Kavanaugh May Be the Democrats Waterloo


Diamond Member
Mar 3, 2013
Right coast, classified
Overwhelming number of people have the same take away as I do.

This process has inflicted real damage to Judge Kavanaugh and Ms. Ford—enough to make any intelligent citizen wonder if it would ever be worth entering public service. But the most immediate casualty is likely to be the much-hyped November blue wave. If a vote for a Democratic majority in the Senate is a vote for the tactics of Sen. Feinstein, or for the boorish behavior of Sens. Blumenthal, Cory Booker and Kamala Harris, then that vote may not materialize at all.

In the Missouri Senate race, Republican Josh Hawley has overtaken incumbent Sen. Claire McCaskill, largely in reaction to the Kavanaugh hearings. In North Dakota, Republican Kevin Cramer has opened up a yawning lead over Sen. Heidi Heitkamp. The newest Quinnipiac and NPR/PBS NewsHour polls show that the Democratic generic-ballot advantage has halved and the party’s enthusiasm advantage has vanished.

Napoleon counted on offensive bluster at Waterloo to give him victory, and it failed. By amplifying the politicization of the judiciary, Democrats may have achieved a Waterloo—but not the one they imagined.

Outline - Read Without Clutter
Overwhelming number of people have the same take away as I do.

This process has inflicted real damage to Judge Kavanaugh and Ms. Ford—enough to make any intelligent citizen wonder if it would ever be worth entering public service. But the most immediate casualty is likely to be the much-hyped November blue wave. If a vote for a Democratic majority in the Senate is a vote for the tactics of Sen. Feinstein, or for the boorish behavior of Sens. Blumenthal, Cory Booker and Kamala Harris, then that vote may not materialize at all.

In the Missouri Senate race, Republican Josh Hawley has overtaken incumbent Sen. Claire McCaskill, largely in reaction to the Kavanaugh hearings. In North Dakota, Republican Kevin Cramer has opened up a yawning lead over Sen. Heidi Heitkamp. The newest Quinnipiac and NPR/PBS NewsHour polls show that the Democratic generic-ballot advantage has halved and the party’s enthusiasm advantage has vanished.

Napoleon counted on offensive bluster at Waterloo to give him victory, and it failed. By amplifying the politicization of the judiciary, Democrats may have achieved a Waterloo—but not the one they imagined.

Outline - Read Without Clutter
Looking back and replaying the recording of the hearings it seem the Democrats over played the facts that no real evidence backed up the complainants accusations. They said this was not a courtroom, but the Democrats are treating it as one. I don't see anything that would show a crime was committed so it all must just be a political witch trial.
My mother is already talking about voting early for the election. She will be voting republican.
I've been tuning in to the worst of the worst MSM has to offer out of curiosity & actually they're still at it. They know it's bull Shit, the 'talking heads' they're regurgitating to know it's bull shit but perhaps the viewer at home insn't savvy enough to know it's bull shit! Lol, business as usual I suppose....
Kavenaugh will haunt Republicans in November

Taunting victims of sexual assault does not sit well
Overwhelming number of people have the same take away as I do.

This process has inflicted real damage to Judge Kavanaugh and Ms. Ford—enough to make any intelligent citizen wonder if it would ever be worth entering public service. But the most immediate casualty is likely to be the much-hyped November blue wave. If a vote for a Democratic majority in the Senate is a vote for the tactics of Sen. Feinstein, or for the boorish behavior of Sens. Blumenthal, Cory Booker and Kamala Harris, then that vote may not materialize at all.

In the Missouri Senate race, Republican Josh Hawley has overtaken incumbent Sen. Claire McCaskill, largely in reaction to the Kavanaugh hearings. In North Dakota, Republican Kevin Cramer has opened up a yawning lead over Sen. Heidi Heitkamp. The newest Quinnipiac and NPR/PBS NewsHour polls show that the Democratic generic-ballot advantage has halved and the party’s enthusiasm advantage has vanished.

Napoleon counted on offensive bluster at Waterloo to give him victory, and it failed. By amplifying the politicization of the judiciary, Democrats may have achieved a Waterloo—but not the one they imagined.

Outline - Read Without Clutter

PersonallyI think Ford knowing lied about Kavanaugh, I don't buy into the she "may"have been sexually assaulted, or something happened to her. So any damage she may face was by her own choice.
I agree with the rest.
The essence of the democrat party these days...

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why trump won.jpg ... and will continue to Win Win Win

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Overwhelming number of people have the same take away as I do.

This process has inflicted real damage to Judge Kavanaugh and Ms. Ford—enough to make any intelligent citizen wonder if it would ever be worth entering public service. But the most immediate casualty is likely to be the much-hyped November blue wave. If a vote for a Democratic majority in the Senate is a vote for the tactics of Sen. Feinstein, or for the boorish behavior of Sens. Blumenthal, Cory Booker and Kamala Harris, then that vote may not materialize at all.

In the Missouri Senate race, Republican Josh Hawley has overtaken incumbent Sen. Claire McCaskill, largely in reaction to the Kavanaugh hearings. In North Dakota, Republican Kevin Cramer has opened up a yawning lead over Sen. Heidi Heitkamp. The newest Quinnipiac and NPR/PBS NewsHour polls show that the Democratic generic-ballot advantage has halved and the party’s enthusiasm advantage has vanished.

Napoleon counted on offensive bluster at Waterloo to give him victory, and it failed. By amplifying the politicization of the judiciary, Democrats may have achieved a Waterloo—but not the one they imagined.

Outline - Read Without Clutter
Looking back and replaying the recording of the hearings it seem the Democrats over played the facts that no real evidence backed up the complainants accusations. They said this was not a courtroom, but the Democrats are treating it as one. I don't see anything that would show a crime was committed so it all must just be a political witch trial.

The prissy little snotheads are simply not used to not getting their way by
holding their breath and stomping their feet and threatening not to eat their
food and the evil has nowhere to go now but to be reflected back inside.

Kavenaugh will haunt Republicans in November

Taunting victims of sexual assault does not sit well

Talk about haunting...



images.jpg .. I'm thinkin we're going to hear a lot more about your hero over the next month.. :itsok:

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Every situation is different but in similar situations growing up (w/ 1 beer in my system, lol) I always seemed to be able to mitigate the unwanted advances before "I thought he was going to accidentally kill me" or "I've fallen on the bed and can't get up with him on top of me". Everything from the flying, front door to quivering, helpless abuse victim of two supposed prep school teens is a bunch of bull shit! There I said it... I've endured worse and laughed it off, her wilting flower rouse pisses me off in general but given the magnitude of the circumstances I'm disgusted and worried about the trajectory of this nation with the emergence of yet another propped up subset class where liberal / progressive women can do no wrong and heterosexual / conservative men & women can do no right!
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Overwhelming number of people have the same take away as I do.

This process has inflicted real damage to Judge Kavanaugh and Ms. Ford—enough to make any intelligent citizen wonder if it would ever be worth entering public service. But the most immediate casualty is likely to be the much-hyped November blue wave. If a vote for a Democratic majority in the Senate is a vote for the tactics of Sen. Feinstein, or for the boorish behavior of Sens. Blumenthal, Cory Booker and Kamala Harris, then that vote may not materialize at all.

In the Missouri Senate race, Republican Josh Hawley has overtaken incumbent Sen. Claire McCaskill, largely in reaction to the Kavanaugh hearings. In North Dakota, Republican Kevin Cramer has opened up a yawning lead over Sen. Heidi Heitkamp. The newest Quinnipiac and NPR/PBS NewsHour polls show that the Democratic generic-ballot advantage has halved and the party’s enthusiasm advantage has vanished.

Napoleon counted on offensive bluster at Waterloo to give him victory, and it failed. By amplifying the politicization of the judiciary, Democrats may have achieved a Waterloo—but not the one they imagined.

Outline - Read Without Clutter
Nope. Another nail in the conservative coffin.
I've been tuning in to the worst of the worst MSM has to offer out of curiosity & actually they're still at it. They know it's bull Shit, the 'talking heads' they're regurgitating to know it's bull shit but perhaps the viewer at home insn't savvy enough to know it's bull shit! Lol, business as usual I suppose....

They may have bet on this a few times too many now.
Will Maddow have a breakdown on live TV like she did during the presidential election i wonder....
I've been tuning in to the worst of the worst MSM has to offer out of curiosity & actually they're still at it. They know it's bull Shit, the 'talking heads' they're regurgitating to know it's bull shit but perhaps the viewer at home insn't savvy enough to know it's bull shit! Lol, business as usual I suppose....

They may have bet on this a few times too many now.

The Democraptic Party is Fake News..
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