Karma for Democrats: Reparations. Payback time?


Diamond Member
Dec 30, 2011
Midwestern U.S.
Reparations for slavery is a divisive issue. Democrats fought FOR racism and slavery. That is NO hypothetical, Democrats where pro slavery. Democrats for over 150 years where the party of white racism, slavery and the Confederacy, DEMOCRATS fought AGAINST civil rights and integration. Biden for instance. Perhaps Democrats should buck up and PAY ALL REPARATIONS to blacks, because they sure as hell can't escape history and their legacy.
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Since the Democrats are the ones posing this question at the same time they are primarily the ones that caused it? They say their party has changed. So has America. And the only "systemic" racism I am seeing in 2023 is anti white racism. To quote Fallout: "Racism, Racism never changes".
Reparations for slavery is a divisive issue. Democrats fought FOR racism and slavery. That is NO hypothetical, Democrats where pro slavery. Democrats for over 150 years where the party of white racism, slavery and the Confederacy, DEMOCRATS fought AGAINST civil rights and integration. Biden for instance. Perhaps Democrats should buck up and PAY ALL REPARATIONS to blacks, because they sure as hell can't escape history and their legacy.
The money should all come out of the DNC.
The money should all come out of the DNC.
Why not the Sons and Daughters of the Confederacy? I mean they're identifying themselves as the direct descendants of the people who fought to maintain slavery where as the Democratic party today in the South is largely represented by the descendants of the people the Confederacy tried to hold in bondage.
I am certainly no racist but I would have fought against the CRA, too. Its federally condoned discrimination.
Of course, the Constitution and equality is NOT why they fought against it.
Why not the Sons and Daughters of the Confederacy? I mean they're identifying themselves as the direct descendants of the people who fought to maintain slavery where as the Democratic party today in the South is largely represented by the descendants of the people the Confederacy tried to hold in bondage.
The past is in the past. I was just joking. They should not get any money from anyone. In fact, their lives are better because of it all than they would have been. Seems like they actually owe us reparations.
The past is in the past. I was just joking. They should not get any money from anyone. In fact, their lives are better because of it all than they would have been. Seems like they actually owe us reparations.
That's an interesting theory from a bunch of cucks but who's going to champion that for you politically? 😄 Everything I've mentioned are things that are being discussed more and more by local governments and the federal government. You're doing cosplay while we're pushing agendas and propaganda.
Ironically, but not surprisingly, California is at the forefront of the reparations crap and slavery was never legal there.
Is it ironic that liberal states are seeking to right an injustice while the communities who perpetuated that injustice drag their feet? Southern conservative populations have been trash people from the start.
Is it ironic that liberal states are seeking to right an injustice while the communities who perpetuated that injustice drag their feet? Southern conservative populations have been trash people from the start.
Actually there is nothing ironic about a liberal state government using an issue that has nothing to do with their state government to confiscate their citizens' money to redistribute wealth to lock in votes.
Actually there is nothing ironic about a liberal state government using an issue that has nothing to do with their state government to confiscate their citizens' money to redistribute wealth to lock in votes.
California did have segregation and red lining. Also its the height of Cuckservatism to admonish a citizenry for expecting something in return for their vote. 😄 You want nothing and so you get nothing other little policies here and there that let you hate on minorities. Red meat for the mutant deplorables.
That's an interesting theory from a bunch of cucks but who's going to champion that for you politically? 😄 Everything I've mentioned are things that are being discussed more and more by local governments and the federal government. You're doing cosplay while we're pushing agendas and propaganda.
You can't even count on California to pay reparations. Even Newsome won't commit to it. Talk is cheap, other than it pays for votes.
You can't even count on California to pay reparations. Even Newsome won't commit to it. Talk is cheap, other than it pays for votes.
Gavin Newsome didn't ever talk about supporting reparations you moron. A counsel for reparations lead by Black Americans are the ones who came up with the recommendations. Gavin Newsome was forced to consider and respond to them. That we did not get the result we wanted is besides the point. We are in a position to force the conversation. You couple that with the polling that shows support for reparations goes up and up with younger and younger voters that means as time goes our leverage grows. Your recommendation on the other hand isn't getting talked about anywhere but Bingo boards. No politician, even on your own side is going to take it seriously. You aren't even in the conversation. You don't understand politics. You don't understand demographics. You don't understand time. You don't understand leverage. You Bingos are spending all your energy just trying to maintain. To run in place. That's some great strategy there guys. 😄
Gavin Newsome didn't ever talk about supporting reparations you moron. A counsel for reparations lead by Black Americans are the ones who came up with the recommendations. Gavin Newsome was forced to consider and respond to them. That we did not get the result we wanted is besides the point. We are in a position to force the conversation. You couple that with the polling that shows support for reparations goes up and up with younger and younger voters that means as time goes our leverage grows. Your recommendation on the other hand isn't getting talked about anywhere but Bingo boards. No politician, even on your own side is going to take it seriously. You aren't even in the conversation. You don't understand politics. You don't understand demographics. You don't understand time. You don't understand leverage. You Bingos are spending all your energy just trying to maintain. To run in place. That's some great strategy there guys. 😄
Gavin Newsome responded by refusing to say he would support reparations. As I said, talk is cheap except as to how many votes you can buy just for that cheap talk. It's all about dangling carrots over black's heads in order to get them to vote for you and then afterwards you can shrug your shoulders and say that at least you tried.
Gavin Newsome responded by refusing to say he would support reparations. As I said, talk is cheap except as to how many votes you can buy just for that cheap talk. It's all about dangling carrots over black's heads in order to get them to vote for you and then afterwards you can shrug your shoulders and say that at least you tried.
Who's doing the dangling Bingo? Newsome can't dangle and reject at the same time. At least have some consistency in your cosplay. 😄 Black voices will continue to demand, and work and politic until we get it done and our voices are getting harder and harder to ignore. Yours is already being ignored. 😄
Who's doing the dangling Bingo? Newsome can't dangle and reject at the same time. At least have some consistency in your cosplay. 😄 Black voices will continue to demand, and work and politic until we get it done and our voices are getting harder and harder to ignore. Yours is already being ignored. 😄
Bottom line, no matter how much it gets talked about, reparations ain't happening.

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