LA Fire: Turning Out Far Worse Than We Ever Imagined

Just one.

Keep voting democrat you genius! KEEP VOTING DEMOCRAT!

i've voted the spectrum, & i bet i've voted for more (R)s than you could ever vote outside your party.
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You just keep pretending WANTS and FEELS are accomplishing anything.

like good gun legislation? thoughts & prayers is all that is offered up when ever people get turned into swiss cheese thanx to the NRA. that's not even considered mother nature, that's 100% man made.

like good gun legislation? thoughts & prayers is all that is offered up when ever people get turned into swiss cheese thanx to the NRA. that's not even considered mother nature, that's 100% man made.

1911 – Turkey disarmed it’s citizens, and between 1915 – 1917 they murdered 1.5 million Armenians.

1929 – Russia disarmed it’s citizens, and between 1929 – 1953 they murdered 20 million Russians.

1935 – China disarmed it’s citizens, and between 1948 – 1952 they murdered 20 million Chinese.

1938 – Germany disarmed it’s citizens, and between 1939 – 1945 they murdered 16 million Jews.

1956 – Cambodia disarmed it’s citizens, and between 1975 – 1977 they murdered 1 million Educated people.

1964 – Guatamala disarmed it’s citizens, and between 1964 – 1981 they murdered 100,000 Mayan Indians.

1970 – Uganda disarmed it’s citizens, and between 1971 – 1979 they murdered 300,000 Christians.

Anyone who wants people disarmed can't be trusted.
1911 – Turkey disarmed it’s citizens, and between 1915 – 1917 they murdered 1.5 million Armenians.

1929 – Russia disarmed it’s citizens, and between 1929 – 1953 they murdered 20 million Russians.

1935 – China disarmed it’s citizens, and between 1948 – 1952 they murdered 20 million Chinese.

1938 – Germany disarmed it’s citizens, and between 1939 – 1945 they murdered 16 million Jews.

1956 – Cambodia disarmed it’s citizens, and between 1975 – 1977 they murdered 1 million Educated people.

1964 – Guatamala disarmed it’s citizens, and between 1964 – 1981 they murdered 100,000 Mayan Indians.

1970 – Uganda disarmed it’s citizens, and between 1971 – 1979 they murdered 300,000 Christians.

Anyone who wants people disarmed can't be trusted.

i have firearms in my own home davey. i am in favor of the 2nd amendment, within reason. & that includes banning ARs.
It is for the people who are dead or injured and their loved ones.

I'd feel worse for those who have lost everything were it not for the fact that they were told numerous times that this would happen and voted for this anyway.

you mean like FLA with all the over development, & getting rid of wetlands that absorb the tides when hurricanes hit that state?

like that?
i have firearms in my own home davey. i am in favor of the 2nd amendment, within reason. & that includes banning ARs.
Why ban ARs? They're just hunting rifles. Is it because they're black and scary?

Why ban ARs? They're just hunting rifles. Is it because they're black and scary?


no, because they can turn people into bloody rags full of holes in mere seconds. high velocity bullets are not meant for hunting, unless perhaps wild boar.

just ask any sandy hook parent what they think about it.
no, because they can turn people into bloody rags full of holes in mere seconds. high velocity bullets are not meant for hunting, unless perhaps wild boar.

just ask any sandy hook parent what they think about it.
Ahhh. So you know nothing about ARs. You therefore rely on emotion-based talking points, same as all other irrational gun-haters.

The rifles shown above fire the same ammunition at the same velocity. The scary black one is no more lethal than the not-scary one.

You're dismissed.
no, because they can turn people into bloody rags full of holes in mere seconds. high velocity bullets are not meant for hunting, unless perhaps wild boar.

just ask any sandy hook parent what they think about it.
Oh, and a bit more reality for you:
In 1950, the .222 Remington cartridge was developed for varmint hunting. It evolved into the .223 Remington round, which in turn became the basis of the 5.56 mm cartridge adopted by the military for use in the M16 and favored by many target competitors. Neither round is preferred by deer hunters, as most loads are too underpowered to harvest big game.

Maryland game regulations require that rifles used for deer hunting must use ammunition developing a muzzle energy of at least 1,200 foot pounds. A typical 5.56 with a normal 55 grain bullet generates 1,223 ft.-lbs. of muzzle energy. By contrast, a. 308 round with a 150-grain bullet fires with 2,648 ft.-lbs. of muzzle energy, over double that of the 5.56.

As is plain to see, the power of the .223/5.56 round isn't much to speak of compared to typical hunting rounds. It is so underpowered that the Armed Forces are replacing its 5.56 M16 and M4 rifles with a new 6.8 x 51 mm round (the XM7) which has muzzle energy of 2,267 ft-lbs with a 135 grain bullet.
So, in summary, you're full of shit.
you mean like FLA with all the over development, & getting rid of wetlands that absorb the tides when hurricanes hit that state?

like that?
You need to wake up and catch up. As you know, that was 60+ years ago, and we haven't done that in decades. Yes, we have subdivisions. I was born here in Florida and have lived here since 1954. From Tallahassee to Key West. Chicago was home for a few years after WW II.

What is overdevelopment? I'm happy to live in a state envied by so many people. Come on down; we'll even make room for you!

As for wetlands, try getting a permit to build on one; it's impossible, impossible too if there was one there last Summer. :D
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no, because they can turn people into bloody rags full of holes in mere seconds. high velocity bullets are not meant for hunting, unless perhaps wild boar.

just ask any sandydhook parent what they think about it.
You're ignorant of the fact that both of those rifles take and fire the same ammunition.
Not everyone in So Cal votes Democrat. :rolleyes:

Plus there's more to it than that. A number of big fires in different places in recent years (not just in CA) showed signs that they weren't accidents, that foul play was involved, and that's what a lot of people have been talking about. So IF these fires are part of that same pattern, then it would've happened regardless.

And lastly, these fires affected a lot more than just rich celebs. There are plenty of people who don't vote Dem, or don't vote for the Duopoly at all, and what about all the innocents, like children and animals. It's pretty low to say "they all brought it on themselves" when a lot of souls are going through the worst nightmare they'll probably ever experience.
How is it low to say, "They all brought it on themselves"?

Who else is to blame? Did some other state vote for them?
How is it low to say, "They all brought it on themselves"?

Who else is to blame? Did some other state vote for them?

I already answered that. I can't prove this, but I don't believe the fires were an accident. I believe they're part of a bigger pattern. And if that's the case, they would've happened regardless of who people voted for. And again, there are other people affected, non-Dems, children, animals, etc.

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