Kim Threatens to Blow Up DC


Old Fogey
Sep 25, 2011
OK, I have mixed feeling on this one, but I guess I'm in if he throws in San Francisco, Chicago, New York, Boston and Philadelphia (especially Philadelphia) and some free diet Coke till the radiation goes down a bit.
North Korea shows the Capitol obliterated by red missiles | Daily Mail Online

Anything to change the topic of the statues and T's disgusting words. NK is not going to do anything. Bannon assured us not to worry about it.
Anything to change the topic of the statues and T's disgusting words. NK is not going to do anything. Bannon assured us not to worry about it.
It is hilarious that my obvious for-humor post went right over your head and you immediately went to your talking points.

How does it feel to be a mindless pod-person, Penny?
Under regime Obama I could have considered this as NK providing aid for urban renewal. But now there are actual Americans living there - not just liberal pond scum.

so true-------there are a few actual humans living in D C---------but in sum------an "out of
existence" event MIGHT be beneficial
There's just something really funny, and or really sad, about having "mixed feelings" about someone threatening to blow up our nations capital.

A sign of the times I guess.
BTW, NYT has published an interesting thing a few days ago :

North Korea’s success in testing an intercontinental ballistic missile that appears able to reach the United States was made possible by black-market purchases of powerful rocket engines probably from a Ukrainian factory. Government investigators and experts have focused their inquiries on a missile factory in Dnipro, Ukraine.

Experts believe it is the most likely source of the engines that in July powered the two ICBM tests, which were the first to suggest that North Korea has the range, if not necessarily the accuracy or warhead technology, to threaten American cities.
North Korea’s Missile Success Is Linked to Ukrainian Plant, Investigators Say

Official Kiev already called NYT a Kremlin agent.
Anything to change the topic of the statues and T's disgusting words. NK is not going to do anything. Bannon assured us not to worry about it.
It is hilarious that my obvious for-humor post went right over your head and you immediately went to your talking points.

How does it feel to be a mindless pod-person, Penny?

Leftists are devoid of humour.
Anything to change the topic of the statues and T's disgusting words. NK is not going to do anything. Bannon assured us not to worry about it.
It is hilarious that my obvious for-humor post went right over your head and you immediately went to your talking points.

How does it feel to be a mindless pod-person, Penny?

Leftists are devoid of humour.

Obviously, you have never been to a July, republican picnic
Anything to change the topic of the statues and T's disgusting words. NK is not going to do anything. Bannon assured us not to worry about it.

I missed it------what were Trump's "disgusting words"?

The Donald said there was violence on both sides, to the Leftists and the Cuckservatives and the Propaganda MSM saying violence on both sides = disgusting words.

Virginia State Police admit that The Donald was correct, violence on ALL SIDES.

The Donald made the correct comments, there was violence on ALL SIDES, the Antifa Far Left Fascists and their BLM House Pets were violent AS WELL.

Here it is, from the mouth of Corinne Geller the Virginia State Police Spokeswoman:

"We were hoping that it would not elevate to this level of the violence that we witnessed amongst the participants in the crowds, on all sides. They were throwing bottles, they were throwing soda cans with cement in them,”

Here's the video, the duration is two minutes and six seconds, Corinne Geller says the above comments about the violence being on ALL SIDES begins at the 32 second part.

Anything to change the topic of the statues and T's disgusting words. NK is not going to do anything. Bannon assured us not to worry about it.

I missed it------what were Trump's "disgusting words"?

The Donald said there was blame on both sides, to the Leftists and the Cuckservatives and the Propaganda MSM saying violence on both sides = disgusting words.

Virginia State Police admit that The Donald was correct, violence on ALL SIDES.

The Donald made the correct comments, there was violence on ALL SIDES, the Antifa Far Left Fascists and their BLM House Pets were violent AS WELL.

Here it is, from the mouth of Corinne Geller the Virginia State Police Spokeswoman:

"We were hoping that it would not elevate to this level of the violence that we witnessed amongst the participants in the crowds, on all sides. They were throwing bottles, they were throwing soda cans with cement in them,”

Here's the video, the duration is two minutes and six seconds, Corinne Geller says the above comments about the violence being on ALL SIDES begins at the 32 second part.

I was RELIEVED by his words-------I consider them just about the smartest stuff he
ever said----especially kinda "off-the-cuff". He is, clearly, IMPROVING
Anything to change the topic of the statues and T's disgusting words. NK is not going to do anything. Bannon assured us not to worry about it.
It is hilarious that my obvious for-humor post went right over your head and you immediately went to your talking points.

How does it feel to be a mindless pod-person, Penny?

Leftists are devoid of humour.

Obviously, you have never been to a July, republican picnic

No I haven't, when I spent time in Texas for six months I never went to a July republican picnic.
Anything to change the topic of the statues and T's disgusting words. NK is not going to do anything. Bannon assured us not to worry about it.
It is hilarious that my obvious for-humor post went right over your head and you immediately went to your talking points.

How does it feel to be a mindless pod-person, Penny?

Leftists are devoid of humour.

Obviously, you have never been to a July, republican picnic

No I haven't, when I spent time in Texas for six months I never went to a July republican picnic.

I grew up in a Northwest republican town-------when I was a kid, I went with a
playmate. Lots of beer-----very boring and supportive of the town's policy
of resistance to change. Curbs along the sides of the paved streets------an
innovation somehow related to the sewer system-------was THE ISSUE.
Property owners were required to pay---------SOCIALISM!!!!!!!!. Then, even
worse------signs went up demanding "CURB YOUR DOG" --------
For discussion------with what "entity" will N.K. ally------choices include
Russia, Iran, Baathists, The European Union......etc

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