Kerry Blocked Law, Drew Cash


Aug 28, 2003
New York
WASHINGTON - A Senate colleague was trying to close a loophole that allowed a major insurer to divert millions of federal dollars from the nation's most expensive construction project. John Kerry stepped in and blocked the legislation.

Over the next two years, the insurer, American International Group, paid Kerry's way on a trip to Vermont and donated at least $30,000 to a tax-exempt group Kerry used to set up his presidential campaign. Company executives donated $18,000 to his Senate and presidential campaigns.

Were the two connected? Kerry says not.

But to some government watchdogs, the tale of the Massachusetts senator's 2000 intervention, detailed in documents obtained by The Associated Press, is a textbook case of the special interest politicking that Kerry rails against on the presidential trail.

"The idea that Kerry has not helped or benefited from a specific special interest, which he has said, is utterly absurd," said Charles Lewis, head of the Center for Public Integrity that just published a book on political donations to the presidential candidates.
He wasn't when this happened, but thats neither here nor there. Be it a congressman, senator, president, or candidate for any of the above its not any different. The whitewashing done by either political party is nothing more than protectionism of a party member with total disregard for ethics, morals, or law.
Everyone takes from special interests, and everyone should. If people have enough sense to work together to influence the democratic process, in a democratic way, like the ACLU or the NRA, good for them. That's what democracy is all about. Find something you care about and join that special interest group. It increases your individual power as a voter.

Do I like the enormous political influence of the oil industry or the trial lawyer union? No, but it's not illegal, so it doesn't matter if I like it. The solution is to use it to your advantage.

As long as bribing public officials to vote in your favor is legal, this will be a fact of life.
but delay never bitched and moaned about "special interest" money. and why am i not surprised it involves the big dig. i hope they run stuff on it all through the dnc convention. things like here is the big dig. it's still not done. 10 years late 13 billion dollars over budget and it's still not done. your tax dollars at work. but some how i think it'll be look at this engineering marvel etc etc etc:rolleyes:
Kerry nominations, donations coincided

WASHINGTON - At least three times in his Senate career, Democratic presidential hopeful John Kerry has recommended individuals for positions at federal home loan banks just before or after receiving political contributions from the nominees, records show.

In one case, Kerry wrote to the Federal Housing Finance Board to urge the reappointment of a candidate just one day before a Kerry campaign committee received $1,000 from the nominee, the records show.

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