Kentucky BlueGrass Poll Dead Heat, McConnell Not Too Well-Liked!


Gold Member
Feb 22, 2009
Secretary Clinton famously went to Kentucky to embrace one of her early supporters, of several years ago. The challenger to the GOP incumbent had acknowledged the vote. With ISIS now being slowly degraded to less than overpowering status, and Nigeria now leading the way in controlling The Plague: It turns out that actually, Senator McConnell is at best a drag on his own prospects for re-election! 47% in a recent BlueGrass poll do not seem to regard him very highly at all. They probably have words for that, in Kentucky--and even in English(?).

McConnell Alison Grimes pull even in latest Kentucky Senate race poll

Probably the Democrat candidate, Grimes, will admit that she didn't vote for Senator McConnell. Probably that would be a smart move, especially at a time like this(?)!

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"
(Great-Eagles-Roaring-In-Sky more invincible than Super-Sunni, even on ground in Iraq!)
Since incumbency-drag seems to be at issue in many of the Senate campaigns, then just as possibly the Kentucky Democrats found it viable to take a cue from the other Kentucky Senator, Rand Paul. There would be two Kentucky Senators, running away from the Party Agenda, in Washington, D. C. Senator Paul departs from the GOP national party, a lot, on issues and policy and strategy. A Senator Grimes will owe nothing to the National Party, or to the White House. More people in Kentucky, in fact, have likely heard of Rand Paul. Likely two of them is better than the other, and older, just one.

See even the press reports of other poll sponsors, noting that Senator McConnell is not well-liked, among those polled.

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!
(Lands of Many Nations in Nigeria, even, able to create and end to The Plague, for at least the time being!)

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