Kagen Must Be Stopped

The alternative media has its point: its hypocritical one-sided disinformation is quite clear to the great majority of America, and they steer accordingly. I listen daily to Rush for at least fifteen minutes, because he is the master demagogue of our times, though Glenn is closing quickly.
Divine Justice Amen

One thing is for sure. Every day Hussein :evil: stays in office the American people hate him and the Democrats more. Republicans don't have to DO anything to make this happen. It is a law of life.

How mad the GOOD PEOPLE get, and how quickly, is the only issue. Cut to the chase, the Democrat Party in all climes and times throughout history has always been the party of collective SCUM. They are, and always have been, bottom feeders. Thus, the better folks have hated them through all of history. It is just a question of when the "Folks" get mad enough to rise up and drive these trash into the ground like a wooden stake till you can't even find the head.

But being by nature parasitical weeds, Democrats, under one name or another, always keep sprouting up, where they need to be weeded out by a good gardener. We are in that gardening phase now. The trick is to help the good folks to get madder and madder, till they explode in some way and get out their pruning shears and other implements.


I was going to give a serious response to this, but then I scrolled over the red bar and saw that you've been deemed a "worthless troll", so instead, I'm going to tell a story...

There were once these three billy goats that were trying to cross a bridge into a greener pasture.

The first billy goat, the smallest of the three, began to cross the bridge when he heard a raspy voice from below. It was, of course, a troll.

"Who dares cross my bridge? Are you an American?"

This little billy goat didn't know what a troll was, so he answered, "Why yes. I believe that we are only free when all citizens enjoy both legal and economic equality."

The troll snorted. "You sound like a commie." The billy goat got upset and stomped it hooves and shouted insults. The troll just reached up and grabbed the commie goat, who was lashing around and freaking out, and ate him whole with much pleasure.

The second goat began crossing the bridge. The troll croaked, "Who dares cross my bridge? Are you an American?" This goat was very calm, and he gave a logical, reasoned argument as to the nature of Americanism and the inherent complexities such a question would elicit. But this was a good troll, and after awhile the logical goat got so frustrated that he, too, began lashing out and stomping his hooves like the commie goat. Needless to say, logical goat shared the same fate.

Finally, the last goat, the biggest of the three, began to cross the bridge. The troll said, "Who dares cross my bridge? Are you an American?"

But this billy goat had seen these types of trolls before, and he knew just what to do. He should have ignored the troll, but that was no fun. So instead, he started mocking the troll until the troll got so upset it jumped into the water because it hated being mocked. But the troll had never learned how to swim--it's unAmerican--and drowned.

The End.
My Red Badge of Courage

My "Red Bar" is my "Red Badge of Courage," my "Scarlet Letter," and I wear it proudly. The Bible says, "Unless you are persecuted for my name's sake, you are none of mine."

I know I am despised by many, but I am also feared or I would not be so despised.

You're only fooling yourself. Or is this an admitting that you fear the Dems? Either way it's quite easy to despise people without fear. Take the WBC.

What I say stings, because it is the truth.


Suuuuuuuure it is.

But there are those that I write for, and to, good people who appreciate what I say and know the truth of my words. I speak what these good folks often dare not say, yet know to be true.

That is my only purpose and so I bear the scorn of the enemy with a smile on my face and a song in my heart. Cheers.
:clap2: :clap2: :clap2:

Translation you're full of yourself.
My Red Badge of Courage

My "Red Bar" is my "Red Badge of Courage," my "Scarlet Letter," and I wear it proudly. The Bible says, "Unless you are persecuted for my name's sake, you are none of mine."

I know I am despised by many, but I am also feared or I would not be so despised. What I say stings, because it is the truth. Fools, no one bothers with, but the power of truth puts a chill down the wrong-doers back.

But there are those that I write for, and to, good people who appreciate what I say and know the truth of my words. I speak what these good folks often dare not say, yet know to be true.

That is my only purpose and so I bear the scorn of the enemy with a smile on my face and a song in my heart. Cheers.

Me thinks thou takes thyself a little too seriously.

Don't you know she's on a mission from God?

Back to the topic. This is a pretty good summary of why she should not be confirmed:

There is evidence in Kagan's academic articles that her overzealous defenses of federal censorship were more than a function of her job. In a 1993 essay in the University of Chicago Law Review, she suggested how supporters of bans on pornography and "hate speech" could pursue their goals despite that pesky First Amendment. Her proposals included bans on "works that are both sexually explicit and sexually violent," a redefinition of obscenity to focus on material deemed harmful to women (which would then be unprotected -- an idea that anticipated Kagan's argument in the animal cruelty case), "hate crime" laws that boost penalties for existing offenses when they're motivated by bigotry and laws "prohibiting carefully defined kinds of harassment, threats, or intimidation."

Kagan's understanding of First Amendment law, described most fully in a 1996 University of Chicago Law Review article, suggests a tolerance for censorship when it is appropriately disguised by euphemisms. In Kagan's view, the main goal of First Amendment doctrine is not to maximize freedom or promote robust debate, but to ferret out impermissible motives for speech restrictions.

While the government may constitutionally restrict speech based on "neutrally conceived harms," Kagan says, it may not restrict speech based on "hostility toward ideas." But as she more or less acknowledges, this distinction ultimately collapses because people are hostile to ideas they consider harmful.

Elena Kagan vs. First Amendment :: CHICAGO SUN-TIMES :: Other Views

Basically, she seeks to undermine the First Amendment via weaselly phraseology which expands censorship. Not good.
You Attack Whom You Fear...

According to some, only fear and greed motivate human beings, and there is a lot of truth in that. That being the case, no one wastes their time attacking idiots and fools, for the world is full of them.

Fact is we only attack those we fear. No fear, no attack. Democrats stutter and stammer insanely that they DO NOT FEAR SARAH PALIN, and people like Ann Coulter. Yet and still they spend every moment they can attacking these two women in a variety of ways that include ridicule, spoofing, feigned pity, hate speech, and so on and so forth.

They fear these Republican women, and well they should. Sarah just may be in the White House as early as 2012. The nomination is hers for the asking, and she is asking. At the present no one is in sight that can take it away from her. Of course, she would then have to win the General Election, but that is a totally different election.

Anyone the Democrats speak bad about is certainly someone they fear. And on this very Forum, I know I am feared for the ideas I put in circulation. It is the only explanation for the constant vicious attacks I am subject to. Of course they do not fear me personally, but rather they fear the ideas I give currency to. One single person uttering one single statement one time can change world history. Man is a social animal and a single person can put into the human conversation one idea just one time, and by word of mouth it can travel around the world in a week, or less.
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Back to the topic. This is a pretty good summary of why she should not be confirmed:

There is evidence in Kagan's academic articles that her overzealous defenses of federal censorship were more than a function of her job. In a 1993 essay in the University of Chicago Law Review, she suggested how supporters of bans on pornography and "hate speech" could pursue their goals despite that pesky First Amendment. Her proposals included bans on "works that are both sexually explicit and sexually violent," a redefinition of obscenity to focus on material deemed harmful to women (which would then be unprotected -- an idea that anticipated Kagan's argument in the animal cruelty case), "hate crime" laws that boost penalties for existing offenses when they're motivated by bigotry and laws "prohibiting carefully defined kinds of harassment, threats, or intimidation."

Kagan's understanding of First Amendment law, described most fully in a 1996 University of Chicago Law Review article, suggests a tolerance for censorship when it is appropriately disguised by euphemisms. In Kagan's view, the main goal of First Amendment doctrine is not to maximize freedom or promote robust debate, but to ferret out impermissible motives for speech restrictions.

While the government may constitutionally restrict speech based on "neutrally conceived harms," Kagan says, it may not restrict speech based on "hostility toward ideas." But as she more or less acknowledges, this distinction ultimately collapses because people are hostile to ideas they consider harmful.

Elena Kagan vs. First Amendment :: CHICAGO SUN-TIMES :: Other Views

Basically, she seeks to undermine the First Amendment via weaselly phraseology which expands censorship. Not good.

Finally, an argument with some evidence and analysis.

Thus Boedicca, by extension, is a social libertarian who wants to allow others to express their first amendment rights of expression through pornography or types of harassment, etc. If not, then how would you limit these expressions, Boedicca, if they harm others?
Interesting audio in which Obama opines that Harriet Miers required special scrutiny due to her lack of judiciary experience.

Breitbart.tv Obama Flashback: A Supreme Court Nominee With No Judicial Experience Requires Extreme Scrutiny

Great video. Once again, Obama offers us another instance of "Do as I say, not as I do".

Frankly, I don't have alot of confidence in a woman who considers Cass Sunstein "the preeminent legal scholar of our time". :rolleyes:
Sunstein to join Harvard Law School faculty

This is the same guy who thinks that it's the role of the federal government to 'infiltrate conspiracy groups'.
An obscure 2008 academic article gained traction with bloggers over the weekend. The article was written by the head of Obama's Office of Information and Regulatory Affairs, Harvard Law Professor Cass Sunstein. He’s a good friend of the president and the promoter the contradictory idea: "libertarian paternalism". In the article, he muses about what government can do to combat "conspiracy" theories:

"...we suggest a distinctive tactic for breaking up the hard core of extremists who supply conspiracy theories: cognitive infiltration of extremist groups, whereby government agents or their allies ... will undermine the crippled epistemology of those who subscribe to such theories. They do so by planting doubts about the theories and stylized facts that circulate within such groups, thereby introducing beneficial cognitive diversity."

That's right. Obama's Regulation Czar is so concerned about citizens thinking the wrong way that he proposed sending government agents to "infiltrate" these groups and manipulate them. This reads like an Onion article: Powerful government official proposes to combat paranoid conspiracy groups that believe the government is out to get them...by proving that they really are out to get them. Did nothing of what Sunstein was writing strike him as...I don't know...crazy? "Cognitive infiltration" of extremist groups by government agents? "Stylized facts"? Was "truthiness" too pedantic?

Read more: Stealth Propaganda John Stossel

(emphasis mine)
And, frankly, Murph, thinking Americans have no confidence in your beliefs.
And, frankly, Murph, thinking Americans have no confidence in your beliefs.

Is that the best you've got tonight, Jake? C'mon. That's just sad. :lol:

Can't you at least post us some half-witted rebuttal, some less-than-compelling piece of evidence for why Kagan is a better choice than any other legal scholar in the country?

'Cause frankly, I'm thinking Barry just gave the nod to one of his friends. Typical Barry... always thinking about Barry... and NOT what's best for the nation. Didn't we DESERVE the most brilliant legal mind in the land. Didn't we DESERVE judicial genius???
But instead... we get an college administrator who agrees with his ideological dogma. :rolleyes:

I'm feeling ripped off.
Kagen Must Be Stopped

Every single Republican Senator, must stand united shoulder to shoulder in order to delay a vote on Kagen until after the people have had a chance to speak in the midterm elections scheduled for only 5 months from now.

Every Republican must delay the vote on Kagen until after these elections, when the American people will have had a chance to vote on what they want their representatives to do.

Any Republican Senator who breaks ranks must be charged with treason to the nation, disloyalty to the Republican Party, and a disservice to God.
I agree with you vehemantly, but ou know they won't be ause the progressive virus has infected the GOP as well.
Why do I make fun? Simple. None of you have carried the argument that she is not qualified. You have howled and yowled, but no one, not a peapicking one of you, has offered anything of signficance. So what do I do, murph? You have not offered anything worthwhile to rebuttal other than your whining. So I rebutted that.
Why do I make fun? Simple. None of you have carried the argument that she is not qualified. You have howled and yowled, but no one, not a peapicking one of you, has offered anything of signficance. So what do I do, murph? You have not offered anything worthwhile to rebuttal other than your whining. So I rebutted that.
How about the fact that she thinks certain speech, in opposition to the govt. Should be "dissapeared"? That doesn't bother you?
Why do I make fun? Simple. None of you have carried the argument that she is not qualified. You have howled and yowled, but no one, not a peapicking one of you, has offered anything of signficance. So what do I do, murph? You have not offered anything worthwhile to rebuttal other than your whining. So I rebutted that.

Pitiful. I've offered quotes and supporting links to back my opinion upon. But you've made ZERO case for why this woman is the best choice in all the land for a job that affects the lives of every man, woman, and child in this country, a job that she can hold for as long as she wants it.

Now, it's easy enough to predict that she'll make it through confirmation. There aren't balls enough in the Senate to stop her. But just like his choice of Sotomayor, Barry went with identity politics rather than judicial genius.
Thats the point Jake. ANYONE breathing is "qualified". Kagan is simply not in the same mental league as Roberts, Alito, and Scalia. She's more of a political hack than a "Legal Scholar". Its like if Palin wins in 2012 and appoints Ann Coulter to the USSC. She's as qualified as anyone else.
Why do I make fun? Simple. None of you have carried the argument that she is not qualified. You have howled and yowled, but no one, not a peapicking one of you, has offered anything of signficance. So what do I do, murph? You have not offered anything worthwhile to rebuttal other than your whining. So I rebutted that.

Pitiful. I've offered quotes and supporting links to back my opinion upon. But you've made ZERO case for why this woman is the best choice in all the land for a job that affects the lives of every man, woman, and child in this country, a job that she can hold for as long as she wants it.

Now, it's easy enough to predict that she'll make it through confirmation. There aren't balls enough in the Senate to stop her. But just like his choice of Sotomayor, Barry went with identity politics rather than judicial genius.
I have the same frustration Murf, but you have to remember that liberals don't like to be confused with facts, their mind's are already made up!!
Why do I make fun? Simple. None of you have carried the argument that she is not qualified. You have howled and yowled, but no one, not a peapicking one of you, has offered anything of signficance. So what do I do, murph? You have not offered anything worthwhile to rebuttal other than your whining. So I rebutted that.

Pitiful. I've offered quotes and supporting links to back my opinion upon. But you've made ZERO case for why this woman is the best choice in all the land for a job that affects the lives of every man, woman, and child in this country, a job that she can hold for as long as she wants it.

Now, it's easy enough to predict that she'll make it through confirmation. There aren't balls enough in the Senate to stop her. But just like his choice of Sotomayor, Barry went with identity politics rather than judicial genius.

Son, you think Bork and Scalia are judicial geniuses, so I am not too worried about your concern.
Roberts is qualified. Scalia and Alito are hacks. She will be better than either one of them.
Roberts is qualified. Scalia and Alito are hacks. She will be better than either one of them.

Kagan is a legal moron compared to either Scalia or Alito. Hopefully her researchers keep her from making a total ass out of herself if she ever tries to write a legal opinion.

Gawd, I hope not. That'd totally destroy all the comedy we'll enjoy reading them. :lol:

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