Kari Lake Opens Pandora’s Box: Massive Signature Fraud in 2020 on Mail-in Ballots, Trump Likely Won AZ. To Trigger Official Full Signature Audit?


Diamond Member
Dec 18, 2012
Now AZ Senate GOP has to follow up...

"An examination conducted by a citizens’ election integrity organization in Arizona of mail-in ballots in the 2020 presidential election, presented to the AZ Senate on January 23, 2023, concludes that out of 380,000 mail-in ballots reviewed for Maricopa County, over 20% of the ballot envelope signatures do not match the signatures on record. Over 1,800 envelopes had no signature at all. Maricopa County cast about 2 million votes total for president in 2020. The report found nearly 40,000 “egregious signature mismatches.” AZ was declared for Biden in 2020 by only about 10,000 votes."

"If the facts presented by We the People AZ Alliance (WPAA) are even partly correct, then the true winner of the 2020 Arizona presidential contest is in serious question. The election was declared won by Joe Biden by a margin of just .3%, or about 10,000 votes. The magnitude of the numbers suggest that Trump may have actually won in a landslide."


What Kari says is going to be heard and accepted by Trump's followers.

She even has the acceptance and ability to upstage Trump himself at this stage.

Kari is the most likely by far to be Trump's VP choice if he ever gets to the nomination for pres.

Kari is the Republican party's superstar who is going to go far, with or without Trump.

If it's DeSantis, she's still in with him!
Now AZ Senate GOP has to follow up...

"An examination conducted by a citizens’ election integrity organization in Arizona of mail-in ballots in the 2020 presidential election, presented to the AZ Senate on January 23, 2023, concludes that out of 380,000 mail-in ballots reviewed for Maricopa County, over 20% of the ballot envelope signatures do not match the signatures on record. Over 1,800 envelopes had no signature at all. Maricopa County cast about 2 million votes total for president in 2020. The report found nearly 40,000 “egregious signature mismatches.” AZ was declared for Biden in 2020 by only about 10,000 votes."

"If the facts presented by We the People AZ Alliance (WPAA) are even partly correct, then the true winner of the 2020 Arizona presidential contest is in serious question. The election was declared won by Joe Biden by a margin of just .3%, or about 10,000 votes. The magnitude of the numbers suggest that Trump may have actually won in a landslide."

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More bullshit by Republicans. This is more fake news. Stupid jerks like you buy it.
Now AZ Senate GOP has to follow up...

"An examination conducted by a citizens’ election integrity organization in Arizona of mail-in ballots in the 2020 presidential election, presented to the AZ Senate on January 23, 2023, concludes that out of 380,000 mail-in ballots reviewed for Maricopa County, over 20% of the ballot envelope signatures do not match the signatures on record. Over 1,800 envelopes had no signature at all. Maricopa County cast about 2 million votes total for president in 2020. The report found nearly 40,000 “egregious signature mismatches.” AZ was declared for Biden in 2020 by only about 10,000 votes."

"If the facts presented by We the People AZ Alliance (WPAA) are even partly correct, then the true winner of the 2020 Arizona presidential contest is in serious question. The election was declared won by Joe Biden by a margin of just .3%, or about 10,000 votes. The magnitude of the numbers suggest that Trump may have actually won in a landslide."

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Officials in Maricopa County this week released a detailed rebuttal of the claims the Cyber Ninjas made casting doubt on the validity of ballots. After assessing the Cyber Ninjas’ findings, county officials concluded that 76 of their 77 claims were false or misleading.

Cyber Ninjas, company that oversaw the partisan Arizona election ... - CNN



Even after the Cyber Ninjas came out loking stupid, you are stupid enough to beieve more insane bullshit?
What were the adjudication rates in AZ again? Something outrageous & far exceeding acceptable & legal parameters.

AZ is a red state that has been turned blue by massive fraud & no amount of gaslighting will change this FACT.

Cheating for power gains may get you short term gains but the long term ramifications will be dire for the entire country & world
Officials in Maricopa County this week released a detailed rebuttal of the claims the Cyber Ninjas made casting doubt on the validity of ballots. After assessing the Cyber Ninjas’ findings, county officials concluded that 76 of their 77 claims were false or misleading.

Cyber Ninjas, company that oversaw the partisan Arizona election ... - CNN

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Even after the Cyber Ninjas came out loking stupid, you are stupid enough to beieve more insane bullshit?

This has nothing to do with the Ninjas report.
What were the adjudication rates in AZ again? Something outrageous & far exceeding acceptable & legal parameters.

AZ is a red state that has been turned blue by massive fraud & no amount of gaslighting will change this FACT.

Cheating for power gains may get you short term gains but the long term ramifications will be dire for the entire country & world

Election workers in charge of questionable signature phone verification submitted affidavits saying people said they never voted.

"An examination conducted by a citizens’ election integrity organization in Arizona of mail-in ballots in the 2020 presidential election, presented to the AZ Senate on January 23, 2023, concludes that out of 380,000 mail-in ballots reviewed for Maricopa County, over 20% of the ballot envelope signatures do not match the signatures on record.
By AZ law, that makes them ILLEGAL to be counted!

Over 1,800 envelopes had no signature at all.
That makes them ILLEGAL to be counted!

Maricopa County cast about 2 million votes total for president in 2020. The report found nearly 40,000 “egregious signature mismatches.”
That makes them ILLEGAL to be counted!

"If the facts presented by We the People AZ Alliance (WPAA) are even partly correct, then the true winner of the 2020 Arizona presidential contest is in serious question. The election was declared won by Joe Biden by a margin of just .3%, or about 10,000 votes. The magnitude of the numbers suggest that Trump may have actually won in a landslide."
Every detailed and objective examination of the ballots reveals that, which is why I wonder where JackOfNoTrades ever is on threads like this? He keeps saying he wants to see a comprehensive accounting of election facts to see if the claims of fraud hold up, yet, every time there is a thread presenting such evidence, JACK IS NOWHERE TO BE FOUND, much less presenting anything which might factually refute the evidence.

All you ever get out of Tards is blind, blanket denial of the evidence, along with claims that those that gathered the evidence are biased or wrong, or that the whole subject is absurd, yet, NEVER WITH ANY SUPPORTING FACTS OR EVIDENCE to back up their claim.
What Kari says is going to be heard and accepted by Trump's followers.
Why Trump followers? Why is it that you tell people to follow the science and listen to anything Fauci tells you or some climate scientist tells you yet when an election, computer or ballot expert comes along with well-evaluated data saying there is a huge discrepency going on here and that something is very wrong, you immediately retort every single time without even looking at the data how these people are full of it and that there is nothing to it despite offering nothing of substance supporting that claim?

In other words, blanket dismissal and denial of the subject again without even examining the data much less refuting it.

More bullshit by Republicans. This is more fake news.
Evidence? Proof? Data? Anything? Nope, nope, nope & nope. Just: "Mommy, make the bad republicans go away and take their scary ideas with them!"

"Insane bullshit," yet without a single sliver of anything showing what is insane about it much less bullshit. What is insane is to have DOZENS of reports by people who have exhaustively spent weeks, months, maybe years combing through the data and facts finding gaping holes and egregious errors and dismissing it every time just because you wanted YOUR guy to win.

Meantime I'd bet anything these same people, if Trump had won and there was HALF the evidence of fraud, would be livid in their denials of his presidency and insistence that the election had been rigged.

...or...you guys are soooooo wrong~

TALK IS CHEEP, Fleegle, now where is your evidence-- any evidence --that the fraud reports are "fake news?"

The rest of the nation really wants to see what you got so that we can all end the drama and just move on.

---I thought so, just as with the claim that J6 was an "insurrection" foisted by Trump instead of an actual revolt by patriotic Americans looking for redress of their stolen votes over the ruthless, one-sided, blatant stealing of (and admission) of a U.S. Presidency putting a hostile Chinese-driven usurper in his place.
Why Trump followers? Why is it that you tell people to follow the science and listen to anything Fauci tells you or some climate scientist tells you yet when an election, computer or ballot expert comes along with well-evaluated data saying there is a huge discrepency going on here and that something is very wrong, you immediately retort every single time without even looking at the data how these people are full of it and that there is nothing to it despite offering nothing of substance supporting that claim?

In other words, blanket dismissal and denial of the subject again without even examining the data much less refuting it.

Evidence? Proof? Data? Anything? Nope, nope, nope & nope. Just: "Mommy, make the bad republicans go away and take their scary ideas with them!"

"Insane bullshit," yet without a single sliver of anything showing what is insane about it much less bullshit. What is insane is to have DOZENS of reports by people who have exhaustively spent weeks, months, maybe years combing through the data and facts finding gaping holes and egregious errors and dismissing it every time just because you wanted YOUR guy to win.

Meantime I'd bet anything these same people, if Trump had won and there was HALF the evidence of fraud, would be livid in their denials of his presidency and insistence that the election had been rigged.

I think your main problem is that Covid is out of your control and any ability to do something about. That will cover your hate for Dr. Fauci.

It's shameful that Americans would turn against Fauci, on of the most dedicated and intelligent doctors, for the sake of politics that has gone crazy.
I think your main problem is that Covid is out of your control and any ability to do something about. That will cover your hate for Dr. Fauci.

It's shameful that Americans would turn against Fauci, on of the most dedicated and intelligent doctors, for the sake of politics that has gone crazy.
It took at least a year, but now many Americans finally understand that Fauci lied to them in many ways, and harmed them by tricking them into taking experimental shots.

Hopefully he will be indicted and prosecuted in the Florida Grand Jury convened by the government.
By AZ law, that makes them ILLEGAL to be counted!

That makes them ILLEGAL to be counted!

That makes them ILLEGAL to be counted!

Every detailed and objective examination of the ballots reveals that, which is why I wonder where JackOfNoTrades ever is on threads like this? He keeps saying he wants to see a comprehensive accounting of election facts to see if the claims of fraud hold up, yet, every time there is a thread presenting such evidence, JACK IS NOWHERE TO BE FOUND, much less presenting anything which might factually refute the evidence.

All you ever get out of Tards is blind, blanket denial of the evidence, along with claims that those that gathered the evidence are biased or wrong, or that the whole subject is absurd, yet, NEVER WITH ANY SUPPORTING FACTS OR EVIDENCE to back up their claim.
And yet they were still counted.

Thats gotta be frustrating.
What Kari says is going to be heard and accepted by Trump's followers.

She even has the acceptance and ability to upstage Trump himself at this stage.

Kari is the most likely by far to be Trump's VP choice if he ever gets to the nomination for pres.

Kari is the Republican party's superstar who is going to go far, with or without Trump.

If it's DeSantis, she's still in with him!

It makes perfect sense for Kari to be Trump's VP choice. Both she and Trump have fetishized being a loser. They're both doused in obsessive loser energy.

Its a match made in heaven.
It makes perfect sense for Kari to be Trump's VP choice. Both she and Trump have fetishized being a loser. They're both doused in obsessive loser energy.

Its a match made in heaven.
I'll leave the trolling to you. I gain nothing in doing the same. I just see Kari as Ms. America in a Klan sheet. Perfect!

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