Kindergarten Students in Connecticut Learn about Being Transgender in Line with ‘Social Justice Standards’


Diamond Member
Mar 19, 2015
The full-court press to pervert children is now underway.

It has always been about the children. As I have been telling people for decades, they're coming for the children.

Elementary school students in West Hartford, Conn. public schools are being forced to undergo “social emotional learning through an equity lens” as district officials have reportedly told parents they may not opt-out of the curriculum, which aims to teach students a set of “social justice standards.”

Parents from the district contacted the non-profit Parents Defending Education to share concerns over materials being used to teach elementary students about group identities, including transgender content being taught to kindergarten students.

One parent raised a red flag about When Aidan Became a Brother, a book being taught to fourth grade students that the parent described as “full on gender theory” which is teaching students that the sex you’re assigned at birth is “wrong.”

“When Aidan was born, everyone thought he was a girl. His parents gave him a pretty name, his room looked like a girl’s room, and he wore clothes that other girls liked wearing,” the description of the book reads. “After he realized he was a trans boy, Aidan and his parents fixed the parts of his life that didn’t fit anymore, and he settled happily into his new life.”

When Aidan’s parents announce they’re having a second child, Aidan “wants to do everything he can to make things right for his new sibling from the beginning” including choosing the best name and picking out the right decor and clothes. The book asks what “making things right” actually means.

Another fourth-grade mentor text is a book about pronouns called They She HE Me; Free to Be!

The lessons are supposed to teach students in kindergarten through fifth grade about social justice standards including identity, diversity, justice and action.


THEY came for our children long ago. The government and media sanctioned perversions we're experiencing at a daily accelerating pace are the not quite the finale of this process. Very soon now pedophilia will be legalized at the federal level. Post birth abortions will become commonplace. Child pornography will soar to unprecedented popularity. Otherwise normal adult men, so-called loving fathers included, will surf child porn after their families bed down for the night. Legal euthanasia centers will open, become a thriving industry, and regretful parents will drop off their unwanted kids to be put down like dogs. This is the direction our "civilization" is speeding toward. No sin nor violence against the mind or flesh of the young will be spared or withheld. Pleasure and gold will be the only surviving gods, worshipped by the masses in endless socially accepted bloodbaths.

The signs are already blowing in on a hot, putrid wind. Forty-eight years of legal child murder. Years of priming our children's minds in public school with perverted sex-ed, readying kids for all manner of sadistic abuse at the hands of adults. Drag queen story time. Forced gender confusion. Casual late term abortions. Child sex trade trafficking. If children truly are our future then this is an all out, balls to the walls blitzkrieg against the continuation of mankind.

And no one is close to slowing it down let alone making serious attempts to stop it.
It will be democrat women that will bring an end to this gender confusion madness....
Since the 1930’s the Trotsky movement has been changing our society…

Just read this and then look at what America is becoming:

They enter through the educational system and corrupt the minds of our youth and sooner or later the corrupted youth become the leaders of tomorrow and transform our society into the hellish Utopia they were taught in school…

America is lost and will never return to it former glory and like Rome she will fall and China will rise above us and then the World will discover what revelations was truly about!
THEY came for our children long ago. The government and media sanctioned perversions we're experiencing at a daily accelerating pace are the not quite the finale of this process. Very soon now pedophilia will be legalized at the federal level. Post birth abortions will become commonplace. Child pornography will soar to unprecedented popularity. Otherwise normal adult men, so-called loving fathers included, will surf child porn after their families bed down for the night. Legal euthanasia centers will open, become a thriving industry, and regretful parents will drop off their unwanted kids to be put down like dogs. This is the direction our "civilization" is speeding toward. No sin nor violence against the mind or flesh of the young will be spared or withheld. Pleasure and gold will be the only surviving gods, worshipped by the masses in endless socially accepted bloodbaths.

The signs are already blowing in on a hot, putrid wind. Forty-eight years of legal child murder. Years of priming our children's minds in public school with perverted sex-ed, readying kids for all manner of sadistic abuse at the hands of adults. Drag queen story time. Forced gender confusion. Casual late term abortions. Child sex trade trafficking. If children truly are our future then this is an all out, balls to the walls blitzkrieg against the continuation of mankind.

And no one is close to slowing it down let alone making serious attempts to stop it.

I don't think it's as bad as all that. Yet.
So now kindergarten kids are accepting about the sexual abnormalities of transexuals but unable to count the number of balls they have. Education?
No libs here to defend the hedonist teaching establishment?
The full-court press to pervert children is now underway.

It has always been about the children. As I have been telling people for decades, they're coming for the children.

Elementary school students in West Hartford, Conn. public schools are being forced to undergo “social emotional learning through an equity lens” as district officials have reportedly told parents they may not opt-out of the curriculum, which aims to teach students a set of “social justice standards.”
Parents from the district contacted the non-profit Parents Defending Education to share concerns over materials being used to teach elementary students about group identities, including transgender content being taught to kindergarten students.
One parent raised a red flag about When Aidan Became a Brother, a book being taught to fourth grade students that the parent described as “full on gender theory” which is teaching students that the sex you’re assigned at birth is “wrong.”
“When Aidan was born, everyone thought he was a girl. His parents gave him a pretty name, his room looked like a girl’s room, and he wore clothes that other girls liked wearing,” the description of the book reads. “After he realized he was a trans boy, Aidan and his parents fixed the parts of his life that didn’t fit anymore, and he settled happily into his new life.”
When Aidan’s parents announce they’re having a second child, Aidan “wants to do everything he can to make things right for his new sibling from the beginning” including choosing the best name and picking out the right decor and clothes. The book asks what “making things right” actually means.
Another fourth-grade mentor text is a book about pronouns called They She HE Me; Free to Be!
The lessons are supposed to teach students in kindergarten through fifth grade about social justice standards including identity, diversity, justice and action.

I am willing to bet that neither you and any of those who responded here ever bothered to investigate what Social and Emotional Learning actually is from a source that is not biased.

Yes they learn that transgender people exist. They also learn how not to be assholes when they encounter one. You all need some social and emotional training and get over the hystrionics

I am willing to bet that neither you and any of those who responded here ever bothered to investigate what Social and Emotional Learning actually is from a source that is not biased.

Yes they learn that transgender people exist. They also learn how not to be assholes when they encounter one. You all need some social and emotional training and get over the hystrionics

Yes, you wish to see young children sexualised FAR before the time they are ready.

Responsible adults recognize the importance of childhood development and allow that development to proceed at a healthy pace.
Only extremely sick adults attempt to sexualize 5 year olds.
Yes, you wish to see young children sexualised FAR before the time they are ready.

Responsible adults recognize the importance of childhood development and allow that development to proceed at a healthy pace.
Only extremely sick adults attempt to sexualize 5 year olds.
YOU are full of shit and not that bright.!! Read the description Social and Emotional Learning of that I posted and tell me how it sexualized children. You people are so fucked in the head. Looks like you found another culture war boggie man to behysterical about
YOU are full of shit and not that bright.!! Read the description Social and Emotional Learning of that I posted and tell me how it sexualized children. You people are so fucked in the head. Looks like you found another culture war boggie man to behysterical about
Are you still rocking those Jheri curls so you can look like an Anglo version of Michael Jackson circa 1985?

Forcing children to learn all about Trannies IS sexualizing them, dumb ass.
I am willing to bet that neither you and any of those who responded here ever bothered to investigate what Social and Emotional Learning actually is from a source that is not biased.

Yes they learn that transgender people exist. They also learn how not to be assholes when they encounter one. You all need some social and emotional training and get over the hystrionics

You disagree excalibur ? Please explain exactly what it is that you disagree with and why.
No libs here to defend the hedonist teaching establishment?

It's interesting that after you posted this, the very next post, and a few others farther along were from the most degenerate, morally-diseased freak on this forum, here to at once deny what is being done to children, and also to defend what is being done to children.

I'm thinking of the modern cliché form “Tell me you xxxx without telling me you xxxx.”

In this case, we're not allowed to come out and say what xxxx is, but I think nearly everyone here who has taken any notice of this degenerate already knows.
Please explain EXACTLY what you think that they are learning......or shut the fuck up.
They are learning about Trannies, obviously, and at a time that is WAY too young.

To answer your question, though, no, I will not shut up just because you want to sexualize children before they are ready while indoctrinating them to question the nature of the gender with which they were born.

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