Kerry's Accomplishments?


Senior Member
Sep 23, 2004
Can any liberal name one accomplishment Kerry has done while in the Senate for the last 20 years?
-Cp said:
Can any liberal name one accomplishment Kerry has done while in the Senate for the last 20 years?

In a way im glad Kerry has accomplished nothing in 20 years. last thing we need is a liberal accomplishing something to further their agenda.
MJDuncan1982 said:
Here you go:
By the way, what were Bush's big accomplishments when he ran in 2000?

Oh nothing... as long as you don't count:

Lower Taxes for everyone
Liberating 50 Milliion people in two different countries
Reforming Medicare
Arresting Saddam
Rallied the country together after the 9/11 attacks
Has Taken the war to overseas - helping to keep it from happening here
-Cp said:
Oh nothing... as long as you don't count:

Lower Taxes for everyone
Liberating 50 Milliion people in two different countries
Reforming Medicare
Arresting Saddam
Rallied the country together after the 9/11 attacks
Has Taken the war to overseas - helping to keep it from happening here

*When he ran in 2000...not his current ;)
So, MJ Duncan, Kerry is good at doing investigations. Let him go back to being a prosecutor so he can knock himself out pursuing investigations. But, his record over the last 20 years has been one of higher taxes, harming the intelligence agencies to a point of ineffectiveness, and supporting weakening our defense capabilities. That's his record! Try as he might, he can not run from it. The record is in the Congressional Record for all to see. These things are not just pulled out of thin air!
He wasn't kidding when he said he married up. Seems to be a pattern for him !
All kidding aside, his record is quite poor. He only sponsored 5 bills that made it into law in his entire career, if that's what you want to call it.

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