Labor Day Is A Celebration Of American Exceptionalism, Job Creators, And Hard Workers

Nope. They will have to come back so people are treated fairly. That is an indisputable fact. Places that have a hard time finding workers need to look in the mirror for the sole reason why. We've never had a stronger work force. Ever.
dude....nobody is working. There are 2 jobs for every unemployed...oh..let me rephrase that. 2 jobs for every damn loafer in the US and they don't WANNA work. Employees are required to pay union dues which takes a good chunk out of their paychecks on a monthly basis. They don't know that in many cases they can opt out. I know people who've lost their jobs because they didn't want to be in the union. Union are corrupt...they're political...SEIU, teachers, police, gov't employees...they do gov't bidding, they contribute to gov't and gov't gives them special favors. They do nothing for employees.
Actually it was a lady secretary of labor that codified child labor laws, 40 hour work week and the like. Not unions

Unions corrected the extreme disadvantage that the worker was under versus employer and by 1970 that was completed . Since then they have invented causes to stay around for
The Fair Labor Standards Act was originally drafted in 1932 by Senator Hugo Black, whose proposal to require employers to adopt a thirty-hour workweek met fierce resistance.

In 1938, a revised version of Black's proposal was passed. The revised version was instrumentally supported by a number of notable people, including Frances Perkins, Clara Mortenson Beyer from the Bureau of Labor Standards within the United States Department of Labor, as well as Congresswoman Mary T. Norton.

The revised proposal adopted an eight-hour day and a forty-hour workweek and allowed workers to earn wage for an extra four hours of overtime as well.
According to the act, workers must be paid minimum wage and overtime pay must be one-and-a-half times regular pay. Children under eighteen cannot do certain dangerous jobs, and children under sixteen cannot work in manufacturing or mining or during school hours.

Though it did not cover executives, seasonal employees, and some other groups, the Fair Labor Standards Act gave raises to 700,000 workers, and US President Franklin Roosevelt called it the most important piece of New Deal legislation since the Social Security Act of 1935.
dude....nobody is working. There are 2 jobs for every unemployed...oh..let me rephrase that. 2 jobs for every damn loafer in the US and they don't WANNA work. Employees are required to pay union dues which takes a good chunk out of their paychecks on a monthly basis. They don't know that in many cases they can opt out. I know people who've lost their jobs because they didn't want to be in the union. Union are corrupt...they're political...SEIU, teachers, police, gov't employees...they do gov't bidding, they contribute to gov't and gov't gives them special favors. They do nothing for employees.
If they opt out of a union do they still get the same wages and benefits that the union negotiated? When I started working there were 3,200 USWA members at my workplace and not a single one of them were non union. We had hundreds of really stupid employees but none of them were stupid enough to work without medical benefits, paid vacations and pensions.
A country being pushed into a civil war by the lies of an obvious con man is not exceptional.
You mean Dividing Biden? The Fuehrer wanna be that is out spewing hate, lies and division whenever his handlers make him do it?

The sonofabitch even threatened to nuke and bomb Americans that disagrees with his agenda to make the US a Socialist Shithole.
The international labor movement started as a response to massacres of striking workers here and in Britain. It was once very common for police and management to simply open fire on striking workers.
Unions are greedy communists centered cash cows for the filthy ass Democrat Party.

Piss on them. I am glad I live in a Right to Work State where unions are little more than a joke.

I would never allow a union tradesman in my home and when given a choice I would never buy a union made product. For instance, the truck that I drive was made at a non union plant in Texas.
The Fair Labor Standards Act was originally drafted in 1932 by Senator Hugo Black, whose proposal to require employers to adopt a thirty-hour workweek met fierce resistance.

In 1938, a revised version of Black's proposal was passed. The revised version was instrumentally supported by a number of notable people, including Frances Perkins, Clara Mortenson Beyer from the Bureau of Labor Standards within the United States Department of Labor, as well as Congresswoman Mary T. Norton.

The revised proposal adopted an eight-hour day and a forty-hour workweek and allowed workers to earn wage for an extra four hours of overtime as well.
According to the act, workers must be paid minimum wage and overtime pay must be one-and-a-half times regular pay. Children under eighteen cannot do certain dangerous jobs, and children under sixteen cannot work in manufacturing or mining or during school hours.

Though it did not cover executives, seasonal employees, and some other groups, the Fair Labor Standards Act gave raises to 700,000 workers, and US President Franklin Roosevelt called it the most important piece of New Deal legislation since the Social Security Act of 1935.
Frances Perkins is who I was referring to . Nice PBS special on about her and they great things she did.
Unions are greedy communists centered cash cows for the filthy ass Democrat Party.

Piss on them. I am glad I live in a Right to Work State where unions are little more than a joke.

I would never allow a union tradesman in my home and when given a choice I would never buy a union made product. For instance, the truck that I drive was made at a non union plant in Texas.
Since republicans have never done a damned thing for the working class your attitude is hardly surprising.
Happy Labor Day!

"Labor Day should be recognized as the holiday that celebrates not only labor, but also the ideas, job creators, and institutions central to the flourishing of the United States and its people.

For most people, Labor Day is a rather vague holiday without the clarity and meaning typically associated with other holidays. Yet in its most complete context, Labor Day should be recognized as the holiday that celebrates not only labor, but also the ideas, job creators, and institutions central to the flourishing of the United States and its people.

For starters, consider the tools brought by the colonists who arrived in the New World along the eastern seaboard that would become the United States. These were the same rudimentary tools — such as shovels, axes, hoes, and ploughs — that had been used for prior centuries. But something happened in America that sped up economic development and transformed labor output beyond what had ever happened previously in human history..."

continued here
Labor day is when the assholes don't show to pick coffee because the socialists declare a holiday, with pay and me gets to pick da koffy my bad self
Frances Perkins is who I was referring to . Nice PBS special on about her and they great things she did.
But she supported the act and was responsible for implementing it.

Frances Perkins (born Fannie Coralie Perkins; April 10, 1880[1][2] – May 14, 1965) was an American workers-rights advocate who served as the 4th United States secretary of labor from 1933 to 1945, the longest serving in that position.

You might be thinking of SS, not child labor laws.

Perkins was one of two Roosevelt cabinet members to remain in office for his entire presidency (the other being Interior Secretary Harold L. Ickes).

Her most important role came in developing a policy for social security in 1935.

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