Just What Is Exactly Wrong With Wanting To Be A 'White Nationalist'?

Nothing is wrong with being white or proud to be a citizen of the nation. If you want a racially melded people of no nations, there might be a lot wrong with it.
You can be anything but a white anything don't we know by now?

Black Panthers thugs-aok
BLM thugs-aok
Oh wait, if you are from the "occupies" OWS, of other peoples Businesses, you can be white.
but my gawd say you want to be a white Nationalist. they want you hung
that's how disgusting having Obama as President was along with this medias and Universities. now it's ok to be racist and bigots against a white person

Then they wonder why so many white people are getting angry.

What's funnier?

They can't do math.

And I don't shoot sideways.
"Just What Is Exactly Wrong With Wanting To Be A 'White Nationalist'?"

Well, let's see...

You want to criminalize homosexuality

You want to outlaw Islam

You want to do away with Brown and Hernandez, reinstate the doctrine of 'separate but equal,' and segregate Americans according to race and religion – with white Christians as the 'superior race,' of course.

You want to start wars with other nations, establish a militarist regime, and turn America into an actual police state – where diversity, dissent, and expressions of individual liberty will be subject to criminal prosecution absent due process of the law – a dream come true for the extreme right.
As opposed to being a police state composed of safe zones.
You can be anything but a white anything don't we know by now?

Black Panthers thugs-aok
BLM thugs-aok
Oh wait, if you are from the "occupies" OWS, of other peoples Businesses, you can be white.
but my gawd say you want to be a white Nationalist. they want you hung
that's how disgusting having Obama as President was along with this medias and Universities. now it's ok to be racist and bigots against a white person
Thank you trailer park correspondent !

They won't come for me first. Now being the Soros of our board who will you turn in first guno? Choose guno.

Be Soros. Pick your first victim like Soros did.
"Just What Is Exactly Wrong With Wanting To Be A 'White Nationalist'?"

Well, let's see...

You want to criminalize homosexuality

You want to outlaw Islam

You want to do away with Brown and Hernandez, reinstate the doctrine of 'separate but equal,' and segregate Americans according to race and religion – with white Christians as the 'superior race,' of course.

You want to start wars with other nations, establish a militarist regime, and turn America into an actual police state – where diversity, dissent, and expressions of individual liberty will be subject to criminal prosecution absent due process of the law – a dream come true for the extreme right.

You lie a lot, but at least you're stupid. :thup:
i cant wait for his reply.....
You can be anything but a white anything don't we know by now?

Black Panthers thugs-aok
BLM thugs-aok
Oh wait, if you are from the "occupies" OWS, of other peoples Businesses, you can be white.
but my gawd say you want to be a white Nationalist. they want you hung
that's how disgusting having Obama as President was along with this medias and Universities. now it's ok to be racist and bigots against a white person
Thank you trailer park correspondent !

They won't come for me first. Now being the Soros of our board who will you turn in first guno? Choose guno.

Be Soros. Pick your first victim like Soros did.

The hilarious thing about Batboy is he thinks they'll give shit about him, pathetic, Batboy is just another ant to them, they're not going to want idiots like him, they're NOTHING, useless and pointless.
You can be anything but a white anything don't we know by now?

Black Panthers thugs-aok
BLM thugs-aok
Oh wait, if you are from the "occupies" OWS, of other peoples Businesses, you can be white.
but my gawd say you want to be a white Nationalist. they want you hung
that's how disgusting having Obama as President was along with this medias and Universities. now it's ok to be racist and bigots against a white person
Thank you trailer park correspondent !

They won't come for me first. Now being the Soros of our board who will you turn in first guno? Choose guno.

Be Soros. Pick your first victim like Soros did.

Batboy thinks he's up there on golden perch with you know Soros and the Rockefellers, he's I believe actually Clinically Insane at this point.
"Just What Is Exactly Wrong With Wanting To Be A 'White Nationalist'?"

Well, let's see...

You want to criminalize homosexuality

You want to outlaw Islam

You want to do away with Brown and Hernandez, reinstate the doctrine of 'separate but equal,' and segregate Americans according to race and religion – with white Christians as the 'superior race,' of course.

You want to start wars with other nations, establish a militarist regime, and turn America into an actual police state – where diversity, dissent, and expressions of individual liberty will be subject to criminal prosecution absent due process of the law – a dream come true for the extreme right.
As opposed to being a police state composed of safe zones.

I notice that pretty much all the mass shootings occur in the Gun-Free Safe Zones....never outside them, no because all it takes is one person with one gun to potentially prevent the random nut committing the mass shooting.
I notice that pretty much all the mass shootings occur in the Gun-Free Safe Zones....never outside them, no because all it takes is one person with one gun to potentially prevent the random nut committing the mass shooting.

The Criminal Obama administration redefined what a "mass shooting" is as part of their war on civil rights.

Due to this redefinition, nearly ALL mass shootings are perpetrated by black men.

Since gang shoot outs now count, the perpetrators are black gangsters.
You can be anything but a white anything don't we know by now?

Black Panthers thugs-aok
BLM thugs-aok
Oh wait, if you are from the "occupies" OWS, of other peoples Businesses, you can be white.
but my gawd say you want to be a white Nationalist. they want you hung
that's how disgusting having Obama as President was along with this medias and Universities. now it's ok to be racist and bigots against a white person
Thank you trailer park correspondent !

They won't come for me first. Now being the Soros of our board who will you turn in first guno? Choose guno.

Be Soros. Pick your first victim like Soros did.

The hilarious thing about Batboy is he thinks they'll give shit about him, pathetic, Batboy is just another ant to them, they're not going to want idiots like him, they're NOTHING, useless and pointless.

I had this one conversation Lucy. My father in law is from Gummerspach sp hope I got it right His mother the same question too. How did it happen?

It only happened they said and here it is all we wanted was to "stay us". This makes sense to me. Maybe its weird over here to you but I am fiercely proud of my Ukrainian and Irish heritage. My husband was conceived in Germany and born in Canada. So he's a tad different to me. But I understand and embrace his heritage.

I am not just a white person. I have family who are Irish. I have family that are Ukrainian. I am not JUST WHITE.

And I am getting really really angry.
You can be anything but a white anything don't we know by now?

Black Panthers thugs-aok
BLM thugs-aok
Oh wait, if you are from the "occupies" OWS, of other peoples Businesses, you can be white.
but my gawd say you want to be a white Nationalist. they want you hung
that's how disgusting having Obama as President was along with this medias and Universities. now it's ok to be racist and bigots against a white person
Thank you trailer park correspondent !

They won't come for me first. Now being the Soros of our board who will you turn in first guno? Choose guno.

Be Soros. Pick your first victim like Soros did.

The hilarious thing about Batboy is he thinks they'll give shit about him, pathetic, Batboy is just another ant to them, they're not going to want idiots like him, they're NOTHING, useless and pointless.

I had this one conversation Lucy. My father in law is from Gummerspach sp hope I got it right His mother the same question too. How did it happen?

It only happened they said and here it is all we wanted was to "stay us". This makes sense to me. Maybe its weird over here to you but I am fiercely proud of my Ukrainian and Irish heritage. My husband was conceived in Germany and born in Canada. So he's a tad different to me. But I understand and embrace his heritage.

I am not just a white person. I have family who are Irish. I have family that are Ukrainian. I am not JUST WHITE.

And I am getting really really angry.

Gummersbach it's Nordrhein-Westfalen - North Rhine-Westphalia, Preußen....I have many friends all around this whole State.

Gummersbach - the coat of arms:


People are supposed to get angry, this when they're told to shut-up you racist for wanting to preserve your culture and heritage that has been there for many thousands of years and has been handed down Generations to preserve and further nurture.

You have EVERY RIGHT to be proud of your Ukranian and Irish culture and heritage.

They are NOT going to WIN, there's many millions of us who are Patriots and we're NOT going to let them destroy our Communities and Nations and with them our cultures and heritage....NOT HAPPENING. PERIOD.

I'm not the only one who is prepared to DIE to save my Continent so it can be preserved by my own children and then their children....in another 1,000 years WE will still be here in the shape of OUR decendents.
Nothing is wrong with wanting to be a white nationalist. Just dont pretend it isnt based on being a racist cave chimp.

Maybe you can help me out here Asclepias. And the last person is me to try to block people in a corner because I absolutely do not believe in that. But that being said here I go.

What's it with NE American blacks that make them so racist.

Now you know I'm white but my most beautiful son in law is from Trinidad. My grandbaby Trinity is this gorgeous shade of gold. Hey my daughter's white. We got a pretty color going on with her.

I don't get it. And it's only north east that I can see. I know so many southern blacks that don't have a problem with me and trust me as a catahoula breeder and hunter I know the deep south.

I don't get the hate on from NE blacks. One day I'd like to have an honest discussion because for the life of me I don't get it.
I'm not from the N.E. but my guess is because thats were a lot of educated Blacks have lived since before slavery was ended so they have a total view of the racism of white americans. They know that the norths racism was just as violent and virulent as the souths before and after the civil war. Its not that they have a problem with you. They have a problem with trusting whites in general due to their knowledge of whites in general.
Yeah, you guys have such a great history.


And do you want me to put up lynching stats Toro? How many whites were lynched buddy?

Put up the whites lynched too.

Now lets play Toro. Did someone rape someone? And get lynched?

Did some guy fuck a little boy up the ass and get lynched?

Show the white men that got lynched too Toro. By all means show us Toro what happened with private justice back in the day.

It wasn't right. But it wasn't left and that's how it was in those days.
Did the white guys get lynched because they were white or because they were uppity?
Yeah, you guys have such a great history.


Wow how surprising you post this? Of course darling THEY were ALL Democrats you know....not a Conservative amongst them....the KKK was created solely by Democrats.

How many actual lynchings were there across the decades? Do you know?

This in perspective to how many whites SINCE have been murdered by blacks in shootings etc.
How many Blacks were murdered by whites in shootings, beatings, mob violence etc. Did you think lynching was the only way whites killed Blacks?
Nothing is wrong with wanting to be a white nationalist. Just dont pretend it isnt based on being a racist cave chimp.

So what about the Black Nationalists? They're racist also yes?
I know some are racists but why is that surprising to you?

Well because according to Leftists Blacks can't be racist....only Whites of the Conservative and Christian kind can only ever be racist :rolleyes-41:
I think you are confused. Its not that Blacks cant be racist. They cant practice racism as a group.
You can be anything but a white anything don't we know by now?

Black Panthers thugs-aok
BLM thugs-aok
Oh wait, if you are from the "occupies" OWS, of other peoples Businesses, you can be white.
but my gawd say you want to be a white Nationalist. they want you hung
that's how disgusting having Obama as President was along with this medias and Universities. now it's ok to be racist and bigots against a white person

Then they wonder why so many white people are getting angry.
I dont wonder. I already know why they are angry. Its actually amusing to me.
And do you want me to put up lynching stats Toro? How many whites were lynched buddy?

Put up the whites lynched too.

Sure, no problem.

Lynching, the practice of executing people by extrajudicial mob action, occurred in the United States chiefly from the late 19th century through the 1960s. Lynchings took place most frequently against African American men in the southern U.S. after the American Civil War and the emancipation of all slaves, and particularly from 1890 to the 1920s, with a peak in 1892. Lynchings were also very common in the Old West. Though a few whites were lynched as examples of the worse punishment they could have received, the majority of the victims were Mexican and Chinese men.[1]

Lynching in the United States - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Most lynched were not white people. They were mostly minorities lynched by whites.
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And do you want me to put up lynching stats Toro? How many whites were lynched buddy?

Put up the whites lynched too.

Sure, no problem.

Lynching, the practice of executing people by extrajudicial mob action, occurred in the United States chiefly from the late 19th century through the 1960s. Lynchings took place most frequently against African American men in the southern U.S. after the American Civil War and the emancipation of all slaves, and particularly from 1890 to the 1920s, with a peak in 1892. Lynchings were also very common in the Old West. Though a few whites were lynched as examples of the worse punishment they could have received, the majority of the victims were Mexican and Chinese men.[1]

Lynching in the United States - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Most lynched were not white people. They were mostly minorities lynched by whites.
Wikipedia is his source. ROFLMAO!

Oh and there ain't a damn thing wrong with being a white nationalist,white supremacist,racial socialist,etc etc. I am a PROUD Racial Socialist and have been for almost 20 years. My kids are being raised to be proud of their heritage and culture and history and with ZERO white guilt. If someone doesn't like that that's THEIR problem not mine because I simply don't give a shit if my beliefs offend others or not. I strive for a white world and hope one day we will succeed.

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