kkk recruiting for their neighborhood watch

yeah right, it couldn't be A PLANT by those oh so honest people from the Progressive party eh? naaaaaaaaaaaaaa, they wouldn't do such a thing ....

and luddy the duddy couldn't wait to jump all over this no damn questions or investigation NEEEDED
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KKK tries to recruit for 'neighborhood watch' program in Springfield - ky3.com

Forward Progressives ? Coming Soon to Your Town: The KKK is Recruiting for their ?Neighborhood Watch? Program


... You see, it seems the KKK has started up a new neighborhood watch program—and no, this is not satire.

Some residents in Springfield were greeted by a flier in their front yards the other morning from none other than the local area Ku Klux Klan. While most groups seeking to advertise something they’re wanting to promote might stick paper fliers on cars, put a few yard signs out or staple a couple of advertisements on a few light poles—the KKK didn’t quite go that route.

Oh no, they took their fliers, then used a rubber band to attach them to rocks and threw them into residential yards overnight. Because nothing says “sleep well” quite like the KKK throwing rocks into your yard while you’re sleeping.

But this isn’t just an isolated KKK group that’s starting a neighborhood watch, apparently this is part of a nationwide push from the KKK to recruit local residents to be a part of their neighborhood watch.

Is anyone surprised?

Sad and really really sick is how many here defend and apparently support the kkk.

Is anyone surprised you just take this and swallow IT as TRUE? no we aren't surprised..You lefties ELECTED a member from the KKK to our CONGRESS... so I don't believe you have ANY room to talk about them today
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KKK tries to recruit for 'neighborhood watch' program in Springfield - ky3.com

Forward Progressives ? Coming Soon to Your Town: The KKK is Recruiting for their ?Neighborhood Watch? Program


... You see, it seems the KKK has started up a new neighborhood watch program—and no, this is not satire.

Some residents in Springfield were greeted by a flier in their front yards the other morning from none other than the local area Ku Klux Klan. While most groups seeking to advertise something they’re wanting to promote might stick paper fliers on cars, put a few yard signs out or staple a couple of advertisements on a few light poles—the KKK didn’t quite go that route.

Oh no, they took their fliers, then used a rubber band to attach them to rocks and threw them into residential yards overnight. Because nothing says “sleep well” quite like the KKK throwing rocks into your yard while you’re sleeping.

But this isn’t just an isolated KKK group that’s starting a neighborhood watch, apparently this is part of a nationwide push from the KKK to recruit local residents to be a part of their neighborhood watch.

Is anyone surprised?

Sad and really really sick is how many here defend and apparently support the kkk.

yeah those f****** Democrats always trying to watch what other people are doing
The KKK might get more interest if they got rid of the two toothed illiterate rednecks they have the represent them.

I know that black on white crime is getting ludicrous while while on blacks seems to have taken a back seat. And it doesn't help when the black panthers put a bounty on the head of a man found innocent and they are not arrested for it..but if the KKK put a bounty on the head of a black man, all hell would break loose. So....it may seem bigoted, but I am fed up too. This one sided crap has got to end. One way or another. And maybe it's time the KKK got their shit together and do for everyone else what Sharpton and Jackson do for blacks.
Grace, you are absolutely correct. How'd I miss this one?

Over the weekend, members of the New Black Panther Party showed just how tense the situation in the Trayvon Martin shooting has gotten: They offered a $10,000 bounty for the capture of George Zimmerman, who shot and killed the unarmed teenager.
The Orlando Sentinel reports that Mikhail Muhammad announced the reward during a protest on Saturday, and when a Sentinel reporter asked if he was inciting violence, Muhammad said, "An eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth."
Nationally the shooting death has brought up questions about whether Zimmerman, who was on a Neighborhood Watch patrol, profiled Martin and whether Sanford police's failure to arrest Zimmerman had to do with racism.
New Black Panther Party Offers $10K Bounty For George Zimmerman : The Two-Way : NPR

People need to be held accountable for this travesty. They need to know they can't make threats just because they're hateful when right is done under the laws of this nation. They're demanding what amounts to a get-out-of-jail-free card for a man who attacked another and got shot for it when he said he was going to kill Zimmerman. They're nothing but terrorists chipping away at our nation of free people, and I'm sick of hearing all those threats of real murder. They're lying and they're organizing to kill people they hate. The only trouble is they hate white people so much, they don't care that Zimmerman is multicultural. His recent ancestry including his black great-grandfather:


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    $Zimmerman family men.jpg
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KKK tries to recruit for 'neighborhood watch' program in Springfield - ky3.com

Forward Progressives ? Coming Soon to Your Town: The KKK is Recruiting for their ?Neighborhood Watch? Program


... You see, it seems the KKK has started up a new neighborhood watch program—and no, this is not satire.

Some residents in Springfield were greeted by a flier in their front yards the other morning from none other than the local area Ku Klux Klan. While most groups seeking to advertise something they’re wanting to promote might stick paper fliers on cars, put a few yard signs out or staple a couple of advertisements on a few light poles—the KKK didn’t quite go that route.

Oh no, they took their fliers, then used a rubber band to attach them to rocks and threw them into residential yards overnight. Because nothing says “sleep well” quite like the KKK throwing rocks into your yard while you’re sleeping.

But this isn’t just an isolated KKK group that’s starting a neighborhood watch, apparently this is part of a nationwide push from the KKK to recruit local residents to be a part of their neighborhood watch.

Is anyone surprised?

Sad and really really sick is how many here defend and apparently support the kkk.

Have they asked George Zimmerman if he is interested?
George Zimmerman's Great Grandfather was black. Everyone who knows him says he is not one iota racist. That has been in the media everywhere.


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    $Zimmerman family men.jpg
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The KKK might get more interest if they got rid of the two toothed illiterate rednecks they have the represent them.

I know that black on white crime is getting ludicrous while while on blacks seems to have taken a back seat. And it doesn't help when the black panthers put a bounty on the head of a man found innocent and they are not arrested for it..but if the KKK put a bounty on the head of a black man, all hell would break loose. So....it may seem bigoted, but I am fed up too. This one sided crap has got to end. One way or another. And maybe it's time the KKK got their shit together and do for everyone else what Sharpton and Jackson do for blacks.
If that happens, I think I could make a killing buying stock in the company that makes "wife beaters"?

That too. Absolutely ridiculous how disgusting things have gotten. What's next? Pedophile Outfitters For Children?
Notice one of the links from the OP..


plants planted PLANTERS...?????

anyone's guess

anyway big friggen deal on this article and the op...YAWN
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I don't care if its progressive, uppie, downie, lefty, rightie, innie, outtie, repup, dem, indy....what I care about is I am sick and tired of every time I hear on the news someone being murdered, it's a black face either as the victim or the culprit. Hell, they are killing THEMSELVES in this never ending hate spoon fed by Jackson and Sharpton.

So...KKK? Don't go out of business. Looks like the war is never going to be over and crazy ass crackers are going to need some help.
KKK tries to recruit for 'neighborhood watch' program in Springfield - ky3.com

Forward Progressives ? Coming Soon to Your Town: The KKK is Recruiting for their ?Neighborhood Watch? Program


... You see, it seems the KKK has started up a new neighborhood watch program—and no, this is not satire.

Some residents in Springfield were greeted by a flier in their front yards the other morning from none other than the local area Ku Klux Klan. While most groups seeking to advertise something they’re wanting to promote might stick paper fliers on cars, put a few yard signs out or staple a couple of advertisements on a few light poles—the KKK didn’t quite go that route.

Oh no, they took their fliers, then used a rubber band to attach them to rocks and threw them into residential yards overnight. Because nothing says “sleep well” quite like the KKK throwing rocks into your yard while you’re sleeping.

But this isn’t just an isolated KKK group that’s starting a neighborhood watch, apparently this is part of a nationwide push from the KKK to recruit local residents to be a part of their neighborhood watch.

Is anyone surprised?

Sad and really really sick is how many here defend and apparently support the kkk.

You "liberal" Democrats must be so proud.

KKK SHEETS Byrd, the late DEMOCRAP Senator, a Grand Kleagle or whatever the fuck you idiots called your hooded pals, must be tying hangman's knots in his grave.
What was that other guys name? Duke? Something like that. Youngish dude. He was a Grand Puma or whateverthefuck they are called, and I think was in congress or the senate or something. Didn't he consider running for presidency? I know Jackson did...and got maybe 1 vote. Probably from Sharpton.
What was that other guys name? Duke? Something like that. Youngish dude. He was a Grand Puma or whateverthefuck they are called, and I think was in congress or the senate or something. Didn't he consider running for presidency? I know Jackson did...and got maybe 1 vote. Probably from Sharpton.
David Duke
KKK tries to recruit for 'neighborhood watch' program in Springfield - ky3.com

Forward Progressives ? Coming Soon to Your Town: The KKK is Recruiting for their ?Neighborhood Watch? Program


... You see, it seems the KKK has started up a new neighborhood watch program—and no, this is not satire.

Some residents in Springfield were greeted by a flier in their front yards the other morning from none other than the local area Ku Klux Klan. While most groups seeking to advertise something they’re wanting to promote might stick paper fliers on cars, put a few yard signs out or staple a couple of advertisements on a few light poles—the KKK didn’t quite go that route.

Oh no, they took their fliers, then used a rubber band to attach them to rocks and threw them into residential yards overnight. Because nothing says “sleep well” quite like the KKK throwing rocks into your yard while you’re sleeping.

But this isn’t just an isolated KKK group that’s starting a neighborhood watch, apparently this is part of a nationwide push from the KKK to recruit local residents to be a part of their neighborhood watch.

Is anyone surprised?

Sad and really really sick is how many here defend and apparently support the kkk.

So why support it?
KKK tries to recruit for 'neighborhood watch' program in Springfield - ky3.com

Forward Progressives ? Coming Soon to Your Town: The KKK is Recruiting for their ?Neighborhood Watch? Program


... You see, it seems the KKK has started up a new neighborhood watch program—and no, this is not satire.

Some residents in Springfield were greeted by a flier in their front yards the other morning from none other than the local area Ku Klux Klan. While most groups seeking to advertise something they’re wanting to promote might stick paper fliers on cars, put a few yard signs out or staple a couple of advertisements on a few light poles—the KKK didn’t quite go that route.

Oh no, they took their fliers, then used a rubber band to attach them to rocks and threw them into residential yards overnight. Because nothing says “sleep well” quite like the KKK throwing rocks into your yard while you’re sleeping.

But this isn’t just an isolated KKK group that’s starting a neighborhood watch, apparently this is part of a nationwide push from the KKK to recruit local residents to be a part of their neighborhood watch.

Is anyone surprised?

Sad and really really sick is how many here defend and apparently support the kkk.

Have they asked George Zimmerman if he is interested?

You do realize the KKK would be stringing up Zimmerman as much as any black guy, right?
This racial division is exactly what they want. Keeps weak minds occupied.

“[Hate] drew a circle that shut me out-
Heretic , rebel, a thing to flout.
But love and I had the wit to win:
We drew a circle and took him In" -Edwin Markham

Hate is what the KKK, Black Panthers, and race baiters like Lud want. But we shouldn't let them win. Love is a better solution.

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