LA Fire: Turning Out Far Worse Than We Ever Imagined

It looks surreal, like something out of an apocalyptic disaster movie..


So. California. The beginning:

In the name of the rare smelt fish, the reservoirs have been canceled. Let the rivers flow freely, let the fish move through them with ease and dance, and we'll all, uh... well, let's say, sing and laugh like children.
Thus - no more natural water reservoirs.
There's a new fire chief being appointed, a member of the LGBT community.
I would have nothing against it if the main declared goal was not to fight for the rights of this community, as well as - the fight for ecological diversity, the fight against racism, some other fights.
Fighting fires was NOT among them.
That's the reality.
At the same time, 18 million dollars were taken from this prose to help the natives, if I'm not mistaken, from Venezuela, as well as for other wonderful purposes.
The insurance companies looked at all this, and said that they were in favor of fine purposes, but they refused to consider the fire an insured event.
Just a couple months before the fire. Insurance companies are good professionals.
Well, then what happened was what happened.
There was no water for firefighting, it was all for smelt!
There were no people to fight fires.
There was no firefighting equipment.
And so it went downwind.
As of today, 10 dead, 200,000 evacuated, with more on the way. Burned.
Hollywood is gone. Los Angeles is gone. No more insurance.
It's a nice way for the Democrats to end their cadence.
With fire.
P.S. Oh, yeah. Smelt and other fish swim well. Belly up. It's boiled.
P.P.S. They haven't cleared the forests of dead wood for years.So as not to traumatize the delicate birds.Well, look at the burnt bird corpses.
It would be sad were it not for the fact that a majority of those who have lost their home+ have voted for leaders like those in office today for decades. They brought it all on themselves.

Not everyone in So Cal votes Democrat. :rolleyes:

Plus there's more to it than that. A number of big fires in different places in recent years (not just in CA) showed signs that they weren't accidents, that foul play was involved, and that's what a lot of people have been talking about. So IF these fires are part of that same pattern, then it would've happened regardless.

And lastly, these fires affected a lot more than just rich celebs. There are plenty of people who don't vote Dem, or don't vote for the Duopoly at all, and what about all the innocents, like children and animals. It's pretty low to say "they all brought it on themselves" when a lot of souls are going through the worst nightmare they'll probably ever experience.
Not everyone in So Cal votes Democrat. :rolleyes:

Plus there's more to it than that. A number of big fires in different places in recent years (not just in CA) showed signs that they weren't accidents, that foul play was involved, and that's what a lot of people have been talking about. So IF these fires are part of that same pattern, then it would've happened regardless.

And lastly, these fires affected a lot more than just rich celebs. There are plenty of people who don't vote Dem, or don't vote for the Duopoly at all, and what about all the innocents, like children and animals. It's pretty low to say "they all brought it on themselves" when a lot of souls are going through the worst nightmare they'll probably ever experience.
This is why I said the MAJORITY.

Poor forest management and poor leadership combined to make this catastrophe inevitable.

IF modern forest management policies and techniques had been followed, they'd have been much easier to control and extinguish if the fires had started at all.

Low? Perhaps, but I'm a bottom-line guy. The FACTS IS that those citizens elected the leaders who caused this disaster. Neither you nor I voted for those criminals. They did not hide their beliefs and got elected anyway.
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This is why I said the MAJORITY.

Poor forest management and poor leadership combined to make this catastrophe inevitable.

This goes beyond negligence. Like I said, it appears to be part of a pattern, which includes other disasters, outside of CA. But I'd rather wait til the dust settles and look into it more before coming to any conclusions.
Things are not going well in LA. The two main fires still burn out of control with no end in sight for when they might be contained. It is now aiming to be the costliest fire in US history. Insured losses now are at least 20 billion and that does not include UNINSURED losses! Damage is approaching 30,000 acres and going and now they are heading out into regions of territory far more difficult for firefighters to manage.

Close to 200,000 people are now under evacuation orders, at least ten people are already known dead, some of the priciest real estate has been destroyed, with thousands of home structures destroyed at an average cost of 3 million. Total losses could end up near 60 billion dollars.

Worse, as I follow the fire, next could be in danger the Griffith Observatory, much of the Hollywood studio movie district, the Bel Air region west of Beverly Hills containing the nicest homes including the most expensive home in the world where in the 1960s they shot The Beverly Hillbillies as their supposed home.

Malibu has been gutted and if the fire spreads further, it could destroy the region now the Malibu Park which was once the Fox Movie Ranch where they shot TV shows like M*A*S*H, Kung Fu and many other movies and TV shows. The entire movie and TV industry is at risk. The only good news is that it appears that the worst of the Santa Anna Winds have passed and are dying down.

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I really cannot wrap my head around this.

The closest thing I can compare it to is Katrina. Where the first news was bad, but you know, it was a hurricane, so you expected that. And then it just got worse, and worse, and so bad the pictures didn't even seem real.

It's like that
Things are not going well in LA. The two main fires still burn out of control with no end in sight for when they might be contained. It is now aiming to be the costliest fire in US history. Insured losses now are at least 20 billion and that does not include UNINSURED losses! Damage is approaching 30,000 acres and going and now they are heading out into regions of territory far more difficult for firefighters to manage.

Close to 200,000 people are now under evacuation orders, at least ten people are already known dead, some of the priciest real estate has been destroyed, with thousands of home structures destroyed at an average cost of 3 million. Total losses could end up near 60 billion dollars.

Worse, as I follow the fire, next could be in danger the Griffith Observatory, much of the Hollywood studio movie district, the Bel Air region west of Beverly Hills containing the nicest homes including the most expensive home in the world where in the 1960s they shot The Beverly Hillbillies as their supposed home.

Malibu has been gutted and if the fire spreads further, it could destroy the region now the Malibu Park which was once the Fox Movie Ranch where they shot TV shows like M*A*S*H, Kung Fu and many other movies and TV shows. The entire movie and TV industry is at risk. The only good news is that it appears that the worst of the Santa Anna Winds have passed and are dying down.

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I heard a rumor that water helps put out fires. Too bad they didn’t have any.
The authorities won't do shit.

That's a fact. They have their hands full just trying to get all these fires put out. Most of the streets are closed or impassable--- how are they going to monitor 10,000 homes, most on remote, isolated hills and terrain when all of the police are busy dealing with immediate emergencies?

The entire place is a dumpster fire.
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