Kindergartners to learn that all white adults, including their parents, are racist. Critical Race Theory headed to kindergarten classrooms.


Platinum Member
May 22, 2017
Kindergartners in Pennsylvania will be taught about the many things they need to avoid doing so they don't grow up to be as racist as their parents. Not watching the news tops the list. Kids need to be indoctrinated at a young age for the left to pursue their agenda.

The textbook, which was won many literary awards from critics, is titled "Not My Idea: A Book About Whiteness (Ordinary Terrible Things)".

Here is a typical review.

"This book does a phenomenal job of explaining how power and privilege affect us from birth, and how we can educate ourselves...Not My Idea is an incredibly important book, one that we should all be using as a catalyst for our anti-racist education. "

Here is similar training in England.

so sad

that's what the New World Order wants for the world....the DemonRats .. and all their ilk.... etc..


I believe enough human beings all over this earth.... have woken up to their crimes and machinations...

The fight is going to be big....but GOD WILL WIN! :thup:

HOME SCHOOL HOME SCHOOL HOME SCHOOL your kids!!!!! No more public schools. They are all full of weirdos teaching your children when YOU could be doing it yourself. Even if you work and don't have a lot of time, DO IT. Talk to neighbors or your kids friends parents. Set up some kind of neighborhood school session and each parent takes a subject to teach it. Seriously....YOU will be in control of what your child learns. Once they are older and have a good grasp on what is right and honest in this world, THEN send them to high school or college if necessary. But when so young, their mental lives are in YOUR hands.
HOME SCHOOL HOME SCHOOL HOME SCHOOL your kids!!!!! No more public schools. They are all full of weirdos teaching your children when YOU could be doing it yourself. Even if you work and don't have a lot of time, DO IT. Talk to neighbors or your kids friends parents. Set up some kind of neighborhood school session and each parent takes a subject to teach it. Seriously....YOU will be in control of what your child learns. Once they are older and have a good grasp on what is right and honest in this world, THEN send them to high school or college if necessary. But when so young, their mental lives are in YOUR hands.
TRUE! Thank you for that very important post. I went to public school in liberal New York City all the way from 1st grade through 4 years of college in the City College of New York. I was trained to be a liberal, and I was one for 35 years. That's how long it took me to shake off all that indoctrination. 4 MORE YEARS!
Regardless of party...home schooling now is the best of what you can give your children. Their youngest years are their learning curve. How to be honest. How to know right from wrong. How to understand respobsibility. How to be kind, to respect themselves enough to know when something seems wrong in their little guts. How to embrace, or distance themselves, etc. When older...say 14, THEN they need to learn social activities and be around kids their own ages with different mindsets. At least they will know how to respond..or not to respond to opposing views/actions. The rest they will learn via "street smarts". Keep them around other kids when home schooling so they are not absent from other human reactions of the same age, but later on....they need to be "out in the world"...hence high school and college. Once there, they will KNOW when their "teacher" is teaching things that go against what they were taught at home.

Back in my day..teachers were exactly that. Teachers. History, English, Science, Math, Home Ed, Physical Ed. They were appreciated because they had no agendas. Nowadays? Teachers have pink and purple hair, piercings in their tongues and noses, and want followers to their leadership in the classroom. And your kid will be old enough to tell them to go fuck themselves.
Ever heard of race in grade school, and certainly not kindergarten. Shameful what burdens adults dump on children
Don't forget sex ed. They were allowed to be kids. NOW they are taught how to masterbate, to accept same sex partnership in a sexual way, and all kinds of crap the parents should be telling them..not some schmuck of a teacher. Mom half ass told me about the birds and the sister filled me in on what Ma wouldn't say. Nowadays, its not birds and bees...its jane and linda or mac and dave.
Ever heard of race in grade school, and certainly not kindergarten. Shameful what burdens adults dump on children
Don't forget sex ed. They were allowed to be kids. NOW they are taught how to masterbate, to accept same sex partnership in a sexual way, and all kinds of crap the parents should be telling them..not some schmuck of a teacher. Mom half ass told me about the birds and the sister filled me in on what Ma wouldn't say. Nowadays, its not birds and bees...its jane and linda or mac and dave.

You can't even spell "masturbate" or "it's" properly. Don't you dare talk about education until you get one.
Regardless of party...home schooling now is the best of what you can give your children. Their youngest years are their learning curve. How to be honest. How to know right from wrong. How to understand respobsibility. How to be kind, to respect themselves enough to know when something seems wrong in their little guts. How to embrace, or distance themselves, etc. When older...say 14, THEN they need to learn social activities and be around kids their own ages with different mindsets. At least they will know how to respond..or not to respond to opposing views/actions. The rest they will learn via "street smarts". Keep them around other kids when home schooling so they are not absent from other human reactions of the same age, but later on....they need to be "out in the world"...hence high school and college. Once there, they will KNOW when their "teacher" is teaching things that go against what they were taught at home.

Back in my day..teachers were exactly that. Teachers. History, English, Science, Math, Home Ed, Physical Ed. They were appreciated because they had no agendas. Nowadays? Teachers have pink and purple hair, piercings in their tongues and noses, and want followers to their leadership in the classroom. And your kid will be old enough to tell them to go fuck themselves.

That way they can grow up to be as racist or ignorant as you are.
HOME SCHOOL HOME SCHOOL HOME SCHOOL your kids!!!!! No more public schools. They are all full of weirdos teaching your children when YOU could be doing it yourself. Even if you work and don't have a lot of time, DO IT. Talk to neighbors or your kids friends parents. Set up some kind of neighborhood school session and each parent takes a subject to teach it. Seriously....YOU will be in control of what your child learns. Once they are older and have a good grasp on what is right and honest in this world, THEN send them to high school or college if necessary. But when so young, their mental lives are in YOUR hands.
TRUE! Thank you for that very important post. I went to public school in liberal New York City all the way from 1st grade through 4 years of college in the City College of New York. I was trained to be a liberal, and I was one for 35 years. That's how long it took me to shake off all that indoctrination. 4 MORE YEARS!
It didn't take. You are as stupid as you were before ever going to school.
It didn't take. You are as stupid as you were before ever going to school.
Don't know what you're talking about. Neither does anybody else. Doesn't matter though. Yammerings of baboons don't rate. Ho hum.


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