Kerry: Climate change as big a threat as terrorism

I love how the left keeps saying climate change is real well no shit the climate has been changing from the time the planet was formed and will continue to do so long after we have all left this mortal world. Is climate change real yes is man causing it very different question and despite what the Obama administration claims one that is far from settled.

And you recieved your Phd in atmospheric physics where?

The Carbon Dioxide Greenhouse Effect

When they make all these political statements, acknowledged by the media, I'd just like to see some real dialogue regarding how a 99% improvement in emissions might impact it.
The problem with seeing the impact of Tier IV diesels is the lag...

While they've been in production for about three years, there is a delay from when emissions enter the atmosphere vs when they get substantially filtered out. Maybe 10 to 20 years, so we're still breathing old diesel fumes.

Then there's the problem with old engines still in service. The new models cost so much that users keep repairing the old ones. Many of them stay in service 30 years after having being manufactured.

The last and biggest problem may be the developing world. While the US, Europe and Japan have adopted the new environmentally safer engine standard, China, India, Mexico, the Middle East, etc. have no standards whatsoever. They continue to purchase and manufacture new engines of the old polluting design.

Without cooperation from the entire world, how can the issue of man made air pollution be addressed?
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It's one thing to debate the issue. To even try to compare it to terrorism,especially a secretary of state is just terrible.
It's one thing to debate the issue. To even try to compare it to terrorism,especially a secretary of state is just terrible.

It certainly is an interesting way to try and highlight the problem although I think it's valid, terrorists can take out thousands of people but a well placed storm surge can take out millions.

Climate change is a fact, the fact that we have huge and beautiful valleys and hills all across the northern hemisphere caused by glaciation where there are no longer any glaciers tells us that it is a fact. The fact that as the human race keeps on growing we become more and more sensitive to climatic change is also a fact. Now you can debate whether or not man's CO2 output is affecting the climate, it's a silly debate as EVERYTHING is going to affect the climate, the whole chaos theory theory butterfly effect kinda shows that.

I do hope that Kerry is making this statement not to be provocative and grandstanding with a

"look at my green credentials, yeah that's right I'm getting in climate change denier face"

way and is instead making a point about monies spent on viable green technologies. because one of those would be a noble political point and the other would be horrible politicking with import subjects for his own personal gain.
Kerry was right. Climate change is a bigger threat than anything else. The other threats like nuclear war haven't happened, but climate change is happening. Plus, despite movies claiming the contrary, bad as nuclear detonations are, they don't threaten the planet. If there was anything to that claim we'd all be dead because of all the atmospheric testing that was done before it was banned.
This is worse than a bad sitcom.

It's more like a bad frikken nightmare.

He polluted the world flying around WAILING about climate change

but that's OK, he's a Master Politican of everything in government
This is worse than a bad sitcom.

It's more like a bad frikken nightmare.

He polluted the world flying around WAILING about climate change

but that's OK, he's a Master Politican of everything in government

Here in Illinois, the DNR is conducting public comment hearings on the newly-passed hydraulic fracturing legislation. I wasn't able to attend, but did just hear from a friend who was there. She said it was sickening and pathetic how so many people obviously printed their statements directly from radical environmentalist websites.

During break, she stepped outside as did many others. There were those same people... puffing away on their cigarettes. :lol:
This is worse than a bad sitcom.

It's more like a bad frikken nightmare.

He polluted the world flying around WAILING about climate change

but that's OK, he's a Master Politican of everything in government

Here in Illinois, the DNR is conducting public comment hearings on the newly-passed hydraulic fracturing legislation. I wasn't able to attend, but did just hear from a friend who was there. She said it was sickening and pathetic how so many people obviously printed their statements directly from radical environmentalist websites.

During break, she stepped outside as did many others. There were those same people... puffing away on their cigarettes. :lol:

sheep will be sheep
they will be our downfall in this country
It isn't even so much that there are those, both on the left and the right that doubts climate change it is how sure folks are in their position. My position is based on a few things. In the 70s I got all concerned reading the books on how the world could not sustain a bigger population. How by the 90s we would be out of oil. How the treatment of our animals would cause disaster. How we were entering an ice age. Well none of that came true so now I am a bit skeptical. What I do know is there has always been droughts. The Dust Bowl was caused by natural droughts and poor farming techniques. I also have no where to plow any more snow. My driveway is basically a toboggan run. I have burned more wood and fuel oil this year then I believe in the last two. Now of course that is all just weather but if the weather isn't effected by GW then it will have no effect on me.

The GW side seems to be a religion. where they have put their faith entirely on what they call "science." They use the term science to batter any opposition. Not that they have done any science on their own it is just that they put their full belief in the same science that told me that we were entering an ice age 35 years ago.
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The saddest thing for the AGWCult was the Left losing their media monopoly. In the good Ole days, they could pivot from "Manmade Global Warming" to "Climate Change" and no one was there to challenge them.

Now, we're all giving them the "Liar, liar, pants on fire" treatment and they're butt hurt over it

Global Warming, it's not global and it's not warming
I love how the left keeps saying climate change is real well no shit the climate has been changing from the time the planet was formed and will continue to do so long after we have all left this mortal world. Is climate change real yes is man causing it very different question and despite what the Obama administration claims one that is far from settled.

And you recieved your Phd in atmospheric physics where?

The Carbon Dioxide Greenhouse Effect

Odd that the experimental evidence from real physicists always contradicts your "theories"

Max Planck Institute For Meteorology: “Prognoses Confirm Model Forecasts” Warming Postponed “Hundreds Of Years”
By P Gosselin on 26. Mai 2013
Now that global temperatures have not risen in 15 years, a number of scientists find themselves having great difficulty coming to terms with that new reality.

- See more at: Max Planck Institute For Meteorology: ?Prognoses Confirm Model Forecasts? Warming Postponed ?Hundreds Of Years?
The saddest thing for the AGWCult was the Left losing their media monopoly. In the good Ole days, they could pivot from "Manmade Global Warming" to "Climate Change" and no one was there to challenge them.

Now, we're all giving them the "Liar, liar, pants on fire" treatment and they're butt hurt over it

Global Warming, it's not global and it's not warming

thank notice the cute label they came up with for people who don't grovel at globull warming and have the NERVE to question it?

The saddest thing for the AGWCult was the Left losing their media monopoly. In the good Ole days, they could pivot from "Manmade Global Warming" to "Climate Change" and no one was there to challenge them.

Now, we're all giving them the "Liar, liar, pants on fire" treatment and they're butt hurt over it

Global Warming, it's not global and it's not warming

thank notice the cute label they came up with for people who don't grovel at globull warming and have the NERVE to question it?


^ Denier!

Refuses to accept the validity of Global Climate Warming Change!!
The real issue with climate change is not that it isn't happening because it is happening, it's that we simply do not know the effects of it. Period.

Mankind has an inbuilt ability to cry "the end is nigh!" and "we're all dooomed!" and back in the good ol' day it was the anger of the gods we would project our fears on, then the one god, then the nazi's, then nuclear war with the commies and now climate change (I may have missed some out). It's no coincidence that global warming as a theory took off almost the moment that the Berlin Wall fell.

Now all of this doesn't change the fact that it is still happening and whilst we cannot accuratly predict what will happen in the short term we can see trends and they indicate on the whole continuous CO2 pollution will have a negative impact on the human race as a species. I don;t think we need to panic but nor should be dismiss the science because it's counter intuative and pollute with impunity. What this whole debate needs, and sadly seems to be lacking, is some common sense.
Barring obtaining a nuke, terrorists cannot even begin to approach the number of people that will be affected as the climate changes. A rising sea level will affect all the port cities of the world, and do major damage to seashore aquifers.

Make stupid comments, and tell lies concerning the scientists all you want, in a decade, you will be shown for the fools you truly are.

In the 70's it was said as a fact, by the year 2000 the earth would be depleted of all resources.14 years later, we are okay.
Barring obtaining a nuke, terrorists cannot even begin to approach the number of people that will be affected as the climate changes. A rising sea level will affect all the port cities of the world, and do major damage to seashore aquifers.

Make stupid comments, and tell lies concerning the scientists all you want, in a decade, you will be shown for the fools you truly are.

In the 70's it was said as a fact, by the year 2000 the earth would be depleted of all resources.14 years later, we are okay.

By pessimists yes. Optimists were telling us we'd all have robot butlers, flying cars and would have cured all disease. Where's my robot butler?!!!
I would think Kerry would be more interested in doctors who perform facelifts that leave their patients with very weird looking looking puffy faces. After all, how's he ever going to get another fabulously wealthy woman to marry him some day looking as goofy as his botched surgery has left him?

Ban assault plastic surgeons!
I would think Kerry would be more interested in doctors who perform facelifts that leave their patients with very weird looking looking puffy faces. After all, how's he ever going to get another fabulously wealthy woman to marry him some day looking as goofy as his botched surgery has left him?

Ban assault plastic surgeons!

I would think that attacking his words and not his looks would be a more productive way to discredit his statement.
I love how the left keeps saying climate change is real well no shit the climate has been changing from the time the planet was formed and will continue to do so long after we have all left this mortal world. Is climate change real yes is man causing it very different question and despite what the Obama administration claims one that is far from settled.

And you recieved your Phd in atmospheric physics where?

The Carbon Dioxide Greenhouse Effect

I received my PhD in Advanced Scam Detection from the University of Life. I can recognise chancers on the make like Kerry and Gore in the blink of an eye. Kindly call me Doctor.

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