Killer Shots and Now Boosters for 6 month kids .


Diamond Member
Apr 3, 2022
Brighton and Hove , East Sussex , England


This should upset you badly if you have any compassion for others .

It defies belief that people can be so evil and that the Sheeple are so silent -- suggests enormous stupidity.

Pseudo Science is here .

I have lost interest in adults suiciding in ignorance, but to have the almost new born culled is real horror .


  • In mid-June 2022, the United States became the first country in the world to grant emergency use authorization (EUA) for COVID jabs for toddlers as young as 6 months. December 8, 2022, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration authorized the updated bivalent COVID boosters for this age group as well
  • The reformulated bivalent shots were authorized for adults, based on antibody levels in mice, just three months earlier. The FDA has zero data on its use in babies. Initial data is not expected until January 2023, yet they authorized the shot for babies anyway
  • The COVID shots are the most dangerous medical intervention ever released. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention data show nearly 30% of V-Safe participants aged 12 to 17 were unable to perform daily activities after the second dose, and nearly 20% were unable to attend school or work after the booster
  • How can the FDA rationalize a bivalent booster for babies based on data showing 2 out of 10 tweens and teens get so incapacitated they cannot attend school?
  • The FDA and CDC aren’t the only ones at fault. The U.S. Congress has, over the past 30 years, slowly but surely paved the way for legalized tyranny and genocide. What used to be crimes are no longer, and the FDA is actually part of the group of agencies that run the U.S. bioterrorism program
  • The COVID shots are the most dangerous medical intervention ever released. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention data show nearly 30% of V-Safe participants aged 12 to 17 were unable to perform daily activities after the second dose, and nearly 20% were unable to attend school or work after the booster
I don't know where you're getting your misinformation but it isn't the CDC. According to their data:

As of July 16, 2021, approximately 8.9 million U.S. adolescents aged 12–17 years had received Pfizer-BioNTech vaccine.* VAERS received 9,246 reports after Pfizer-BioNTech vaccination in this age group; 90.7% of these were for nonserious adverse events and 9.3% were for serious adverse events, including myocarditis (4.3%).​

According to my math, out of the 8,900,000 kids vaccinated, 860 had serious reactions to it. That is 0.01%, a long way from 30%.
I don't know where you're getting your misinformation but it isn't the CDC. According to their data:

As of July 16, 2021, approximately 8.9 million U.S. adolescents aged 12–17 years had received Pfizer-BioNTech vaccine.* VAERS received 9,246 reports after Pfizer-BioNTech vaccination in this age group; 90.7% of these were for nonserious adverse events and 9.3% were for serious adverse events, including myocarditis (4.3%).​

According to my math, out of the 8,900,000 kids vaccinated, 860 had serious reactions to it. That is 0.01%, a long way from 30%.

The CDC are lying demons.

Like Meister closing threads due to "copyright violations," today's pathologies simply cannot be explained properly with either words under 12 letters long or their paucity in number. Meister thus assists Fau Chi and Gates, who overconfidently gloat that they are above the IQ of the Prisoners.

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