Law Scholars to Arizona Governor: Religious Freedom Bill ‘Egregiously Misrepresented


Political Atheist
Mar 30, 2013
The Land of Sanctuary
About a dozen Legal Constitutional Scholars came together to set the record straight on the now vetoed Arizona measure SB 1062, which was dubbed a "religious rights" bill. About 2 hours ago Jan Brewer rejected the bill, which now seems to have been under false pretenses.

Nearly a dozen prominent law professors from schools across the country are urging Arizona Gov. Jan Brewer to take a deeper look at a bill that has been “egregiously misrepresented by many of its critics.”

Gay activists are pressuring Brewer to veto the bill. It would amend the state’s Religious Freedom Restoration Act (RFRA) that protects people of faith from laws and state actions that burden the free exercise of religion. But activists and mainstream news outlets are propagandizing it as a “Jim Crow law” and a “denial of services bill.”

“As these legal scholars rightly point out, the misrepresentations about the bill have been egregious,” said Alliance Defending Freedom Senior Counsel Douglas Napier. “It has nothing to do with refusing someone a sandwich. It has everything to do with making Arizona a safe place for people to freely live out their faith. The falsehoods need to be exposed for what they are.”

Brewer has until Saturday to sign or veto the bill. If she does nothing, SB 1062 will automatically become a law.

In the letter, the legal scholars ask her to make her decision based on accurate information:

Some of us are Republicans; some of us are Democrats. Some of us are religious; some of us are not. Some of us oppose same-sex marriage; some of us support it. Nine of the eleven signers of this letter believe that you should sign the bill; two are unsure. But all of us believe that many criticisms of the Arizona bill are deeply misleading.

Legal Scholars to Arizona Governor: Religious Freedom Bill ?Egregiously Misrepresented? | CitizenLink
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The far left has always misrepresented bills even their own.

Why should this be a surprise.

All this does is distract the people from the real issues that the far left has created an even bigger mess that this country may not ever recover from.

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