How many mansions will BLM try to get from the Daniel Penny verdict?


Diamond Member
Jul 14, 2013
The grifters from Black Lives Matter are back in the news thanks to the Daniel Penny trial. The organization had been desperately trying to reclaim its relevance — and donation money of the country’s gullible and brainwashed white liberals. Never one to find a black death that couldn’t be exploited for donations, the group believed they found their latest martyr in Jordan Neely, a black man who died while in a chokehold of Penny, a white man who jumped into action after Neely allegedly threatened to kill people on a New York City subway in 2023.

Yet, before BLM could put the down payment on its latest mansion, a funny thing happened: people realized that a man protecting innocent people from another man’s threats of harmful violence was a good thing — even if that protector happened to be a white man. Instead of rushing to judgment on Penny, acting with an ideological bias, or succumbing to the demands of a mob, the justice system functioned how it was supposed to and protected the good guy in a legal quagmire.

First, the judge presiding over the trial announced he was dropping the manslaughter charge against Penny. Then, several days later, a jury found Penny not guilty of criminally negligent homicide. The leader of the Black Lives Matter’s New York chapter disagreed with both, and he did what he does best: fake outrage and whine about injustice.

Hawk Newsome claimed that “the KKK got another victory” after the judge’s ruling to drop the manslaughter charge. Why? Solely because Penny was white and Neely was black. The case had nothing to do with race. It was about self-defense. But to people like Newsome, their bigoted minds only allow them to see skin color in cases such as these. And, given the history of Black Lives Matter’s leaders exploiting the deaths of black men to increase their wealth, one could legitimately pose a simple question to Black Lives Matter: How many mansions were they trying to get from Neely’s death?

Admittedly, Newsome was not among those who used $6 million in charitable donations to purchase luxurious properties. Nevertheless, he co-founded New York Black Lives Matter Inc. in 2016, a supposed charitable organization that lost its status as a charity in 2019 “after failing to file financial reports to the IRS for three consecutive years.” As such, thoughts on whether BLM has financially based ulterior motives are fair game. Moreover, instead of questions focused on racism and injustice regarding Penny’s trial, someone should ask Newsome and BLM how much money they are trying to earn from it.

In 2024, and arguably a couple of years before, the tide seems to have turned regarding BLM. People are less gullible and trustworthy about the group’s motives and antics. The group still has its supporters among the perpetually aggrieved crowd and probably always will. However, many have awakened to the toxicity and falsehoods of left-wing social justice indoctrination routinely perpetuated by BLM.

As a result, they have also awakened to the realization of BLM’s fraud, financially and culturally.- washington examiner

well they are so right;. blm is a bunch of crooks and terrorists. down down down they go.
One correction: Neely did not die while in Penny’s chokehold. He released him while he was still alive, and when the cops arrived on the scene a few minutes later, he still had a pulse. The cops did not want to perform CPR due to how filthy he looked.
One correction: Neely did not die while in Penny’s chokehold. He released him while he was still alive, and when the cops arrived on the scene a few minutes later, he still had a pulse. The cops did not want to perform CPR due to how filthy he looked.
thats true i was just cut and pasted that article so youall could read it.

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