Juneteenth: Sorry, no deal

Jeez people, is it really so hard to celebrate the end of slavery? Forget the convoluted way we got there, or the accuracy of the dates. Just take a moment to celebrate that we no longer allow humans to be owned like livestock.

Memo that to the Democrat Party, the one that began a war to maintain slavery....and wait for the apology.

Yes, the democrats were largely responsible for it.

But all this gnashing of teeth about a holiday to commemorate the end of slavery doesn't seem like democrats.

And, regardless of the political party, ending slavery was an event worth having a holiday for.

It is so disappointing that you don't comprehend the reason for pretending that there are two independence days.

For almost 100 years a significant portion of our population was not independent. I am not saying there should be two independence days. How about we have a holiday to celebrate our independence AND a day to celebrate the end of the practice of legally owning people as if they were livestock?
That girl lives in silly season. The end of slavery should be celebrated and the truth of the matter is that there were at least 2 independence days. Blacks didn't gain any freedom by beating the british.
Republicans authored and proposed the Corwin Amendment which would have made slavery constitutional. It passed congress but never got ratified. So republicans need to stop that disingenuous democrat slavery shit.

Which party ended slavery, and which party started a war to keep slavery?

Take your time.

Oh.....and which one do you vote for?
I'll vote for the Party which finishes the job of Reconstruction which was halted midway.

Today, that would be the Democratic Party, since the GOP is nothing now but a pack of fascist brownshirts.
We should always remember the lengths the democrat party went to to keep their black slaves
That's right never forget what the conservative whites did.
It always cracks me up when morons seem to think pointing out who was in what political party over one hundred years ago is somehow relevant to today.....:heehee:
Yes... let's bring back the Republican Radical Reconstructionists and watch today's Republiscum screaming, "Communism!!!"
We should always remember the lengths the democrat party went to to keep their black slaves
The Southern Democrats or Grant the Union general? Both of those had slaves.

Just remember this. Today it's 14 Republicans who voted against black people.

The House overwhelmingly passed the Juneteenth National Independence Day Act on Wednesday by a vote of 415 to 14, sending the legislation to President Joe Biden’s desk and putting the nation on the cusp of establishing a federal holiday marking the end of slavery.

If signed by Biden, the day will be the first new national holiday since Martin Luther King Jr. Day was established in 1983.
This is all good but what will this actually do? I already celebrated Juneteenth without the approval of whites. Its not going to reverse the affects of centuries of slavery or the decades of systemic racism Black people have endured in this country. Is it just another "starting point"? If so a starting point for what?
Now this is your Black Independence Day, when whites informed some negroes they were free. You don’t have to celebrate July 4th Independence Day as that is a white holiday now.

Isn’t segregated holidays what you all wanted?
Lol! The gaslighting begins. Bitch, we've been celebrating Juneteenth for years. With whites. So just fsace the truth, in fact let me hep you with a few words from a black republican:

“What to the American slave is your Fourth of July? I answer, a day that reveals to him more than all other days of the year, the gross injustice and cruelty to which he is the constant victim. To him your celebration is a sham; your boasted liberty an unholy license; your national greatness, swelling vanity; your sounds of rejoicing are empty and heartless; your shouts of liberty and equality, hollow mock; your prayers and hymns, your sermons and thanksgivings, with all your religious parade and solemnity, are to him mere bombast, fraud, deception, impiety, and hypocrisy - a thin veil to cover up crimes which would disgrace a nation of savages. There is not a nation of the earth guilty of practices more shocking and bloody than are the people of these United States at this very hour.”

Frederick Douglas
Tim Scott never would have had the courage to stand before a crowd of white republicans and say this.
Thanks for proving my point. Hate to break it to you, but you were never a slave, so stop pretending you ever were one.

We declared and fought for independence from Britain. We couldn’t free slaves because your friends, the Democrats, never would had joined the fight for independence. So that battle was fought just a generation later, fought by white men of course.

But the slaves loved it here in America, so they stayed. The embraced the superior culture of White America, as do their descendants who continue to choose to stay.
Don't forget those "democrats" back then would be Republicans today. In fact, they'd be the 14 Republicans who voted against Juneteenth being a national holiday. Why would Republicans mind making it a holiday but us Democrats all voted in favor of it?

Yes, Democrats were the racists back in the 1950's but you are today's racists. Remember Trump said there were a lot of very fine people at a KKK rally? They were all Republicans. Don't forget that.

"Don't forget those "democrats" back then would be Republicans today."

Of course, that's false. You Democrats lie about everything.

they were Dixiecrats......not Dixiecans.

And like Wallace, went right back to voting Democrat.

“…if you take race out of the picture, it’s likely that white Southerners would have switched parties earlier and in greater numbers. “

Unable to comprehend that Southern Americans are not the racists that the Democrats are, they had to find some explanation for their ancient base, the South, turning to vote Republican. Sooo….they claimed that Nixon campaigned as a racist to gain the Deep South, to win over the Dixiecrats and segregationists to the Republican fold.

Of course, problem #1 is that the Democrats cannot provide a single example of an explicitly racist pitch in the campaign. There never was one.

The two biggest issues in the 1968 campaign were the Vietnam War…and the anti-war movement….
Nixon campaigned on a strong anti-communist, law and order platform. While embracing the welfare state- Nixon was no conservative on domestic issues- he also railed against what he termed ‘the excesses of bleeding heart liberalism.’”
"Death Of A Nation,” Dinesh D’Souza, p. 203

”Liberal neurotic obsession with this apocryphal notion- (that Southern Strategy) it’s been cited hundreds of times in the NYTimes- is supposed to explain why Democrats can’t get nice churchgoing, patriotic southerners to vote for the party of antiwar protesters, abortion, the ACLU and gay marriage.
They tell themselves it’s because they won’t stoop to pander to a bunch of racists. This slander should probably be the first clue as to why southerners don’t like them.

The central premise of this folklore is that anyone who votes Republican is a racist. Pretty sophisticated thinking.”
Coulter, Mugged

This was Nixon’s “silent majority,” the ordinary Americans whom Nixon said worked hard and played by the rules and didn’t complain or set fire to anything and, precisely for this reason, had been ignored and even reviled by the Democratic Party.”
The Switch That Never Happened: How the South Really Went GOP - American Greatness

Soooo....what happened to the Southern voter?

They behaved as good Americans, refused to support racist Democrats, and the racist voters aged out....and died.

Rectitude and Republicans won out.
They WERE Dixiecrats but today they are simply REPUBLICANS.

That's why 14 Republicans voted against Juneteenth. No Democrats voted against it. If you Republicans aren't today's racists you're doing a piss poor job showing blacks this. It's because you're lying.
We should always remember the lengths the democrat party went to to keep their black slaves
Texas con-servatives who were in the Democrat party at that time. After LBJ signed the Civil Rights Act, they all ran to the GOP....much more compatable for racist con-servatives by then.

Prior to 1957, LBJ “had never supported civil rights legislation- any civil rights legislation. In the Senate and House alike, his record was an unbroken one of votes against every civil rights bill that had ever come to a vote: against voting rights bills; against bills that would have struck at job discrimination and at segregation in other areas of American life; even against bills that would have protected blacks from lynching.”
Robert Caro, “Master of the Senate: The Years of Lyndon Johnson, vol.3,” p. xv.
Yet, today, every one of you Republicans is a racist treasonous reprobate!

Isn't history fascinating?
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Republicans authored and proposed the Corwin Amendment which would have made slavery constitutional. It passed congress but never got ratified. So republicans need to stop that disingenuous democrat slavery shit.

Which party ended slavery, and which party started a war to keep slavery?

Take your time.

Oh.....and which one do you vote for?
I looked at the 2 Parties today, and voted for the one NOT dominated by a psychotic orange narcissist, populated by hordes of confused violent arrested-adolescent incels, and not dedicated to treasonous insurrection! Wow, that was easy...
What is next Moon Bats? Making Ebonics our national language?

Making Colt Malt Liquor our national beverage?

Turning the Star Spangled Banner into a Rap song?
No, we're going to make white racist scum into our national targets.
We should always remember the lengths the democrat party went to to keep their black slaves
The Southern Democrats or Grant the Union general? Both of those had slaves.

Grant never owned slaves. He was an abolitionist his entire life.
What a racist. And racists are what? Amoral sludge, on the same level as pedophiles.

Your icon is racist, your spew is racist... you're just 100% worthless subhuman filth, ain'tcha, boy?

Try talking racist shit in my presence and see what happens to your dysfunctional incel ass, puto.
Remember, nothing anyone says to you is justification for putting your hands on them. This is why white Republicans came up with stand your ground. They want to be free to say whatever they want without having to worry that a black is going to kick their ass for saying it.
What is next Moon Bats? Making Ebonics our national language?

Making Colt Malt Liquor our national beverage?

Turning the Star Spangled Banner into a Rap song?
The biggest cultural appropriation in the world today is blacks speaking English
We should always remember the lengths the democrat party went to to keep their black slaves
The Southern Democrats or Grant the Union general? Both of those had slaves.

Just remember this. Today it's 14 Republicans who voted against black people.

The House overwhelmingly passed the Juneteenth National Independence Day Act on Wednesday by a vote of 415 to 14, sending the legislation to President Joe Biden’s desk and putting the nation on the cusp of establishing a federal holiday marking the end of slavery.

If signed by Biden, the day will be the first new national holiday since Martin Luther King Jr. Day was established in 1983.
This is all good but what will this actually do? I already celebrated Juneteenth without the approval of whites. Its not going to reverse the affects of centuries of slavery or the decades of systemic racism Black people have endured in this country. Is it just another "starting point"? If so a starting point for what?
Now this is your Black Independence Day, when whites informed some negroes they were free. You don’t have to celebrate July 4th Independence Day as that is a white holiday now.

Isn’t segregated holidays what you all wanted?
Lol! The gaslighting begins. Bitch, we've been celebrating Juneteenth for years. With whites. So just fsace the truth, in fact let me hep you with a few words from a black republican:

“What to the American slave is your Fourth of July? I answer, a day that reveals to him more than all other days of the year, the gross injustice and cruelty to which he is the constant victim. To him your celebration is a sham; your boasted liberty an unholy license; your national greatness, swelling vanity; your sounds of rejoicing are empty and heartless; your shouts of liberty and equality, hollow mock; your prayers and hymns, your sermons and thanksgivings, with all your religious parade and solemnity, are to him mere bombast, fraud, deception, impiety, and hypocrisy - a thin veil to cover up crimes which would disgrace a nation of savages. There is not a nation of the earth guilty of practices more shocking and bloody than are the people of these United States at this very hour.”

Frederick Douglas
Tim Scott never would have had the courage to stand before a crowd of white republicans and say this.
Thanks for proving my point. Hate to break it to you, but you were never a slave, so stop pretending you ever were one.

We declared and fought for independence from Britain. We couldn’t free slaves because your friends, the Democrats, never would had joined the fight for independence. So that battle was fought just a generation later, fought by white men of course.

But the slaves loved it here in America, so they stayed. The embraced the superior culture of White America, as do their descendants who continue to choose to stay.
Don't forget those "democrats" back then would be Republicans today. In fact, they'd be the 14 Republicans who voted against Juneteenth being a national holiday. Why would Republicans mind making it a holiday but us Democrats all voted in favor of it?

Yes, Democrats were the racists back in the 1950's but you are today's racists. Remember Trump said there were a lot of very fine people at a KKK rally? They were all Republicans. Don't forget that.

"Don't forget those "democrats" back then would be Republicans today."

Of course, that's false. You Democrats lie about everything.

they were Dixiecrats......not Dixiecans.

And like Wallace, went right back to voting Democrat.

“…if you take race out of the picture, it’s likely that white Southerners would have switched parties earlier and in greater numbers. “

Unable to comprehend that Southern Americans are not the racists that the Democrats are, they had to find some explanation for their ancient base, the South, turning to vote Republican. Sooo….they claimed that Nixon campaigned as a racist to gain the Deep South, to win over the Dixiecrats and segregationists to the Republican fold.

Of course, problem #1 is that the Democrats cannot provide a single example of an explicitly racist pitch in the campaign. There never was one.

The two biggest issues in the 1968 campaign were the Vietnam War…and the anti-war movement….
Nixon campaigned on a strong anti-communist, law and order platform. While embracing the welfare state- Nixon was no conservative on domestic issues- he also railed against what he termed ‘the excesses of bleeding heart liberalism.’”
"Death Of A Nation,” Dinesh D’Souza, p. 203

”Liberal neurotic obsession with this apocryphal notion- (that Southern Strategy) it’s been cited hundreds of times in the NYTimes- is supposed to explain why Democrats can’t get nice churchgoing, patriotic southerners to vote for the party of antiwar protesters, abortion, the ACLU and gay marriage.
They tell themselves it’s because they won’t stoop to pander to a bunch of racists. This slander should probably be the first clue as to why southerners don’t like them.

The central premise of this folklore is that anyone who votes Republican is a racist. Pretty sophisticated thinking.”
Coulter, Mugged

This was Nixon’s “silent majority,” the ordinary Americans whom Nixon said worked hard and played by the rules and didn’t complain or set fire to anything and, precisely for this reason, had been ignored and even reviled by the Democratic Party.”
The Switch That Never Happened: How the South Really Went GOP - American Greatness

Soooo....what happened to the Southern voter?

They behaved as good Americans, refused to support racist Democrats, and the racist voters aged out....and died.

Rectitude and Republicans won out.
It's funny you Republicans ended slavery but then today you are the ones who attend Klan rallies and Trump defends the KKK on national TV.

Today's GOP is not your fathers GOP.
Well since people want to give republicans all this credit and that something like polichic will proudly declare how Frederick Douglass was a black republican:

“What have I, or those I represent, to do with your national independence? Are the great principles of political freedom and of natural justice, embodied in that Declaration of Independence, extended to us? What to the American slave is your Fourth of July? I answer, a day that reveals to him more than all other days of the year, the gross injustice and cruelty to which he is the constant victim. To him your celebration is a sham; your boasted liberty an unholy license; your national greatness, swelling vanity; your sounds of rejoicing are empty and heartless; your shouts of liberty and equality, hollow mock; your prayers and hymns, your sermons and thanksgivings, with all your religious parade and solemnity, are to him mere bombast, fraud, deception, impiety, and hypocrisy - a thin veil to cover up crimes which would disgrace a nation of savages. There is not a nation of the earth guilty of practices more shocking and bloody than are the people of these United States at this very hour.”

Frederick Douglas
What is next Moon Bats? Making Ebonics our national language?

Making Colt Malt Liquor our national beverage?

Turning the Star Spangled Banner into a Rap song?
No, we're going to make white racist scum into our national targets.

Killing White people is your real goal, isn't it?

If you want a fucking race war then let it begin. It won't go like you think it will.

Those sorry White Guilt Pukes that will side with you won't be much help.
Yes we will because you won't know who we are and we live among you. Try sneaking into a black community and starting trouble. They'll spot you a mile away.

Also consider how easy it was to beat Saddam out in the desert. It would be that easy to beat you out in the country. Where was it tough to win in Iraq and Afganistan? It was tough in the cities. They can hide. Where you going to hide in your barn?

Plus like in the Civil war we will have control of the US Military not you. You will be defeated just like Robert E Lee. And no we won't let you erect a statue of Trump after the war is over.
We should always remember the lengths the democrat party went to to keep their black slaves
The Southern Democrats or Grant the Union general? Both of those had slaves.

Just remember this. Today it's 14 Republicans who voted against black people.

The House overwhelmingly passed the Juneteenth National Independence Day Act on Wednesday by a vote of 415 to 14, sending the legislation to President Joe Biden’s desk and putting the nation on the cusp of establishing a federal holiday marking the end of slavery.

If signed by Biden, the day will be the first new national holiday since Martin Luther King Jr. Day was established in 1983.
This is all good but what will this actually do? I already celebrated Juneteenth without the approval of whites. Its not going to reverse the affects of centuries of slavery or the decades of systemic racism Black people have endured in this country. Is it just another "starting point"? If so a starting point for what?
Now this is your Black Independence Day, when whites informed some negroes they were free. You don’t have to celebrate July 4th Independence Day as that is a white holiday now.

Isn’t segregated holidays what you all wanted?
Lol! The gaslighting begins. Bitch, we've been celebrating Juneteenth for years. With whites. So just fsace the truth, in fact let me hep you with a few words from a black republican:

“What to the American slave is your Fourth of July? I answer, a day that reveals to him more than all other days of the year, the gross injustice and cruelty to which he is the constant victim. To him your celebration is a sham; your boasted liberty an unholy license; your national greatness, swelling vanity; your sounds of rejoicing are empty and heartless; your shouts of liberty and equality, hollow mock; your prayers and hymns, your sermons and thanksgivings, with all your religious parade and solemnity, are to him mere bombast, fraud, deception, impiety, and hypocrisy - a thin veil to cover up crimes which would disgrace a nation of savages. There is not a nation of the earth guilty of practices more shocking and bloody than are the people of these United States at this very hour.”

Frederick Douglas
Tim Scott never would have had the courage to stand before a crowd of white republicans and say this.
Thanks for proving my point. Hate to break it to you, but you were never a slave, so stop pretending you ever were one.

We declared and fought for independence from Britain. We couldn’t free slaves because your friends, the Democrats, never would had joined the fight for independence. So that battle was fought just a generation later, fought by white men of course.

But the slaves loved it here in America, so they stayed. The embraced the superior culture of White America, as do their descendants who continue to choose to stay.
Don't forget those "democrats" back then would be Republicans today. In fact, they'd be the 14 Republicans who voted against Juneteenth being a national holiday. Why would Republicans mind making it a holiday but us Democrats all voted in favor of it?

Yes, Democrats were the racists back in the 1950's but you are today's racists. Remember Trump said there were a lot of very fine people at a KKK rally? They were all Republicans. Don't forget that.

"Don't forget those "democrats" back then would be Republicans today."

Of course, that's false. You Democrats lie about everything.

they were Dixiecrats......not Dixiecans.

And like Wallace, went right back to voting Democrat.

“…if you take race out of the picture, it’s likely that white Southerners would have switched parties earlier and in greater numbers. “

Unable to comprehend that Southern Americans are not the racists that the Democrats are, they had to find some explanation for their ancient base, the South, turning to vote Republican. Sooo….they claimed that Nixon campaigned as a racist to gain the Deep South, to win over the Dixiecrats and segregationists to the Republican fold.

Of course, problem #1 is that the Democrats cannot provide a single example of an explicitly racist pitch in the campaign. There never was one.

The two biggest issues in the 1968 campaign were the Vietnam War…and the anti-war movement….
Nixon campaigned on a strong anti-communist, law and order platform. While embracing the welfare state- Nixon was no conservative on domestic issues- he also railed against what he termed ‘the excesses of bleeding heart liberalism.’”
"Death Of A Nation,” Dinesh D’Souza, p. 203

”Liberal neurotic obsession with this apocryphal notion- (that Southern Strategy) it’s been cited hundreds of times in the NYTimes- is supposed to explain why Democrats can’t get nice churchgoing, patriotic southerners to vote for the party of antiwar protesters, abortion, the ACLU and gay marriage.
They tell themselves it’s because they won’t stoop to pander to a bunch of racists. This slander should probably be the first clue as to why southerners don’t like them.

The central premise of this folklore is that anyone who votes Republican is a racist. Pretty sophisticated thinking.”
Coulter, Mugged

This was Nixon’s “silent majority,” the ordinary Americans whom Nixon said worked hard and played by the rules and didn’t complain or set fire to anything and, precisely for this reason, had been ignored and even reviled by the Democratic Party.”
The Switch That Never Happened: How the South Really Went GOP - American Greatness

Soooo....what happened to the Southern voter?

They behaved as good Americans, refused to support racist Democrats, and the racist voters aged out....and died.

Rectitude and Republicans won out.
It's funny you Republicans ended slavery but then today you are the ones who attend Klan rallies and Trump defends the KKK on national TV.

Today's GOP is not your fathers GOP.

You are confused Moon Bat.

Every fucking Republican in the Senate voted for that stupid bill. Only a handful in the House had the moral courage to say no. They don't have the backbone to stand up to this filthy shit so don't bitch about them.
What is next Moon Bats? Making Ebonics our national language?

Making Colt Malt Liquor our national beverage?

Turning the Star Spangled Banner into a Rap song?
The biggest cultural appropriation in the world today is blacks speaking English
We didn't steal english. We were forced to learn it.


This Mornings lesson:


Seasoning consisted of brutal methods of physical and psychological conditioning—so brutal, in fact, that 7% to 50% of the Slaves are estimated to have died within their one to seven years of the Seasoning period. Actually, the average life expectancy for an imported Slave was only seven years. Many died in the first few weeks or months from dysentery, malnutrition, several types of worm infections, change of diet and climate, and the White man’s diseases. One reason is that the Slaves were terribly weakened by the trauma of the Middle Passage voyage and the addition of exposure to diseases, inadequate nutrition, bad water, work exhaustion from being unaccustomed to the “sunrise-to-sunset gang labor,” and cruelty were simply overwhelming. Immediately, new owners and their overseers obliterated the identities of their newly acquired Slaves by breaking their wills and by severing any bonds with their African past. Such occurred while the Slaves were being forced to adapt to new and horrendous working and living conditions; to learn a new language; and to adopt new customs.

We should always remember the lengths the democrat party went to to keep their black slaves
The Southern Democrats or Grant the Union general? Both of those had slaves.

Just remember this. Today it's 14 Republicans who voted against black people.

The House overwhelmingly passed the Juneteenth National Independence Day Act on Wednesday by a vote of 415 to 14, sending the legislation to President Joe Biden’s desk and putting the nation on the cusp of establishing a federal holiday marking the end of slavery.

If signed by Biden, the day will be the first new national holiday since Martin Luther King Jr. Day was established in 1983.
This is all good but what will this actually do? I already celebrated Juneteenth without the approval of whites. Its not going to reverse the affects of centuries of slavery or the decades of systemic racism Black people have endured in this country. Is it just another "starting point"? If so a starting point for what?
Now this is your Black Independence Day, when whites informed some negroes they were free. You don’t have to celebrate July 4th Independence Day as that is a white holiday now.

Isn’t segregated holidays what you all wanted?
Lol! The gaslighting begins. Bitch, we've been celebrating Juneteenth for years. With whites. So just fsace the truth, in fact let me hep you with a few words from a black republican:

“What to the American slave is your Fourth of July? I answer, a day that reveals to him more than all other days of the year, the gross injustice and cruelty to which he is the constant victim. To him your celebration is a sham; your boasted liberty an unholy license; your national greatness, swelling vanity; your sounds of rejoicing are empty and heartless; your shouts of liberty and equality, hollow mock; your prayers and hymns, your sermons and thanksgivings, with all your religious parade and solemnity, are to him mere bombast, fraud, deception, impiety, and hypocrisy - a thin veil to cover up crimes which would disgrace a nation of savages. There is not a nation of the earth guilty of practices more shocking and bloody than are the people of these United States at this very hour.”

Frederick Douglas
Tim Scott never would have had the courage to stand before a crowd of white republicans and say this.
Thanks for proving my point. Hate to break it to you, but you were never a slave, so stop pretending you ever were one.

We declared and fought for independence from Britain. We couldn’t free slaves because your friends, the Democrats, never would had joined the fight for independence. So that battle was fought just a generation later, fought by white men of course.

But the slaves loved it here in America, so they stayed. The embraced the superior culture of White America, as do their descendants who continue to choose to stay.
Don't forget those "democrats" back then would be Republicans today. In fact, they'd be the 14 Republicans who voted against Juneteenth being a national holiday. Why would Republicans mind making it a holiday but us Democrats all voted in favor of it?

Yes, Democrats were the racists back in the 1950's but you are today's racists. Remember Trump said there were a lot of very fine people at a KKK rally? They were all Republicans. Don't forget that.

"Don't forget those "democrats" back then would be Republicans today."

Of course, that's false. You Democrats lie about everything.

they were Dixiecrats......not Dixiecans.

And like Wallace, went right back to voting Democrat.

“…if you take race out of the picture, it’s likely that white Southerners would have switched parties earlier and in greater numbers. “

Unable to comprehend that Southern Americans are not the racists that the Democrats are, they had to find some explanation for their ancient base, the South, turning to vote Republican. Sooo….they claimed that Nixon campaigned as a racist to gain the Deep South, to win over the Dixiecrats and segregationists to the Republican fold.

Of course, problem #1 is that the Democrats cannot provide a single example of an explicitly racist pitch in the campaign. There never was one.

The two biggest issues in the 1968 campaign were the Vietnam War…and the anti-war movement….
Nixon campaigned on a strong anti-communist, law and order platform. While embracing the welfare state- Nixon was no conservative on domestic issues- he also railed against what he termed ‘the excesses of bleeding heart liberalism.’”
"Death Of A Nation,” Dinesh D’Souza, p. 203

”Liberal neurotic obsession with this apocryphal notion- (that Southern Strategy) it’s been cited hundreds of times in the NYTimes- is supposed to explain why Democrats can’t get nice churchgoing, patriotic southerners to vote for the party of antiwar protesters, abortion, the ACLU and gay marriage.
They tell themselves it’s because they won’t stoop to pander to a bunch of racists. This slander should probably be the first clue as to why southerners don’t like them.

The central premise of this folklore is that anyone who votes Republican is a racist. Pretty sophisticated thinking.”
Coulter, Mugged

This was Nixon’s “silent majority,” the ordinary Americans whom Nixon said worked hard and played by the rules and didn’t complain or set fire to anything and, precisely for this reason, had been ignored and even reviled by the Democratic Party.”
The Switch That Never Happened: How the South Really Went GOP - American Greatness

Soooo....what happened to the Southern voter?

They behaved as good Americans, refused to support racist Democrats, and the racist voters aged out....and died.

Rectitude and Republicans won out.
It's funny you Republicans ended slavery but then today you are the ones who attend Klan rallies and Trump defends the KKK on national TV.

Today's GOP is not your fathers GOP.

You are confused Moon Bat.

Every fucking Republican in the Senate voted for that stupid bill. Only a handful in the House had the moral courage to say no. They don't have the backbone to stand up to this filthy shit so don't bitch about them.
The only people to vote against it were Republicans. They're so racist they couldn't even do the politically wise thing and vote for it. So it was brilliant for Democrats to come up with this new holiday. It forced Republicans to either do the right thing or prove they are still the KKK party. Thanks for playing alone.

Those 14 House members are:

  • Alabama Rep. Mo Brooks
  • Alabama Rep. Mike Rogers
  • Arizona Rep. Andy Biggs
  • Arizona Rep. Paul Gosar
  • California Rep. Tom McClintock
  • California Rep Doug LaMalfa
  • Georgia Rep. Andrew Clyde
  • Kentucky Rep. Thomas Massie
  • Montana Rep. Matt Rosendale
  • South Carolina Rep. Ralph Norman
  • Tennessee Rep. Scott DesJarlais
  • Texas Rep. Ronny Jackson
  • Texas Rep. Chip Roy
  • Wisconsin Rep. Tom Tiffany
We can't really celebrate the "end of slavery" because all of us, Black and White, are slaves to the filthy welfare state now.

Slavery hasn't ended.
You are a slave to the corporate welfare state you voted for each time you vote republican.
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