Everybody is racist. It's human nature.

It just depends on how you handle yourself in social situations and as a supposed civilized human being that makes people notice you or not.

If you are going to throw racism in someones face, expect it to be thrown back!

The KKK has been nothing more than a sounding place for people who have been abused by the whole "racist" system in this country for many decades now. The KKK has had next to NO "movements" in it's organization for a very, very long time. In fact the entire KKK scenario has pretty much flipped from being extreme to being absent from society in general over the past several decades.

Most of the KKK or Neo-Nazi members I've talked to over the past years aren't interested in warfare or engaging in violence of any sort. They ARE interested in FAIR TREATMENT of ALL people! Which whites have not gotten in many, many decades, unless they are either part of the corrupt ruling class, or part of the DNC fraud that is destroying this country.

Sure, a few are actually racists, but they are a minority within these ranks of people desperate to be heard, instead of called names, ignored, and treated like they are the ones that initiated all of the problems that the government and black organizations keep shoveling down peoples throats!

The BLM might have started out innocent enough, but they sure as hell "changed overnight"!! They became the new corrupt, degrading, and abusive power of the 2020's.
Three letter acronym. Check. Same urge to weaponize race and pretend to be victim...Check. Using history to verify false claims. Check. Last thing missing is YOU.
The biggest difference is the KKK is nowhere to be found while the US dictatorial government allows Black LIES Matter and ANTIFA to burn, loot, and occupy, numerous US cities.
Let's talk about all the riots the KKK caused, or all the looting they did, or all the cities they burnt to the ground... hmmm... come to think about it... THEY DIDN'T... but BLM DID.

Blacks have COST America FAR more than they have ever contributed.
it was cause by violent counterprotestors or police:

Bull fucking shit.

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