Just saw Oppenheimer


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Jun 21, 2020
Phoenix, AZ
Guy next to me was munching on a popcorn as big as an oil drum . How much F popcorn can one eat ??

Anyways.. the movie had some very memorable moments and dialogue but it was drown to death in a sea of unnecessary dialogue and dry politics

In the end : the deep state and Military industrial complex destroys him as they did Trump

Movie gets a B
Guy next to me was munching on a popcorn as big as an oil drum . How much F popcorn can one eat ??

Anyways.. the movie had some very memorable moments and dialogue but it was drown to death in a sea of unnecessary dialogue and dry politics

In the end : the deep state and Military industrial complex destroys him as they did Trump

Movie gets a B
And Rottentomatoes gave Barbie the Movie a 90% fresh rating.

It's like SNL. It's best days are long gone.

This is Hollywood today.

Used to be we had a film industry that wanted to make a good product......but now spends all of their time being political.

Talking about the issues that were part of the debate when they were developing "The Bomb".

Let's not mention all of the lives that the bomb saved.
Let's only talk about how two of them were dropped on our enemy and a bunch of people died as a result.

150,000 died to save 6 million from dying. Both are bad.

But in retrospect.....if 6 million had died, just how many fewer people would be on this planet?
And considering the fact that the left wants to wipe out most of those people who wouldn't even exist today, they feel that 6 million dead would have been great for the planet.
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Is its purpose to justify America's use of the bombs on Japan's civilian population?
You sound a lot like Joe and how he struggled with the decision to send cluster munitions to the Ukraine!
Joe needs to keep Ukraine going.
If he doesn't, he doesn't have a place to launder his money.
China is old news.
Ukraine is today.
Biden is doing the same thing in Ukraine that he did in China a few years ago...but on a more massive scale.
The purpose of Ukraine is to launder money, but also to keep his human-trafficking operation going.
lol these Jap Pity Parties are hilarious. Tards apparently need these dumbass narratives to pretend they aren't really deranged racist sociopaths who hate white people.
Is its purpose to justify America's use of the bombs on Japan's civilian population?
I think that was already established before they dropped the damn thing in 1945.

Now all Hollywood wants to do is scratch the surface of a deeper subject and spin it in an anti-American manner.
That is their main purpose today, to make America look like shit.
But since I've been all over the world and seen the crap that other countries have pulled, America really isn't all that bad in comparison.
It's just the corruption of our government (and our media) that makes us look bad. Not the American people themselves.
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Guy next to me was munching on a popcorn as big as an oil drum . How much F popcorn can one eat ??

Anyways.. the movie had some very memorable moments and dialogue but it was drown to death in a sea of unnecessary dialogue and dry politics

In the end : the deep state and Military industrial complex destroys him as they did Trump

Movie gets a B
3 hours! I saw Indiana Jones last week - 2 1/2 hours. Not sure i can sit though 3 hours. Is it worth seeing in the theater or can I wait to see at at home (nice home system),
And Rottentomatoes gave Barbie the Movie a 90% fresh rating.

It's like SNL. It's best days are long gone.

This is Hollywood today.

Used to be we had a film industry that wanted to make a good product......but now spends all of their time being political.

Talking about the issues that were part of the debate when they were developing "The Bomb".

Let's not mention all of the lives that the bomb saved.
Let's only talk about how two of them were dropped on our enemy and a bunch of people died as a result.

150,000 died to save 6 million from dying. Both are bad.

But in retrospect.....if 6 million had died, just how many fewer people would be on this planet?
And considering the fact that the left wants to wipe out most of those people who wouldn't even exist today, they feel that 6 million dead would have been great for the planet.
It's the argument about assassinating Hitler if one knew the future (some in his govt. tried). One of my favourite movies all time, The Dead Zone with Christopher Walken and Martin Sheen.when he asked the doctor, who is a deeply principled man what he would do if he knew the future in Germany, as he said "I'd have to kill the son of a bitch". See the movie if you haven't it is excellent.. Yes the bomb saved lives. Those who died were really unfortunate victims. Hirosima was on America. Nagasaki was on Japans leadership who still refused to surrender and confirmed the justification for the first one really (clearly Japan was NEVER going to stop). The Samurai spirit is very honourable for the individual but not pragmatic for government.
3 hours! I saw Indiana Jones last week - 2 1/2 hours. Not sure i can sit though 3 hours. Is it worth seeing in the theater or can I wait to see at at home (nice home system),

YES I would see it but the entire middle hour made me almost walk out
And Rottentomatoes gave Barbie the Movie a 90% fresh rating.

It's like SNL. It's best days are long gone.

This is Hollywood today.

Used to be we had a film industry that wanted to make a good product......but now spends all of their time being political.

Talking about the issues that were part of the debate when they were developing "The Bomb".

Let's not mention all of the lives that the bomb saved.
Let's only talk about how two of them were dropped on our enemy and a bunch of people died as a result.

150,000 died to save 6 million from dying. Both are bad.

But in retrospect.....if 6 million had died, just how many fewer people would be on this planet?
And considering the fact that the left wants to wipe out most of those people who wouldn't even exist today, they feel that 6 million dead would have been great for the planet.

They are giving FAKE reviews to bad movies to trick people. New trend the last few years
WE had some great movies in the early 2000s - such as LOTR, Dark Knight, Gladiator, Departed
3 hours! I saw Indiana Jones last week - 2 1/2 hours. Not sure i can sit though 3 hours. Is it worth seeing in the theater or can I wait to see at at home (nice home system),

The last great movie I have seen was 2008- DARK KNIGHT
Such great crime movies and realism in the 1970s. Good Sci Fi in the 80s
And great historical and dramatic movies in the 90s and early 2000s.
I'd pay to see Oppenheimer shove one his bombs up Barbie's ass, but other than that, I'm staying home.

I think my final movie will be Napolean in December

Did you like Dark Knight, Departed, Gladiator, LOTR from 20 yrs ago
I think my final movie will be Napolean in December

Did you like Dark Knight, Departed, Gladiator, LOTR from 20 yrs ago

Saw Dark Knight at the local outdoor drive in when it opened. The scenes were so dim I couldn't make out what was happening, and I fell asleep. It made more sense when I saw it the second time on TV. Didn't see Gladiator until it came out on TV, it was pretty good, but once you've seen it...

Not sure what LOTR is. I'm paying $208 per month for basic cable, a land line, and internet with four email accounts, and the the cable sucks. The only things we watch are Newsmax, old reruns of Gunsmoke, and the wife likes Hallmark and the cooking shows. They seldom have any decent movies that I haven't already seen, and I'm not bumping it up to the next cable package.

But the good part is that I can watch any of these on my computer if I want to. Whoopi shit.


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