keys to the kingdom


Gold Member
Apr 1, 2013
As someone who is always open to learning about new ideas and concepts I am willing to admit to being intrigued enough to want to find out more about this. Please proceed with the lesson either in this thread or another or even via PMs if you prefer.

I think the best way to begin is by discovering the hidden meaning of the words and subjects in scripture not necessarily directly connected to the literal meanings of the words used.

I will assume that we already agree that the Bible is a collection of stories written and edited by many different unknown authors separated by thousands of years of time reflecting the many different contemporary conditions and concerns all of which is supposed to have happened on earth in this same reality.

I will also assume that you are already studied in traditional literary techniques and forms of expression and have a background in the sciences and a sober knowledge of what is possible and impossible.

All of this will serve as a good foundation on which to build upon, reality being the constant constraint on any possible interpretation..

How to perceive God necessarily must come later.

After seeing what is right and wrong and where judgment lies according to the deeper implications of scripture, an indeterminate period of time must occur for cleansing the mind from all formerly held beliefs opinions and judgments that were found to be in error. Then more time must be spent learning to master the previously unknown abilities of a purified mind. If you do this everywhere you look, you will see God.

To avoid babbling or talking about something you are not interested in or already know, tell me if you have any specific questions?

Are there any particular subjects in scripture or miracles of Jesus that you would like to have resolved with reality?
As someone who is always open to learning about new ideas and concepts I am willing to admit to being intrigued enough to want to find out more about this. Please proceed with the lesson either in this thread or another or even via PMs if you prefer.

I think the best way to begin is by discovering the hidden meaning of the words and subjects in scripture not necessarily directly connected to the literal meanings of the words used.

I will assume that we already agree that the Bible is a collection of stories written and edited by many different unknown authors separated by thousands of years of time reflecting the many different contemporary conditions and concerns all of which is supposed to have happened on earth in this same reality.

I will also assume that you are already studied in traditional literary techniques and forms of expression and have a background in the sciences and a sober knowledge of what is possible and impossible.

All of this will serve as a good foundation on which to build upon, reality being the constant constraint on any possible interpretation..

How to perceive God necessarily must come later.

After seeing what is right and wrong and where judgment lies according to the deeper implications of scripture, an indeterminate period of time must occur for cleansing the mind from all formerly held beliefs opinions and judgments that were found to be in error. Then more time must be spent learning to master the previously unknown abilities of a purified mind. If you do this everywhere you look, you will see God.

To avoid babbling or talking about something you are not interested in or already know, tell me if you have any specific questions?

Are there any particular subjects in scripture or miracles of Jesus that you would like to have resolved with reality?

Liars have no knowledge of God to share with another liar. Keep reading the scriptures because that's all you and all other liars will know.

John 5
37: And the Father who sent me has himself borne witness to me. His voice you have never heard, his form you have never seen;
38: and you do not have his word abiding in you, for you do not believe him whom he has sent.
39: You search the scriptures, because you think that in them you have eternal life; and it is they that bear witness to me;
40: yet you refuse to come to me that you may have life.

John 7
13: Yet for fear of the Jews no one spoke openly of him.
14: About the middle of the feast Jesus went up into the temple and taught.
15: The Jews marveled at it, saying, "How is it that this man has learning, when he has never studied?"
16: So Jesus answered them, "My teaching is not mine, but his who sent me;

1 John 2
27: but the anointing which you received from him abides in you, and you have no need that any one should teach you; as his anointing teaches you about everything, and is true, and is no lie, just as it has taught you, abide in him.
As someone who is always open to learning about new ideas and concepts I am willing to admit to being intrigued enough to want to find out more about this. Please proceed with the lesson either in this thread or another or even via PMs if you prefer.

I think the best way to begin is by discovering the hidden meaning of the words and subjects in scripture not necessarily directly connected to the literal meanings of the words used.

I will assume that we already agree that the Bible is a collection of stories written and edited by many different unknown authors separated by thousands of years of time reflecting the many different contemporary conditions and concerns all of which is supposed to have happened on earth in this same reality.

I will also assume that you are already studied in traditional literary techniques and forms of expression and have a background in the sciences and a sober knowledge of what is possible and impossible.

All of this will serve as a good foundation on which to build upon, reality being the constant constraint on any possible interpretation..

How to perceive God necessarily must come later.

After seeing what is right and wrong and where judgment lies according to the deeper implications of scripture, an indeterminate period of time must occur for cleansing the mind from all formerly held beliefs opinions and judgments that were found to be in error. Then more time must be spent learning to master the previously unknown abilities of a purified mind. If you do this everywhere you look, you will see God.

To avoid babbling or talking about something you are not interested in or already know, tell me if you have any specific questions?

Are there any particular subjects in scripture or miracles of Jesus that you would like to have resolved with reality?

Liars have no knowledge of God to share with another liar. Keep reading the scriptures because that's all you and all other liars will know.

John 5
37: And the Father who sent me has himself borne witness to me. His voice you have never heard, his form you have never seen;
38: and you do not have his word abiding in you, for you do not believe him whom he has sent.
39: You search the scriptures, because you think that in them you have eternal life; and it is they that bear witness to me;
40: yet you refuse to come to me that you may have life.

John 7
13: Yet for fear of the Jews no one spoke openly of him.
14: About the middle of the feast Jesus went up into the temple and taught.
15: The Jews marveled at it, saying, "How is it that this man has learning, when he has never studied?"
16: So Jesus answered them, "My teaching is not mine, but his who sent me;

1 John 2
27: but the anointing which you received from him abides in you, and you have no need that any one should teach you; as his anointing teaches you about everything, and is true, and is no lie, just as it has taught you, abide in him.

Maybe you should notice that someone has overpowered you, bound you hand and foot and already made off with all of your possessions?
I think the best way to begin is by discovering the hidden meaning of the words and subjects in scripture not necessarily directly connected to the literal meanings of the words used.

I will assume that we already agree that the Bible is a collection of stories written and edited by many different unknown authors separated by thousands of years of time reflecting the many different contemporary conditions and concerns all of which is supposed to have happened on earth in this same reality.

I will also assume that you are already studied in traditional literary techniques and forms of expression and have a background in the sciences and a sober knowledge of what is possible and impossible.

All of this will serve as a good foundation on which to build upon, reality being the constant constraint on any possible interpretation..

How to perceive God necessarily must come later.

After seeing what is right and wrong and where judgment lies according to the deeper implications of scripture, an indeterminate period of time must occur for cleansing the mind from all formerly held beliefs opinions and judgments that were found to be in error. Then more time must be spent learning to master the previously unknown abilities of a purified mind. If you do this everywhere you look, you will see God.

To avoid babbling or talking about something you are not interested in or already know, tell me if you have any specific questions?

Are there any particular subjects in scripture or miracles of Jesus that you would like to have resolved with reality?

Liars have no knowledge of God to share with another liar. Keep reading the scriptures because that's all you and all other liars will know.

John 5
37: And the Father who sent me has himself borne witness to me. His voice you have never heard, his form you have never seen;
38: and you do not have his word abiding in you, for you do not believe him whom he has sent.
39: You search the scriptures, because you think that in them you have eternal life; and it is they that bear witness to me;
40: yet you refuse to come to me that you may have life.

John 7
13: Yet for fear of the Jews no one spoke openly of him.
14: About the middle of the feast Jesus went up into the temple and taught.
15: The Jews marveled at it, saying, "How is it that this man has learning, when he has never studied?"
16: So Jesus answered them, "My teaching is not mine, but his who sent me;

1 John 2
27: but the anointing which you received from him abides in you, and you have no need that any one should teach you; as his anointing teaches you about everything, and is true, and is no lie, just as it has taught you, abide in him.

Maybe you should notice that someone has overpowered you, bound you hand and foot and already made off with all of your possessions?

What's seen through a sinner's eyes is understood by the eyes of Christ.
But see, you can't assume we already agree. The Bible was written by the Holy Spirit. About 40 men penned what God breathed. The proof of that is in what they penned.

Ask 40 people here to pen something. (make sure you include word as one of the 40) When they are done, try to put what they wrote into coherent chapters that compliment each other's work. Then ask them to predict the future and make their prophecy a cohesive part of what the others wrote.
Let them know that if any of their prediction prove to be false, the person who predicted the falsehood dies. ( be sure to include word's prediction of his own death, cause....) ;)

Have the 40 add science that hasn't been discovered yet.
Then let see the mess they come up with.

As for science, there is Nachmanides, who used Genesis to teach us about dimensions. Seculars like Hawking still haven't caught up to him yet, but relying on their own understanding, modern science has finally figured out that there are more than the 4 dimensions already given to them in
Ephesians 3: 17,18
That Christ may dwell in your hearts by faith; that ye, being rooted and grounded in love, May be able to comprehend with all saints what is the breadth, and length, and depth, and height;

What is next for our learned humans to discover, is that dimensions can be stretched, rolled up, burnt up, bent, shaken and torn. Just like the Holy Spirit described to the Bible authors.
Modern science hasn't evolved that far along yet. We just recently found out 6 other dimensions exist. And maybe an infinite amount of them exist. And why not. Our Father is a creator.

So my question is:
Without collaborating with each other, how did Isaiah, David, Paul, Peter know different attributes of dimensions without the help of The Holy Spirit on whom they all leaned? How did one know they could be shaken and another know they can be rolled up? It took 20 centuries for the nonleaners to realize they exist at all, let alone how they function!
Could 40 of us here at USMB accomplish what the 40 who wrote the Bible did with the same accuracy?

If only 1 person wrote the Bible, it would be much easier to refute, but 40, including eyewitnesses, historians, prophets, physicians, accountants, priests, shepherds, astronomers, kings, and fishermen coming together to produce sound doctrine is much harder to dispute.

As for editing what these men wrote, it just has not happened. What has been edited that we can point to the Dead Sea Scrolls and say, "See, this book has been changed from the original". Not one.

If you want a good foundation, let's start from the ground up.
Did the Big Bang occur when God uttered, "Let there be light"? We know that nothing + nothing does not = something, so what was the catalyst that created the light?
God is the personification of light, and he takes things to the nth degree. There are scientists, after observing laser beams, that believe that light can make decisions.
Can it?
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But see, you can't assume we already agree. The Bible was written by the Holy Spirit. About 40 men penned what God breathed. The proof of that is in what they penned.

Ask 40 people here to pen something. (make sure you include word as one of the 40) When they are done, try to put what they wrote into coherent chapters that compliment each other's work. Then ask them to predict the future and make their prophecy a cohesive part of what the others wrote.
Let them know that if any of their prediction prove to be false, the person who predicted the falsehood dies. ( be sure to include word's prediction of his own death, cause....) ;)

Have the 40 add science that hasn't been discovered yet.
Then let see the mess they come up with.

As for science, there is Nachmanides, who used Genesis to teach us about dimensions. Seculars like Hawking still haven't caught up to him yet, but relying on their own understanding, modern science has finally figured out that there are more than the 4 dimensions already given to them in
Ephesians 3: 17,18
That Christ may dwell in your hearts by faith; that ye, being rooted and grounded in love, May be able to comprehend with all saints what is the breadth, and length, and depth, and height;

What is next for our learned humans to discover, is that dimensions can be stretched, rolled up, burnt up, bent, shaken and torn. Just like the Holy Spirit described to the Bible authors.
Modern science hasn't evolved that far along yet. We just recently found out 6 other dimensions exist. And maybe an infinite amount of them exist. And why not. Our Father is a creator.

So my question is:
Without collaborating with each other, how did Isaiah, David, Paul, Peter know different attributes of dimensions without the help of The Holy Spirit on whom they all leaned? How did one know they could be shaken and another know they can be rolled up? It took 20 centuries for the nonleaners to realize they exist at all, let alone how they function!
Could 40 of us here at USMB accomplish what the 40 who wrote the Bible did with the same accuracy?

If only 1 person wrote the Bible, it would be much easier to refute, but 40, including eyewitnesses, historians, prophets, physicians, accountants, priests, shepherds, astronomers, kings, and fishermen coming together to produce sound doctrine is much harder to dispute.

As for editing what these men wrote, it just has not happened. What has been edited that we can point to the Dead Sea Scrolls and say, "See, this book has been changed from the original". Not one.

If you want a good foundation, let's start from the ground up.
Did the Big Bang occur when God uttered, "Let there be light"? We know that nothing + nothing does not = something, so what was the catalyst that created the light?
God is the personification of light, and he takes things to the nth degree. There are scientists, after observing laser beams, that believe that light can make decisions.
Can it?

It's very easy to dispute what the Roman reliigous leaders wrote in their new testament compared to the quotes that came from the saint's writings that they confiscated as they killed the saints.

The religious Roman leaders used their religious ideas to produce the new testament and added a few thoughts from the saint's writings to make them more "Christ" sounding as their lying Christians read them.

This was all planned by our Creator to keep His people deceived until this age is over. The reason for the deception was to draw out His saints with "Christ" (thoughts without deception) and use us for His purpose to reveal who we are, who He is and where we're headed in the future.
But see, you can't assume we already agree. The Bible was written by the Holy Spirit. About 40 men penned what God breathed. The proof of that is in what they penned.

What I wrote was not for you, and what you wrote demonstrates that the topic is beyond your grasp.

shut up, go to the back of the class and hear, if you have ears to hear.

If you can't do that find a herd of squealing pigs to join if you want to gibber incoherently about things of which you now nothing and you would feel right at home.

Otherwise I have no choice but to use you as an example for the benefit of those for whom this topic is not beyond their grasp.
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But see, you can't assume we already agree. The Bible was written by the Holy Spirit. About 40 men penned what God breathed. The proof of that is in what they penned.

What I wrote was not for you, and what you wrote demonstrates that the topic is beyond your grasp.

shut up, go to the back of the class and hear, if you have ears to hear.

If you can' do that find a herd of squealing pigs to join if you want to gibber incoherently about things of which you now nothing and you would feel right at home.

Otherwise I have no choice but to use you as an example for the benefit of those for whom this topic is not beyond their grasp.

Nothing in your comments indicate that you know "Christ".

When a sinner judges another sinner, they are disobeying God's commandment, "Thou shalt not bear false witness against they neighbor".

That's because sinners don't know that our Creator created everything. They trust in their own lying flesh instead.

Look in a mirror and see the true enemy of God.
As someone who is always open to learning about new ideas and concepts I am willing to admit to being intrigued enough to want to find out more about this. Please proceed with the lesson either in this thread or another or even via PMs if you prefer.

I think the best way to begin is by discovering the hidden meaning of the words and subjects in scripture not necessarily directly connected to the literal meanings of the words used.

I will assume that we already agree that the Bible is a collection of stories written and edited by many different unknown authors separated by thousands of years of time reflecting the many different contemporary conditions and concerns all of which is supposed to have happened on earth in this same reality.

I will also assume that you are already studied in traditional literary techniques and forms of expression and have a background in the sciences and a sober knowledge of what is possible and impossible.

All of this will serve as a good foundation on which to build upon, reality being the constant constraint on any possible interpretation..

How to perceive God necessarily must come later.

After seeing what is right and wrong and where judgment lies according to the deeper implications of scripture, an indeterminate period of time must occur for cleansing the mind from all formerly held beliefs opinions and judgments that were found to be in error. Then more time must be spent learning to master the previously unknown abilities of a purified mind. If you do this everywhere you look, you will see God.

To avoid babbling or talking about something you are not interested in or already know, tell me if you have any specific questions?

Are there any particular subjects in scripture or miracles of Jesus that you would like to have resolved with reality?

Thank you for starting this thread. :)

The basics are pretty well established. The origins of the "holy texts" and their subsequent editing to suit the agendas of the powers du jour have been well documented and don't need to be rehashed.

The essential problem with them is that (a) they purport to describe an omnipotent being who has some serious issues, and (b) provide directions on how to establish contact with said being via a dubious conduit, and (c) offer an incentive that any snake oil salesman would be proud to have thought of first.

What you inferred earlier (and above) is that there is something else there besides just the basics. What I am curious to know is what is it that you are seeing? What else is in there that isn't obvious to someone like myself.

In the interests of maintaining sanity and keeping this thread as succinct as possible let's just try and ignore the noise-makers. They are adding nothing of value and will eventually go away if they get no reaction from either of us.
What's seen through a sinner's eyes is understood by the eyes of Christ.

yeah, and the crux of the biscuit is the apostrophe.

I've been taken out of the "beast" so I'm no longer a sinner who's deceived by the "beast". It's impossible for you sinners to understand what a saint is and why we're here in the first place unless you were created to be a believer and listen to the gospel we preach.
As someone who is always open to learning about new ideas and concepts I am willing to admit to being intrigued enough to want to find out more about this. Please proceed with the lesson either in this thread or another or even via PMs if you prefer.

I think the best way to begin is by discovering the hidden meaning of the words and subjects in scripture not necessarily directly connected to the literal meanings of the words used.

I will assume that we already agree that the Bible is a collection of stories written and edited by many different unknown authors separated by thousands of years of time reflecting the many different contemporary conditions and concerns all of which is supposed to have happened on earth in this same reality.

I will also assume that you are already studied in traditional literary techniques and forms of expression and have a background in the sciences and a sober knowledge of what is possible and impossible.

All of this will serve as a good foundation on which to build upon, reality being the constant constraint on any possible interpretation..

How to perceive God necessarily must come later.

After seeing what is right and wrong and where judgment lies according to the deeper implications of scripture, an indeterminate period of time must occur for cleansing the mind from all formerly held beliefs opinions and judgments that were found to be in error. Then more time must be spent learning to master the previously unknown abilities of a purified mind. If you do this everywhere you look, you will see God.

To avoid babbling or talking about something you are not interested in or already know, tell me if you have any specific questions?

Are there any particular subjects in scripture or miracles of Jesus that you would like to have resolved with reality?

Thank you for starting this thread. :)

The basics are pretty well established. The origins of the "holy texts" and their subsequent editing to suit the agendas of the powers du jour have been well documented and don't need to be rehashed.

The essential problem with them is that (a) they purport to describe an omnipotent being who has some serious issues, and (b) provide directions on how to establish contact with said being via a dubious conduit, and (c) offer an incentive that any snake oil salesman would be proud to have thought of first.

What you inferred earlier (and above) is that there is something else there besides just the basics. What I am curious to know is what is it that you are seeing? What else is in there that isn't obvious to someone like myself.

In the interests of maintaining sanity and keeping this thread as succinct as possible let's just try and ignore the noise-makers. They are adding nothing of value and will eventually go away if they get no reaction from either of us.

How can you avoid the Truth when He sees your deceptive comments.
Thank you for starting this thread. :)

The basics are pretty well established. The origins of the "holy texts" and their subsequent editing to suit the agendas of the powers du jour have been well documented and don't need to be rehashed.

The essential problem with them is that (a) they purport to describe an omnipotent being who has some serious issues, and (b) provide directions on how to establish contact with said being via a dubious conduit, and (c) offer an incentive that any snake oil salesman would be proud to have thought of first.

What you inferred earlier (and above) is that there is something else there besides just the basics. What I am curious to know is what is it that you are seeing? What else is in there that isn't obvious to someone like myself..

What I see aside from the basics that is not obvious to you or anybody is a coded language used throughout the entire Bible from the first book in the OT to the last book of the NT which is implied by the knowledge of those same basics.

The entire OT and the entire NT are a collection of stories written either during times of oppression or immediately after complete destruction of the nation and exile of the population when people were executed or maimed daily by the thousands for trivial reasons and truth was not valued and there was no such thing as justice or freedom of speech.


It is a simply a logical deduction that the things said by whatever character in scripture, including God, conveys hidden meaning. If you look and look and keep on looking you will find it.

Also what I understand is that scripture was deliberately written in this way to confound and curse the enemy, whichever one of the many, if ever they tried to usurp authority over those stories to conquer other nations and control their own populations, which it has done historically to every nation that ever tried to assert moral authority based on that Book that superstitious people could never comprehend without the keys to deciphering that coded language.

Again talk about that omnipotent being, that dubious conduit of communication. and carrot on the stick necessarily must come later after you become fluent in the language of the prophets and you achieve comprehension of those hidden subjects ..

When that light goes on in your head, you will perceive God and he will make everything known to you.

Now that I have pointed it out how much of what is hidden can you already see? lets start at the beginning, in the garden of Eden and the creation of man taken from the 'dust of the earth' and formed into 'a living being' after God breathed 'the breath of life' into his nostrils.

What is the dust of the earth? What is a living being? What is the breath of life? and what do all those 'trees whose fruit is pleasing to the eye and good to eat' represent in paradise?

what can you see hidden right there implied by those terms?

The origins of the "holy texts" and their subsequent editing to suit the agendas of the powers du jour have been well documented and don't need to be rehashed. ..

One thing I can add to this is that despite the fact that scripture has been edited to suit the purposes of many corrupt leaders and times the fact is also that what was hidden remains in its pure form within the very stories that were preserved because the literal reading of scripture appealed to the superstitious nature of uneducated and violent people that were and are sworn enemies of the Jewish people and the treasure of knowledge and the power true knowledge brings that would eventually lead to the undoing of anyone's false claim to moral authority based on superstition (a very large brood and diverse species of serpent) has flown safely though the centuries way above their heads and will continue to remain above their grasp until the appointed time of restoration.
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Thank you for starting this thread. :)

The basics are pretty well established. The origins of the "holy texts" and their subsequent editing to suit the agendas of the powers du jour have been well documented and don't need to be rehashed.

The essential problem with them is that (a) they purport to describe an omnipotent being who has some serious issues, and (b) provide directions on how to establish contact with said being via a dubious conduit, and (c) offer an incentive that any snake oil salesman would be proud to have thought of first.

What you inferred earlier (and above) is that there is something else there besides just the basics. What I am curious to know is what is it that you are seeing? What else is in there that isn't obvious to someone like myself..

What I see aside from the basics that is not obvious to you or anybody is a coded language used throughout the entire Bible from the first book in the OT to the last book of the NT which is implied by the knowledge of those same basics.

The entire OT and the entire NT are a collection of stories written either during times of oppression or immediately after complete destruction of the nation and exile of the population when people were executed or maimed daily by the thousands for trivial reasons and truth was not valued and there was no such thing as justice or freedom of speech.


It is a simply a logical deduction that the things said by whatever character in scripture conveys hidden meaning. If you look and look and keep on looking you will find it.

Also what I understand is that scripture was deliberately written in this way to confound and curse the enemy, whichever one of the many, if ever they tried to usurp authority over those stories to conquer other nations and control their own populations, which it has done historically to every nation that ever tried to assert moral authority based on that Book that superstitious people could never comprehend without the keys to deciphering that coded language.

Again talk about that omnipotent being, that dubious conduit of communication. and carrot on the stick necessarily must come later after you become fluent in the language of the prophets and you achieve comprehension of those hidden subjects ..

When that light goes on in your head, you will perceive God and he will make everything known to you.

Now that I have pointed it out how much of what is hidden can you already see? lets start at the beginning, in the garden of Eden and the creation of man taken from the 'dust of the earth' and formed into 'a living being' after God breathed 'the breath of life' into his nostrils.

What is the dust of the earth? What is a living being? What is the breath of life? and what do all those 'trees whose fruit is pleasing to the eye and good to eat' represent in paradise?

what can you see hidden right there implied by those terms?

Energy within the atomic elements are the hidden manna that gives us life experiences forever and ever. Energy is God's stored thoughts called information but "Christ" is information without entropy that is present in this age.
As someone who is always open to learning about new ideas and concepts I am willing to admit to being intrigued enough to want to find out more about this. Please proceed with the lesson either in this thread or another or even via PMs if you prefer.

I think the best way to begin is by discovering the hidden meaning of the words and subjects in scripture not necessarily directly connected to the literal meanings of the words used.

I will assume that we already agree that the Bible is a collection of stories written and edited by many different unknown authors separated by thousands of years of time reflecting the many different contemporary conditions and concerns all of which is supposed to have happened on earth in this same reality.

I will also assume that you are already studied in traditional literary techniques and forms of expression and have a background in the sciences and a sober knowledge of what is possible and impossible.

All of this will serve as a good foundation on which to build upon, reality being the constant constraint on any possible interpretation..

How to perceive God necessarily must come later.

After seeing what is right and wrong and where judgment lies according to the deeper implications of scripture, an indeterminate period of time must occur for cleansing the mind from all formerly held beliefs opinions and judgments that were found to be in error. Then more time must be spent learning to master the previously unknown abilities of a purified mind. If you do this everywhere you look, you will see God.

To avoid babbling or talking about something you are not interested in or already know, tell me if you have any specific questions?

Are there any particular subjects in scripture or miracles of Jesus that you would like to have resolved with reality?

Liars have no knowledge of God to share with another liar. Keep reading the scriptures because that's all you and all other liars will know.

John 5
37: And the Father who sent me has himself borne witness to me. His voice you have never heard, his form you have never seen;
38: and you do not have his word abiding in you, for you do not believe him whom he has sent.
39: You search the scriptures, because you think that in them you have eternal life; and it is they that bear witness to me;
40: yet you refuse to come to me that you may have life.

John 7
13: Yet for fear of the Jews no one spoke openly of him.
14: About the middle of the feast Jesus went up into the temple and taught.
15: The Jews marveled at it, saying, "How is it that this man has learning, when he has never studied?"
16: So Jesus answered them, "My teaching is not mine, but his who sent me;

1 John 2
27: but the anointing which you received from him abides in you, and you have no need that any one should teach you; as his anointing teaches you about everything, and is true, and is no lie, just as it has taught you, abide in him.

If you truly believed that, you would be saying alot less.
But see, you can't assume we already agree. The Bible was written by the Holy Spirit. About 40 men penned what God breathed. The proof of that is in what they penned.

What I wrote was not for you, and what you wrote demonstrates that the topic is beyond your grasp.

shut up, go to the back of the class and hear, if you have ears to hear.

If you can't do that find a herd of squealing pigs to join if you want to gibber incoherently about things of which you now nothing and you would feel right at home.

Otherwise I have no choice but to use you as an example for the benefit of those for whom this topic is not beyond their grasp.

Ho, if what you wrote isn't for me, then it must be for the feeble minded that you can manipulate with ease. You weren't able to address one thing I said. Lashing out is not a substitute for your lack of understanding.

lol. Please do use me as an example. Use me to tell people the truth. Let's start with all this editing by the Romans and everyone else.
The editing should be clear now that we have the Dead Sea Scrolls to compare scripture to.
Why don't you start by giving us an example of the differences in the two works?

Don't trust those Romans? Then let's use what Clement said, or Ignatius, or Irenaeus.
How do the writings of the King of Edessa compare to scripture? What did the richest man on earth say about Christ? Is Nicodemus not to be trusted either?
Has the testimony of Rabbi Addas, Rabbi Finees, and Rabbi Egias been altered to match all the alterations made by the Romans? Did the Historians of the day alter their writings too so they would match the editing of those crazy Romans?

If you start your thread with falsehoods, what follows runs the risk of being bullshit too.
So the onus is on you.
Show me the Hebrew Book of Job, and the Roman Book of Job, and let's address the editing fallacy first........... :eusa_angel:
I think the best way to begin is by discovering the hidden meaning of the words and subjects in scripture not necessarily directly connected to the literal meanings of the words used.

I will assume that we already agree that the Bible is a collection of stories written and edited by many different unknown authors separated by thousands of years of time reflecting the many different contemporary conditions and concerns all of which is supposed to have happened on earth in this same reality.

I will also assume that you are already studied in traditional literary techniques and forms of expression and have a background in the sciences and a sober knowledge of what is possible and impossible.

All of this will serve as a good foundation on which to build upon, reality being the constant constraint on any possible interpretation..

How to perceive God necessarily must come later.

After seeing what is right and wrong and where judgment lies according to the deeper implications of scripture, an indeterminate period of time must occur for cleansing the mind from all formerly held beliefs opinions and judgments that were found to be in error. Then more time must be spent learning to master the previously unknown abilities of a purified mind. If you do this everywhere you look, you will see God.

To avoid babbling or talking about something you are not interested in or already know, tell me if you have any specific questions?

Are there any particular subjects in scripture or miracles of Jesus that you would like to have resolved with reality?

Liars have no knowledge of God to share with another liar. Keep reading the scriptures because that's all you and all other liars will know.

John 5
37: And the Father who sent me has himself borne witness to me. His voice you have never heard, his form you have never seen;
38: and you do not have his word abiding in you, for you do not believe him whom he has sent.
39: You search the scriptures, because you think that in them you have eternal life; and it is they that bear witness to me;
40: yet you refuse to come to me that you may have life.

John 7
13: Yet for fear of the Jews no one spoke openly of him.
14: About the middle of the feast Jesus went up into the temple and taught.
15: The Jews marveled at it, saying, "How is it that this man has learning, when he has never studied?"
16: So Jesus answered them, "My teaching is not mine, but his who sent me;

1 John 2
27: but the anointing which you received from him abides in you, and you have no need that any one should teach you; as his anointing teaches you about everything, and is true, and is no lie, just as it has taught you, abide in him.

If you truly believed that, you would be saying alot less.

God's thoughts are infinite and those of us who speak for Him will never stop speaking for Him but neither will sinners.

In the next age, there won't be any sinners who don't know our Creator so as we all speak to each other, we'll know our thoughts come from one Creator, God, the Father of us all.
Now that I have pointed it out how much of what is hidden can you already see? lets start at the beginning, in the garden of Eden and the creation of man taken from the 'dust of the earth' and formed into 'a living being' after God breathed 'the breath of life' into his nostrils.

What is the dust of the earth? What is a living being? What is the breath of life? and what do all those 'trees whose fruit is pleasing to the eye and good to eat' represent in paradise?

what can you see hidden right there implied by those terms?

Thank you for the background. I will admit to briefly wondering if you weren't Dan Brown hiding behind that Hobelim tag of yours. ;)

Moving on to your questions above. While I can readily provide modern answers to each of the questions asked above it immediately made me wonder what "hidden" answers would have been in those self same questions five hundred years ago? The "dust of the earth" as we know it contains the minerals that compose our bodies. What would an alchemist have said? What would the average person capable of reading back then have answered? The "fruits" of knowledge would essentially be the same across the ages but the discreet knowledge is what gives me pause. If the same answer doesn't work 500+ years ago then how do we know that it is right now?
The origins of the "holy texts" and their subsequent editing to suit the agendas of the powers du jour have been well documented and don't need to be rehashed. ..

One thing I can add to this is that despite the fact that scripture has been edited to suit the purposes of many corrupt leaders and times the fact is also that what was hidden remains in its pure form within the very stories that were preserved because the literal reading of scripture appealed to the superstitious nature of uneducated and violent people that were and are sworn enemies of the Jewish people and the treasure of knowledge and the power true knowledge brings that would eventually lead to the undoing of anyone's false claim to moral authority based on superstition (a very large brood and diverse species of serpent) has flown safely though the centuries way above their heads and will continue to remain above their grasp until the appointed time of restoration.

For that "serpent of knowledge" to have survived it must have had both an excellent disguise and a means to ensure that it stayed intact.

Food for thought is always welcome. :)
Thank you for the background. I will admit to briefly wondering if you weren't Dan Brown hiding behind that Hobelim tag of yours. ;)

Moving on to your questions above. While I can readily provide modern answers to each of the questions asked above it immediately made me wonder what "hidden" answers would have been in those self same questions five hundred years ago? The "dust of the earth" as we know it contains the minerals that compose our bodies. What would an alchemist have said? What would the average person capable of reading back then have answered? The "fruits" of knowledge would essentially be the same across the ages but the discreet knowledge is what gives me pause. If the same answer doesn't work 500+ years ago then how do we know that it is right now?

The one constant that applies in every culture and nation and language since time began,(hyperbole) is that people have been comparing other people to animals according to similarities in their dominant traits ever since people could talk. A jackass 500 or 5000 years ago meant the exact same thing as a jackass means today, even in every language.

Something like 'dust of the earth' would have a meaning more like what people now understand to be the "scum of the earth." Can you see how understanding the metaphor changes the meaning from something impossible to something that conforms to and is confirmed by reality?

It would be the exact same thing as if you took the word or irish ram from the scum of the earth and taught them a better way and the one thing to avoid was deception only for them to become a snake oil salesman and return to the scum from which they were taken.

Happens all the time.

For that "serpent of knowledge" to have survived it must have had both an excellent disguise and a means to ensure that it stayed intact.

Food for thought is always welcome. :)

When a person like The Word or Irish Ram convinces some unfortunate worm that the devil is an invisible disembodied entity that whispers inside peoples heads trying to steer them away from the truth that God is triune and edible or that they are an angel of light or a saint or something and that person allows whatever ensuing nonsense to enter and contaminate their thought process what happens is that any intelligent thought or doubt that might arise in their own mind about the garbage their head is being filled with seems to be a demonic attack making them paranoid of their own thoughts. As you know many end up institutionalized or dead with such thought disorders and those who manage to keep it together enough to function responsibly end up being confused alone and duplicitous, a virtual prisoner of the real devil who fucked up their mind who they become dependent on and who really is invisible to them. both an excellent disguise and a means to ensure that it stayed intact.

see how the serpent is the most subtle of all the beasts of the field ?
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When a person like The Word or Irish Ram convinces ...

being convinced by the Bible is the flaw handed down by successive generations and in the case of Christians is rooted by the injustice of the Crucifixion and the liberties granted to the perpetrators - to this day.

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