Kyle Rittenhouse weighs in on Daniel Perry defending himself from a BLM mob


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Gold Supporting Member
May 12, 2022
As we know Daniel Perry defended himself from a man who pointed an AK-47 at him back in the summer BLM riots for 2020 …which apparently leftists don’t give a damn about… riots which left 25 people murdered, thousands injured and billions of dollars worth of damage while cities were on fire…..also saw The case of Daniel Perry a US Army Sergeant working for Uber in the summer of 2020 to try and make extra money….was Forced to defend himself against a man armed with an AK-47 ready to kill him.

But a George Soros funded district attorney decided to convict Perry of Murder….. A shocking miscarriage of justice in an upside down world where if the far left has control they will completely disregard justice. And the far left people the far left wing democrats support this they are monsters. Thankfully it looks like governor Abbot is doing something right… he is recommending a pardon to a board of prison workers and it looks like that pardon should work out. So this is actually a case of the far left losing…. it appears that they are powerless to do anything to destroy an innocent mans life.

Here is Kyle Rittenhouse weighing in on the situation.

Of course Rittenhouse is another person the far left wing anti-Americans want to destroy …Rittenhouse a man who defended himself while the far left would have no problem sending him to jail for the rest of his life ….this is how sick in the head far left wingers are …thankfully the far left represents a tiny fraction of this country and they will lose in the end. America always prevails.
When you can’t provide a response for an innocent man going to jail troll.^

You and the other far left people who are sick in the head are powerless to do anything about this case now. I hope you get the help you need
That is a response.

If the gun wasn’t pointed at him, he has no justification to shoot. The photos and eyewitness testimony fail to corroborate his allegation that the gun was ever pointed at him.

Getting a pardon doesn’t make him innocent. It just makes him unaccountable.
That is a response.

If the gun wasn’t pointed at him, he has no justification to shoot. The photos and eyewitness testimony fail to corroborate his allegation that the gun was ever pointed at him.

Getting a pardon doesn’t make him innocent. It just makes him unaccountable.
Why do you defend someone openly carrying a “weapon of war “ to a protest?
As we know Daniel Perry defended himself from a man who pointed an AK-47 at him back in the summer BLM riots for 2020 …which apparently leftists don’t give a damn about… riots which left 25 people murdered, thousands injured and billions of dollars worth of damage while cities were on fire…..also saw The case of Daniel Perry a US Army Sergeant working for Uber in the summer of 2020 to try and make extra money….was Forced to defend himself against a man armed with an AK-47 ready to kill him.

But a George Soros funded district attorney decided to convict Perry of Murder….. A shocking miscarriage of justice in an upside down world where if the far left has control they will completely disregard justice. And the far left people the far left wing democrats support this they are monsters. Thankfully it looks like governor Abbot is doing something right… he is recommending a pardon to a board of prison workers and it looks like that pardon should work out. So this is actually a case of the far left losing…. it appears that they are powerless to do anything to destroy an innocent mans life.

Here is Kyle Rittenhouse weighing in on the situation.

Of course Rittenhouse is another person the far left wing anti-Americans want to destroy …Rittenhouse a man who defended himself while the far left would have no problem sending him to jail for the rest of his life ….this is how sick in the head far left wingers are …thankfully the far left represents a tiny fraction of this country and they will lose in the end. America always prevails.

Murderers becoming right wing heroes is just the next step on the GOP's taliban journey.
That is a response.

If the gun wasn’t pointed at him, he has no justification to shoot. The photos and eyewitness testimony fail to corroborate his allegation that the gun was ever pointed at him.

Getting a pardon doesn’t make him innocent. It just makes him unaccountable.
You’re wrong on this one my friend. Daniel was literally surrounded by a violent mob that could’ve pulled him out of the car and beat the living shit out of him or killed him. He had a gun pointed at him the man had an AK 47. You’re on the wrong side of history here
By the way this situation was repeated in the summer of 2020 by Black Lives Matter criminals time and time again when for example they murdered a pawnshop security guy he was a black man by the way. When they murdered over 25 people, when they the Black Lives Matter rioters assaulted beat the living shit out of hundreds perhaps thousands of people during those violent George Floyd protests.

That happened it is a fact there were elderly men who were wearing Donald Trump hats they had the living hell beat out of them by mobs of Black Lives Matter rioters.

blm burned cities, they looted billions of dollars worth of merchandise and cause much damage. I cannot believe that people support BLM after the constant violence and brutality that this group engages in.

None of these words are used lightly . There is no example literally no example of hundreds of white conservative men surrounding a car of a black man and trying to attack him or beating the living shit out of a black man like that.

Wake up my fellow Democrats wake up and you think for a moment just think for a moment stop being brainwashed …think about what John F. Kennedy would do.

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