Just for the record

Mr. Friscus

Diamond Member
Dec 28, 2020
There is not one study.. not one.. that has even remotely proven that mask mandates work.

Yet, we have hyper-partisan, spastic, immature leftists and Democrats wanting to demand that our schoolchildren be masked, which harms their learning and psychsocial development.

If you are for masking in school now, you should have been for masking in school the past 50 years for the flu, or in 2010 for the swine flu, or you should have been against busses because they kill people too, or at least have kids wear helmets in busses.

This is all political. The Democrats want to keep the fear of COVID mainstream so they can point fingers at the GOP as being uncaring. That's.. all.. it ... is. There is no data or scientific truth to their stances, and they cite none. Let me repeat that. Democrats, Fauci, Biden, etc. cite NO data.

That's a fact.
There is not one study.. not one.. that has even remotely proven that mask mandates work.

Yet, we have hyper-partisan, spastic, immature leftists and Democrats wanting to demand that our schoolchildren be masked, which harms their learning and psychsocial development.

If you are for masking in school now, you should have been for masking in school the past 50 years for the flu, or in 2010 for the swine flu, or you should have been against busses because they kill people too, or at least have kids wear helmets in busses.

This is all political. The Democrats want to keep the fear of COVID mainstream so they can point fingers at the GOP as being uncaring. That's.. all.. it ... is. There is no data or scientific truth to their stances, and they cite none. Let me repeat that. Democrats, Fauci, Biden, etc. cite NO data.

That's a fact.

What is a fact is your stupid opening paragraph. Wearing the mask is what is mandated, not any guarantee it will stop the disease.
There's a slight difference but I hope your little rant eased the pain.

Try Again.
What is a fact is your stupid opening paragraph. Wearing the mask is what is mandated, not any guarantee it will stop the disease.
There's a slight difference but I hope your little rant eased the pain.

Try Again.
Let's run your logic.

So you're saying that a mandate is given even though there's no guarantee it will work.

Is that what you're saying?
There is not one study.. not one.. that has even remotely proven that mask mandates work.

Yet, we have hyper-partisan, spastic, immature leftists and Democrats wanting to demand that our schoolchildren be masked, which harms their learning and psychsocial development.

If you are for masking in school now, you should have been for masking in school the past 50 years for the flu, or in 2010 for the swine flu, or you should have been against busses because they kill people too, or at least have kids wear helmets in busses.

This is all political. The Democrats want to keep the fear of COVID mainstream so they can point fingers at the GOP as being uncaring. That's.. all.. it ... is. There is no data or scientific truth to their stances, and they cite none. Let me repeat that. Democrats, Fauci, Biden, etc. cite NO data.

That's a fact.
You’re WRONG. There has been one study. In fact it’s the only study that has been used to justify masking. And it was carried out by incredible medical establishment Goldman Sachs. And they found that there’s MAYBE a 1% reduction in spread as long as everyone stays perfectly compliant with proper masking. So eat that.
There is not one study.. not one.. that has even remotely proven that mask mandates work.

Yet, we have hyper-partisan, spastic, immature leftists and Democrats wanting to demand that our schoolchildren be masked, which harms their learning and psychsocial development.

If you are for masking in school now, you should have been for masking in school the past 50 years for the flu, or in 2010 for the swine flu, or you should have been against busses because they kill people too, or at least have kids wear helmets in busses.

This is all political. The Democrats want to keep the fear of COVID mainstream so they can point fingers at the GOP as being uncaring. That's.. all.. it ... is. There is no data or scientific truth to their stances, and they cite none. Let me repeat that. Democrats, Fauci, Biden, etc. cite NO data.

That's a fact.
To watch elementary kids wear masks over the period of 1 hour only, I see them pull them over their heads, push them up and sneeze or cough (even when instructed to do otherwise), take it off and play with it, scratch their faces more than normal, touch their faces more than normal, and touch surfaces the same as normal (constantly). A kid who wears a mask for the entire school day.....no sane adult with a lick of sense would say that's keeping germs from spreading...way more are being spread. Germs cling to the mask as well so not a chance of
doing anything but ensuring more germs are spread around, viruses included.
To watch elementary kids wear masks over the period of 1 hour only, I see them pull them over their heads, push them up and sneeze or cough (even when instructed to do otherwise), take it off and play with it, scratch their faces more than normal, touch their faces more than normal, and touch surfaces the same as normal (constantly). A kid who wears a mask for the entire school day.....no sane adult with a lick of sense would say that's keeping germs from spreading...way more are being spread. Germs cling to the mask as well so not a chance of
doing anything but ensuring more germs are spread around, viruses included.
Again, this fear is being harvested in the forefront so Democrats can openly and publicly point the finger at the GOP, unjustifiably and irresponsibly, as not caring. That's all it is.

Really. Children wearing masks to stop COVID spread? There's no data. It's just a plot. A scheme. That's it.
There is not one study.. not one.. that has even remotely proven that mask mandates work.

Yet, we have hyper-partisan, spastic, immature leftists and Democrats wanting to demand that our schoolchildren be masked, which harms their learning and psychsocial development.

If you are for masking in school now, you should have been for masking in school the past 50 years for the flu, or in 2010 for the swine flu, or you should have been against busses because they kill people too, or at least have kids wear helmets in busses.

This is all political. The Democrats want to keep the fear of COVID mainstream so they can point fingers at the GOP as being uncaring. That's.. all.. it ... is. There is no data or scientific truth to their stances, and they cite none. Let me repeat that. Democrats, Fauci, Biden, etc. cite NO data.

That's a fact.
Obviously you get your information from batshit crazy sites that don't presentthe truth. Here are 49 studies that show you to be full of shit.
I can't help but weigh in here about that "maybe a 1% reduction" in risk if people wear masks. Is that supposed to be a selling point?
I can't help but weigh in here about that "maybe a 1% reduction" in risk if people wear masks. Is that supposed to be a selling point?
It's a fact that less people would die if we banned cars, so if you are for cars and have no problem driving one, you're an evil person who wants to see people die!

Doesn't that sound stupid? See how stupid the Democrats sound? And watch them continue to drive their cars, with their children in them, even though 80-100 people die in car accidents every day.

Meanwhile, only 350 kids under 18 have died from, or regarding, COVID. 350 out of 75,000,000

Where is the outrage on cars????
Covid seems to bring out the tiny tyrant in most every Democrat ..

First Democrats leaders purposefully used covid to kill off the old folks and now they want to gestapo small children to their will and undermine the American family.

Yup, I'm pretty fed up with these hypocritical bastards thinking they're qualified to call the shots when they've lost all credibility and have been exposed as hypocrites and fools.
You’re WRONG. There has been one study. In fact it’s the only study that has been used to justify masking. And it was carried out by incredible medical establishment Goldman Sachs. And they found that there’s MAYBE a 1% reduction in spread as long as everyone stays perfectly compliant with proper masking. So eat that.

Goldman Sachs ?? That;'s almost as funny as the Exxon scientists in the 80s being MORE ACCURATE about the expected rate of Global Warming than all of the UN IPCC studies since. I love it..

Got a link to that "study"?
Covid seems to bring out the tiny tyrant in most every Democrat ..

First Democrats leaders purposefully used covid to kill off the old folks and now they want to gestapo small children to their will and undermine the American family.

Yup, I'm pretty fed up with these hypocritical bastards thinking they're qualified to call the shots when they've lost all credibility and have been exposed as hypocrites and fools.
While some Democrats are prone to be tyrants given their ideology, this is clearly a top-down, DNC directed narrative. Keep COVID in the forefront, push for masking in schools, try to scare and convince the public that COVID will kill children despite evidence that says otherwise, ignore all the evidence, and paint the GOP as uncaring for not complying.

It's that simple. It's not logical and not correct.. but.. since when has that ever stopped politics, especially those with institutional control of the media.
If you are wearing a mask and can smell odors then it ain't stopping Covid and so it's useless.

It's always been about protecting others, not saving YOU from Covid. It's like coughing in hanky or sneezing into your arm.. It reduces the distance and spread of DROPLETS (not aerosolized) from settling on people and things. Washing your hands is about droplets on surfaces and skin.

And if the GOVT THOUGHT THAT plain ole cloth masks WORK -- they would have taught folks how to WEAR them and how to keep them clean.. I've seen grade schoolers reaching underneath and picking their noses and eating it. SOOOOO -- I dont' doubt they are of minimal use..

I know from days at Kennedy Space Center if a gas mask wont seal around my beard -- no matter how well fitting a cloth mask is -- it ain't enough to protect ME..
It's always been about protecting others,
But the data says that mask mandates don't work. There's no study that supports mask mandates. Some areas of mask mandates blow up with COVID.. if mask mandates were effective, that wouldn't happen.
Goldman Sachs ?? That;'s almost as funny as the Exxon scientists in the 80s being MORE ACCURATE about the expected rate of Global Warming than all of the UN IPCC studies since. I love it..

Got a link to that "study"?
I think this is it.
Its been a while since I’ve had to cite it. But basically the entire mask mandate has rested upon the shoulders of a study like this. A lot of false premises like droplet transmission, and not to mention no control group, which is pretty important if you even science bro. Needless to say been a very frustrating year and a half, and this country deserves everything that’s coming it’s way.
I think this is it.
Its been a while since I’ve had to cite it. But basically the entire mask mandate has rested upon the shoulders of a study like this. A lot of false premises like droplet transmission, and not to mention no control group, which is pretty important if you even science bro. Needless to say been a very frustrating year and a half, and this country deserves everything that’s coming it’s way.

To my knowledge, the CDC has never talked to us like adults and given efficacy numbers for jack shit. It's always a very unscientific -- "its very helpful".. Just ONCE I'd like to see a NUMERICAL comparison between cloth mask, an N95 and the Fauci special DOUBLE masking.. LOL..

Also like to see the DECREASE in transmission rate for ANY of those. Both FROM a masked vaccinated person to an unvaxxed person and vice versa. Thanks for laugh and the link.

I dont comply unless I see the studies and the numbers. Because most every number on ANYTHING out of Washington DC or govt in general is crap..
I think this is it.
Its been a while since I’ve had to cite it. But basically the entire mask mandate has rested upon the shoulders of a study like this. A lot of false premises like droplet transmission, and not to mention no control group, which is pretty important if you even science bro. Needless to say been a very frustrating year and a half, and this country deserves everything that’s coming it’s way.
Most "scientific studies" that the left cites don't have control groups.

They'll say "OMG, CASES WENT UP 100% IN 2 WEEKS"... but there's not 2 categories. It's basically a way to lie politically, saying that had we followed a certain politician, cases wouldn't have gone up.. even though there's no way to know that. It's scientific lying.

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