Killing The ACA

It was Heritage Foundation that first proposed the Individual Mandate

The foundation of Obamacare

Heritage Foundation, now there's a unbiased resource.

To rightwinger & kiwiman127: Give it a rest. It was actually Mitt Romney trying to justify RomneyCare that started the myth. RomneyCare cost him the election with conservatives not the Heritage Foundation:

If citations to policy papers were subject to the same rules as legal citations, then the Heritage position quoted by the Department of Justice would have a red flag indicating it had been reversed. . . . Heritage has stopped supporting any insurance mandate.

Heritage policy experts never supported an unqualified mandate like that in the PPACA [ObamaCare]. Their prior support for a qualified mandate was limited to catastrophic coverage (true insurance that is precisely what the PPACA forbids), coupled with tax relief for all families and other reforms that are conspicuously absent from the PPACA. Since then, a growing body of research has provided a strong basis to conclude that any government insurance mandate is not only unnecessary, but is a bad policy option. Moreover, Heritage’s legal scholars have been consistent in explaining that the type of mandate in the PPACA is unconstitutional.

Pharma & Healthcare 10/20/2011 @ 8:26AM
How the Heritage Foundation, a Conservative Think Tank, Promoted the Individual Mandate
Avik Roy , Forbes Staff

How the Heritage Foundation a Conservative Think Tank Promoted the Individual Mandate - Forbes

The fact is: HillaryCare II would still be a vicious, totalitarian, unconstitutional-law without the individual mandate in it. On the bright side, the individual mandate can end up overturning the entire law.
The far right did not cost MR anything. You guys don't have the power to elect presidents.

He could not pull enough of the center.
Heritage Foundation, now there's a unbiased resource. :disbelief:
Let's see they helped Paul Ryan with his numbers for his budget. But the numbers didn't add up per quite a few economist and CBO.
During the Bush years they wrote an article that said that wages weren't flat, because wages hadn't decreased! :laugh: There's a big difference between flat-lining and dipping, unbelievable..
Based on just those two samples of Heritage's math and logic, why would I trust Heritage. And these are the guys that came up with the blueprint for Obamacare back in the 1990's, it was their very own idea.
If a Republican used their blueprint it was great, but if a Democrat used their blueprint, well it's plain not going to work. See OP.

Does that mean you believe anything put out by the Obama administration is unbiased?

Considering that I have stated on many occasions that I have issues with Obama, I would not be classified as a lap dog for "O".
Throughout recent history, our presidents have been involved in their own brand of propaganda, which is no different that both parties usage of propaganda.
However, we are talking about an outside resource, which many take ideological propaganda to a new level. They are the subject of any oversight, unlike our elected officials, therefore they answer to no one. This gives them a license to throw as much shit at the wall as they like. Whether it sticks or not is no concern for them. Their audience usually sucks up as much BS as is dished out. Both sides of the aisle have their own dedicated propaganda machines. Be it Fox News, MSNBC, Heritage Foundation, Media Matters, Al Sharpton, Rush Limbaugh, Ed Schultz, Sean Hannity and so on and so on. Why people want to get dumbed-down by these resources is beyond me. I can't count how many times someone posts something on these boards by these propaganda machines, only to get their posts shot-down by reality.
On most boards that I have frequented over the years (for approx. 17 years),poster got ridiculed and laughed at for posting such crap. USMB is in overload with threads/posts based on BS.
Folks simply want to be told what to believe instead of doing the research themselves.
It was Heritage Foundation that first proposed the Individual Mandate

The foundation of Obamacare

Heritage Foundation, now there's a unbiased resource.

To rightwinger & kiwiman127: Give it a rest. It was actually Mitt Romney trying to justify RomneyCare that started the myth. RomneyCare cost him the election with conservatives not the Heritage Foundation:

If citations to policy papers were subject to the same rules as legal citations, then the Heritage position quoted by the Department of Justice would have a red flag indicating it had been reversed. . . . Heritage has stopped supporting any insurance mandate.

Heritage policy experts never supported an unqualified mandate like that in the PPACA [ObamaCare]. Their prior support for a qualified mandate was limited to catastrophic coverage (true insurance that is precisely what the PPACA forbids), coupled with tax relief for all families and other reforms that are conspicuously absent from the PPACA. Since then, a growing body of research has provided a strong basis to conclude that any government insurance mandate is not only unnecessary, but is a bad policy option. Moreover, Heritage’s legal scholars have been consistent in explaining that the type of mandate in the PPACA is unconstitutional.

Pharma & Healthcare 10/20/2011 @ 8:26AM
How the Heritage Foundation, a Conservative Think Tank, Promoted the Individual Mandate
Avik Roy , Forbes Staff

How the Heritage Foundation a Conservative Think Tank Promoted the Individual Mandate - Forbes

The fact is: HillaryCare II would still be a vicious, totalitarian, unconstitutional-law without the individual mandate in it. On the bright side, the individual mandate can end up overturning the entire law.

Oh, OK.
Original document where Heritage created Obamacare individual mandate
Heritage Foundation, now there's a unbiased resource. :disbelief:
Let's see they helped Paul Ryan with his numbers for his budget. But the numbers didn't add up per quite a few economist and CBO.
During the Bush years they wrote an article that said that wages weren't flat, because wages hadn't decreased! :laugh: There's a big difference between flat-lining and dipping, unbelievable..
Based on just those two samples of Heritage's math and logic, why would I trust Heritage. And these are the guys that came up with the blueprint for Obamacare back in the 1990's, it was their very own idea.
If a Republican used their blueprint it was great, but if a Democrat used their blueprint, well it's plain not going to work. See OP.

Does that mean you believe anything put out by the Obama administration is unbiased?

Considering that I have stated on many occasions that I have issues with Obama, I would not be classified as a lap dog for "O".
Throughout recent history, our presidents have been involved in their own brand of propaganda, which is no different that both parties usage of propaganda.
However, we are talking about an outside resource, which many take ideological propaganda to a new level. They are the subject of any oversight, unlike our elected officials, therefore they answer to no one. This gives them a license to throw as much shit at the wall as they like. Whether it sticks or not is no concern for them. Their audience usually sucks up as much BS as is dished out. Both sides of the aisle have their own dedicated propaganda machines. Be it Fox News, MSNBC, Heritage Foundation, Media Matters, Al Sharpton, Rush Limbaugh, Ed Schultz, Sean Hannity and so on and so on. Why people want to get dumbed-down by these resources is beyond me. I can't count how many times someone posts something on these boards by these propaganda machines, only to get their posts shot-down by reality.
On most boards that I have frequented over the years (for approx. 17 years),poster got ridiculed and laughed at for posting such crap. USMB is in overload with threads/posts based on BS.

While the premise behind what RomneyCare and Obamacare was designed to do is basically the same, can you tell me the biggest difference and the point of Constitutional contention many have with the latter that they don't have with the former? I'm not a big fan of government mandating people buy a specific product, but I can accept RomneyCare and not accept ObamaCare despite both being designed to do the same thing. It has nothing to do with race or ideology behind the person for whom it was named. Any idea?
Total Pubcrappe, chump of the greedy idiot rich and Big Health. The ACTUAL costs are in, lowest rises in FOREVER.
The only chump if the one that believes someone's costs going down due to them getting a subsidy funded by a hardworking taxpayer is a good thing. No one owes another person healthcare. If the only reason someone can afford healthcare is because someone else is forced to provide it to them, they don't deserve it.
They already got health care, hater dupe, just in the stupidest, cruelest, most injurious to society way- the dumbass GOP -hater dupe way. Your idotic a-hole , brainwashed "opinion" is a bad joke.

That's not what the selling point was with Obamacare. It was sold on the concept that it would provide health insurance to people that didn't have it nor to people that did but in a way that wasn't working.

The only bad joke is someone that thinks the government should provide them something they should be providing themselves. You may be of such a weak existence that you have to do that but many of us are willing and do take care of ourselves. We don't owe you shit you entitlement minded bastard.
It was sold on a LOT of points, pinhead. Yeah you take care of yourselves until something bad happens. Then you declare bankruptcy on us, blind as a bat, selfish , brainwashed loudmouth twit...later much.
The only chump if the one that believes someone's costs going down due to them getting a subsidy funded by a hardworking taxpayer is a good thing. No one owes another person healthcare. If the only reason someone can afford healthcare is because someone else is forced to provide it to them, they don't deserve it.

To Conservative65: Exactly so. Unfortunately, parasites demand it, and do-gooder parasites provide it at somebody else’s expense.
Actually, YOUR costs are going to go down too, brainwashed dingbat. The new cost rises are bending down, bankruptcies will almost end, people will be able to go off welfare, work, and contribute- all while getting PREVENTIVE care. You people are functionally braindead. Change the channel.

They are? That's strange. My employer has already indicated that starting in the next contract year, my level of contribution will be going up because costs went up. Since they deal far more directly with it than you do, I'll take their word over your you arrogant son of a bitch.

Obamacare wasn't needed in order for bankruptcies to end, for people to get off welfare, and get preventative care. ALL that could have been done if you bleeding hearts actually did with your own money what you demand the government be involved in mandating someone else do it. If you wanted to prevent a bankruptcy or get someone preventative care in those situations, you could have simply paid for it yourself on their behalf. We both know why it won't be done that way. It would involve you actually doing what you say you believe in with your own money not just saying you care and seeing how much you can get the government to take from someone else while making yourself feel good. A functionally brain dead person is the one like you that thinks the government has to be involved when it could have been done with an action on your part individually.
Your employer is ALSO a Pub Dupe duh- and gets to screw you AGAIN lol... and total Pubcrappe, fool. lol

Now I know you're a dumbass. You make claims about my employer without know who it is. What it boils down to is you want the government to provide to you what you're too fucking lazy to provide to yourself.
Sure, lol. If your employer believes that, he's a Pub dupe. End of story, or a selfish a-hole Dem, which seldom happens.
Total Pubcrappe, chump of the greedy idiot rich and Big Health. The ACTUAL costs are in, lowest rises in FOREVER.
The only chump if the one that believes someone's costs going down due to them getting a subsidy funded by a hardworking taxpayer is a good thing. No one owes another person healthcare. If the only reason someone can afford healthcare is because someone else is forced to provide it to them, they don't deserve it.
They already got health care, hater dupe, just in the stupidest, cruelest, most injurious to society way- the dumbass GOP -hater dupe way. Your idotic a-hole , brainwashed "opinion" is a bad joke.

That's not what the selling point was with Obamacare. It was sold on the concept that it would provide health insurance to people that didn't have it nor to people that did but in a way that wasn't working.

The only bad joke is someone that thinks the government should provide them something they should be providing themselves. You may be of such a weak existence that you have to do that but many of us are willing and do take care of ourselves. We don't owe you shit you entitlement minded bastard.
It was sold on a LOT of points, pinhead. Yeah you take care of yourselves until something bad happens. Then you declare bankruptcy on us, blind as a bat, selfish , brainwashed loudmouth twit...later much.

It was sold on insuring the millions that didn't have coverage. That was the purpose of the mandate which was the key point of the law.
To Conservative65: Exactly so. Unfortunately, parasites demand it, and do-gooder parasites provide it at somebody else’s expense.
Actually, YOUR costs are going to go down too, brainwashed dingbat. The new cost rises are bending down, bankruptcies will almost end, people will be able to go off welfare, work, and contribute- all while getting PREVENTIVE care. You people are functionally braindead. Change the channel.

They are? That's strange. My employer has already indicated that starting in the next contract year, my level of contribution will be going up because costs went up. Since they deal far more directly with it than you do, I'll take their word over your you arrogant son of a bitch.

Obamacare wasn't needed in order for bankruptcies to end, for people to get off welfare, and get preventative care. ALL that could have been done if you bleeding hearts actually did with your own money what you demand the government be involved in mandating someone else do it. If you wanted to prevent a bankruptcy or get someone preventative care in those situations, you could have simply paid for it yourself on their behalf. We both know why it won't be done that way. It would involve you actually doing what you say you believe in with your own money not just saying you care and seeing how much you can get the government to take from someone else while making yourself feel good. A functionally brain dead person is the one like you that thinks the government has to be involved when it could have been done with an action on your part individually.
Your employer is ALSO a Pub Dupe duh- and gets to screw you AGAIN lol... and total Pubcrappe, fool. lol

Now I know you're a dumbass. You make claims about my employer without know who it is. What it boils down to is you want the government to provide to you what you're too fucking lazy to provide to yourself.
Sure, lol. If your employer believes that, he's a Pub dupe. End of story, or a selfish a-hole Dem, which seldom happens.

Hey dumbass, you made a statement about my employer without knowing who it is. You're a selfish asshole. You want the government to provide you something at the expense of someone else or get something for less than someone else has to pay.
Actually, YOUR costs are going to go down too, brainwashed dingbat. The new cost rises are bending down, bankruptcies will almost end, people will be able to go off welfare, work, and contribute- all while getting PREVENTIVE care. You people are functionally braindead. Change the channel.

They are? That's strange. My employer has already indicated that starting in the next contract year, my level of contribution will be going up because costs went up. Since they deal far more directly with it than you do, I'll take their word over your you arrogant son of a bitch.

Obamacare wasn't needed in order for bankruptcies to end, for people to get off welfare, and get preventative care. ALL that could have been done if you bleeding hearts actually did with your own money what you demand the government be involved in mandating someone else do it. If you wanted to prevent a bankruptcy or get someone preventative care in those situations, you could have simply paid for it yourself on their behalf. We both know why it won't be done that way. It would involve you actually doing what you say you believe in with your own money not just saying you care and seeing how much you can get the government to take from someone else while making yourself feel good. A functionally brain dead person is the one like you that thinks the government has to be involved when it could have been done with an action on your part individually.
Your employer is ALSO a Pub Dupe duh- and gets to screw you AGAIN lol... and total Pubcrappe, fool. lol

Now I know you're a dumbass. You make claims about my employer without know who it is. What it boils down to is you want the government to provide to you what you're too fucking lazy to provide to yourself.
Sure, lol. If your employer believes that, he's a Pub dupe. End of story, or a selfish a-hole Dem, which seldom happens.

Hey dumbass, you made a statement about my employer without knowing who it is. You're a selfish asshole. You want the government to provide you something at the expense of someone else or get something for less than someone else has to pay.
Just because you can't see past the end of your nose doesn't mean I can't. Like my father the GOOD doctor who was for this since 1940, I'm intelligent and care about my fellow man and the country, not saving myself a few bucks and screwing the little guy, free loading jerk. lol
They are? That's strange. My employer has already indicated that starting in the next contract year, my level of contribution will be going up because costs went up. Since they deal far more directly with it than you do, I'll take their word over your you arrogant son of a bitch.

Obamacare wasn't needed in order for bankruptcies to end, for people to get off welfare, and get preventative care. ALL that could have been done if you bleeding hearts actually did with your own money what you demand the government be involved in mandating someone else do it. If you wanted to prevent a bankruptcy or get someone preventative care in those situations, you could have simply paid for it yourself on their behalf. We both know why it won't be done that way. It would involve you actually doing what you say you believe in with your own money not just saying you care and seeing how much you can get the government to take from someone else while making yourself feel good. A functionally brain dead person is the one like you that thinks the government has to be involved when it could have been done with an action on your part individually.
Your employer is ALSO a Pub Dupe duh- and gets to screw you AGAIN lol... and total Pubcrappe, fool. lol

Now I know you're a dumbass. You make claims about my employer without know who it is. What it boils down to is you want the government to provide to you what you're too fucking lazy to provide to yourself.
Sure, lol. If your employer believes that, he's a Pub dupe. End of story, or a selfish a-hole Dem, which seldom happens.

Hey dumbass, you made a statement about my employer without knowing who it is. You're a selfish asshole. You want the government to provide you something at the expense of someone else or get something for less than someone else has to pay.
Just because you can't see past the end of your nose doesn't mean I can't. Like my father the GOOD doctor who was for this since 1940, I'm intelligent and care about my fellow man and the country, not saving myself a few bucks and screwing the little guy, free loading jerk. lol

Are you saying I should be willing to pay more for my healthcare so someone else can get it?
I find it ironic that we have "under God" in the Pledge of Allegiance and "In God We Trust" on this country's money. Yet, we don't practice what the Word of God tells us.

"If among you, one of your brothers should become poor, in any of your towns within your land that the Lord your God is giving you, you shall not harden your heart or shut your hand against your poor brother, but you shall open your hand to him and lend him sufficient for his need, whatever it may be. Take care lest there be an unworthy thought in your heart and you say, ‘The seventh year, the year of release is near,’ and your eye look grudgingly on your poor brother, and you give him nothing, and he cry to the Lord against you, and you be guilty of sin. You shall give to him freely, and your heart shall not be grudging when you give to him, because for this the Lord your God will bless you in all your work and in all that you undertake. For there will never cease to be poor in the land. Therefore I command you, ‘You shall open wide your hand to your brother, to the needy and to the poor, in your land "-
Deuteronomy 15:7-11

There are many versus in the Bible that are along the same lines and thoughts as the scripture above..
Here we are the wealthiest country in the world. Here we are a country that is God based, yet we are the only wealthy country in the world that heathcare is not a right.
It seems commonplace, that a thread or post claims the other side is anti-Christian. Typically those It who post such trash are the same ones who deny the opportunity of healthcare to our poor, weak and elderly. These are also the same people who call the Pope a socialist/communist for repeating what is in the Bible. The sad irony of this country, is it doesn't practice what it preaches. No our theme is, "what's mine is mine and the hell with anybody else".
I find it ironic that we have "under God" in the Pledge of Allegiance and "In God We Trust" on this country's money. Yet, we don't practice what the Word of God tells us.

"If among you, one of your brothers should become poor, in any of your towns within your land that the Lord your God is giving you, you shall not harden your heart or shut your hand against your poor brother, but you shall open your hand to him and lend him sufficient for his need, whatever it may be. Take care lest there be an unworthy thought in your heart and you say, ‘The seventh year, the year of release is near,’ and your eye look grudgingly on your poor brother, and you give him nothing, and he cry to the Lord against you, and you be guilty of sin. You shall give to him freely, and your heart shall not be grudging when you give to him, because for this the Lord your God will bless you in all your work and in all that you undertake. For there will never cease to be poor in the land. Therefore I command you, ‘You shall open wide your hand to your brother, to the needy and to the poor, in your land "-
Deuteronomy 15:7-11

There are many versus in the Bible that are along the same lines and thoughts as the scripture above..
Here we are the wealthiest country in the world. Here we are a country that is God based, yet we are the only wealthy country in the world that heathcare is not a right.
It seems commonplace, that a thread or post claims the other side is anti-Christian. Typically those It who post such trash are the same ones who deny the opportunity of healthcare to our poor, weak and elderly. These are also the same people who call the Pope a socialist/communist for repeating what is in the Bible. The sad irony of this country, is it doesn't practice what it preaches. No our theme is, "what's mine is mine and the hell with anybody else".

Where does the word of God tell us that one person should dictate to another who they should help? You ASSume that if I oppose a government program that I don't help others. Your problem is you define greedy and selfish as someone who doesn't help another person the way and to the level you think they should.

Your verses from Deuteronomy above say "You shall give to him freely". In other words, because you choose to do so. What you support is a mandate from the taker not a willful act by the giver.

Who is denying the poor, weak, and elderly the opportunity of healthcare? If you say it's because we oppose things like Obamacare, you damn sure don't understand the concept of opportunity. I am for anyone and everyone having healthcare. What I'm not for is you demanding I pay for it on their behalf. Me saying no doesn't deny them the opportunity just like you saying no if I demand you buy me a new car doesn't deny that to me.

If the Pope adheres to what would be considered socialist ideas, that makes him one. Apparently you have a problem with a duck being called a duck. I find it interesting how you chastise people like me and use phrases like "what's mine is mine and the hell with anybody else" yet are perfectly OK with someone saying "I don't have what you have so yours is mine and if you don't give it to me willingly, I'll find someone in government to force you to do so". No deserves what another person earned unless the one that earned it willingly gives it to them. That's along the lines of what the Bible says not how you've twisted it. In other words, I don't owe you or anyone else shit in life.
I find it ironic that we have "under God" in the Pledge of Allegiance and "In God We Trust" on this country's money. Yet, we don't practice what the Word of God tells us.

"If among you, one of your brothers should become poor, in any of your towns within your land that the Lord your God is giving you, you shall not harden your heart or shut your hand against your poor brother, but you shall open your hand to him and lend him sufficient for his need, whatever it may be. Take care lest there be an unworthy thought in your heart and you say, ‘The seventh year, the year of release is near,’ and your eye look grudgingly on your poor brother, and you give him nothing, and he cry to the Lord against you, and you be guilty of sin. You shall give to him freely, and your heart shall not be grudging when you give to him, because for this the Lord your God will bless you in all your work and in all that you undertake. For there will never cease to be poor in the land. Therefore I command you, ‘You shall open wide your hand to your brother, to the needy and to the poor, in your land "-
Deuteronomy 15:7-11

There are many versus in the Bible that are along the same lines and thoughts as the scripture above..
Here we are the wealthiest country in the world. Here we are a country that is God based, yet we are the only wealthy country in the world that heathcare is not a right.
It seems commonplace, that a thread or post claims the other side is anti-Christian. Typically those It who post such trash are the same ones who deny the opportunity of healthcare to our poor, weak and elderly. These are also the same people who call the Pope a socialist/communist for repeating what is in the Bible. The sad irony of this country, is it doesn't practice what it preaches. No our theme is, "what's mine is mine and the hell with anybody else".

Where does the word of God tell us that one person should dictate to another who they should help? You ASSume that if I oppose a government program that I don't help others. Your problem is you define greedy and selfish as someone who doesn't help another person the way and to the level you think they should.

Your verses from Deuteronomy above say "You shall give to him freely". In other words, because you choose to do so. What you support is a mandate from the taker not a willful act by the giver.

Who is denying the poor, weak, and elderly the opportunity of healthcare? If you say it's because we oppose things like Obamacare, you damn sure don't understand the concept of opportunity. I am for anyone and everyone having healthcare. What I'm not for is you demanding I pay for it on their behalf. Me saying no doesn't deny them the opportunity just like you saying no if I demand you buy me a new car doesn't deny that to me.

If the Pope adheres to what would be considered socialist ideas, that makes him one. Apparently you have a problem with a duck being called a duck. I find it interesting how you chastise people like me and use phrases like "what's mine is mine and the hell with anybody else" yet are perfectly OK with someone saying "I don't have what you have so yours is mine and if you don't give it to me willingly, I'll find someone in government to force you to do so". No deserves what another person earned unless the one that earned it willingly gives it to them. That's along the lines of what the Bible says not how you've twisted it. In other words, I don't owe you or anyone else shit in life.
Except no one says that lol, and it's pure Pubcrappe, for hater dupes only. ACA saves everyone money, especially in the long run, saves lives and helps so many.
I find it ironic that we have "under God" in the Pledge of Allegiance and "In God We Trust" on this country's money. Yet, we don't practice what the Word of God tells us.

"If among you, one of your brothers should become poor, in any of your towns within your land that the Lord your God is giving you, you shall not harden your heart or shut your hand against your poor brother, but you shall open your hand to him and lend him sufficient for his need, whatever it may be. Take care lest there be an unworthy thought in your heart and you say, ‘The seventh year, the year of release is near,’ and your eye look grudgingly on your poor brother, and you give him nothing, and he cry to the Lord against you, and you be guilty of sin. You shall give to him freely, and your heart shall not be grudging when you give to him, because for this the Lord your God will bless you in all your work and in all that you undertake. For there will never cease to be poor in the land. Therefore I command you, ‘You shall open wide your hand to your brother, to the needy and to the poor, in your land "-
Deuteronomy 15:7-11

There are many versus in the Bible that are along the same lines and thoughts as the scripture above..
Here we are the wealthiest country in the world. Here we are a country that is God based, yet we are the only wealthy country in the world that heathcare is not a right.
It seems commonplace, that a thread or post claims the other side is anti-Christian. Typically those It who post such trash are the same ones who deny the opportunity of healthcare to our poor, weak and elderly. These are also the same people who call the Pope a socialist/communist for repeating what is in the Bible. The sad irony of this country, is it doesn't practice what it preaches. No our theme is, "what's mine is mine and the hell with anybody else".

Where does the word of God tell us that one person should dictate to another who they should help? You ASSume that if I oppose a government program that I don't help others. Your problem is you define greedy and selfish as someone who doesn't help another person the way and to the level you think they should.

Your verses from Deuteronomy above say "You shall give to him freely". In other words, because you choose to do so. What you support is a mandate from the taker not a willful act by the giver.

Who is denying the poor, weak, and elderly the opportunity of healthcare? If you say it's because we oppose things like Obamacare, you damn sure don't understand the concept of opportunity. I am for anyone and everyone having healthcare. What I'm not for is you demanding I pay for it on their behalf. Me saying no doesn't deny them the opportunity just like you saying no if I demand you buy me a new car doesn't deny that to me.

If the Pope adheres to what would be considered socialist ideas, that makes him one. Apparently you have a problem with a duck being called a duck. I find it interesting how you chastise people like me and use phrases like "what's mine is mine and the hell with anybody else" yet are perfectly OK with someone saying "I don't have what you have so yours is mine and if you don't give it to me willingly, I'll find someone in government to force you to do so". No deserves what another person earned unless the one that earned it willingly gives it to them. That's along the lines of what the Bible says not how you've twisted it. In other words, I don't owe you or anyone else shit in life.
Except no one says that lol, and it's pure Pubcrappe, for hater dupes only. ACA saves everyone monet, especially in the long run, and saves lives and helps so many.

What it does it gives a piece of shit like you something at the expense of someone else.

I had healthcare coverage before Obamacare. How does it help me? If you want to save someone's life that didn't have coverage, you didn't need Obamacare to do that. All you had to do was be a man and find those that didn't then pay for it yourself. No government involvement was necessary for that to ever take place. You're the kind that if you need something, you'd do without before I'd ever give you a damn thing.
I find it ironic that we have "under God" in the Pledge of Allegiance and "In God We Trust" on this country's money. Yet, we don't practice what the Word of God tells us.

"If among you, one of your brothers should become poor, in any of your towns within your land that the Lord your God is giving you, you shall not harden your heart or shut your hand against your poor brother, but you shall open your hand to him and lend him sufficient for his need, whatever it may be. Take care lest there be an unworthy thought in your heart and you say, ‘The seventh year, the year of release is near,’ and your eye look grudgingly on your poor brother, and you give him nothing, and he cry to the Lord against you, and you be guilty of sin. You shall give to him freely, and your heart shall not be grudging when you give to him, because for this the Lord your God will bless you in all your work and in all that you undertake. For there will never cease to be poor in the land. Therefore I command you, ‘You shall open wide your hand to your brother, to the needy and to the poor, in your land "-
Deuteronomy 15:7-11

There are many versus in the Bible that are along the same lines and thoughts as the scripture above..
Here we are the wealthiest country in the world. Here we are a country that is God based, yet we are the only wealthy country in the world that heathcare is not a right.
It seems commonplace, that a thread or post claims the other side is anti-Christian. Typically those It who post such trash are the same ones who deny the opportunity of healthcare to our poor, weak and elderly. These are also the same people who call the Pope a socialist/communist for repeating what is in the Bible. The sad irony of this country, is it doesn't practice what it preaches. No our theme is, "what's mine is mine and the hell with anybody else".

To kiwiman127: I do not discuss Jesus or the Bible except in very general terms, but I am certain that Jesus never preached institutional charity. Apparently you do not know the difference between institutional charity, and the parable of the Good Samaritan.

In short: Every parasite since the beginning of time shared the same personality trait with every other parasite. Their personal morality only has meaning so long as everybody practices the same morality. The instant a true Good Samaritan appears, institutional charity must be enforced. If you cannot grasp the meaning in my comments I’ll cut to the chase in relation to the ACA.

Socialized medicine is the ultimate government charity by force. The parasite class had to be first created in a welfare state. That was accomplished with free education, free housing, free food, and all of the rest of the garbage the parasite class spouts.

Basically, the parasite class had to be established before socialized medicine was possible. In plain English voters had to be created incrementally before free healthcare. Had free healthcare been possible ——FIRST —— progressive freaks would have legislated it more than a century ago. That is how long it took to create enough parasite voters to sustain a welfare state. Indeed, even with a substantial number of parasites voting for coerced charity, Democrats still had to force socialized medicine on the country.

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