Jury deadlocked on Daniel Penny manslaughter trial

That would seem fairly unlikely, given the racial makeup of the jury and the fact that Penny is as guilty as a cat in a goldfish bowl.
You are a strange duck JoeB131, you know a cop shot a woman to death inside a building and to you he is not guilty. This guy Penny is still being evaluated by a honest to god Jury and you claim he is guilty. What about the others who assisted him hold this person down?
I admire the Capitol Police's restraint.
What do you mean restraint JoeB131. They tossed flash bangs right beind the alleged mob that frightened them so they headed into the Capitol. A cop gunned an innocent woman down murdering her. What restraint?
You are a strange duck JoeB131, you know a cop shot a woman to death inside a building and to you he is not guilty. This guy Penny is still being evaluated by a honest to god Jury and you claim he is guilty. What about the others who assisted him hold this person down?

The problem is you keep bringing that up like she was there by herself, and not part of an angry mob that was storming congress and threatening the life of Congress members and Mike Pence.

What do you mean restraint @JoeB131. They tossed flash bangs right beind the alleged mob that frightened them so they headed into the Capitol. A cop gunned an innocent woman down murdering her. What restraint?

Most other countries would have shot dozens of people, and made the rest "disappear" after that.
I'm not following the details of the trial other than knowing the prosecutor is a total ass (naturally), but here you have a nutcase on the subway threatening people and a hero comes to the rescue! What is there to decide? The only stickler is that the perp DIED in a choke hold, kind of the Derek Chauvin syndrome, at some point the guy must have gone limp and unconscious before dying, so, I guess I wouldn't balk too much if they laid some sore of involuntary manslaughter rap on the guy, but with extenuating circumstances.
You’re missing that the guy was still alive when Penny released his hold. When he was interviewed by the cops immediately after, he had no idea he died.
The problem is you keep bringing that up like she was there by herself, and not part of an angry mob that was storming congress and threatening the life of Congress members and Mike Pence.
You won't listen but I am trying hard to educate you. That was not a mob. Two guys broke windows. Did you notice the windows were hard to break? I informed you she hit the guy that broke the window in question. She clearly did not want to be lifted into that window. I believe Antifa lifted her. Meanwhile the cop who murdered her got a lot of money plus a promotion. Because he is black and in DC that makes them kings.
You won't listen but I am trying hard to educate you. That was not a mob.

How do you NOT call this a mob?


Oh, wait, I get it now, they are WHITE!!!!
What do you mean restraint JoeB131. They tossed flash bangs right beind the alleged mob that frightened them so they headed into the Capitol. A cop gunned an innocent woman down murdering her. What restraint?
Silly statement still no matter how many times you write this.
You won't listen but I am trying hard to educate you. That was not a mob. Two guys broke windows. Did you notice the windows were hard to break? I informed you she hit the guy that broke the window in question. She clearly did not want to be lifted into that window. I believe Antifa lifted her. Meanwhile the cop who murdered her got a lot of money plus a promotion. Because he is black and in DC that makes them kings.
She was shot because she willingly, voluntarily, and knowingly disobeyed orders to not enter the chamber.
Penney should get a hero medal, not a sham trial. The guy saved lives and should be rewarded not punished. hopefully Trump will pardon him on Jan 21

As I understand it now from listening to legal experts, it appears that the top charge of manslaughter was only dropped so they could consider lesser charges but that the jury probably does not understand that the judge is being sneaky in that after this trial, they can then bring up the case of manslaughter all over again and retry Penny for it again in a second trial!
As I understand it now from listening to legal experts, it appears that the top charge of manslaughter was only dropped so they could consider lesser charges but that the jury probably does not understand that the judge is being sneaky in that after this trial, they can then bring up the case of manslaughter all over again and retry Penny for it again in a second trial!
No, they can’t. Double jeopardy attaches.
You’re missing that the guy was still alive when Penny released his hold. When he was interviewed by the cops immediately after, he had no idea he died.

I know that now. Penny released him and sat him up in a recovery position and the guy was fine. Police arrived at the scene, checked him out, acknowledged he was OK, then REFUSED To give him mouth to mouth to help revive him because he looked dirty and might have cooties. Then they determined that he looked like a drug addict so gave him a shot of NORCAM used to revive people ODed on opioids and it was after that they took the guy away and THEN he died.

Conclusion: obviously the marine Penny must have killed him?! :uhh:

Something VERY fishy here.

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