Law Professor Jonathan Turley Dismantles the Trump Indictment: ‘The American People Aren’t Buying It’


Diamond Member
Feb 16, 2016

Law Professor Jonathan Turley Dismantles the Trump Indictment:

‘The American People Aren’t Buying It’

3 Aug 2023 ~~ By mike Lachance

Professor Jonathan Turley of George Washington University may be a liberal, but he is an honest man.
He recently appeared on the Sean Hannity show and took apart the Trump indictment piece by piece, leaving it in tatters on the floor.
Turley said that it was completely understandable why the American people think we have a two-tiered justice system and called the Trump indictment an attack on free speech.
Transcript via Real Clear Politics:

Democrats and the media know all of this but they can’t admit it. They’re terrified that Trump could win again and so they’re playing offense.

Throughout America there is a slow simmer building under the surface right now, and I suspect a lot of Americans are going to be reaching a boiling point soon. If we all hit that boiling point at the same time, it's gonna get ugly... and fast.
Never in my 87 years have I ever seen this level of unbridled corruption and treason. Even the Cosa Nostra had more scruples of allegiance and loyalty to America.
Maoist/DSA Democrats and the Quisling Media are desperate and doing everything they can to prevent 45 from running 2024, and it's so blatantly obvious.
I hope he gets elected again, I'll bet he already made a long list of people who will be losing their jobs on day one, starting with the DOJ, FBI and CIA.
At tis point Maoist Democrats are becoming desperate, doing everything they can to prevent ted `People`s President` from running 2024, and it's blatantly obvious.
I'll bet Trump already has a long list of people who will be losing their jobs on day one, beginning with the DOJ, FBI and CIA.
Stalinist/Maoist Communists have a long history of vilifying, murdering or arresting their opposition. We`ve recently seen that in China, Venezuela and Brazil .
Trump is to be tried for `Wrong think` Thoughtcrimes.
If we the `People` allow this to occur, all of us will be held to this Orwellian standard. When Biden or the powers that be don’t like the way you think, they will arrest and try you, put you in a camp for re-education..
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Law Professor Jonathan Turley Dismantles the Trump Indictment:

‘The American People Aren’t Buying It’

3 Aug 2023 ~~ By mike Lachance

Professor Jonathan Turley of George Washington University may be a liberal, but he is an honest man.
He recently appeared on the Sean Hannity show and took apart the Trump indictment piece by piece, leaving it in tatters on the floor.
Turley said that it was completely understandable why the American people think we have a two-tiered justice system and called the Trump indictment an attack on free speech.
Transcript via Real Clear Politics:

Democrats and the media know all of this but they can’t admit it. They’re terrified that Trump could win again and so they’re playing offense.

Throughout America there is a slow simmer building under the surface right now, and I suspect a lot of Americans are going to be reaching a boiling point soon. If we all hit that boiling point at the same time, it's gonna get ugly... and fast.
Never in my 87 years have I ever seen this level of unbridled corruption and treason. Even the Cosa Nostra
Democrats are desperate and doing everything they can to prevent 45 from running 2024, and it's so blatantly obvious.

I for one will be voting for him, and I hope that the GOP and Trump Team are already prepared for any ballot bullsjht well in advance.

I hope he gets elected again, and I'll bet he already has a long list of people who will be losing their jobs on day 1, starting with the DOJ, FBI and CIA.
ad scruples of allegiance and loyalty to America.
At tis point Maoist Democrats are becoming desperate, doing everything they can to prevent ted `People`s President` from running 2024, and it's blatantly obvious.
I hope Trump is elected again, and I'll bet he already has a long list of people who will be losing their jobs on day one, beginning with the DOJ, FBI and CIA.
Stalinist/Maoist Communists have a long history of vilifying, murdering or arresting their opposition. We`ve recently seen that in China, Venezuela and Brazil .
Trump is to be tried for `Wrong think` Thoughtcrimes.
If we the `People` allow this to occur, all of us will be held to this Orwellian standard.
Biden or the powers that be don’t like the way you think, will try you, and put you in a camp for re-education..


A 12 member jury of "American People" will decide Trump's innocent or guilt - Not Jonathan Turley.

In addition, the bulk of witness's against "The Donald" will be his own Republican staff members that will testify Trump was told over and over that what he was doing on Jan 6th and Georgia was illegal. So, don't start icing the champagne yet. These cases will be decided in courts of law, not on talk shows, and Trump's defense team will be hard pressed to shake the testimony of Trump's own staff - all of whom will face severe penalties if they don't tell the truth.
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Law Professor Jonathan Turley Dismantles the Trump Indictment:

‘The American People Aren’t Buying It’

3 Aug 2023 ~~ By mike Lachance

Professor Jonathan Turley of George Washington University may be a liberal, but he is an honest man.
He recently appeared on the Sean Hannity show and took apart the Trump indictment piece by piece, leaving it in tatters on the floor.
Turley said that it was completely understandable why the American people think we have a two-tiered justice system and called the Trump indictment an attack on free speech.
Transcript via Real Clear Politics:

Democrats and the media know all of this but they can’t admit it. They’re terrified that Trump could win again and so they’re playing offense.

Throughout America there is a slow simmer building under the surface right now, and I suspect a lot of Americans are going to be reaching a boiling point soon. If we all hit that boiling point at the same time, it's gonna get ugly... and fast.
Never in my 87 years have I ever seen this level of unbridled corruption and treason. Even the Cosa Nostra had more scruples of allegiance and loyalty to America.
Maoist/DSA Democrats and the Quisling Media are desperate and doing everything they can to prevent 45 from running 2024, and it's so blatantly obvious.
I hope he gets elected again, I'll bet he already made a long list of people who will be losing their jobs on day one, starting with the DOJ, FBI and CIA.
At tis point Maoist Democrats are becoming desperate, doing everything they can to prevent ted `People`s President` from running 2024, and it's blatantly obvious.
I'll bet Trump already has a long list of people who will be losing their jobs on day one, beginning with the DOJ, FBI and CIA.
Stalinist/Maoist Communists have a long history of vilifying, murdering or arresting their opposition. We`ve recently seen that in China, Venezuela and Brazil .
Trump is to be tried for `Wrong think` Thoughtcrimes.
If we the `People` allow this to occur, all of us will be held to this Orwellian standard. When Biden or the powers that be don’t like the way you think, they will arrest and try you, put you in a camp for re-education..

When the article started with Turley as a Liberal, I knew it was propaganda.

For Turley to be a Liberal the scale for Moderate has to start with say Kaiser Wilhelm and position Genghis Khan as a RINO Conservative.

A 12 member jury of "American People" will decide Trump's innocent or guilt - Not Jonathan Turley.

In addition, the bulk of witness's against "The Donald" will be his own Republican staff members that will testify Trump was told over and over that what he was doing on Jan 6th and Georgia was illegal. So, don't start icing the champagne yet. These cases will be decided in courts of law, not on talk shows, and Trump's defense team will be hard pressed to shake the testimony of Trump's own staff - all of whom will face severe penalties if they don't tell the truth.
The supreme court doesn't care for banana republic justice. Look to have any decision over turned .
The supreme court doesn't care for banana republic justice. Look to have any decision over turned .

Interesting. Conspiracy to be defended as Freedom of Speech.

If five of my friends plot to kill Former President Trump. Is that a Conspiracy to commit Murder or Freedom of Speech? If I tell my Accountant to put my payments to Hookers and Bars into professional advice expenses, is that illegal?

The interesting thing here is the false equivalency seems to know no bounds.
Interesting. Conspiracy to be defended as Freedom of Speech.

If five of my friends plot to kill Former President Trump. Is that a Conspiracy to commit Murder or Freedom of Speech? If I tell my Accountant to put my payments to Hookers and Bars into professional advice expenses, is that illegal?

The interesting thing here is the false equivalency seems to know no bounds.
Interesting that you claim you defend freedom yet support the banana Republic justice system Jo Biden has installed.
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A 12 member jury of "American People" will decide Trump's innocent or guilt - Not Jonathan Turley.

In addition, the bulk of witness's against "The Donald" will be his own Republican staff members that will testify Trump was told over and over that what he was doing on Jan 6th and Georgia was illegal. So, don't start icing the champagne yet. These cases will be decided in courts of law, not on talk shows, and Trump's defense team will be hard pressed to shake the testimony of Trump's own staff - all of whom will face severe penalties if they don't tell the truth.
Incorrect. 12 biased people in DC will convict Trump, but its the Supreme Court who will throw the case out. The Supreme Court is who will decide.
So 7 years ago we had a Special Council going after TRUMP over Russia collusion which they knew was a lie, to now a SC going after TRUMP for saying the election was stolen, and claiming TRUMP knows this is a lie.
So 7 years ago we had a Special Council going after TRUMP over Russia collusion which they knew was a lie, to now a SC going after TRUMP for saying the election was stolen, and claiming TRUMP knows this is a lie.
Dems have been lecturing us about Trump being an egomaniac for YEARS!! Now all of a sudden he DOESNT think he won the election? Does that sound like the Trump we all know?

Law Professor Jonathan Turley Dismantles the Trump Indictment:

‘The American People Aren’t Buying It’

3 Aug 2023 ~~ By mike Lachance

Professor Jonathan Turley of George Washington University may be a liberal, but he is an honest man.
He recently appeared on the Sean Hannity show and took apart the Trump indictment piece by piece, leaving it in tatters on the floor.
Turley said that it was completely understandable why the American people think we have a two-tiered justice system and called the Trump indictment an attack on free speech.
Transcript via Real Clear Politics:

Democrats and the media know all of this but they can’t admit it. They’re terrified that Trump could win again and so they’re playing offense.

Throughout America there is a slow simmer building under the surface right now, and I suspect a lot of Americans are going to be reaching a boiling point soon. If we all hit that boiling point at the same time, it's gonna get ugly... and fast.
Never in my 87 years have I ever seen this level of unbridled corruption and treason. Even the Cosa Nostra had more scruples of allegiance and loyalty to America.
Maoist/DSA Democrats and the Quisling Media are desperate and doing everything they can to prevent 45 from running 2024, and it's so blatantly obvious.
I hope he gets elected again, I'll bet he already made a long list of people who will be losing their jobs on day one, starting with the DOJ, FBI and CIA.
At tis point Maoist Democrats are becoming desperate, doing everything they can to prevent ted `People`s President` from running 2024, and it's blatantly obvious.
I'll bet Trump already has a long list of people who will be losing their jobs on day one, beginning with the DOJ, FBI and CIA.
Stalinist/Maoist Communists have a long history of vilifying, murdering or arresting their opposition. We`ve recently seen that in China, Venezuela and Brazil .
Trump is to be tried for `Wrong think` Thoughtcrimes.
If we the `People` allow this to occur, all of us will be held to this Orwellian standard. When Biden or the powers that be don’t like the way you think, they will arrest and try you, put you in a camp for re-education..



Law Professor Jonathan Turley Dismantles the Trump Indictment:

‘The American People Aren’t Buying It’

3 Aug 2023 ~~ By mike Lachance

Professor Jonathan Turley of George Washington University may be a liberal, but he is an honest man.
He recently appeared on the Sean Hannity show and took apart the Trump indictment piece by piece, leaving it in tatters on the floor.
Turley said that it was completely understandable why the American people think we have a two-tiered justice system and called the Trump indictment an attack on free speech.
Transcript via Real Clear Politics:

Democrats and the media know all of this but they can’t admit it. They’re terrified that Trump could win again and so they’re playing offense.

Throughout America there is a slow simmer building under the surface right now, and I suspect a lot of Americans are going to be reaching a boiling point soon. If we all hit that boiling point at the same time, it's gonna get ugly... and fast.
Never in my 87 years have I ever seen this level of unbridled corruption and treason. Even the Cosa Nostra had more scruples of allegiance and loyalty to America.
Maoist/DSA Democrats and the Quisling Media are desperate and doing everything they can to prevent 45 from running 2024, and it's so blatantly obvious.
I hope he gets elected again, I'll bet he already made a long list of people who will be losing their jobs on day one, starting with the DOJ, FBI and CIA.
At tis point Maoist Democrats are becoming desperate, doing everything they can to prevent ted `People`s President` from running 2024, and it's blatantly obvious.
I'll bet Trump already has a long list of people who will be losing their jobs on day one, beginning with the DOJ, FBI and CIA.
Stalinist/Maoist Communists have a long history of vilifying, murdering or arresting their opposition. We`ve recently seen that in China, Venezuela and Brazil .
Trump is to be tried for `Wrong think` Thoughtcrimes.
If we the `People` allow this to occur, all of us will be held to this Orwellian standard. When Biden or the powers that be don’t like the way you think, they will arrest and try you, put you in a camp for re-education..

They all sound good on Hannity or the courthouse steps or maybe even in a classroom, but not so much in front of judges and juries.:icon_cry:
The supreme court doesn't care for banana republic justice. Look to have any decision over turned .
The problem is the DOJ’s attack on Biden’s opponent - under Biden’s direction to do so - may have the desired effect before it gets to the SCOTUS. Many Americans are not that smart or knowledgeable, and will fall for it on the most limited level. It also will tie up Trump’s resources and impede his ability to run a successful campaign.

The true threat to democracy is the occupier of the WH, who has directed and/or approved the DOJ arresting and trying to imprison the man would would likely beat him in the 2024:election.

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