have millions of idiots who believe in QAnon, and even worse, Trump.

The real question is do media outlets have an obligation to tell the truth. If not, we will continue to be a nation full of idiots who believe in people like Trump.
If you want to see the deleterious effects of disinformation, look no further than Trump, January 6th, 2021, and forums like this one.

If you want to see the deleterious effects of disinformation, look no further than Trump, January 6th, 2021, and forums like this one.

Because CNN and MSDNC do it too. It’s called News Entertainment....
Leftists aren't even making a token effort to hide their totalitarianism.

This is America, you pieces of shit. You swore an oath to support the Constitution, not burn it.

And with no regulation, we have millions of idiots who believe in QAnon, and even worse, Trump.

The real question is do media outlets have an obligation to tell the truth. If not, we will continue to be a nation full of idiots who believe in people like Trump.
And we had you assholes believing the evidence-free RUSSIA! hoax for three years....Hell, far too many of you freaks still believe it.

If you want to see the deleterious effects of disinformation, look no further than Trump, January 6th, 2021, and forums like this one.

Because CNN and MSDNC do it too. It’s called News Entertainment....

If a media outlet uses disinformation as it's primary motivation, should it be subject to being fined? That's the larger question in this era of rightwing disinformation. It's a question that needs answered.
If you want to see the deleterious effects of disinformation, look no further than Trump, January 6th, 2021, and forums like this one.

Because CNN and MSDNC do it too. It’s called News Entertainment....

If a media outlet uses disinformation as it's primary motivation, should it be subject to being fined? That's the larger question in this era of rightwing disinformation. It's a question that needs answered.
Yes. All four should be fined and frequently. Like CNN lying about mostly peaceful protests as one example. But that will never happen. Instead they should have to call themselves News Entertainment vs News. Like the WWE is sports entertainment vs sports
If you want to see the deleterious effects of disinformation, look no further than Trump, January 6th, 2021, and forums like this one.

Funny how those same lawmakers didn't seem to have a problem with the "deleterious effects of disinformation" when that disinformation was being spread by CNN, MSNBC, The New York Times and the Washington Post, ODanny!
You want to silence political debate by silencing one sides views while the views that YOU believe in are allowed to pour fourth from the Main Stream Media, our schools, Hollywood and Social Media!
Lawmakers ask Big Cable why they let companies like Newsmax and OAN spread disinformation.

Outrageous!!! Only left-wing media should be allowed to spread disinformation!!!!!

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