Kiss Your Private Insruance Good-Bye

Sun Devil 92

Diamond Member
Apr 2, 2015
Is Elizabeth Warren an Ideologue?

Not that she'll ever pull it off....but it's telling that she can't think of an alternative.

She's one of the ruling class who "knows better" and if she had her way, you'd be fucked.

Hold onto your seats....she's gonna get cream with this one.

From the article:

But on the biggest issue, Warren nailed herself to a coercive and unpopular position. She insisted on a “Medicare for All” program that would abolish all private insurance for basic health care. And she ruled out the idea that she might pivot to a voluntary alternative—Medicare for All Who Want It—that would allow people to keep their private insurance if they preferred it. “I will not embrace a plan like ‘Medicare for all who can afford it’ that will leave behind millions of people,” the senator declared, using a pejorative term for the voluntary approach.

Warren gave two reasons why she couldn’t tolerate nongovernment insurance. First, a private insurer could limit its coverage or reject a claim. “I will not embrace a plan that says people have great insurance right up until you get the diagnosis, and the insurance company says, ‘Sorry, we’re not covering your expensive cancer treatments,’ ” she explained. Second, she argued that private insurers stay afloat by denying necessary care and that they otherwise contribute nothing to cost containment. “Every dollar of profit that an insurance company made last year,” she told a CNN panel after the debate, “was made by saying one word: No.”

When CNN’s Van Jones questioned the wisdom of coercing everyone into Medicare, Warren responded as though she didn’t understand the objection. “People don’t like to be forced,” Jones reminded the senator. “Why is that good politics? Don’t you think Americans are going to feel like you’re forcing something on them they don’t want?” Rather than engage the question, Warren repeated her talking point: “We should leave no one behind.” Jones persisted: “What about the people who … want to have the freedom to opt out? Do you care about them and their freedom to opt out?” Again, Warren batted the question away. “What I care about,” she told Jones, “is that they don’t get pushed out” of being covered at all.
Medicare for ALL will never happen.
Not only would workers pay more than for company subsidized health insurance, but the hospitals would close!!

Delaney’s Debate Claim That ‘Medicare For All’ Will Shutter Hospitals Goes Overboard
“If you go to every hospital in this country and you ask them one question, which is, ‘How would it have been for you last year if every one of your bills were paid at the Medicare rate?’ Every single hospital administrator said they would close.”
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Medicare for ALL will never happen.
Not only would workers pay more than for company subsidized health insurance, but the hospitals would close!!

Delaney’s Debate Claim That ‘Medicare For All’ Will Shutter Hospitals Goes Overboard
“If you go to every hospital in this country and you ask them one question, which is, ‘How would it have been for you last year if every one of your bills were paid at the Medicare rate?’ Every single hospital administrator said they would close.”

The case of the MAYO in Scottsdale was quite telling. Obama did his best to tamp it down.

Seniors were told to bring their checkbooks because the hospital was loosing millions on medicrappycare.
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It's going to be interesting to watch Warren run on this once she is nominated.

She's not got any give in her and it will only help bury her.

Nominate her please.
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Medicare for ALL will never happen.
Not only would workers pay more than for company subsidized health insurance, but the hospitals would close!!

Delaney’s Debate Claim That ‘Medicare For All’ Will Shutter Hospitals Goes Overboard
“If you go to every hospital in this country and you ask them one question, which is, ‘How would it have been for you last year if every one of your bills were paid at the Medicare rate?’ Every single hospital administrator said they would close.”

You'll notice nobody from the left is trying to get behind her on this one.
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Would Warren's Ideology Weaken Her as Democrats' Nominee? | RealClearPolitics

Interesting analysis:

Will it be enough to sink Warren? I don’t know. We’re more than a year out from Election Day, so polling is of little value at this point. As noted above, the candidates’ specific stances on issues probably don’t matter as much in elections as we would like to believe. But if you believe this election is likely to be close, as I do, Warren may turn off voters that Democrats can’t afford to lose. For progressives, Warren winning would have a huge upside, as she’d likely be the most effective candidate out there for moving their priorities forward. But the possibility that her ideological stances could cost Democrats an otherwise winnable election is a very real downside.
Medicare for ALL will never happen.
Not only would workers pay more than for company subsidized health insurance, but the hospitals would close!!

Delaney’s Debate Claim That ‘Medicare For All’ Will Shutter Hospitals Goes Overboard
“If you go to every hospital in this country and you ask them one question, which is, ‘How would it have been for you last year if every one of your bills were paid at the Medicare rate?’ Every single hospital administrator said they would close.”

The case of the MAYO in Scottsdale was quite telling. Obama did his best to tamp it down.

Seniors were told to bring their checkbooks because the hospital was loosing millions on medicrappycare.

the below applies to all providers who do not accept Medicare assignment
in-state residents in Arizona and Florida:

  • Like other health care organizations that do not accept Medicare Part B assignment, Mayo Clinic can bill up to 15 percent above the Medicare allowable amount, for which the patient is financially responsible.
  • Mayo does not add a straight 15 percent to the bills; rather, Medicare determines how much above the approved amount Mayo can bill. These charges are referred to as Part B excess charges by Medicare. Accordingly, Mayo bills the patient for the full amount of the charges and expects full reimbursement from the patient.
  • In addition, Medicare will pay the patient directly for services rendered, and the patient will need to reimburse Mayo Clinic.
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Medicare for ALL will never happen.
Not only would workers pay more than for company subsidized health insurance, but the hospitals would close!!

Delaney’s Debate Claim That ‘Medicare For All’ Will Shutter Hospitals Goes Overboard
“If you go to every hospital in this country and you ask them one question, which is, ‘How would it have been for you last year if every one of your bills were paid at the Medicare rate?’ Every single hospital administrator said they would close.”

The case of the MAYO in Scottsdale was quite telling. Obama did his best to tamp it down.

Seniors were told to bring their checkbooks because the hospital was loosing millions on medicrappycare.

the below applies to all providers who do not accept Medicare assignment
in-state residents in Arizona and Florida:

  • Like other health care organizations that do not accept Medicare Part B assignment, Mayo Clinic can bill up to 15 percent above the Medicare allowable amount, for which the patient is financially responsible.
  • Mayo does not add a straight 15 percent to the bills; rather, Medicare determines how much above the approved amount Mayo can bill. These charges are referred to as Part B excess charges by Medicare. Accordingly, Mayo bills the patient for the full amount of the charges and expects full reimbursement from the patient.
  • In addition, Medicare will pay the patient directly for services rendered, and the patient will need to reimburse Mayo Clinic.

Mayo Clinic Refuses to Take Medicare; Is This the Shape of Things to Come?

This is old...but the question it poses is still valid.

Especially if Warren gets her dirty little hands on it and tries to turn it over to the fuckheads now running the impeachment circus on the hill.
Single Payer won't happen any time soon.

Expanding the existing Medicare/Medicare Advantage/Medicare Supplement system, with some tweaks, would be a very good idea, though.

That may very well be where we end up.

Please send a check to the US Treasury to pay the increased taxes for everyone who opposes paying for everyone else, including illegal aliens.
ER's are closing in pandemic proportions, walk-ins are opening quicker than sh*t thru a goose



How does Warrren decide when she's accomplished her goal ?

When she has a Canadian style system ?
Is Elizabeth Warren an Ideologue?

Not that she'll ever pull it off....but it's telling that she can't think of an alternative.

She's one of the ruling class who "knows better" and if she had her way, you'd be fucked.

Hold onto your seats....she's gonna get cream with this one.

From the article:

But on the biggest issue, Warren nailed herself to a coercive and unpopular position. She insisted on a “Medicare for All” program that would abolish all private insurance for basic health care. And she ruled out the idea that she might pivot to a voluntary alternative—Medicare for All Who Want It—that would allow people to keep their private insurance if they preferred it. “I will not embrace a plan like ‘Medicare for all who can afford it’ that will leave behind millions of people,” the senator declared, using a pejorative term for the voluntary approach.

Warren gave two reasons why she couldn’t tolerate nongovernment insurance. First, a private insurer could limit its coverage or reject a claim. “I will not embrace a plan that says people have great insurance right up until you get the diagnosis, and the insurance company says, ‘Sorry, we’re not covering your expensive cancer treatments,’ ” she explained. Second, she argued that private insurers stay afloat by denying necessary care and that they otherwise contribute nothing to cost containment. “Every dollar of profit that an insurance company made last year,” she told a CNN panel after the debate, “was made by saying one word: No.”

When CNN’s Van Jones questioned the wisdom of coercing everyone into Medicare, Warren responded as though she didn’t understand the objection. “People don’t like to be forced,” Jones reminded the senator. “Why is that good politics? Don’t you think Americans are going to feel like you’re forcing something on them they don’t want?” Rather than engage the question, Warren repeated her talking point: “We should leave no one behind.” Jones persisted: “What about the people who … want to have the freedom to opt out? Do you care about them and their freedom to opt out?” Again, Warren batted the question away. “What I care about,” she told Jones, “is that they don’t get pushed out” of being covered at all.
She has no idea how insurance actually works. How can someone so clueless be taken so seriously
Is Elizabeth Warren an Ideologue?

Not that she'll ever pull it off....but it's telling that she can't think of an alternative.

She's one of the ruling class who "knows better" and if she had her way, you'd be fucked.

Hold onto your seats....she's gonna get cream with this one.

From the article:

But on the biggest issue, Warren nailed herself to a coercive and unpopular position. She insisted on a “Medicare for All” program that would abolish all private insurance for basic health care. And she ruled out the idea that she might pivot to a voluntary alternative—Medicare for All Who Want It—that would allow people to keep their private insurance if they preferred it. “I will not embrace a plan like ‘Medicare for all who can afford it’ that will leave behind millions of people,” the senator declared, using a pejorative term for the voluntary approach.

Warren gave two reasons why she couldn’t tolerate nongovernment insurance. First, a private insurer could limit its coverage or reject a claim. “I will not embrace a plan that says people have great insurance right up until you get the diagnosis, and the insurance company says, ‘Sorry, we’re not covering your expensive cancer treatments,’ ” she explained. Second, she argued that private insurers stay afloat by denying necessary care and that they otherwise contribute nothing to cost containment. “Every dollar of profit that an insurance company made last year,” she told a CNN panel after the debate, “was made by saying one word: No.”

When CNN’s Van Jones questioned the wisdom of coercing everyone into Medicare, Warren responded as though she didn’t understand the objection. “People don’t like to be forced,” Jones reminded the senator. “Why is that good politics? Don’t you think Americans are going to feel like you’re forcing something on them they don’t want?” Rather than engage the question, Warren repeated her talking point: “We should leave no one behind.” Jones persisted: “What about the people who … want to have the freedom to opt out? Do you care about them and their freedom to opt out?” Again, Warren batted the question away. “What I care about,” she told Jones, “is that they don’t get pushed out” of being covered at all.
She has no idea how insurance actually works. How can someone so clueless be taken so seriously

You bet.

Just wait. She'll figure out that people who took vacations instead of saving for retirement now have enough social security to do next to nothing....we'll she'll just fix the hell out of that.
ER's are closing in pandemic proportions, walk-ins are opening quicker than sh*t thru a goose




Most not all ER's and hospitals closed in the states that refused to expand Medicaid. Medicaid and Medicare payments kept them afloat.
How does Warrren decide when she's accomplished her goal ?

When she has a Canadian style system ?

It won't happen in my lifetime regardless of who is President, remember they have to get through congress and senate and insurance company lobbyists aren't about to let that happen.
How does Warrren decide when she's accomplished her goal ?

When she has a Canadian style system ?

It won't happen in my lifetime regardless of who is President, remember they have to get through congress and senate and insurance company lobbyists aren't about to let that happen.

I'll ask again, how do you know when you've arrived.

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