LA Fire: Turning Out Far Worse Than We Ever Imagined

Leftists sure are fascinated with penises. Why is that?

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au CONtraire, david. i certainly do ... & i know why some men need certain kindsa guns to compensate for their lack of ....



well ... YOU know....
You sure are obsessed with penises. Have you sought counseling for sex addiction?
Meanwhile, this thread is about Democrat incompetence. Anything to add about that, or are you desperate to try to distract from it?
The rest of the country doesn't care as much as one might expect because (1) the loss of life hasn't been extraordinary, (2) "We" are convinced that if California had acted wisely to mitigate this sort of thing, the damages could/should have been much less devastating, and (3) the general public is envious of a lot of the Rich Folks whose homes were destroyed, so feel little sympathy.

Ir's only money. The most interesting part of the story will play out over several years, as we see how everyone reacts to these events. Will those areas continue to be incredibly valuable? What will California due for wildfire control? How many people will simply say, Fuck it, and move elsewhere?
You sure are obsessed with penises. Have you sought counseling for sex addiction?

Meanwhile, this thread is about Democrat incompetence. Anything to add about that, or are you desperate to try to distract from it?

uh-huh . i believe you came knocking on my door daaaaavey - in this here thread.

anyhoo, topics tend to go awry from time-time. such as this time.

you think donny getting rid of FEMA would fix things, 'eh?

okey dokey!
uh-huh . i believe you came knocking on my door daaaaavey - in this here thread.
Yes, I told you the truth about why leftists want firearms banned.

And that's when you brought up penises.
anyhoo, topics tend to go awry from time-time. such as this time.

you think donny getting rid of FEMA would fix things, 'eh?

okey dokey!
Did I say that? No, not at all. At least make an effort to keep up.

Having FEMA work on its mission instead of other Democrat bullshit would be awesome, especially for people impacted by natural disasters.

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